Number of found documents: 3773
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(Ne)zájem žáků o učitelskou profesi: mezinárodní srovnání
Federičová, Miroslava
2024 - Czech
Mnoho evropských zemí včetně Česka se v současnosti potýká s nedostatkem učitelů, těch kvalitních obzvlášť. Jedním z řešení je podpora učitelských profesních aspirací už u mladých během jejich studia na základní a střední škole. Tato studie empiricky mapuje učitelské aspirace v evropských zemích mezi 15letými žáky na základě dat z mezinárodního šetření PISA. Many European countries, including the Czech Republic, currently face a shortage of teachers, especially quality teachers. One possible solution to this would be to support aspiring teachers at a younger age, during their studies at primary and secondary school. This study provides an empirical overview of teaching aspirations among 15-year-old school pupils in European countries based on data from the international PISA survey. Keywords: teachers; teaching aspirations; international comparison Fulltext is available at external website.
(Ne)zájem žáků o učitelskou profesi: mezinárodní srovnání

Mnoho evropských zemí včetně Česka se v současnosti potýká s nedostatkem učitelů, těch kvalitních obzvlášť. Jedním z řešení je podpora učitelských profesních aspirací už u mladých během jejich studia ...

Federičová, Miroslava
Národohospodářský ústav, 2024

The heterogeneous consequences of reduced labor costs on firm productivity
Del Prato, F.; Zacchia, Paolo
2024 - English
We document how a reduction in labor costs led to heterogeneous effects on the total factor productivity (TFP) of manufacturing firms. Leveraging an Italian labor legislation reform and unique institutional features of the local collective bargaining system, we show that such effects vary along the TFP distribution. Relative to the counterfactual, TFP markedly declines on the left tail, which we explain via selection mechanisms, on the right, TFP mildly increases as firms are able to expand and reallocate their workforce. To guide the evaluation of welfare implications, we develop a general equilibrium model featuring firm selection and frictions in input markets. Keywords: labor costs; productivity; collective bargaining Fulltext is available at external website.
The heterogeneous consequences of reduced labor costs on firm productivity

We document how a reduction in labor costs led to heterogeneous effects on the total factor productivity (TFP) of manufacturing firms. Leveraging an Italian labor legislation reform and unique ...

Del Prato, F.; Zacchia, Paolo
Národohospodářský ústav, 2024

Matching to suppliers in the production network: an empirical framework
Alfaro-Ureña, A.; Zacchia, Paolo
2024 - English
This paper develops a framework for the empirical analysis of the determinants of input supplier choice on the extensive margin using firm-to-firm transaction data. Building on a theoretical model of production network formation, we characterize the assumptions that enable a transformation of the multinomial logit likelihood function from which the seller fixed effects, which encode the seller marginal costs, vanish. This transformation conditions, for each subnetwork restricted to one supplier industry, on the out-degree of sellers (a sufficient statistic for the seller fixed effect) and the in-degree of buyers (which is pinned down by technology and by “make-or-buy” decisions). This approach delivers a consistent estimator for the effect of dyadic explanatory variables, which in our model are interpreted as matching frictions, on the supplier choice probability. The estimator is easy to implement and in Monte Carlo simulations it outperforms alternatives based on group fixed effects. In an empirical application about the effect of a major Costa Rican infrastructural project on firm-to-firm connections, our approach yields estimates typically much smaller in magnitude than those from naive multinomial logit. Keywords: production network; supplier choice; conditional logit Fulltext is available at external website.
Matching to suppliers in the production network: an empirical framework

This paper develops a framework for the empirical analysis of the determinants of input supplier choice on the extensive margin using firm-to-firm transaction data. Building on a theoretical model of ...

Alfaro-Ureña, A.; Zacchia, Paolo
Národohospodářský ústav, 2024

Disappearing stepping stones: technological change and career paths
Kashkarov, Daniil; Artemev, V.
2024 - English
Which career paths lead workers towards high-skilled non-routine cognitive occupations? Using PSID data, we show that, for a significant share of workers, a career path towards non-routine cognitive occupations goes through middle-skilled routine occupations, with the majority going through a subset of routine cognitive occupations. We then argue that the decline in employment in routine cognitive occupations due to routine-biased technological change can negatively affect the chances of younger cohorts joining high-skilled occupations. To test this hypothesis, we develop a structural occupational choice model that endogenously generates realistic career paths and estimate it using PSID data and job ad data from three major US outlets covering the period from 1940 to 2000. Our estimations suggest that, on average, 6% of workers ending up in non-routine cognitive occupations use routine cognitive occupations as stepping stones that allow them to maintain and accumulate human capital and experience relevant for later employment in high-skilled occupations. A fall in employment opportunities in routine cognitive occupations over the period of the most intensive routine-biased technological change led to at least 1.37 million lost high-skilled workers who got stuck in less skilled occupations. Keywords: routine-biased technological change; occupational choice; human capital Fulltext is available at external website.
Disappearing stepping stones: technological change and career paths

Which career paths lead workers towards high-skilled non-routine cognitive occupations? Using PSID data, we show that, for a significant share of workers, a career path towards non-routine cognitive ...

