Cross-border Cooperation in French-German Non-profit Organisations
KLOTH, Melina
2020 - French
This master's thesis pursues the questions of how the firefighters are organised in Germany and France and of what consequences the Covid-19 sanitary crisis had on their cross-border cooperation in the Upper Rhine region.The qualitative research has been carried out in the context of an internship at the central public administration for the fire and rescue services of the French department of Bas-Rhin. In total, three semi-structured interviews have been conducted with German voluntary and professional firefighters and two narrative interviews have been done with French administrative and operational staff of the training institution. Light has been shed on the terms cross-border cooperation, civil security, risk management and the communication of risks, organisational structures and culture as well as on the European funding programme INTERREG and the current situation of projects involving firefighters. This master's thesis pursues the questions of how the firefighters are organised in Germany and France and of what consequences the Covid-19 sanitary crisis had on their cross-border cooperation in the Upper Rhine region.The qualitative research has been carried out in the context of an internship at the central public administration for the fire and rescue services of the French department of Bas-Rhin. In total, three semi-structured interviews have been conducted with German voluntary and professional firefighters and two narrative interviews have been done with French administrative and operational staff of the training institution. Light has been shed on the terms cross-border cooperation, civil security, risk management and the communication of risks, organisational structures and culture as well as on the European funding programme INTERREG and the current situation of projects involving firefighters.
cross-border cooperation; INTERREG; firefighters; civil security; Covid-19; management of crisis situations; France; Germany; Upper-Rhine
Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Cross-border Cooperation in French-German Non-profit Organisations
This master's thesis pursues the questions of how the firefighters are organised in Germany and France and of what consequences the Covid-19 sanitary crisis had on their cross-border cooperation in ...
2020 - French
Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
La réécriture du mythe : Dom Juan de Moli\`{e}re
2020 - French
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou literárních mýtů, zejména pak přepisem literárního mýtu Dona Juana z per Tirsa de Moliny a Jeana-Baptista Poquelina, známějšího jako Moliere. V teoretické části je krátce nastíněna problematika uchopení a přepisování literárních mýtů, kdy hlavní důraz je kladen na vyjasnění terminologie potřebné pro následnou analýzu. Pro danou práci je klíčová jasná artikulace a stanovení si mytémů, které tvoří základní mytickou strukturu analyzovaných děl. V praktické části se práce nejprve věnuje španělskému hypotextu, Sevillský svůdce a kamenný host, který ustanovil literární tradici donjuanského mýtu. Následně se do centra pozornosti dostanou tři další verze, které z daného tématu vytvářejí skutečný literární mýtus - Molierova tragikomedie Don Juan neboli hostina kamene a její přepracování a převedení do poezie dramatikem Thomasem Corneillem. Cílem práce je ukázat nakolik kontext vzniku díla a dobová estetika proměňují uchopení a rozpracování mytémů, a tím aktualizují daný literární mýtus. This diploma thesis deals with the problems of literary myths, especially with the rewriting of the literary myth of Don Juan written by Tirso de Molina and Jean-Baptiste Pouqueline, better known as Moliere. The theoretical part briefly outlines the issue of defining and rewriting of literary myths with the main emphasis on clarifying the terminology needed for the subsequent analysis. Clear articulation and determination of " mythemes ", which formed the basic mythical structure of the analyzed works, is crucial for the thesis. In the practical part, the thesis deals with the Spanish hypotext, The Trickster of Seville and the Stone Guest, which established the literary tradition of the myth of Don Juan. Subsequently, other versions, that create the real literary myth, became the focus of attention - Moliere´s tragicomedy Dom Juan or the Feast with the Statue and its reworking and versification by the French playwright Thomas Corneille. The aim of the thesis is to show to what extent the context of the origin of the work and the contemporary aesthetics transform the elaboration and handling of the mythemes and thus revise the given literary myth.
Literary myth; Tirso de Molina; Moliere; Thomas Corneille; rewriting of myths; mythemes; French 17th century drama
Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
La réécriture du mythe : Dom Juan de Moli\`{e}re
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou literárních mýtů, zejména pak přepisem literárního mýtu Dona Juana z per Tirsa de Moliny a Jeana-Baptista Poquelina, známějšího jako Moliere. V teoretické ...
