Number of found documents: 8579
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Forced migration and crime: evidence from the 2014 immigration wave to Russia
Shcherbov, Arsenii
2024 - English
Recent years have spurred significant migration movements, underscoring the need to understand their impacts. This study explores a widely-debated correlation between crime and migration. Specifically, I investigate the 2014 migration wave, studying the response of Russian crime rates to the influx of immigrants from Ukraine. I approximate local crime rates using court data on sentencing decisions and describe relevant migration flows with internet search activity. The application of the difference-in-differences method reveals positive effects for property crime sentencing and the heterogeneous response of violent crime sentencing. The findings of this study are policy-relevant and could prove beneficial in understanding and mitigating the effects of future migration waves. Keywords: crime; migration; Russia Fulltext is available at external website.
Forced migration and crime: evidence from the 2014 immigration wave to Russia

Recent years have spurred significant migration movements, underscoring the need to understand their impacts. This study explores a widely-debated correlation between crime and migration. ...

Shcherbov, Arsenii
Národohospodářský ústav, 2024

Podnikání během pandemie a krize v kontextu genderových nerovností. Policy brief
Švarcová, Markéta; Pospíšilová, Marie
2024 - Czech
Zda lze vnímat pandemii jako příležitost pro snížení genderové nerovnosti v podnikání bylo hlavní otázkou participativního workshopu, který jsme uspořádaly v Sociologickém ústavu 13. 3. 2024. Diskuze v rámci participativního workshopu byla zaměřena na bariéry, kterým čelí ženy podnikatelky, na nástroje, které mohou využívat pro jejich překonání, na zavedení ošetřovného pro podnikající a dostupnost a využitelnost dat členěných dle pohlaví. Tento policy brief zaznamenává názory relevantních stakeholderů v oblasti podnikání na téma odstraňování genderových nerovností v podnikatelském prostředí, které v rámci workshopu zazněly. Whether the pandemic can be perceived as an opportunity to reduce gender inequality in entrepreneurship was the main question of the participatory workshop that we organized at the Institute of Sociology on March 13, 2024. The discussion during the participatory workshop focused on the barriers that women entrepreneurs face, the tools they can use to overcome them, the introduction of a attendance allowance for entrepreneurs, and the availability and usability of gender-disaggregated data. This policy brief write down the views of relevant stakeholders in the business sector on the topic of eliminating gender inequalities in the entrepreneurship that were expressed during the workshop. Keywords: Entrepreneuship; gender; data; attendance allowance; barriers Available in digital repository of the ASCR
Podnikání během pandemie a krize v kontextu genderových nerovností. Policy brief

Zda lze vnímat pandemii jako příležitost pro snížení genderové nerovnosti v podnikání bylo hlavní otázkou participativního workshopu, který jsme uspořádaly v Sociologickém ústavu 13. 3. 2024. Diskuze ...

Švarcová, Markéta; Pospíšilová, Marie
Sociologický ústav, 2024

COVID-19 and political preferences through stages of the pandemic: the case of the Czech Republic
Bičáková, Alena; Jurajda, Štěpán
2024 - English
We track the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on political preferences through ‘high’ and ‘low’ phases of the pandemic. We ask about the effects of the health and the economic costs of the pandemic measured at both personal and municipality levels. Consistent with the literature, we estimate effects suggestive of political accountability of leaders during ‘high’ pandemic phases. However, we also find that the pandemic political accountability effects are mostly short-lived, and do not extend to the first post-pandemic elections. Keywords: COVID-19; political preferences; election outcomes Fulltext is available at external website.
COVID-19 and political preferences through stages of the pandemic: the case of the Czech Republic

We track the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on political preferences through ‘high’ and ‘low’ phases of the pandemic. We ask about the effects of the health and the economic costs of the pandemic ...

Bičáková, Alena; Jurajda, Štěpán
Národohospodářský ústav, 2024

(Ne)zájem žáků o učitelskou profesi: mezinárodní srovnání
Federičová, Miroslava
2024 - Czech
Mnoho evropských zemí včetně Česka se v současnosti potýká s nedostatkem učitelů, těch kvalitních obzvlášť. Jedním z řešení je podpora učitelských profesních aspirací už u mladých během jejich studia na základní a střední škole. Tato studie empiricky mapuje učitelské aspirace v evropských zemích mezi 15letými žáky na základě dat z mezinárodního šetření PISA. Many European countries, including the Czech Republic, currently face a shortage of teachers, especially quality teachers. One possible solution to this would be to support aspiring teachers at a younger age, during their studies at primary and secondary school. This study provides an empirical overview of teaching aspirations among 15-year-old school pupils in European countries based on data from the international PISA survey. Keywords: teachers; teaching aspirations; international comparison Fulltext is available at external website.
(Ne)zájem žáků o učitelskou profesi: mezinárodní srovnání

Mnoho evropských zemí včetně Česka se v současnosti potýká s nedostatkem učitelů, těch kvalitních obzvlášť. Jedním z řešení je podpora učitelských profesních aspirací už u mladých během jejich studia ...

