Number of found documents: 758
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Critical Analysis of Humanitarian Development Nexus Indicators
ARRIAZA ALDANA, Pedro Enrique; VAGGI, Gianni; SASSI, Maria
2019 - English
Humanitarian assistance provision over the last fifteen years has increased dramatically in the developing world, both in volume and duration. This trend has given rise to the global need for linking humanitarian assistance projects with development programs, while keeping focus on both achieving Sustainable Development Goals and reducing risk and vulnerabilities in targeted populations. While this approach has been in the Development field for decades, there have been limited efforts to obtain quantifiable and measurable data on the results of these projects. This research project aims to critically analyze different efforts by international organizations to measure results of Humanitarian Development Nexus projects through composite indicators. The framework for the critical analysis is based on handbooks on the creation of composite indicators, by international organizations, mainly the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO), among others. While presenting some limitations in consistency and robustness of methodologies, many organizations are fitting into the narrative through the composite indicators, filling an important gap in the evaluation of the nexus, covering cross-cutting sectors and working towards contextualization in the different humanitarian and development setups. Humanitarian assistance provision over the last fifteen years has increased dramatically in the developing world, both in volume and duration. This trend has given rise to the global need for linking humanitarian assistance projects with development programs, while keeping focus on both achieving Sustainable Development Goals and reducing risk and vulnerabilities in targeted populations. While this approach has been in the Development field for decades, there have been limited efforts to obtain quantifiable and measurable data on the results of these projects. This research project aims to critically analyze different efforts by international organizations to measure results of Humanitarian Development Nexus projects through composite indicators. The framework for the critical analysis is based on handbooks on the creation of composite indicators, by international organizations, mainly the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO), among others. While presenting some limitations in consistency and robustness of methodologies, many organizations are fitting into the narrative through the composite indicators, filling an important gap in the evaluation of the nexus, covering cross-cutting sectors and working towards contextualization in the different humanitarian and development setups. Keywords: Composite indicators; Humanitarian Development Nexus; Relevance; Consistency; Applicability; Composite indicators; Humanitarian Development Nexus; Relevance; Consistency; Applicability Available in digital repository of UPOL.
Critical Analysis of Humanitarian Development Nexus Indicators

Humanitarian assistance provision over the last fifteen years has increased dramatically in the developing world, both in volume and duration. This trend has given rise to the global need for linking ...

ARRIAZA ALDANA, Pedro Enrique; VAGGI, Gianni; SASSI, Maria
Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, 2019

Social Economy in Middle East - Palestinian Case Study
NAZIR, Ayesha; VAGGI, Gianni; SASSI, Maria
2019 - English
The growing popularity of social enterprises for addressing social issues around the world has captured the imagination of development and social policy practitioners. The social enterprises play an integral role in tackling socioeconomic problems in Palestine and with mounting economic, social and political crisis the importance and need for social enterprise activity is increasing. However, the social enterprise system is still at an embryonic stage due to lack of one common understanding of definitions, frameworks and guidelines and unavailability of research instruments to further empirical study. In order to tackle these problems and to fill the literature gap, this study explores conceptualization of social economy in historical perspective, modern movement of emerging social enterprises around the world, mapping of social enterprises in Palestine and designing a standard framework and questionnaire for analyzing social enterprise models taking Palestine as a case study. Finally, the study proposes how the developed framework and research instrument can be utilized to analyze social enterprise models for expansion and strengthening of social enterprise practices in Palestine. The growing popularity of social enterprises for addressing social issues around the world has captured the imagination of development and social policy practitioners. The social enterprises play an integral role in tackling socioeconomic problems in Palestine and with mounting economic, social and political crisis the importance and need for social enterprise activity is increasing. However, the social enterprise system is still at an embryonic stage due to lack of one common understanding of definitions, frameworks and guidelines and unavailability of research instruments to further empirical study. In order to tackle these problems and to fill the literature gap, this study explores conceptualization of social economy in historical perspective, modern movement of emerging social enterprises around the world, mapping of social enterprises in Palestine and designing a standard framework and questionnaire for analyzing social enterprise models taking Palestine as a case study. Finally, the study proposes how the developed framework and research instrument can be utilized to analyze social enterprise models for expansion and strengthening of social enterprise practices in Palestine. Keywords: Social economy; social enterprise; business model framework; questionnaire; Palestine; Social economy; social enterprise; business model framework; questionnaire; Palestine Available in digital repository of UPOL.
Social Economy in Middle East - Palestinian Case Study

