Number of found documents: 1455
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The role of macrophages in the regulation of systemic metabolism in Drosophila
KREJČOVÁ, Gabriela
2023 - English
Macrophages are immensely versatile cells in the mammalian body, fulfilling roles ranging from protection against pathogenic intruders and engulfing apoptotic cells to morphogenesis and maintenance of tissue homeostasis. This impressive functional versatility may be achieved due to plasticity of macrophage cellular metabolism called metabolic polarization. The adoption of different polarization phenotypes by macrophages determines their function and is essential for the health of the organism. Nonetheless, if the cells lose their metabolic plasticity or polarize inadequately to a particular situation, it can lead to the development of chronic pathological states such as metabolic syndrome. Metabolic polarization of immune cells is thus a key factor in determining whether macrophage function within the organism will be adaptive or pathological. Despite Drosophila melanogaster represents a major model organism for immunological studies, the metabolic setup of activated immune cells has not been addressed up to now. The results of this thesis document that Drosophila immune cells undergo metabolic polarization toward aerobic glycolysis when challenged by extracellular bacteria. Mammals alike, this cellular metabolic switch is regulated by the transcription factor HIF1, thus documenting the conservation of this process between insects and vertebrates. Furthermore, we show that the adoption of aerobic glycolysis is directly linked to the production of the signaling factor IMPL2, which induces the mobilization of lipid stores from the fat body via the silencing of insulin signaling. By this mechanism, immune cells secure sufficient nutrients for successful elimination of the pathogen. Moreover, the mammalian ImpL2 homolog IGFBP7 appears to act analogously in the mammalian liver not only during severe infectious states but also in the liver of obese individuals. While such macrophage activity in regulating systemic metabolism is beneficial to the host during bacterial infection, it becomes maladaptive when chronically activated. Further evidence for a metabolism-regulatory role of immune cells has been found during insect metamorphosis and early post-metamorphic development. This thesis documents that during this period, macrophages infiltrate and engulf the histolyzing larval fat body and convert nutrients into storage peptides and lipoproteins. Subsequently, these nutrients are exploited by the maturing adult structures. Macrophages are immensely versatile cells in the mammalian body, fulfilling roles ranging from protection against pathogenic intruders and engulfing apoptotic cells to morphogenesis and maintenance of tissue homeostasis. This impressive functional versatility may be achieved due to plasticity of macrophage cellular metabolism called metabolic polarization. The adoption of different polarization phenotypes by macrophages determines their function and is essential for the health of the organism. Nonetheless, if the cells lose their metabolic plasticity or polarize inadequately to a particular situation, it can lead to the development of chronic pathological states such as metabolic syndrome. Metabolic polarization of immune cells is thus a key factor in determining whether macrophage function within the organism will be adaptive or pathological. Despite Drosophila melanogaster represents a major model organism for immunological studies, the metabolic setup of activated immune cells has not been addressed up to now. The results of this thesis document that Drosophila immune cells undergo metabolic polarization toward aerobic glycolysis when challenged by extracellular bacteria. Mammals alike, this cellular metabolic switch is regulated by the transcription factor HIF1, thus documenting the conservation of this process between insects and vertebrates. Furthermore, we show that the adoption of aerobic glycolysis is directly linked to the production of the signaling factor IMPL2, which induces the mobilization of lipid stores from the fat body via the silencing of insulin signaling. By this mechanism, immune cells secure sufficient nutrients for successful elimination of the pathogen. Moreover, the mammalian ImpL2 homolog IGFBP7 appears to act analogously in the mammalian liver not only during severe infectious states but also in the liver of obese individuals. While such macrophage activity in regulating systemic metabolism is beneficial to the host during bacterial infection, it becomes maladaptive when chronically activated. Further evidence for a metabolism-regulatory role of immune cells has been found during insect metamorphosis and early post-metamorphic development. This thesis documents that during this period, macrophages infiltrate and engulf the histolyzing larval fat body and convert nutrients into storage peptides and lipoproteins. Subsequently, these nutrients are exploited by the maturing adult structures. Keywords: makrofág; metabolismus; imunitní odpověď; polarizace; ImpL2; octomilka; tukové těleso; infiltrace; insulinová rezistence; glukanové částice Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
The role of macrophages in the regulation of systemic metabolism in Drosophila

Macrophages are immensely versatile cells in the mammalian body, fulfilling roles ranging from protection against pathogenic intruders and engulfing apoptotic cells to morphogenesis and maintenance of ...