Federičová, Miroslava
Národohospodářský ústav, 2024

The heterogeneous consequences of reduced labor costs on firm productivity
Del Prato, F.; Zacchia, Paolo
2024 - English
We document how a reduction in labor costs led to heterogeneous effects on the total factor productivity (TFP) of manufacturing firms. Leveraging an Italian labor legislation reform and unique institutional features of the local collective bargaining system, we show that such effects vary along the TFP distribution. Relative to the counterfactual, TFP markedly declines on the left tail, which we explain via selection mechanisms, on the right, TFP mildly increases as firms are able to expand and reallocate their workforce. To guide the evaluation of welfare implications, we develop a general equilibrium model featuring firm selection and frictions in input markets. Keywords: labor costs; productivity; collective bargaining Fulltext is available at external website.
The heterogeneous consequences of reduced labor costs on firm productivity

We document how a reduction in labor costs led to heterogeneous effects on the total factor productivity (TFP) of manufacturing firms. Leveraging an Italian labor legislation reform and unique ...

Del Prato, F.; Zacchia, Paolo
Národohospodářský ústav, 2024

Geologická a geotechnická charakterizace horninového prostředí – PVP Bukov II – třetí průběžná zpráva
Soejono, I.; Bukovská, Z.; Rukavičková, L.; Švagera, O.; Chabr, T.; Souček, Kamil; Vavro, Martin; Morávek, R.; Levý, O.; Sosna, K.; Kryl, J.; Řihošek, J.; Zelinková, T.; Dobeš, P.; Hanák, J.; Čermák, F.; Kašpar, R.; Mareček, L.; Nedvěd, J.; Vavro, Leona; Myška, O.; Janeček, Ivan
2024 - Czech
Tato zpráva popisuje práce zhotovené v třetím roce řešení veřejné zakázky Geologická a geotechnická charakterizace horninového prostředí – PVP Bukov II. Charakterizační a popisné práce přímo navazují na ražbu prostor pro budoucí podzemní laboratoř a zahrnují zejména: geologické a geotechnické dokumentace čeleb a stěn díla, petrografickou, mineralogickou a strukturně geologickou dokumentaci, hydrogeologickou charakterizaci prostředí, dále stanovení fyzikálně-mechanických vlastností horninového masivu in situ a v laboratoři, geofyzikální charakterizaci, monitoring seismických účinků trhacích prací a charakterizaci EDZ. Zpráva také obsahuje nově navržený klasifikační systém horninových bloků a výsledky jeho testování na prostředí PVP Bukov II. Zpráva je doplněna stručným přehledem prací plánovaných pro následující rok řešení projektu. This report describes the work carried out in the third year of the public contract Geological and geotechnical characterisation of the rock environment – the Bukov URF II. The characterisation and descriptive works are directly related to the excavation of the premises for the future underground laboratory. These include in particular: geological and geotechnical documentation of the faces and walls of the workings, petrographic, mineralogical and structural geological documentation, hydrogeological characterisation of the environment, as well as determination of the physical and mechanical properties of the rock-mass in situ and in the laboratory, geophysical characterisation and monitoring of the seismic effects of blasting. The report also includes the newly developed rock mass\nclassification system and the results of its testing on the Bukov URF II site. The report includes also brief overview of the work planned for the following year of the project. Keywords: Bukov URF; geological documentation; 3D model; petrography; geochemistry; petrophysical data; natural radioactivity; physico-mechanical and geotechnical properties; seismic tomography; excavation induced vibration measurement; rock mass classification system Available on request at various institutes of the ASCR
Geologická a geotechnická charakterizace horninového prostředí – PVP Bukov II – třetí průběžná zpráva

Tato zpráva popisuje práce zhotovené v třetím roce řešení veřejné zakázky Geologická a geotechnická charakterizace horninového prostředí – PVP Bukov II. Charakterizační a popisné práce přímo navazují ...