Kashkarov, Daniil; Artemev, V.
Národohospodářský ústav, 2024

Financial skills and search in the mortgage market
Cota, Marta; Šterc, Ante
2024 - English
Are households with low financial skills disadvantaged in the mortgage market? Using stochastic record linking, we construct a unique U.S. dataset encompassing a rich set of mortgage details and borrowers’ characteristics, including their objective financial literacy measure. We find that households with low financial literacy are up to 4% more likely to search less and lock in at 15-20 b.p. higher rates. Upon origination, unskilled borrowers face a 35-45% higher mortgage delinquency and end up with a 30% lower likelihood of refinancing. Overall, for a $100,000 loan, the potential losses from low financial literacy are more than $9,329 over the mortgage duration. To understand how financial education, more accessible mortgages, or mortgage rate changes affect households with low financial literacy, we formulate and calibrate a mortgage search model with heterogeneous search frictions and endogenous financial skills. Our model estimates show that search intensity and financial skill variations contribute to 55% and 10% of mortgage rate variations, respectively. We find that i) more accessible mortgages lead to a higher delinquency risk among low-skilled households, ii) financial education mitigates the adverse effects of increased accessibility, and iii) low mortgage rates favor high-skilled homeowners and, by reinforcing refinancing activity, deepen consumption differences across different financial skill levels. Keywords: mortgage refinancing; mortgage search; financial skills Fulltext is available at external website.
Financial skills and search in the mortgage market

Are households with low financial skills disadvantaged in the mortgage market? Using stochastic record linking, we construct a unique U.S. dataset encompassing a rich set of mortgage details and ...

Cota, Marta; Šterc, Ante
Národohospodářský ústav, 2024

Rizika reformy doktorského studia
Grosman, Jiří; Jurajda, Štěpán; Münich, Daniel
2024 - Czech
Systém financování doktorského studia v České republice je dlouhodobě neefektivní. Dokončovaná reforma má za cíl efektivitu systému výrazně zvýšit. V tomto krátkém textu upozorňujeme na potenciální problémy spojené s rozdělováním veřejné finanční podpory doktorského studia mezi vysoké školy. Problematické by bylo rozdělování podpory založené dominantně na míře úspěšného dokončování studií. Alokace veřejné podpory doktorského studia by vedle opodstatněných národních oborových priorit měla zohledňovat výsledky hodnocení kvality vědy na vysokých školách a úspěšnost v kariérním umisťování absolventů. The system of financing doctoral studies in the Czech Republic has long been inefficient. A reform currently underway aims to significantly increase the efficiency of the system. In this short text, we draw attention to potential problems associated with the distribution of public financial support for doctoral studies among universities. It would be problematic to distribute support based predominantly on degree completion rates. Allocation of public support for doctoral studies should take into account the results of evaluations of the quality of science produced by universities and their success in career placement of graduates, in addition to justifiable national disciplinary priorities. Keywords: doctoral studies; public financial support; Czech Republic Fulltext is available at external website.
Rizika reformy doktorského studia

Systém financování doktorského studia v České republice je dlouhodobě neefektivní. Dokončovaná reforma má za cíl efektivitu systému výrazně zvýšit. V tomto krátkém textu upozorňujeme na potenciální ...

Grosman, Jiří; Jurajda, Štěpán; Münich, Daniel
Národohospodářský ústav, 2024

Hodnocení působení Miloše Zemana v prezidentském úřadě – únor/březen 2023
Červenka, Jan
2023 - Czech
V šetření realizovaném v únoru a v březnu 2023 se Centrum pro výzkum veřejného mínění SOU AV ČR, v.v.i., zaměřilo na hodnocení působení Miloše Zemana v prezidentském úřadě podle šesti vybraných kritérií.\nVe všech zkoumaných oblastech převažovalo kritické hodnocení nad pozitivním.\nRelativně nejpříznivěji česká veřejnost hodnotila, jak plnil funkce svěřené mu ústavou (40 %) a jak byl v kontaktu s občany a znal jejich problémy (39 %).\nNejvíce kritičtí byli čeští občané k tomu, jak dosluhující prezident dbal o vážnost a důstojnost svého úřadu (73 %) a jak působil jako autorita u občanů (71 %).\nV porovnání s rokem 2020 se hodnocení prezidenta zhoršilo ve všech sledovaných položkách.\nV porovnání s předchozími prezidenty Václavem Havlem a Václavem Klausem v období na konci jejich působení hodnotili občané u Miloše Zemana lépe, jak byl v kontaktu s občany a znal jejich problémy. U ostatních položek jeho aktuální hodnocení vyznívá kritičtěji. In its regular survey in February and March 2023 the Public Opinion Research Centre focused on questions about the Miloš Zeman's presidency.\nIn all areas examined, critical evaluations prevailed over positive ones.\nRelatively most favorably, the Czech public rated how he performed the functions entrusted to him by the constitution (40%) and how he was in contact with citizens and knew their problems (39%).\nCzech citizens were the most critical of how the outgoing president took care of the seriousness and dignity of his office (73%) and how he acted as an authority among citizens (71%).\nCompared to 2020, the president's rating worsened in all monitored items.\nCompared to the previous presidents Václav Havel and Václav Klaus in the period at the end of their tenure, citizens rated Miloš Zeman better in that how he was in contact with citizens and knew their problems. For other items, his current assessment sounds more critical. Keywords: public opinion; President; Miloš Zeman; evaluations Fulltext is available at external website.
Hodnocení působení Miloše Zemana v prezidentském úřadě – únor/březen 2023

V šetření realizovaném v únoru a v březnu 2023 se Centrum pro výzkum veřejného mínění SOU AV ČR, v.v.i., zaměřilo na hodnocení působení Miloše Zemana v prezidentském úřadě podle šesti vybraných ...

