Number of found documents: 460
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Interactive effects of elevated CO2 concentration, drought and nitrogen nutrition on malting quality of spring barley
Simor, J.; Klem, Karel; Psota, V.
2019 - English
Elevated CO2 concentration [EC] generally leads to increased rates of photosynthesis, increased formation of assimilates and finally to storing them in the grain. Increased storage of starch in the grain, however, leads to an unbalanced proportion to the proteins, and their relative content decreases. This is particularly apparent in the conditions of nitrogen deficiency. The interactive effects of EC, nitrogen nutrition and reduced water availability are, however, not yet sufficiently understood. Within the manipulation experiment in open top chambers (Domaninek near Bystrice nad Pernstejnem) that allow simulation of EC (expected by the end of this century 700 ppm) and drought, the effect of these interactions on protein content, and other quality parameters of spring barley grain was studied. EC reduced grain protein content, increased extract, Kolbach index and also summary Malting quality index. Such effect was more pronounced under higher nitrogen dose, which generally worsened malting quality parameters. Reduced water availability slightly enhanced all malting quality parameters and also showed slight synergistic effect to EC. No clear interactive effects on malting quality were found for nitrogen nutrition and water availability. Keywords: protein-concentration; wheat; impacts; crop; malting barley; greenhouse gases; nitrogen fertilization; reduced water availability Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Interactive effects of elevated CO2 concentration, drought and nitrogen nutrition on malting quality of spring barley

Elevated CO2 concentration [EC] generally leads to increased rates of photosynthesis, increased formation of assimilates and finally to storing them in the grain. Increased storage of starch in the ...

Simor, J.; Klem, Karel; Psota, V.
Ústav výzkumu globální změny , 2019

New particle formation measurement down to 1.2 nm at noak
Holubová, Adéla; Zíková, Naděžda; Ždímal, Vladimír
2019 - English
Atmospheric aerosols influence Earth’s climatic system and human health. Role of aerosols in climatic system still includes uncertainties strongly influencing model simulations (Zhao et al. \n2018). One of the uncertainties is caused by secondary aerosol formation and their consequent growth. Nucleation of aerosol particles is a process determined by presence of aerosol precursors in atmosphere and by ambient atmospheric conditions (Dada et al. 2017). \nSince new particle formation (NPF) events have been observed in many types of environment (Kulmala et al. 2004), we have focused on NPF events at background station in the Czech Republic, representative for central European region. In this study we investigate NPF process of aerosol clusters from 1.2 nm in size.\n Keywords: particle formation; particle measurement; Atmospheric boundary layer; NAOK Available in a digital repository NRGL
New particle formation measurement down to 1.2 nm at noak

Atmospheric aerosols influence Earth’s climatic system and human health. Role of aerosols in climatic system still includes uncertainties strongly influencing model simulations (Zhao et al. \n2018). ...

Holubová, Adéla; Zíková, Naděžda; Ždímal, Vladimír
Ústav výzkumu globální změny , 2019

Kvantitativní analýza biofyzikálních parametrů zemědělských plodin s využitím multispektrálních dat Copernicus
Mišurec, J.; Lukeš, Petr; Tomíček, J.; Klem, Karel; Jakešová, L.
2018 - Czech
Vývoj metodiky zaměřený na zisk biofyzikálních parametrů pomocí multispektrálních družicových dat Sentinel-2 byl optimalizován pro nejčastěji pěstované plodiny v ČR: pšenici ozimou, ječmen jarní, řepku ozimou, vojtěšku, kukuřici a cukrovou řepu. Cílovými parametry plodin byly obsah chlorofylu a vody v listech a index listové plochy (LAI). Princip výpočtu biofyzikálních parametrů je založen na využití modelu přenosu záření ProSAIL, přičemž model simuluje chování porostu pro různé kombinace biofyzikálních parametrů v inverzním módu. Je hledána kombinace biofyzikálních parametrů, vykazující nejlepší shodu s hodnotami odrazivosti porostu pozorovanými satelitním systémem Sentinel-2. Vyvíjené produkty naleznou uplatnění u zemědělských podniků například při plánování hospodářské činnosti a managementu pozemků. The development of a methodology for retrieval of biophysical parameters using multispectral satellite data Sentinel-2 has been optimized for the most frequently grown crops in the Czech Republic: winter wheat, spring barley, oilseed rape, lucerne, maize and sugar beet. The target crop parameters were chlorophyll and water content in leaves and leaf area index (LAI). The method of calculating biophysical parameters was based on the use of the ProSAIL radiation transfer model, where the model simulates canopy status for various combinations of biophysical parameters in inverse mode. A combination of biophysical parameters, showing the best match for the reflectance values observed by the Sentinel-2 satellite system is searched. Developed products will find use in farms, for example in planning the management of agricultural land. Keywords: agricultural crops; multispectral data; Copernicus Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Kvantitativní analýza biofyzikálních parametrů zemědělských plodin s využitím multispektrálních dat Copernicus