The growing popularity of social enterprises for addressing social issues around the world has captured the imagination of development and social policy practitioners. The social enterprises play an ...

NAZIR, Ayesha; VAGGI, Gianni; SASSI, Maria
Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, 2019

The Unwilling or Unable Doctrine: Extraterritorial Use of Force Against Non-State Armed Groups
JAMALI, Ayyoub; SVAČEK, Ondřej; FAIX, Martin
2019 - English
Když se autoři Charty Spojených národů (Charta OSN) dohodli na přísných pravidlech zakazujících užití síly mezi členskými státy, poskytli také výjimku z tohoto zákazu skrze možnosti uchýlení se k užití síly ve formě sebeobrany nebo kolektivní sebeobrany ve chvíli kdy je proti státu užito ozbrojené síly. Nicméně, má se za to, že Charta OSN myslí na tradiční koncept válčení ve smyslu války mezi svrchovanými státy, podle čl. 51 Charty OSN, pouze ozbrojený útok provedený státem spouští právo na užití síly v sebeobraně. Tudíž se má za to, že rámec Charty OSN nekryje žádné specifické případy, právní úprava týkající se jednání nestátních ozbrojených skupin na poli mezinárodního práva. Toto pravidlo pro státy vytvořilo dilema, jak by měly reagovat v přídě stanou-li se objetí ozbrojeného útoku vedeného nestátním ozbrojeným subjektem, jenž zasahuje z území třetího státu. Tento problém je ještě zhoršen potencionální kolizí mezi principy Charty OSN, jimiž jsou nedotknutelnost území a právo na sebeobranu. Na jednu stranu, je-li stát terčem útoku nestátního subjektu, měl by být logicky schopen se bránit a odpovědět na útok. Vskutku existuje mnoho případů, kdy státy ospravedlňovaly přeshraniční užití síly odvoláváním se na neschopnost nebo neochotu hostujících států řešit hrozbu, kterou představují ozbrojené skupiny na jejich území. V odborné literatuře byl tento způsob ospravedlnění nazván "unwilling or unable doctrine" - doktrína neochoty nebo neschopnosti. Nicméně této doktríny se mohou dovolávat pouze v případě právního ospravedlnění přeshraničního užití síly jde-li o pravidlo mezinárodního obyčeje. Skrze analýzy různých případových studií se tato práce snaží určit, zda je dána patřičná praxe států a opinio juris ve prospěch doktríny neochoty nebo neschopnosti, které by mohly prokázat její obyčejový status. Cíl této práce je poukázat, že navzdory faktu, že státy často užívají sílu mimo své území proti nestátním ozbrojeným skupinám, jejich praxe nemusí být v souladu se standardy požadovanými doktrínou neochoty nebo neschopnosti. Práce dále poukazuje na silný nedostatek opinio juris mezi státy, když se dovolávají této doktríny k ospravedlnění jejich přeshraničních operací proti nestátním ozbrojeným skupinám. Tedy ani konstitutivní prvky praxe států ani opinion juris nedocházíme k závěru, jestli doktrína neochoty nebo neschopnosti je pravidlem mezinárodního obyčeje. When the drafters of the United Nations Charter (UN Charter) agreed on the strict rule for the prohibition of use of force between members states, they provided an exception for that prohibition by allowing states to resort to force in forms of individual or collective self-defence provided that an armed attack happens against them. However, since it is argued that the UN Charter was written with the traditional concept of warfare in mind, namely war between sovereign states, under Art. 51 of the UN Charter only an armed attack by a state triggers the right to use force in self-defence. That is to say, the scope of the UN Charter did not cover the regulation regarding the conducts of non-state armed groups within the international plane, and thus this has created a dilemma for the states as how to respond when they become targeted by the armed activities of a non-state armed group operating from the territory of the third state. This issue has been further exacerbated by the potential conflict between two principles of the UN Charter including territorial integrity and self-defence when the victim state seeks to act in self-defence and target the group in question. Indeed, there are many cases in which states used force extraterritorially by referring to the inability or unwillingness of the host state in dealing with the threat posed by the non-state armed groups within its territory. In the academic literature, this type of justification has been referred to as the "unwilling or unable doctrine". However, this doctrine can only be invoked as a legal justification when it is understood that it is already a rule of customary international law. By analyzing various case studies, this thesis seeks to determine whether there are sufficient state practice and opinio juris in the favour of the unwilling or unable doctrine that could prove its customary status. The result of this paper shows that despite the fact that states have frequently used force extraterritorially against non-state armed group, their practices seems to be not consistent with the standard required by the unwilling or unable doctrine. It further indicates that the states chosen for this study do not genuinely believe that the unwilling or unable doctrine is meant to have legal obligation upon them. Thus, neither the constituent element of state practice nor opinion juris has been met to conclude that the unwilling or unable doctrine is a rule of customary international law. Keywords: Doktrína unwilling or unable; použití síly; extrateritoriální použití síly; přeshraniční použití síly; mezinárodní obyčejové právo; teritoriální integrita; sebeobrana; čl. 2(4) Charty OSN; čl. 51 Charty OSN; teritoriální stát; hostitelský stát; postižený stát; ozbrojené nestátní skupiny.; unwilling or unable doctrine; use of force; extraterritorial use of force; cross-border use of force; customary international law; territorial integrity; self-defence; Art. 2 (4) of the UN Charter; Art. 51 of the UN Charter; territorial state; host state; victim state; non-state armed group. Available in digital repository of UPOL.
The Unwilling or Unable Doctrine: Extraterritorial Use of Force Against Non-State Armed Groups