Červenka, Jan
Sociologický ústav, 2023

Generace X a Y očima dat: když byli rodiče mladí jako my
Peňázová, Eva; Šoltés, Michal
2023 - Czech
Studie představuje unikátní srovnání současného života generace Y, tzv. mileniálů (narozeni 1981–1996), s generací X jejich rodičů (narozeni 1965–1980) na základě dostupných statistik týkajících se úrovně vzdělanosti, partnerských vztahů či relativních výdělků. This study presents a unique comparison of the lives of generation Y (millennials, born in 1981–1996) and those of generation X (their parents, born in 1965–1980) at the same age, based on available statistics related to education levels, relationships, and relative earnings.\n Keywords: generation Y; generation X; income and living conditions Fulltext is available at external website.
Generace X a Y očima dat: když byli rodiče mladí jako my

Studie představuje unikátní srovnání současného života generace Y, tzv. mileniálů (narozeni 1981–1996), s generací X jejich rodičů (narozeni 1965–1980) na základě dostupných statistik týkajících se ...

Peňázová, Eva; Šoltés, Michal
Národohospodářský ústav, 2023

Professional survey forecasts and expectations in DSGE models
Rychalovska, Y.; Slobodyan, Sergey; Wouters, R.
2023 - English
In this paper, we demonstrate the usefulness of survey data for macroeconomic analysis and propose a strategy to integrate and efficiently utilize information from surveys in the DSGE setup. We extend the set of observable variables to include the data on consumption, investment, output, and inflation expectations, as measured by the Survey of Professional Forecasters (SPF). By doing so, we aim to discipline the dynamics of model-based expectations and evaluate alternative belief models. Our approach to exploit the timely information from surveys is based on re-specification of structural shocks into persistent and transitory components. Due to the SPF, we are able to improve identification of fundamental shocks and predictive power of the model by separating the sources of low and high frequency volatility. Furthermore, we show that models with an imperfectly-rational expectation formation mechanism based on Adaptive Learning (AL) can reduce important limitations implied by the Rational Expectation (RE) hypothesis. More specifically, our models based on belief updating can better capture macroeconomic trend shifts and, as a result, achieve superior long-term predictions. In addition, the AL mechanism can produce realistic time variation in the transmission of shocks and perceived macro-economic volatility, which allows the model to better explain the investment dynamics. Finally, AL models, which relax the RE constraint of internal consistency between the agents’ and model forecasts, can reproduce the main features of agents’ predictions in line with SPF evidence and, at the same time, can generate improved model forecasts, thus diminishing possible inefficiencies present in surveys. Keywords: expectations; survey data; adaptive learning Fulltext is available at external website.
Professional survey forecasts and expectations in DSGE models

In this paper, we demonstrate the usefulness of survey data for macroeconomic analysis and propose a strategy to integrate and efficiently utilize information from surveys in the DSGE setup. We extend ...

Rychalovska, Y.; Slobodyan, Sergey; Wouters, R.
Národohospodářský ústav, 2023

Dlouhodobá finanční rezerva v českých domácnostech
Fialová, Kamila; Mysíková, Martina
2023 - Czech
Dlouhodobé úspory pomáhají udržovat stabilní standard a blahobyt lidí v různých fázích života či dokonce podporovat růst životní úrovně v čase, a to i po výpadku příjmů, který lze očekávat např. v důchodu. Hlavními důvody dlouhodobého spoření bývá právě zajištění na důchod, investice do nemovitosti či do vyššího vzdělání, ať už pro sebe, nebo pro své děti. Cílem této studie je identifikovat hlavní faktory, které mohou působit na vytváření dlouhodobých úspor. \n\n Long-term savings help to maintain a stable standard of living and well-being for people at different stages of their lives, or even to support a rising standard of living over time, even after the loss of income that can be expected, for example, in retirement. The main reasons for saving for the long term are to provide for retirement, invest in property or higher education, either for oneself or for one's children. The aim of this study is to identify the main factors that can influence long-term savings. \n\n Keywords: Financial resilence; long-term savings Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Dlouhodobá finanční rezerva v českých domácnostech

Dlouhodobé úspory pomáhají udržovat stabilní standard a blahobyt lidí v různých fázích života či dokonce podporovat růst životní úrovně v čase, a to i po výpadku příjmů, který lze očekávat např. v ...

Fialová, Kamila; Mysíková, Martina
Sociologický ústav, 2023

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