KREJČOVÁ, Gabriela
Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2023

Carbohydrates drive growth and longevity tradeoff strategies of plants in the Western United States
SAMRAOUI, Kenz Raouf
2023 - English
This study explores the relationship between non-structural carbohydrates (NSCs), growth, and longevity in over 200 vascular plant species across diverse Western U.S. habitats. The research identifies specific roles for NSC compoundsfructans enhance longevity, while simple sugars support rapid growth at the expense of longevity. By elucidating the roles of individual NSC compounds and their relationship with growth and longevity, we are contributing to a deeper understanding of plant adaptation and survival strategies. This study explores the relationship between non-structural carbohydrates (NSCs), growth, and longevity in over 200 vascular plant species across diverse Western U.S. habitats. The research identifies specific roles for NSC compoundsfructans enhance longevity, while simple sugars support rapid growth at the expense of longevity. By elucidating the roles of individual NSC compounds and their relationship with growth and longevity, we are contributing to a deeper understanding of plant adaptation and survival strategies. Keywords: Carbon allocation strategies; Environmental adaptation; Non-structural carbohydrates (NSCs); Plant growth dynamics; United States of America. Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Carbohydrates drive growth and longevity tradeoff strategies of plants in the Western United States

This study explores the relationship between non-structural carbohydrates (NSCs), growth, and longevity in over 200 vascular plant species across diverse Western U.S. habitats. The research identifies ...

SAMRAOUI, Kenz Raouf
Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2023

Association between personality traits and cognitive abilities in jumping spiders
2023 - English
I measured two personality traits in jumping spiders Phidippus regius, boldness and explorativeness, to identify the presence of these traits and their repeatability. Also I analysed the correlation between explorativeness and boldness, and the correlation between these traits and learning abilities of Salticidae spiders. I measured two personality traits in jumping spiders Phidippus regius, boldness and explorativeness, to identify the presence of these traits and their repeatability. Also I analysed the correlation between explorativeness and boldness, and the correlation between these traits and learning abilities of Salticidae spiders. Keywords: Jumping spiders; Phidippus regius; Salticidae Personality traits; Boldness; Exploration latency; Repeatability; Learning abilities Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Association between personality traits and cognitive abilities in jumping spiders

I measured two personality traits in jumping spiders Phidippus regius, boldness and explorativeness, to identify the presence of these traits and their repeatability. Also I analysed the correlation ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2023

Red-backed shrike (\kur{Lanius collurio}) versus Common cuckoo (\kur{Cuculus canorus}): Clutch variability and egg recognition
KRAUSOVÁ, Ladislava
2023 - English
V této práci jsem pomocí fotografie testoval variabilitu vajec ťuhýka obecného (Lanius collurio) uvnitř snůšky a porovnával ji s variabilitou vajec mezi snůškami. Byl hodnocen vliv barvy, velikosti, objemu a makulace a chromatických a achromatických kontrastů. Dále jsem testovala schopnost ťuhýka obecného rozpoznávat umělá kukaččí vejce a umělá vejce ťuhýka obecného, vyhodnotila jsem míru odmítání těchto vajec a porovnala ji s mírou odmítání konspecifických vajec. Ukázala jsem, že u všech měřených parametrů mají ťuhýci nízkou vnitrosnůškovou variabilitu a vysokou mezisnůškovou variabilitu. Tato variabilita může být adaptací proti hnízdnímu parazitismu. Kromě toho jsem zjistila, že schopnost ťuhýků rozpoznat a odmítnout parazitické vejce je výrazně vyšší, než se očekávalo. In this work, using photography, I tested the red-backed shrike (Lanius collurio) intraclutch egg variability and compared it with the interclutch egg variability. The effect of colour, size, volume and maculation as well as chromatic and achromatic contrasts were evaluated. Moreover, I tested ability of the red-backed shrike to recognize artificial cuckoo eggs and artificial shrike eggs, evaluate the rejection rate of these eggs, and compare it with the rejection rate of conspecific eggs. I showed that shrikes have low intraclutch variability and high interclutch variability in all measured parameters. Such variability might be an adaptation against brood parasitism. In addition, I found out that the shrikes' ability to recognize and reject a parasitic egg is significantly higher than expected. Keywords: Red-backed shrike; egg variability; parasitism; egg rejection Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Red-backed shrike (\kur{Lanius collurio}) versus Common cuckoo (\kur{Cuculus canorus}): Clutch variability and egg recognition