Když se autoři Charty Spojených národů (Charta OSN) dohodli na přísných pravidlech zakazujících užití síly mezi členskými státy, poskytli také výjimku z tohoto zákazu skrze možnosti uchýlení se k ...

JAMALI, Ayyoub; SVAČEK, Ondřej; FAIX, Martin
Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, 2019

"Pravda vítězí" The Czech Victimisation Narrative and the Creation of the First Czechoslovak Republic in the Beginning of the Twentieth Century
CHARGROS, Maeva Carla; PERUTKA, Lukáš
2019 - English
Every nation has its myth; every myth has its own discourse and narratives. The Czech nation was first built on the martyrdom of historical figures such as Jan Hus, and then on a duality of heroism and victimisation once it moved towards Czechoslovak nationalism. Indeed, including various nationalities with very different historical experiences required a less exclusive version of the Czech national identity. This evolution of the national discourse occurred shortly before the outbreak of the First World War, which saw many of the "small nations" of Central Europe gain independence. The narrative of victimhood was the most influential part of this newly imagined identity; it even infiltrated Czech historiography up until today. One of the recent traces of this narrative can be found in the works of one of the most prominent Czech historians, Miroslav Hroch. While the narrative has been identified and its historical accuracy has been challenged and discussed multiple times already, I examined its diffusion patterns and its role, thus sketching its map. Thanks to this discourse-historical research drawing on Ruth Wodak's methodology for national discourses, the narrative's crucial role at the core of the Czech national myth is highlighted. The victimisation narrative enabled Czech Nationalism to be inclusive, to be efficiently branded when addressed to a foreign audience, and eventually, to gain considerable influence during one of the most important events of the twentieth century in Europe. This inclusive character of the narrative is the main finding of the present research, alongside the extent of its diffusion. The narrative travelled from Prague to Paris, London, Geneva; it crossed the Atlantic Ocean and reached the shores of the New World through the Czech-American community; and it inspired Czech Jews to seize this unprecedented momentum and cross the traditionally impenetrable religious borders of Austria-Hungary. Using both published and unpublished sources, including private correspondence of T. G. Masaryk, Edvard Beneš, Ernest Denis and other key figures of the Czech nation-building process, this analysis demonstrates through qualitative methods that the victimisation narrative was not just a small detail in Czech nationalism - it was its main driving force. Every nation has its myth; every myth has its own discourse and narratives. The Czech nation was first built on the martyrdom of historical figures such as Jan Hus, and then on a duality of heroism and victimisation once it moved towards Czechoslovak nationalism. Indeed, including various nationalities with very different historical experiences required a less exclusive version of the Czech national identity. This evolution of the national discourse occurred shortly before the outbreak of the First World War, which saw many of the "small nations" of Central Europe gain independence. The narrative of victimhood was the most influential part of this newly imagined identity; it even infiltrated Czech historiography up until today. One of the recent traces of this narrative can be found in the works of one of the most prominent Czech historians, Miroslav Hroch. While the narrative has been identified and its historical accuracy has been challenged and discussed multiple times already, I examined its diffusion patterns and its role, thus sketching its map. Thanks