Number of found documents: 199

Autonomous Multidirectional Robotic Platform
Miškolci, Michal
The aim of this work is to design and construct robotic platform that can move in more than 2 directions without rotating itself. The robot should be capable of object tracking based on colour or temperature and in order to that, sophisticated algorithms and using of PID regulator was necessary. Keywords: robot; platform; Omni-wheel; multidirectional; Arduino; Pololu; object tracking Available in a digital repository NRGL
Autonomous Multidirectional Robotic Platform

The aim of this work is to design and construct robotic platform that can move in more than 2 directions without rotating itself. The robot should be capable of object tracking based on colour or ...

Miškolci, Michal
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

Ernst Wiesner, Otto Eisler, André Steiner, Žikmund Kerekeš, Max Tintner - neznáme dielo moderných brnenských židovských architektov
Udžan, Rastislav
Recently it has been found the sources of the works of the greats architects Max Tinter and Sikmund Kerekes, II.w.w. survivors, whos extablished their lifes in Izrael after II. w.w. Also new information has been occurred in reconnection with architect And V nedávnej dobe sa podarilo objaviť v Izraeli stopu diela významných brnenských medzivojnových architektov Maxa Tintnera a Žigmunda Kerekeša, ktorí prežili 2. svetovú vojnu, po ktorej sa do Izraela presídlili. Taktiež sa podarilo naviazať spojenie s André Keywords: Ernst Wiesner; Otto Eisler; André Steiner; Sikmund Kerekes; Max Tintner Available in a digital repository NRGL
Ernst Wiesner, Otto Eisler, André Steiner, Žikmund Kerekeš, Max Tintner - neznáme dielo moderných brnenských židovských architektov

Recently it has been found the sources of the works of the greats architects Max Tinter and Sikmund Kerekes, II.w.w. survivors, whos extablished their lifes in Izrael after II. w.w. Also new ...

Udžan, Rastislav
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

Trvalo udržateľný verejný priestor a město
Krištof, Michal
The research focuses on the problem of public space in the times of growing ecological demands, global supercapitalism and social networks on the internet. In today’s changing society many original functions of archetypal public space disappeared or moved into other spaces. What can a public space offer to a city of the 21st century? Furthermore, is the public space sustainable? If so when? The research uses a systematic overview on all of the aspects of sustainability of public spaces: economic, ecological, social and time dimension. The paper proposes several model studies and principles of sustainable public spaces where the public space is a valuable part of city’s structure. On the other hand, it also shows examples where the public space is definitely not sustainable. The paper contains research results of respective aspects of sustainability, followed by the conclusion. Ťažiskom výskumu je problém budúcnosti verejného priestoru v dobe rastúcich ekologických nárokov, globálneho superkapitalizmu a internetových sociálnych sietí. Viacero pôvodných funkcií archetypálnych verejných priestorov v dnešnej meniacej sa spoločnosti zaniklo, alebo sa presunulo do iných priestorov. Čo dokáže verejný priestor ponúknuť mestu 21. storočia? Je vôbec verejný priestor trvalo udržateľný? Ak áno tak kedy? Výskum používa systematický pohľad na všetky aspekty trvalej udržateľnosti verejných priestorov: ekonomický, ekologický, sociálny a časový rozmer. Príspevok predkladá niekoFko príkladových štúdií a princípov trvalo udržateFných verejných priestorov, kde je verejný priestor hodnotnou zložkou mestkej štruktúry a príklady kde verejný priestor rozhodne trvalo udržateFný nie je. Príspevok obsahuje výsledky výskumu jednotlivých aspektov trvalej udržateFnosti a plynúci záver. Keywords: sustainability; public space; city; economy; ecology; ecolomy; sociology; time; future; Central Park New York; South Center Brno Available in a digital repository NRGL
Trvalo udržateľný verejný priestor a město

The research focuses on the problem of public space in the times of growing ecological demands, global supercapitalism and social networks on the internet. In today’s changing society many original ...