V této práci jsem pomocí fotografie testoval variabilitu vajec ťuhýka obecného (Lanius collurio) uvnitř snůšky a porovnával ji s variabilitou vajec mezi snůškami. Byl hodnocen vliv barvy, velikosti, ...

KRAUSOVÁ, Ladislava
Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2023

Intraspecific trait variability of herbaceous plants in organic and conventional olive plantations in region at desertification risk
2023 - English
This thesis is an ecological study in an agricultural context (agroecological research). It is carried out in olive plantations in south Italy, Apulia, a region at strong desertification risk. The effect of agricultural management (organic vs. conventional) is investigated on i) the herbaceous species composition ii) intraspecific trait variability of five selected herbaceous plants iii) soil conditions. Herbaceous plants are here considered as "indicators" of olive plantations' health. Studying if and how species traits and soil parameters vary with management, should reveal how olive understory grasslands are responding to increasing drought conditions and other desertification constraints. Management of grasslands and soils is critical to maintain high ecological functionality and services of olive agroecosystems. This thesis is an ecological study in an agricultural context (agroecological research). It is carried out in olive plantations in south Italy, Apulia, a region at strong desertification risk. The effect of agricultural management (organic vs. conventional) is investigated on i) the herbaceous species composition ii) intraspecific trait variability of five selected herbaceous plants iii) soil conditions. Herbaceous plants are here considered as "indicators" of olive plantations' health. Studying if and how species traits and soil parameters vary with management, should reveal how olive understory grasslands are responding to increasing drought conditions and other desertification constraints. Management of grasslands and soils is critical to maintain high ecological functionality and services of olive agroecosystems. Keywords: intraspecific trait variability; grasslands; organic agriculture; herbaceous plants; functional traits; olive plantations; agroecosystems; desertification; drought; aridity Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Intraspecific trait variability of herbaceous plants in organic and conventional olive plantations in region at desertification risk

This thesis is an ecological study in an agricultural context (agroecological research). It is carried out in olive plantations in south Italy, Apulia, a region at strong desertification risk. The ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2023

Dawn chorus succession in a lowland rainforest of Papua New Guinea
2023 - English
This thesis examines the patterns and ecological significance of bird vocalizations during the dawn chorus in the rainforests of Papua New Guinea. Specifically, it aims to identify the species involved, analyze their songs, and understand the influence of environmental factors. To accomplish this, the study employs a combination of field recordings, phylogenetic analysis, and statistical methods to elucidate the complex interactions between avian species and their habitats. The findings of this study contribute to the broader understanding of biodiversity and ecosystem dynamics in tropical rainforests. This thesis examines the patterns and ecological significance of bird vocalizations during the dawn chorus in the rainforests of Papua New Guinea. Specifically, it aims to identify the species involved, analyze their songs, and understand the influence of environmental factors. To accomplish this, the study employs a combination of field recordings, phylogenetic analysis, and statistical methods to elucidate the complex interactions between avian species and their habitats. The findings of this study contribute to the broader understanding of biodiversity and ecosystem dynamics in tropical rainforests. Keywords: Bioacoustics; Papua New Guinea; Dawn Chorus; Birds; Ecology; Biodiversity Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Dawn chorus succession in a lowland rainforest of Papua New Guinea