Soejono, I.; Bukovská, Z.; Rukavičková, L.; Švagera, O.; Chabr, T.; Souček, Kamil; Vavro, Martin; Morávek, R.; Levý, O.; Sosna, K.; Kryl, J.; Řihošek, J.; Zelinková, T.; Dobeš, P.; Hanák, J.; Čermák, F.; Kašpar, R.; Mareček, L.; Nedvěd, J.; Vavro, Leona; Myška, O.; Janeček, Ivan
Ústav geoniky, 2024

Stanovení in-situ napjatosti v PVP Bukov II – rešerše metod měření napjatosti a studie jejich využití v procesu výstavby a provozu hlubinného úložiště
Vavro, Martin; Waclawik, Petr; Souček, Kamil; Staš, Lubomír; Koníček, Petr; Jiránková, Eva; Schuchová, Kristýna; Kukutsch, Radovan; Kajzar, Vlastimil
2024 - Czech
Rešerše prezentuje hlavní metody měření a jim odpovídající technickou instrumentaci, které byly v minulosti použity pro stanovení napětí horninového masivu, a to jak v podmínkách PVP Bukov I, respektive dolu Rožná, tak zejména v prostředí vybraných zahraničních podzemních výzkumných laboratoří. Shrnuty jsou rovněž stěžejní výsledky, které byly při těchto měřeních získány. Zjištěné poznatky jsou pak reflektovány v návrhu způsobu měření a monitoringu napětí v různých fázích procesu přípravy a provozu hlubinného úložiště (HÚ) v ČR. Z provedené rešerše stěžejních publikovaných studií a výsledků in situ experimentů vyplývá, že celosvětově nejčastěji používanými způsoby napěťových měření jsou zejména hydraulické štěpení stěn vrtů (hydrofracturing) a metoda odlehčeného vrtného jádra (overcoring). Tyto dvě metody byly rovněž navrženy jako nejvhodnější pro fázi výběru finální lokality HÚ v ČR. Ve fázi budování HÚ bylo doporučeno jejich rozšíření o metodu inverzní analýzy konvergenčních měření. Pro účely měření změn napětí ve stádiu přípravy a provozu HÚ byl jako nejvhodnější doporučen monitoring pomocí tenzometrických CCBM sond. The presented search summarizes main measurement methods and their corresponding technical instrumentation, which were used in the past to determine the stress state of the rock\nmass, both in the conditions of Bukov URF I or the Rožná mine respectively, and especially in the environment of selected foreign underground research laboratories. The key results obtained during these stress measurements are also compiled. The findings are then reflected in the proposed method of rock mass stress measurement and monitoring in various stages of the process of preparing and operating a deep geological repository (DGR) in the Czech Republic. From the conducted search of the crucial published studies and the results of in situ experiments, it follows that the most commonly used methods of stress measurement worldwide are mainly hydraulic fracturing of borehole walls (hydrofracturing) and the overcoring method. These two methods were also proposed as the most suitable for the stage of selecting the final site of the DGR in the Czech Republic. In the phase of construction the DGR, it was recommended to extend them by the method of inverse analysis of convergence measurements. For the purposes of measuring stress changes during the construction and operation of the DGR, monitoring using conical tensometric CCBM probes was recommended as the most suitable. Keywords: high level radioactive waste; geological disposal; deep repository; long-term stability of the repository; Bukov URF; rock mass stress; hydrofracturing; overcoring method; tensometric conical probes; acoustic logging; optical logging; long-term stress monitoring; convergence measurement; numerical modelling Available on request at various institutes of the ASCR
Stanovení in-situ napjatosti v PVP Bukov II – rešerše metod měření napjatosti a studie jejich využití v procesu výstavby a provozu hlubinného úložiště

Rešerše prezentuje hlavní metody měření a jim odpovídající technickou instrumentaci, které byly v minulosti použity pro stanovení napětí horninového masivu, a to jak v podmínkách PVP Bukov I, ...

Vavro, Martin; Waclawik, Petr; Souček, Kamil; Staš, Lubomír; Koníček, Petr; Jiránková, Eva; Schuchová, Kristýna; Kukutsch, Radovan; Kajzar, Vlastimil
Ústav geoniky, 2024

Matching to suppliers in the production network: an empirical framework
Alfaro-Ureña, A.; Zacchia, Paolo
2024 - English
This paper develops a framework for the empirical analysis of the determinants of input supplier choice on the extensive margin using firm-to-firm transaction data. Building on a theoretical model of production network formation, we characterize the assumptions that enable a transformation of the multinomial logit likelihood function from which the seller fixed effects, which encode the seller marginal costs, vanish. This transformation conditions, for each subnetwork restricted to one supplier industry, on the out-degree of sellers (a sufficient statistic for the seller fixed effect) and the in-degree of buyers (which is pinned down by technology and by “make-or-buy” decisions). This approach delivers a consistent estimator for the effect of dyadic explanatory variables, which in our model are interpreted as matching frictions, on the supplier choice probability. The estimator is easy to implement and in Monte Carlo simulations it outperforms alternatives based on group fixed effects. In an empirical application about the effect of a major Costa Rican infrastructural project on firm-to-firm connections, our approach yields estimates typically much smaller in magnitude than those from naive multinomial logit. Keywords: production network; supplier choice; conditional logit Fulltext is available at external website.
Matching to suppliers in the production network: an empirical framework

This paper develops a framework for the empirical analysis of the determinants of input supplier choice on the extensive margin using firm-to-firm transaction data. Building on a theoretical model of ...