Krištof, Michal
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

Zeleň průmyslových sídel - výzkum na Frýdlantsku v Čechách
Vokurková, Tereza
V posledním desetiletí zaniklo ve střední Evropě mnoho někdejších průmyslových podniků a tento trend stále pokračuje. V důsledku nové reorganizace hospodářství se zásadně mění vztah k pozůstatkům průmyslové doby. Mnoho výrobních areálů zůstává nevyužitých, chátrá a podobně často upadá i péče o jejich bezprostřední okolí. Většina populace současné generace přestává tyto areály uznávat jako hodnotné, přestože by mohla novým pohledem na ně těžit z hodnot pracně nabytých předchozími generacemi. Velký význam pro nové využití dřívějších průmyslových území má také právě úprava zeleně, která je obklopuje. The aim of my dissertation research is to verify the hypothesis that vegetation areas make integral part of the industrial sites architecture. The case study of the Frydlant region in North Bohemia is part of the Liberec region, previously famous for its industry. Its original settlement structure was previously formed by valley field villages with German population; these villages smoothly grew into industrial villages during the 19th century. First, I brought together a database of manufacturing buildings dating from the medieval colonization. Subsequently, I focused on industrial companies with more than 100 employees from the 19th century to the mid-20th century. By means of research in archives and using on-line applications, I concentrate especially on analysis of the contemporary cartographic data, project documentation, iconography, historical photographs and aerial historical and contemporary photographs. My research documents the relationship between the enterprise size and the quality and quantity of its vegetation area. After specifying the borders of the observed enterprise areas I compare their total areas and their percentage of developed and undeveloped areas of various functions. In case of a landscape architecture discovery, a more detailed composition analysis will be performed. I also attest the influence of the industrial companies on the original site and its landscape around. The research is concluded with field surveys verifying the extent of preservation of the industrial premises. The preliminary results verify the hypothesis positively. The extents of vegetation areas and the ranges of their architectural approach show to be adequate to the industrial company sizes. So far, I have identified 28 industrial companies with more than 100 employees in the Frydlant region. Keywords: Průmyslové dědictví; terénní úpravy; urbanismus; Frýdlant v Čechách; městská vegetace oblasti; průmyslová zóna; Industrial heritage; landscaping; urbanism; Frydlant in Bohemia region; urban vegetation area; industrial site Available in a digital repository NRGL
Zeleň průmyslových sídel - výzkum na Frýdlantsku v Čechách

V posledním desetiletí zaniklo ve střední Evropě mnoho někdejších průmyslových podniků a tento trend stále pokračuje. V důsledku nové reorganizace hospodářství se zásadně mění vztah k pozůstatkům ...

Vokurková, Tereza
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

Rosinová, Liana
The identity of modern architecture seems inseparable from the whiteness of its surfaces. But why white? Why do we surround ourselves with white walls? The doctoral thesis deals with the phenomenon of white as a framework for portraying the social and cultural development of whiteness throughout history. It outlines a new critical interpretation of the privileging of the colour white in architecture, which distorts the image of white as the peak of purity, morality, evolution, sublime, silence, etc. The main body of the text is devoted to the ideas and performances of selected historical facts and figures like asceticism of J. J. Winckelmann, Le Corbusier´s Law of Ripolin, elimination of ornament of A. Loos, white supremacy of A. Ozenfant, or B. Mussolini´s bleached Rome that address the issue of white. The task continues on the academic research which examines the social construction of the „white race“ as possessing a privileged social status in reference to race, gender, sexual orientation, class, and to a fact, that modern architecture was never simply white. Overleaf, white is somewhere between. It is connected to birth and death at the same time. White looks like the deadlock after erasing of all degenerated, and sometimes as a stimulus for imagination and more sensitive perception. In such a dichotomy of white we have created a presumption of looking at the white from assertoric or aletheic gaze. It means the narrow, intolerant, and dogmatic attitude on the one hand, and contextual, incorporated, and democratic on the other hand. The text also takes some viewpoints on the topic of whiteness to gauge the current understanding of white. The aim is to explore cultural-historical-social preference of white, and depending on the results of research to formulate the meaning of white. Ploché strechy a belosť obvodových stien sa zdajú byť neoddeliteľné od identity architektúry modernizmu. Podobne v súčasnosti je biela stále hodnotená za modernú. Ale prečo biela? Biele steny boli dlho považované za neutrálny základ a zrejme preto tento jasný rys avantgardy ostal paradoxne málo diskutovaný. Prvý, kto vo svojej revízii modernizmu otvoril tému bielej v architektúre bol v roku 1995 architekt Mark Wigley v knihe White Walls, Designer Dresses. Na rozdiel od bielej vo všeobecnosti vnímanej ako čistej, morálnej, duchovnej, tichej, Wigley vo svojich argumentoch tvrdí, že v skutočnosti nie je nič hlasnejšie57. Detailne poukazuje na psychoanalytickú puristickú logiku bielej skrytú za fasádou. Na náboj rasy, rodu, sexuálnej orientácie a túžby, až odstraňovanie ornamentu v rámci morálneho aktu očisťovania. Keywords: off-bílá; bělošská nadřazenost; čistota; monumentalita; ideologie; rovnost žen a mužů; off-white; white supremacy; purity; monumentality; ideology; gender Available in a digital repository NRGL