Problematika výuky cizích jazyků v heterogenních skupinách na středních školách - práce s nadanými žáky
2019 - French
Diplomová práce se věnuje tématu výuky jazykově nadaných žáků v heterogenních skupinách na středních školách v České republice. V teoretické části práce nejprve představíme problematiku heterogenity a její různé druhy. Poté vymezíme klíčové koncepty nadání a jazykového nadání. Následně se budeme věnovat otázce identifikace nadaných žáků a nastíníme jejich možné charakteristiky. Ve druhé polovině teoretické části se zabýváme různými možnostmi diferenciace ve vyučování. Ty budou doplněny o četné konkrétní příklady vhodného přístupu k jazykově nadaným žákům v hodinách cizího jazyka v heterogenní skupině. Na závěr se budeme také zabývat psychologickými, sociálními a vzdělávacími potížemi, které mohou u nadaných žáků nastat.\\ Praktická část bude sloužit k ověření poznatků z teoretického výzkumu a k zodpovězení výzkumných otázek pomocí dotazníků. Dotazníky se zaměřují na současnou situaci jazykově nadaných žáků v běžných hodinách cizího jazyka na českých středních školách.\\ Praktická část bude sloužit k ověření poznatků z teoretického výzkumu a k zodpovězení výzkumných otázek pomocí dotazníků. Dotazníky se zaměřují na současnou situaci jazykově nadaných žáků v běžných hodinách cizího jazyka na českých středních školách. This thesis deals with the teaching of languages in the case of gifted students in heterogenous groups in secondary schools in Czech Republic. The theoretical part of the thesis will first introduce the topic of heterogeneity and its different kinds. It will then move onto defining the key concepts of giftedness and specifically linguistic giftedness. The thesis will tackle the issue of the identification of gifted students and will present their possible characteristics. The second section of the theoretical part revolves around teaching differentiation and its various possibilities, which will be illustrated with concrete examples of approaches relevant to students gifted in languages during language classes in heterogenous groups. A further section also deals with the psychological, social and educational difficulties, which these students may have to face.\\ The practical part of the thesis will aim to verify the findings of the theoretical research and answer the research questions through questionnaires surveying the current situation of gifted students in language classes in Czech secondary schools.\\
Foreign language teaching; high school gifted student; linguistically gifted student; heterogeneous group; differentiation; individualisation
Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Problematika výuky cizích jazyků v heterogenních skupinách na středních školách - práce s nadanými žáky
Diplomová práce se věnuje tématu výuky jazykově nadaných žáků v heterogenních skupinách na středních školách v České republice. V teoretické části práce nejprve představíme problematiku heterogenity a ...
Identité régionale et linguistique : est-il possible de les définir et comment peut-on les définir ? Le cas de la région plurilingue Trentin-Haut-Adige en Italie
RIOUS, Charline
2019 - French
Le but de ce mémoire était d'effectuer une recherche sur l'identité régionale et linguistique dans le contexte de la région plurilingue Trentin-Haut-Adige en Italie. Afin de répondre ? ma problématique, je me suis appuyée sur des données théoriques et empiriques collectées au travers d'interviews. Apr?s les avoir analysé et interprété, je les ai comparé pour ensuite rendre ma conclusion finale. The thesis speaks about the multilingual region Trentino-Alto Adige in Italy. The aim of the research was to define regional and linguistic identity, specifically in the context of this region. In order to do so, I relied on theoretical and empirical data collected through interviews. After having analyzing and interpreting them, I compared them to give my final conclusion.
regional identity - linguistic identity - ethnic minorities - region - multilingualism - trentino-alto adige - südtirol
Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Identité régionale et linguistique : est-il possible de les définir et comment peut-on les définir ? Le cas de la région plurilingue Trentin-Haut-Adige en Italie
Le but de ce mémoire était d'effectuer une recherche sur l'identité régionale et linguistique dans le contexte de la région plurilingue Trentin-Haut-Adige en Italie. Afin de répondre ? ma ...
La coopération transfrontali?re améliore-t-elle la compétitivité des Euroregions et Eurodistricts : une étude comparative de la Regio TriRhena et de l'Eurodistrict Pamina
COUSSI, Ann-Charlotte
2019 - French
The aim of this thesis is to analyze the influence of cross-border cooperation on the competitiveness of border regions, here Franco-German. For this purpose, the study focuses on two European integration models located on the eastern part of France on the border with Germany: Euroregion TriRhena and Eurodis-trict Pamina. The influence of cross-border cooperation on the competitiveness of Euroregions and Eurodistricts is analyzed through the presentation and evalua-tion of the organization, objectives, areas of competences as well as through the actions and funding of these organizations. The activities and the results of the two chosen examples are compared with respect to beneficial and unfavorable outcomes that may result, revealing also the development opportunities provided by each structure. After presentation of the theoretical context, different forms of cross-border cooperation and the European framework recommended for the integration models are outlined. Finally, discussions around the concept of com-petitiveness are reported. In a second part, the methodological approach includ-ing the choice of the case studies, the data collected and the analysis criteria, is outlined. In a third part, results are compared, evaluated and discussed in order to answer the research question: Does cross-border cooperation improve the competitiveness of Euroregions and Eurodistricts?
Cross-border; cooperation; Euroregion; Eurodistrict; competitiveness
Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
La coopération transfrontali?re améliore-t-elle la compétitivité des Euroregions et Eurodistricts : une étude comparative de la Regio TriRhena et de l'Eurodistrict Pamina
The aim of this thesis is to analyze the influence of cross-border cooperation on the competitiveness of border regions, here Franco-German. For this purpose, the study focuses on two European ...