Alfaro-Ureña, A.; Zacchia, Paolo
Národohospodářský ústav, 2024

Disappearing stepping stones: technological change and career paths
Kashkarov, Daniil; Artemev, V.
2024 - English
Which career paths lead workers towards high-skilled non-routine cognitive occupations? Using PSID data, we show that, for a significant share of workers, a career path towards non-routine cognitive occupations goes through middle-skilled routine occupations, with the majority going through a subset of routine cognitive occupations. We then argue that the decline in employment in routine cognitive occupations due to routine-biased technological change can negatively affect the chances of younger cohorts joining high-skilled occupations. To test this hypothesis, we develop a structural occupational choice model that endogenously generates realistic career paths and estimate it using PSID data and job ad data from three major US outlets covering the period from 1940 to 2000. Our estimations suggest that, on average, 6% of workers ending up in non-routine cognitive occupations use routine cognitive occupations as stepping stones that allow them to maintain and accumulate human capital and experience relevant for later employment in high-skilled occupations. A fall in employment opportunities in routine cognitive occupations over the period of the most intensive routine-biased technological change led to at least 1.37 million lost high-skilled workers who got stuck in less skilled occupations. Keywords: routine-biased technological change; occupational choice; human capital Fulltext is available at external website.
Disappearing stepping stones: technological change and career paths

Which career paths lead workers towards high-skilled non-routine cognitive occupations? Using PSID data, we show that, for a significant share of workers, a career path towards non-routine cognitive ...

Kashkarov, Daniil; Artemev, V.
Národohospodářský ústav, 2024

Basic characteristics of sulfide catalysts for the direct decomposition of H2S
Bonnet, Florian; Kaluža, Luděk
2024 - English
Sulfide catalysts are crucial in the hydrodesulfurization (HDS) of petroleum fractions, facilitating the hydrogenolysis of carbon-sulfur bonds. This process generates significant volumes of hydrogen sulfide (H2S), which is typically processed in the Claus unit. However, excess H2S can overwhelm the Claus process, creating both operational and environmental challenges. Researchers are now exploring sulfide catalysts for the direct thermo-catalytic decomposition of H2S to address this issue. Supported catalysts, like Mo/Al2O3, and commercial catalysts, considered typical monolayer-type well-dispersed catalysts, show the highest O2 uptake, ranging from 41.29 μmol/g for MoS2/Al2O3 (KLO) to 58.70 μmol/g for the commercial 715. Unsupported multilayer catalysts, such as Ni/MoWS2 (KKP), exhibit lower O2 uptake at 2.54 μmol/g, though it demonstrates high HDS activity with thiophene. Moreover, O2 uptake effectively describes the sintering of the Mo monolayer phase during the thermocatalytic reaction of H2S at 800°C. These O2 uptakes clearly correlate with the XRD patterns, where the MoS2 phase is X-ray amorphous with an O2 uptake of about 19.04 μmol/g, while the MoS2 phase in the spent catalyst shows certain crystallinity exhibiting an average particle size by Scherrer equation of about 6 nm and the O2 uptake of 1.63 μmol/g. O2 chemisorption thus serves as a valuable measure of the dispersion of Mo sulfides. The results obtain with the study of CoMo/Al2O3 (KJJ-family catalysts), highlight the correlation between the increasing amount of adsorbed O2 with the increasing nominal loading of MoO3 and the increasing rate constant of thiophene kTH. This research reveals the potential of these catalysts in hydrocarbon refining. The findings underline the connection between catalytic chemistry, process engineering, and environmental sustainability, with the objective to enhance industrial refining processes. Keywords: sulfide catalyst; O2 chemisorption; H2S decomposition Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Basic characteristics of sulfide catalysts for the direct decomposition of H2S

Sulfide catalysts are crucial in the hydrodesulfurization (HDS) of petroleum fractions, facilitating the hydrogenolysis of carbon-sulfur bonds. This process generates significant volumes of hydrogen ...

Bonnet, Florian; Kaluža, Luděk
Ústav chemických procesů, 2024

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