to this discourse-historical research drawing on Ruth Wodak's methodology for national discourses, the narrative's crucial role at the core of the Czech national myth is highlighted. The victimisation narrative enabled Czech Nationalism to be inclusive, to be efficiently branded when addressed to a foreign audience, and eventually, to gain considerable influence during one of the most important events of the twentieth century in Europe. This inclusive character of the narrative is the main finding of the present research, alongside the extent of its diffusion. The narrative travelled from Prague to Paris, London, Geneva; it crossed the Atlantic Ocean and reached the shores of the New World through the Czech-American community; and it inspired Czech Jews to seize this unprecedented momentum and cross the traditionally impenetrable religious borders of Austria-Hungary. Using both published and unpublished sources, including private correspondence of T. G. Masaryk, Edvard Beneš, Ernest Denis and other key figures of the Czech nation-building process, this analysis demonstrates through qualitative methods that the victimisation narrative was not just a small detail in Czech nationalism - it was its main driving force. Keywords: First World War (1914-1918); Czech Nationalism; Czechoslovakia; T. G. Masaryk; Edvard Beneš; Ernest Denis; Czech-Americans; First World War (1914-1918); Czech Nationalism; Czechoslovakia; T. G. Masaryk; Edvard Beneš; Ernest Denis; Czech-Americans Available in digital repository of UPOL.
"Pravda vítězí" The Czech Victimisation Narrative and the Creation of the First Czechoslovak Republic in the Beginning of the Twentieth Century

Every nation has its myth; every myth has its own discourse and narratives. The Czech nation was first built on the martyrdom of historical figures such as Jan Hus, and then on a duality of heroism ...

CHARGROS, Maeva Carla; PERUTKA, Lukáš
Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, 2019

Properties of the nanoparticles prepared by seeded-growth method and their interaction with a protein
2019 - English
This work is focused on two-step synthesis of metal core-shell NPs prepared via seeded-growth method exploiting freshly or previously prepared seeds. The as-prepared colloidal systems of NPs are characterized using UV Vis spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), dynamic light scattering (DLS), and measurement of zeta-potential values. The direct influence of synthetic parameters and conditions on the characteristic properties of core-shell NPs consisting of the same (Ag-Ag NPs) or different (Au-Ag) plasmonic metal is demonstrated. The ability of the selected colloidal systems to enhance Raman scattering after the interaction with the selected protein, bovine serum, is tested out with surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) at two different excitation laser lines (532 and 785 nm). This work is focused on two-step synthesis of metal core-shell NPs prepared via seeded-growth method exploiting freshly or previously prepared seeds. The as-prepared colloidal systems of NPs are characterized using UV Vis spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), dynamic light scattering (DLS), and measurement of zeta-potential values. The direct influence of synthetic parameters and conditions on the characteristic properties of core-shell NPs consisting of the same (Ag-Ag NPs) or different (Au-Ag) plasmonic metal is demonstrated. The ability of the selected colloidal systems to enhance Raman scattering after the interaction with the selected protein, bovine serum, is tested out with surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) at two different excitation laser lines (532 and 785 nm). Available in the UPOL Library.
Properties of the nanoparticles prepared by seeded-growth method and their interaction with a protein

