Počet nalezených dokumentů: 1
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Emigration of Scholars in Documents
Josefovičová, Milena; Hálek, Jan
2011 - anglický
The contribution deals with the source base to the problems of emigration of Czech scientists at the turn of 1960s and 1970s. It analyses documents related to the decision making processes at the level of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia and consequently of the Presidium of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences (CSAS), where there are described from the regime’s point of view "undesirable phenomena", such as illegal departures of scientists abroad or their non-returning, influence of propaganda, overestimation of the "Western" economic motivations, etc. The documents contain proposals of resolving the situation including specification of the particular tasks. Implementation of the accepted steps and its impact is demonstrated by other documents coming from the different CSAS institutes. Klíčová slova: Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences; history of science Fulltext is available at external website.
Emigration of Scholars in Documents

The contribution deals with the source base to the problems of emigration of Czech scientists at the turn of 1960s and 1970s. It analyses documents related to the decision making processes at the ...

Josefovičová, Milena; Hálek, Jan
Masarykův ústav a Archiv, 2011

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