This thesis examines the patterns and ecological significance of bird vocalizations during the dawn chorus in the rainforests of Papua New Guinea. Specifically, it aims to identify the species ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2023

The Memoirs of Frank McCourt: An Analysis
2023 - English
Po stručném představení irsko-amerického spisovatele Franka McCourta a jeho memoárů Angela's Ashes (1996), 'Tis (1999) a Teacher Man (2005) tato práce představuje hlavní problémy McCourtových memoárů a názory kritiků a zároveň zkoumá příčiny jejich ohromného úspěchu u široké veřejnosti i v akademickém prostředí. Tyto tři memoáry jsou následně stručně představeny, okomentovány, a každý z nich je detailně shrnut za doprovodu citací. Práce je uzavřena shrnutím objevů v kontextu analyzovaných memoárů. After a brief introduction of the Irish American author Frank McCourt and his memoirs Angela's Ashes (1996), 'Tis (1999), and Teacher Man (2005), this thesis presents the main issues with McCourt's memoirs and the opinions of the critics while also exploring the reason for its overwhelming success across the general public as well as the academic environment. The three memoirs are then briefly introduced, commented on and a detailed summary with quotes is provided for each of them. The thesis is concluded with a summary of discovered notions regarding the analyzed memoirs. Keywords: Frank McCourt; Andělin popel; Andělina země; Teacher Man; memoár; irsko-americký autor; shrnutí Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
The Memoirs of Frank McCourt: An Analysis

Po stručném představení irsko-amerického spisovatele Franka McCourta a jeho memoárů Angela's Ashes (1996), 'Tis (1999) a Teacher Man (2005) tato práce představuje hlavní problémy McCourtových memoárů ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2023

Gender and Blindness in Literature
2023 - English
Slepota byla v literatuře zkoumána z různých úhlů pohledu a z různých kulturních prostředí v průběhu celé historie. Slepé postavy v literárních dílech mohou v rámci literárního kontextu fungovat jako symboly, metafory či reprezentace určitých stereotypů. Tato práce se zaměřuje na vztah a souvislost mezi slepotou, genderem a sexualitou ve vybraných literárních dílech. Tato diplomová práce zkoumá přijetí či odmítnutí genderových stereotypů ve vztahu ke slepotě, analyzuje a porovnává aspekty slepoty aplikované na gender hlavních hrdinů, zkoumá specifické genderové role a stereotypy a jejich vliv na vnímání slepoty v literárních dílech. Blindness has been explored in literature from various perspectives and cultural backgrounds throughout history. Blind characters in literary works can function as symbols, metaphors, or representations of certain stereotypes, depending on the literary context. This thesis focuses on the correlation between blindness, gender, and sexuality in selected literary works. The diploma thesis examines the acceptance or rejection of gender stereotypes in relation to blindness, analyses and compares aspects of blindness as applied to the gender of the main protagonists, and explores the specific gender roles and stereotypes and their impact on the perception of blindness within literary works Keywords: slepota; gender; stereotypy; sexualita; literatura; postižení; společnost Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Gender and Blindness in Literature

Slepota byla v literatuře zkoumána z různých úhlů pohledu a z různých kulturních prostředí v průběhu celé historie. Slepé postavy v literárních dílech mohou v rámci literárního kontextu fungovat jako ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2023

