Number of found documents: 39
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Tretí sektor a dobrovoľníctvo
Španková, Jana; Grenčíková, Adriana
2012 - Slovak
This contribution deals with development, merit and responsibility of nongovernmental organizations in the Slovak republic. In addition the possible trends and the line of further development of this sector are mentioned. Keywords: third sector; non-governmental organizations; financing; trends; vision Available in digital repository of UPCE.
Tretí sektor a dobrovoľníctvo

This contribution deals with development, merit and responsibility of nongovernmental organizations in the Slovak republic. In addition the possible trends and the line of further development of this ...

Španková, Jana; Grenčíková, Adriana
Univerzita Pardubice, 2012

Sociálne charakteristiky rómskej populácie v Slovenskej republike
Husáková, Mária; Ošková, Silvia
2012 - Slovak
Slovakia has one of the largest Roma minority in Europe, and its size does not have a real image. Roma ethnicity is different from the majority of basic social characteristics and face discrimination and prejudice in society. Most of the Roma population is dependent on the social system, whether objective or subjective reasons. The main problem is the poor integration of the Roma population in the labor market, which makes them suitable to higher risk of poverty and social exclusion. Lack of statistical data on the living conditions of Roma households prevents policymakers take action to improve the quality of life for this population group. Keywords: roma; poverty; unemployment; material need; material deprivation Available in digital repository of UPCE.
Sociálne charakteristiky rómskej populácie v Slovenskej republike

Slovakia has one of the largest Roma minority in Europe, and its size does not have a real image. Roma ethnicity is different from the majority of basic social characteristics and face discrimination ...

Husáková, Mária; Ošková, Silvia
Univerzita Pardubice, 2012

Sociálny pracovník a resocializačný proces
Šoková, Ľubomíra
2012 - Slovak
In the Slovakia rehabilitations offer to drug-addicted clients absolve longtime treat, either the formof ambulance or sojourn form. The family, who drugaddicted member decide to absove the social rehabilitation process, should participe on his treatment. In my contribution I work on know better the activities and work of social worker. I decribe the work methods and procedures with client in the social rehabilitation. Here, we focus on skills and knowledges, which are important and usefull in work with drug-users. The aim of the social rehabilitation process is permanent abstination of any substances. The clients have to walk a long way to achieve this aim.They recognize an abstinent philosophy and the health lifestyle. In contribution I am been on the questions about area, which the social work in rehabilitation centre cover, about work the social worker with family together and work on competences of social worker as a member of therapeutic team. Keywords: social rehabilitation; family; social worker; client; responsibilities; drug addiction; goal; method Available in digital repository of UPCE.
Sociálny pracovník a resocializačný proces

In the Slovakia rehabilitations offer to drug-addicted clients absolve longtime treat, either the formof ambulance or sojourn form. The family, who drugaddicted member decide to absove the social ...

Šoková, Ľubomíra
Univerzita Pardubice, 2012

K vymedzeniu predmetu sociálnej politiky
Konečný, Stanislav
2011 - Slovak
The article deals with defining of the object of social policy. Classifies the most common approaches to the definition and evaluates them. Regarded as the best option for the definition of the object of social policy is through the categories of social contingency and extends the definition of the (social) contingency with cases where this is not covered by the laws and intervention by the state. Keywords: social policy; object of social policy; keyword of social policy; (social) contingency Available in the UPCE Library.
K vymedzeniu predmetu sociálnej politiky

The article deals with defining of the object of social policy. Classifies the most common approaches to the definition and evaluates them. Regarded as the best option for the definition of the object ...

Konečný, Stanislav
Univerzita Pardubice, 2011

Nezamestnanosť a podpora uplatnenia absolventov na trhu práce
Husáková, Mária; Pechová, Michaela
2011 - Slovak
On the development of unemployment in 2009, worked several factors that were associated with the global economic crisis. Big problem is the long term unemployment. The Slovak Republic in December 2010 recorded 48.44 percent of job seekers registered at employment office for more than one year. A big problem in the labor market are young people and its placement . Graduate experience as one of the active labor market measures assist the unemployed graduates in the age of 25 years. Keywords: unemployment; young people; long term unemployment; graduate practice; active labor market measures Available in the UPCE Library.
Nezamestnanosť a podpora uplatnenia absolventov na trhu práce

On the development of unemployment in 2009, worked several factors that were associated with the global economic crisis. Big problem is the long term unemployment. The Slovak Republic in December 2010 ...