The identity of modern architecture seems inseparable from the whiteness of its surfaces. But why white? Why do we surround ourselves with white walls? The doctoral thesis deals with the phenomenon of ...

Rosinová, Liana
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

Zápalnosť materiálov a forenzný prístuppri zisťovaní príčin požiarov
Balog, Karol; Martinka, Jozef; Chrebet, Tomáš; Hrušovský, Ivan; Hirle, Siegfried
The paper deals with the application of new methods for determining the flammability of materials by fire investigation. A common cause of fires is ignition or spontaneuos ignition. Fires of liquid and solid materials have different mechanisms of initiation. Standardized laboratory tests provided flammability parameters may lead to misinterpretation initiation of fire. Use of modern methods such as conical calorimeter, safety calorimeter, thermal analysis and fire modelling are used to simulate conditions close to the fire. In terms of forensic approach using the selected methods to determined conditions for the initiation of solid materials fire. Príspevok sa zaoberá aplikáciou nových metód stanovenie horľavosti materiálov pri zisťovaní príčin požiarov. Častou príčinou požiarov je iniciácia vznietením alebo samovznietením. Požiare kvapalných a tuhých materiálov majú rôzny mechanizmus iniciácie. Laboratórnymi normovanými testami stanovené parametre horľavosti môžu viesť k nesprávnym interpretáciám iniciácie požiaru. Využitie moderných metód ako sú kónický kalorimeter, bezpečnostný kalorimeter, termická analýza a modelové skúšky umožňujú simulovať podmienky blízke požiaru. Z hľadiska forenzného prístupu pomocou vybraných metód sa stanovili u tuhých materiálov podmienky pre iniciácie požiaru. Keywords: forensic science; ignition and spontaneous ignition; fire investigation; modern methods of determining the flammability Available in a digital repository NRGL
Zápalnosť materiálov a forenzný prístuppri zisťovaní príčin požiarov

The paper deals with the application of new methods for determining the flammability of materials by fire investigation. A common cause of fires is ignition or spontaneuos ignition. Fires of liquid ...

Balog, Karol; Martinka, Jozef; Chrebet, Tomáš; Hrušovský, Ivan; Hirle, Siegfried
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

Členenie znaleckého odboru stavebnictvo na jednotlivé odvetvia
Nič, Milan
This contribution deals with the proposal of restructuring the field of civil engineering expertise into 7 specializations. It describes current standards, which divide the field of civil engineering expertise into 13 specializations. The current specialist distribution in force at the Ministry of Justice is not compatible with other sectors, which includes the fields of study at Slovak academic institutions and categorization administered by the Slovak chamber of chartered civil engineers. After being subjected to a critical review by industry and other experts the proposal is intended to be submitted to the Ministry of Justice to be incorporated into upcoming new legislation. Tento príspevok sa zaoberá návrhom nového rozdelenia znaleckého odboru Stavebníctvo na 7 znaleckých odvetví. Popisuje súčasne platné predpisy, podľa ktorých je znalecký odbor Stavebníctvo rozdelený na 13 znaleckých odvetví. Súčasné rozdelenie platné v rezorte Ministerstva spravodlivosti SR nie je kompatibilné s rozdelením Stavebníctva v iných rezortoch, Sústavou študijných odborov SR, ako aj kategorizáciou autorizovaných stavebných inžinierov v Slovenskej komore stavebných inžinierov. Navrhované nové rozdelenie Stavebníctvo na znalecké odvetvia po jeho kritickej oponentúre zo strany znalcov a ďalších odborníkov bude predložené Ministerstvu spravodlivosti SR na zapracovanie do pripravovanej novej legislatívy. Keywords: Expert; Expert activity; Field of expertise; Specialization; Civil engineering Available in a digital repository NRGL
Členenie znaleckého odboru stavebnictvo na jednotlivé odvetvia