The Work of John Reed, Louise Bryant and Eugene O'Neill in the Context of The Provincetown Players
2023 - English
Cílem této diplomové práce je představit práci Eugena O'Neilla, Louise Bryant a Johna Reeda v kontextu jejich působení v divadelním uskupení Provincetown Players. Teoretická část je rozdělena do tří rozsáhlých kapitol, kdy první z nich podává obraz americké společnosti na přelomu 19. a 20. století, ukazuje stav, ve kterém se nacházela kultura a především pak divadlo, a s přihlédnutím na předchozí jmenované se zaobírá důvody vzniku jednoho z nejdůležitějším amatérských divadel v Americe. Druhá kapitola v krátkosti představuje historii Provincetown Players, jejich přelomové počiny a nejvýznamnější členy. Teorii pak zakončujeme kapitolou mapující život O'Neilla, Bryant a Reeda před příchodem do Provincetownu, jejich pozdější pobyt v tomto přímořském městě, a především jejich vzájemný vztah, který je ovlivnil na rovině osobní i pracovní. S tímto vědomím pak v analytické části analyzujeme tři vybraná díla těchto autorů, konkrétně The Game Louisy Bryant, The Eternal Quadrangle Johna Reeda a na závěr Thirst Eugena O'Neilla. V této části se zaměřujeme nejen na obsahovou a formální úpravu her, ale hledáme také návaznosti s reálným světem a spojitosti mezi trojlístkem umělců. he main aim of this thesis is to present the work of Eugene O'Neill, Louise Bryant and John Reed in the context of the Provincetown Players. The first chapter presents a picture of American society at the turn of the 20th century, shows the state in which culture and, above all theatre could be found, and, considering the previously mentioned, deals with the reason for the creation of one of the most important amateur theatres in America. The second chapter briefly presents the history of the Provincetown Players, their biggest achievements and the most important members. We then conclude the theory with a chapter mapping the life of O'Neill, Bryant and Reed before coming to Provincetown, their later stay in this seaside town, and also their mutual relationship, which affected them both personally and professionally. With this in mind, in the second part of the thesis, we study three selected works by those authors, namely The Game by Louise Bryant, The Eternal Quadrangle by John Reed and finally, Thirst by Eugene O'Neill. In this last chapter, we not only analyze the plot, motives, themes and form of individual plays, but we will also look for the links with the real world and the connection between the trio of those artists. Keywords: Provincetown Players; Eugene O'Neill; John Reed; Louise Bryant; Little Theatre Movement; americké drama; divadlo Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
The Work of John Reed, Louise Bryant and Eugene O'Neill in the Context of The Provincetown Players

Cílem této diplomové práce je představit práci Eugena O'Neilla, Louise Bryant a Johna Reeda v kontextu jejich působení v divadelním uskupení Provincetown Players. Teoretická část je rozdělena do tří ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2023

The Effect of Social Class on Marriage in the Works of Jane Austen
2023 - English
Tato diplomová práce se zaměřuje na rozdíly mezi společenskými třídami v době regentské Anglie na přelomu osmnáctého a devatenáctého století a na to, do jaké míry tyto společenské nerovnosti ovlivňují utváření manželství v šesti dokončených románech spisovatelky Jane Austenové. Jelikož byla tato doba význačná také znevýhodněným postavením žen ve společnosti a v manželství, obsahuje práce také analýzu této problematiky a rozdílů práv a povinností mezi mužskými a ženskými postavami. Celkovým cílem práce je poukázat na to, za jakých podmínek se postavy v jednotlivých románech Jane Austenové rozhodují vstoupit do manželství, jakou roli pro ně při výběru partnera hrají rozdíly ve společenském postavení a zda při tom zohledňují své city či spíše ekonomické a společenské důvody. This diploma thesis focuses on the differences between social classes in Regency England at the turn of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries and the extent to which these social inequalities affect the formation of marriage in the six completed novels of the author Jane Austen. As this period was also marked by the disadvantaged position of women in society and in marriage, the thesis also includes an analysis of these issues and the distinctions in rights and responsibilities between male and female characters. The overall aim of the thesis is to highlight the conditions under which the characters in Jane Austen's novels decide to enter into marriage, what role the differences in social status play for them when choosing a partner, and whether they take into account their feelings or rather economic and social reasons when doing so. Keywords: regentská Anglie; dílo Jane Austenové; utváření manželství; dědictví; společenské třídy; pozemková šlechta; postavení žen Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
The Effect of Social Class on Marriage in the Works of Jane Austen

Tato diplomová práce se zaměřuje na rozdíly mezi společenskými třídami v době regentské Anglie na přelomu osmnáctého a devatenáctého století a na to, do jaké míry tyto společenské nerovnosti ovlivňují ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2023

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