Husáková, Mária; Pechová, Michaela
Univerzita Pardubice, 2011

Nové trendy při prepúšťaní zamestnancov
Grenčíková, Adriana; Španková, Jana
2011 - Slovak
Outplacement, as a voluntary form of consultancy to employee after sacking, is also applied and provided by companies in our conditions. This support increases the chance of being employed again, the opportunity of obtaining a view of options in the labour market, information and skills. Of course, it also needed to entertain advantages and disadvantages by an employer, especially those ones of economic nature. On the other hand, it is also a kind of image shaping. Keywords: outplacement; personnel work; human resources; redundancy; strategic planning Available in the UPCE Library.
Nové trendy při prepúšťaní zamestnancov

Outplacement, as a voluntary form of consultancy to employee after sacking, is also applied and provided by companies in our conditions. This support increases the chance of being employed again, the ...

Grenčíková, Adriana; Španková, Jana
Univerzita Pardubice, 2011

Sociálna rovina podnikania
Mura, Ladislav
2011 - Slovak
Social entrepreneurship is in Slovak conditions relatively new area of economical activities. The basic philosophy of social entrepreneurship is a connection of bussines initiative to the aim to safisfy the social needs of regions and society. Special sense has this kind of enterprising in localities, where is a need a paralel assurance of not only economical but the social development too. The article is dealing with selected questions of mentioned theme. Keywords: entrepreneurship; social development; social enterprise; social economy; region Available in the UPCE Library.
Sociálna rovina podnikania

Social entrepreneurship is in Slovak conditions relatively new area of economical activities. The basic philosophy of social entrepreneurship is a connection of bussines initiative to the aim to ...

Mura, Ladislav
Univerzita Pardubice, 2011

Sociálna kvalita a sociálna ekonomika
Antalová, Mária; Pongráczová, Eva
2011 - Slovak
There exists developed theory of the social quality on ontological and epistemological level, which is accepted as political project of the European Union. This strategy is possible to achieve with supported tools of other policies, for instance social policy and in its frame social economics. At present time social economics is developing and forming as scientific discipline and its mission helps to implementate the social quality at mega and national level. Therefore is important to definite the relationship between these two categories. Keywords: social quality; social economics; social enterprise; quality of life; social inclusion; social cohesion Available in the UPCE Library.
Sociálna kvalita a sociálna ekonomika

There exists developed theory of the social quality on ontological and epistemological level, which is accepted as political project of the European Union. This strategy is possible to achieve with ...

Antalová, Mária; Pongráczová, Eva
Univerzita Pardubice, 2011

Starobné dochodkové sporenie v dochodkovom systéme SR
Rievajová, Eva; Ošková, Silvia
2011 - Slovak
One of the tasks of social policy is to ensure adequate pensions to citizens. Most EU countries in recent years have implemented reforms of pension systems and the Slovak Republic has begun gradually since 2004. Slovak pension system is built on three pillars, the article focuses on the second capitalization pillar. The aim of this paper is an evaluation of its previous operation as well as outlining the upcoming changes. Keywords: pension systems; pension´s reform in Slovakia; pillars of pension system; capitalization pillar Available in the UPCE Library.
Starobné dochodkové sporenie v dochodkovom systéme SR

One of the tasks of social policy is to ensure adequate pensions to citizens. Most EU countries in recent years have implemented reforms of pension systems and the Slovak Republic has begun ...

Rievajová, Eva; Ošková, Silvia
Univerzita Pardubice, 2011

Aktuálne k problematike kvality a efektívnosti výkonu verejnej správy v SR
Beličková, Kornélia
2010 - Slovak
The author´s paper has the aim to assess briefly the issue of quality and efficiency of the public administration in Slovakia today compared with the past, when the focus of attention in the state budget reporting was cash principle. Since has made some significant changes regarding the budgetary process as a whole, i.e. in all its phases (stages). Keywords: state budget; budget process; changes in the budgetary process; government; budgeting information system Available in digital repository of UPCE.
Aktuálne k problematike kvality a efektívnosti výkonu verejnej správy v SR

The author´s paper has the aim to assess briefly the issue of quality and efficiency of the public administration in Slovakia today compared with the past, when the focus of attention in the state ...

Beličková, Kornélia
Univerzita Pardubice, 2010

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