This work is focused on two-step synthesis of metal core-shell NPs prepared via seeded-growth method exploiting freshly or previously prepared seeds. The as-prepared colloidal systems of NPs are ...

Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, 2019

Nanoimprint meets microuidics: development of high-resolution metal wires from nanoparticle ink filled capillaries
KŘIVOVÁ, Barbora; VŮJTEK, Milan; MAŠLÁŇ, Miroslav
2019 - English
V této diplomové práci je prezentován nový úsporný způsob přípravy kovových vodivých drátků v sub-mikrometrovém měřítku. Předložený proces je složen z metod, které jsou založeny na aplikaci inkoustu s obsahem nanočástic stříbra na předem vzorovaný polymerní substrát. Drátky jsou připraveny pomocí geometrického vymezení kapilárního plnění, které umožňuje rozlišení za hranicí rozlišení dosažitelného typickými inkoustovými technikami. Metody spin-coatingu a aerosol jet printingu, které jsou obvykle používány pro jiné účely, jsou diskutovány vzhledem k povrchovému omezení inkoustového šíření a tím přípravě drátků, které mohou být využity pro výrobu elektrodových řad a optických mřížek. Dále jsou diskutovány dvě metody spékání s ohledem na dodatečné zmenšení rozměrů struktur, ale zároveň udržení vysoké vodivosti. Navrhnutý proces je úsporný a univerzální způsob přípravy tištěné elektroniky, čímž se stává kandidátem pro budoucí techniku přípravy nanoelektroniky. A novel process for obtaining low-cost metal conductive wires in sub-micrometer range is presented in this diploma thesis. The methods are based on applying nanoparticle-based silver inks on pre-patterned polymer substrates, and wire fabrication is beyond the typical resolution of inking techniques by capillary lling and geometrical connement. The method of spin-coating and aerosol jet printing, usually used for dierent purposes, are discussed with the respect to surface connement and wire fabrication for manufacturing of electrode arrays and optical gratings. Two sintering post-processes are described to further decrease the structure dimensions while maintaining high wire conductivity. Thus, a low-cost and versatile process for printed electronics fabrication is designed as a candidate for future nanoelectronics production. Available in digital repository of UPOL.
Nanoimprint meets microuidics: development of high-resolution metal wires from nanoparticle ink filled capillaries

V této diplomové práci je prezentován nový úsporný způsob přípravy kovových vodivých drátků v sub-mikrometrovém měřítku. Předložený proces je složen z metod, které jsou založeny na aplikaci inkoustu s ...

KŘIVOVÁ, Barbora; VŮJTEK, Milan; MAŠLÁŇ, Miroslav
Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, 2019

Optimalizace vlastností chemických sloučenin a průzkum chemického prostoru
ŠVEC, Dávid; BARTL, Eduard
2019 - English
V této práci je navržený algoritmus určený na generování nových chemických struktur. Algoritmus je založený na vyhledávání zaměnitelných fragmentů s využitím databází známých sloučenin. Díky tomuto přístupu jsme schopni generovat chemicky validní struktury, současně je nepřímo kontrolována syntetická dostupnost a chemotyp struktur. V teoretické části práce jsou představeny základy návrhu léků. Různé přístupy tvorby a hodnocení chemických struktur jako i metody řešení simultánní optimalizace více parametrů jsou vysvětleny. V implementační části je představený návrh programu, který implementuje tuto metodu. Na závěr byla dokázána funkčnost programu při úspěšné optimalizaci čtyř parametrů. In this study a new algorithm for fragment-based structure generation is suggested. It is based on determination of interchangeable fragments based on databases of known compounds. It generates chemically valid structures by design and allows to indirectly control synthetic feasibility of enumerated compounds as well as their chemotypes. In the theoretical part, we introduced basics of drug development. Different approaches of structure generations, evaluation and solving multiobjective problems are described. In the implementation part, overall workflow of proposed software, which implements our algorithm, is shown and described. In the last part, we successfully optimized four different parameters as proof of concept. Keywords: de novo vývoj léků; optimalizace několika parametrů; Pareto optimální řešení; funkce vhodnosti; generace fragmentů; de novo drug design; multiple parameter optimization; Pareto optimization; desirability functions; fragments generation Available in digital repository of UPOL.
Optimalizace vlastností chemických sloučenin a průzkum chemického prostoru