This contribution deals with the proposal of restructuring the field of civil engineering expertise into 7 specializations. It describes current standards, which divide the field of civil engineering ...

Nič, Milan
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

Možnosti získavania kompetencií ako predpoklad efektívneho riadenia rizík
Sinay, Juraj; Vargová, Slavomíra
New approaches in the safety management systems in all of its forms require that every person was aware of this risk, with which he must live, both in the workplace as well as in daily life. It is important even at the stage where the man is the creator of the resources (e.g. machines, machinery, systems, sites) for use in various industrial technologies, i.e. has the ability to affect the risks already at the beginning of their technical life. Knowledge of the complex relations creates the essence for defining the risk and gives the presumption of effective solutions to the complex security of the enterprise. Experts in the field of risk management, therefore, must constantly educate themselves and thus expand their competencies for the area of risk management. Nové prístupy v rámci systémov manažmentu bezpečnosti vo všetkých jej formách si vyžadujú, aby si každý človek uvedomoval riziká, s ktorými musí žiť tak na pracovisku ako aj v dennom živote. Dôležité je to aj v etape, kde je človek tvorcom prostriedkov (napr. stroje, strojové systémy, pracoviská) pre používanie v rôznych priemyselných technológiách tzn. má možnosť ovplyvniť riziká už na začiatku ich technického života. Poznanie komplexných vzťahov vytvára podstatu pre definovanie rizík a udáva predpoklad efektívneho riešenia komplexnej bezpečnosti podniku. Odborníci v oblasti riadenia rizík sa preto musia neustále vzdelávať a tak rozširovať svoje kompetencie pre oblasť manažmentu rizík. Keywords: Risk management; new and emerging risks; education; competencies of professionals Available in a digital repository NRGL
Možnosti získavania kompetencií ako predpoklad efektívneho riadenia rizík

New approaches in the safety management systems in all of its forms require that every person was aware of this risk, with which he must live, both in the workplace as well as in daily life. It is ...

Sinay, Juraj; Vargová, Slavomíra
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

Plan of Grid Connection for Small Hydroelectric Power Plant
Miškovský, J.
The subject of this work is a plan of grid connection for small hydroelectric power plant. The introduction briefly describes the hydroelectric power plant and location of the country. The main aim of this work is project of medium-voltage substation and cable connection transformer with medium-voltage substation. Keywords: small hydro power plant; medium-voltage substation; cable connection Available in a digital repository NRGL
Plan of Grid Connection for Small Hydroelectric Power Plant

The subject of this work is a plan of grid connection for small hydroelectric power plant. The introduction briefly describes the hydroelectric power plant and location of the country. The main aim of ...

Miškovský, J.
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

Acoustical detection of gunshots in the open
Hrabina, M.,
This paper descibes development of reliable gunshot detection system without need of localization, with emphasis on low power consumption for use in counter-poacher devices primarily protecting elephants in Africa. Intended system will work as a binary detector of gunfire without further classification of used fire-am. Dominance of right gunshot detection over false alarm is crucial. Recognition systém is based on LPC coefficients, correlation against template and comparison of spectal energy in sub-bands. Keywords: gunshot recognition; signal processing; linea predictive coding Available in a digital repository NRGL
Acoustical detection of gunshots in the open

This paper descibes development of reliable gunshot detection system without need of localization, with emphasis on low power consumption for use in counter-poacher devices primarily protecting ...

Hrabina, M.,
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

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