Immigrés européens vivant en Bretagne : Comment ces personnes perçoivent-elles l'identité régionale et comment se déroule leur intégration dans cette région a forte identité ?
GAUTIER, Helene Agathe Vanille
2019 - French
La migration est au coeur de notre histoire commune (Benmayor & Skotnes, 1994, p.5) et il est aujourd'hui devenu plus facile de migrer au sein de l'Europe grâce a la création de l'espace Schengen en 1995 ("Schengen Area - Migration and Home Affairs - European Commission", n.d.). Cependant, l'immigration européenne en France est peu visible et peu de recherches existent a ce sujet (Lillo, 2014, p.85). L'immigration en Bretagne, elle, est un phénomene développé récemment qui prend de l'ampleur (Morillon & Etiemble, 2008, p. 125). Le nombre d'immigrés par rapport a la population de la région est un des plus faibles de France, mais il augmente rapidement (Conseil économique et social de Bretagne, 2007, p.87; INSEE & DRJSCS, 2005, p.5-6). L'identité régionale en Bretagne est bien connue par la population française (Quand les sondages sont unanimes, 2019, p.44) et cette région est définie comme une région a forte identité (Kernalegenn, 2011). Le but de ce mémoire de master est d'émettre des hypotheses sur le regard des immigrés européens sur l'identité régionale en Bretagne, avant et apres leur arrivée dans la région et sur leur intégration dans cette région a forte identité. Cette recherche qualitative est basée sur cinq interviews semi-directives. Quatre sont des entretiens avec des immigrés européens et le dernier a été réalisé avec une Française née a l'étranger, tous vivant aujourd'hui en Bretagne. Migration is at the centre of human history (Benmayor & Skotnes, 1994, p.5) and it has become easier to migrate inside Europe since the Schengen Area has been implemented in 1995. However, European immigration in France is invisibe and very little researched (Lillo, 2014, p.85). The migration to Brittany is a phenomenom developed recently (Morillon & Etiemble, 2008, p.125) and even if it is gaining momentum, this French region has still the lowest rate of immigrants in France (Economic and Social Council of Brittany, 2007, p.87, INSEE & DRJSCS, 2005, p.5-6). Brittany's regional identity is well known in France (Quand les sondages sont unanimes, 2019, p.44) and this region is defined as one with a strong identity (Kernalegenn, 2011). The aim of this master thesis is to elaborate hypothesis about whether or not European immigrants are aware of Brittany's regional identity before settling in the region, the perception they have of Brittany's regional identity once they live there and finally whether or not their integration in this French region with a strong identity is difficult. This qualitative research is based on four semi-structured interviews with European immigrants and one with a French person born in England, all now living in Brittany.
regional identity; identity; Brittany; migration; integration; immigrant; European immigrant
Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Immigrés européens vivant en Bretagne : Comment ces personnes perçoivent-elles l'identité régionale et comment se déroule leur intégration dans cette région a forte identité ?
La migration est au coeur de notre histoire commune (Benmayor & Skotnes, 1994, p.5) et il est aujourd'hui devenu plus facile de migrer au sein de l'Europe grâce a la création de l'espace Schengen en ...
La protection des eaux du lac de Constance: sujet d'une coopération interrégionale
2018 - French
Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
La protection des eaux du lac de Constance: sujet d'une coopération interrégionale
Immigration : un défi et un projet européen
2018 - French
Dans ce travail je parlerai de la présente vague migratoire et comment l'Union européenne g?re la situation. J'expliquerai tout d'abord les différents arguments pro- et contre-migration et détaillerai l'Agenda européen relative ? la migration. Ensuite, je me concentrerai notamment sur la problématique de la Déclaration UE-Turquie de 2016. L'objectif de cette étude est de montrer la problématique de la gestion de la "crise migratoire" que nous sommes en train de vivre et aider le lecteur de pouvoir se former une opinion sur ce th?me. Cela sera facilité par une analyse de médias en ligne. In this study, I will speak about the present migration wave and how the European Un-ion is managing the situation. Firstly, I will explain different arguments pro- and contra migration and detail the European Agenda on Migration. Then, I will concentrate on the issue of EU-Turkey Statement from 2016. The aim of the thesis is to show the topic of management of the "migration crisis" that we are now experiencing and help the reader to form his or her opinion on the subject. This goal will be achieved by analysis of online media.
migration; Syrian refugee crisis; European Agenda on Migration; EU-Turkey Statement; EU Facility for Refugees in Turkey; analysis of online media
Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Immigration : un défi et un projet européen
Dans ce travail je parlerai de la présente vague migratoire et comment l'Union européenne g?re la situation. J'expliquerai tout d'abord les différents arguments pro- et contre-migration et détaillerai ...
Comment le volontariat peut lutter contre l'exclusion sociale
2018 - French
globalisation; social exclusion; interculturality; radicalisation; competences; volunteering
Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Comment le volontariat peut lutter contre l'exclusion sociale
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