V této práci je navržený algoritmus určený na generování nových chemických struktur. Algoritmus je založený na vyhledávání zaměnitelných fragmentů s využitím databází známých sloučenin. Díky tomuto ...

ŠVEC, Dávid; BARTL, Eduard
Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, 2019

Souvislosti mezi silným a slabým měřením
2019 - English
Slabé hodnoty se tradičně získávají pomocí slabé interakce mezi měřeným systémem a kvantovým ukazatelem. V této práci ukážeme, že slabé hodnoty lze alternativně měřit pomocí silné interakce doprovázené buď vhodně připraveným stavem kvantového ukazatele nebo kvantovým mazáním. Poskytneme zde teoretický důkaz tohoto tvrzení a navíc provedeme experimentální ověření našeho modelu na lineárním optickém hradle pro kontrolovanou změnu fáze. Naše výsledky přinášejí nové způsoby provádění neinvazivních kvantových měření, které nezpusobí kolaps měřeného systému. Weak values are traditionally obtained using a weak interaction between the measured system and a pointer state. In this paper, we show that weak values can also be measured using strong interaction accompanied by either a suitably prepared pointer state or quantum erasure. Presented theoretical derivations prove analytical equivalence of these approaches. Moreover, we have performed an experimental verification of our model on a linear-optical controlled phase gate. Our results open new ways of performing non-invasive quantum measurements without collapsing the measured system. Keywords: Slabé hodnoty; hradlo pro kontrolovanou změnu fáze; kvantové mazání; slabé měření; Weak values; controlled-phase gate; quantum erasing; weak measurement Available in digital repository of UPOL.
Souvislosti mezi silným a slabým měřením

Slabé hodnoty se tradičně získávají pomocí slabé interakce mezi měřeným systémem a kvantovým ukazatelem. V této práci ukážeme, že slabé hodnoty lze alternativně měřit pomocí silné interakce ...

Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, 2019

ARF family in barley and their role in crown-root initiation and development
2019 - English
AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR (ARF) proteiny představují velkou rodinu transkripčních faktorů, jejichž funkcí je aktivace nebo represe genů primární odpovědi na auxin. ARF jako součást auxinové signální dráhy regulují mnoho vývojových procesů rostlin. Byla studována role ARF proteinů v procesu zakládání a vývoje nodálních kořenů v ječmenu. V této práci bylo identifikováno 21 ARF proteinů v ječmenu, z nichž 8 ARF byla predikována funkce aktivátorů a 13 funkce represorů. Byla vytvořena teplotní mapa exprese ARF, která ukazuje, že většina ARF genů je exprimována napříč různými pletivy ječmene a úroveň jejich exprese se mění během vývoje. U ARF represorů byly pozorovány změny v expresních profilech během raného vývoje báze stonku, které naznačují roli těchto ARF v procesu tvorby nodálních kořenů. Pro budoucí analýzu prostorového rozložení ARF transkriptů v bázi stonku byl zdokonalen protokol in situ PCR a byly navrženy další kroky pro optimalizaci této metody. V následující části práce byl určen kandidátní ARF na funkci hlavního inhibitoru nodálních kořenů v ječmenu. Byly připraveny konstrukty pro vypnutí kandidátního genu HvARF13 pomocí CRISPR-Cas9. Metodou transformace nezralých embryí ječmene pomocí Agrobacterium tumefaciens bylo získáno 6 transgenních rostlin. Mutace v sekvenci HvARF13 byla potvrzena u jedné rostliny. Výsledky prezentované v této práci pomohou dále charakterizovat roli ARF v ječmenu. AUXIN RESPONSE FACTORs (ARFs) represent a large family of transcription factors, that function as either activators or repressors of the early auxin-responsive genes. As a part of the auxin signaling pathway, ARFs regulate many developmental processes in plants. The role of ARFs in the process of crown-root initiation and development in barley was studied. In this work, 21 ARF proteins were identified in barley. From these, 8 ARFs were predicted to act as activators and 13 as repressors. A heat-map of ARF expression was generated, showing that most ARF genes are expressed among different barley tissues and the level of their expression varies during development. Focusing on the ARF repressors, changes in the expression profiles during the early crown development were observed, suggesting a role of these ARFs in the process of crown-root formation. For future analysis of the spatial distribution of ARF transcripts in crown tissue, in situ PCR protocol was improved and further optimization steps were proposed. In the next part, a candidate for the main inhibitor of crown-roots in barley was determined. Constructs for the CRISPR-Cas9-mediated knock-out of the candidate HvARF13 gene were prepared. By the method of Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation of barley immature embryos, six transgenic plants were obtained. Mutation in HvARF13 sequence was confirmed in one plant. Altogether, results presented in this thesis will help to further characterize the role of ARFs in barley. Keywords: nodální kořeny; Hordeum vulgare L.; ARF; auxin; crown-roots; Hordeum vulgare L.; ARF; auxin Available in the UPOL Library.
ARF family in barley and their role in crown-root initiation and development

AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR (ARF) proteiny představují velkou rodinu transkripčních faktorů, jejichž funkcí je aktivace nebo represe genů primární odpovědi na auxin. ARF jako součást auxinové signální dráhy ...

Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, 2019

Functioning of a Faith-based organization ICF Cambodia in the context of International Development assistance
2019 - English
Práce je založena na autorčině vlastním kvalitativním výzkumu, který byl proveden během jejího dobrovolnického pobytu u zkoumané organizace. Organizace je křesťanská církevní organizace kladoucí silný důraz na evangelizace místního obyvatelstva, ale také na podporu místního rozvoje, snižování chudoby, humanitární pomoc, podporu vzdělávání místního obyvatelstva, atd. Aktivity organizace jsou popsány z pohledu mezinárodních rozvojových studií a kulturní antropologie. V teoretické části této práce je představena Kambodža jako rozvojová země. Dále je analyzován koncept náboženských organizací a křesťanské misie. V empirické části je představen terénní výzkum a jeho výsledky. The paper is based on author´s own qualitative research, which was implemented during her volunteer stay with the researched organization. This organization is a Christian church organization with a strong emphasis on evangelization of the local people, but also on the support of the local development, poverty reduction, humanitarian aid, support of the education of the local people, etc. Its activities are described from the perspective of International Development Studies and Cultural Anthropology. In the conceptual framework of this thesis Cambodia is introduced as a developing country. Furthermore the theoretical concept of Faith-based organizations and the concept of Christian missions are analyzed. In the empirical part the author´s field research and its results are introduced. Keywords: náboženská organizace; rozvojové a sociální služby; mezinárodní rozvojová spolupráce; kulturní antropologie; etika; Kambodža; křesťanská misie; evangelizace; místní kultura; Faith-based organization; development and social services; International Development assistance; Cultural Anthropology; ethics; Cambodia; Christian mission; evangelization; local culture Available in digital repository of UPOL.
Functioning of a Faith-based organization ICF Cambodia in the context of International Development assistance

Práce je založena na autorčině vlastním kvalitativním výzkumu, který byl proveden během jejího dobrovolnického pobytu u zkoumané organizace. Organizace je křesťanská církevní organizace kladoucí silný ...

Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, 2019

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