Vývoj metodiky zaměřený na zisk biofyzikálních parametrů pomocí multispektrálních družicových dat Sentinel-2 byl optimalizován pro nejčastěji pěstované plodiny v ČR: pšenici ozimou, ječmen jarní, ...

Mišurec, J.; Lukeš, Petr; Tomíček, J.; Klem, Karel; Jakešová, L.
Ústav výzkumu globální změny , 2018

Effects of urbanization on the landscape of a Modern City in Ghana: A case study of sunyani
Boateng, K. A.; Mensah, Caleb; Agyei, Thomas; Švik, Marian
2018 - English
According to the fifth assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, changes in land use through urbanization and agriculture are the key anthropogenic effects of climate change. Thus, the preservation of natural environment of urban areas is essential for conserving water and soil, while still adjusting the microclimatic variables (temperature, precipitation, relative humidity, etc.) and stabilizing the natural ecological system from destruction. It has been observed that most parts of city's green vegetation have been lost due to housing developments and commercial activities. This study was carried out to assess the effect of the change in land use on a modern city like Sunyani, by observing the significant changes in vegetation cover from LANDSAT TM imagery over a 31-year period (1986-2017). From the study, there was significant decline of vegetation cover from 1986 to 1999, and no significant change from 1999 to 2017. There were also significant changes in the built-up areas from 1986 to 1999 and no significant change from 1999 to 2017. Adoption of sustainable and environmentally friendly technologies that maintain open green vegetation is recommended for future city planning. Keywords: Climate change; Green vegetation; landsat; Open green spaces; Urbanization Fulltext is available at external website.
Effects of urbanization on the landscape of a Modern City in Ghana: A case study of sunyani

According to the fifth assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, changes in land use through urbanization and agriculture are the key anthropogenic effects of climate change. ...

Boateng, K. A.; Mensah, Caleb; Agyei, Thomas; Švik, Marian
Ústav výzkumu globální změny , 2018

Characterization of equivalent black carbon (ebc) at a regional backgound site in Central Europe: Variability and source identification
Mbengue, Saliou; Šerfözö, Norbert; Holubová Šmejkalová, Adéla; Holoubek, Ivan
2018 - English
Black carbon (BC) is recognized to play an important role on adverse public health and in the Earth’s climate system (Bond et al., 2013). It is the most efficient light-absorbing aerosol species in the visible spectrum emitted as primary pollutant from a variety of combustion related sources. Although measurements of Equivalent Black Carbon (EBC) with multiple wavelength aethalometer have been used to provide insights regarding the influence of fossil fuel (traffic emissions) and wood smoke in ambient air (Sandradewi et al., 2008, Vaishya et al 2017), scarce studies have been reported in Eastern Central Europe using real-time EBC measurements.\nThis study focuses on the seasonal, diurnal and weekly trends of EBC at a regional background site in Central Europe during a 5-year measurement. Our aim is to identify the potential sources of EBC, especially the influence from fossil fuel and biomass burning. Keywords: Equivalent Black Carbon; 7-wavelength aethalometer; Ångström absorption exponent; Delta-C; BC variability and sources Fulltext is available at external website.
Characterization of equivalent black carbon (ebc) at a regional backgound site in Central Europe: Variability and source identification

Black carbon (BC) is recognized to play an important role on adverse public health and in the Earth’s climate system (Bond et al., 2013). It is the most efficient light-absorbing aerosol species in ...

Mbengue, Saliou; Šerfözö, Norbert; Holubová Šmejkalová, Adéla; Holoubek, Ivan
Ústav výzkumu globální změny , 2018

Letecká hyperspektrální kampaň HYPOS
Hanuš, Jan; Homolová, Lucie; Janoutová, Růžena
2018 - Czech
ESA projekt HYPOS (Hyperspectral analysis and heterogeneous surface modelling) řešili pracovníci CzechGlobe společně se třemi francouzskými partnery (Magellium, CESBIO, IRSTEA) v letech 2016 až 2018. Úkolem projektu bylo vytvoření algoritmů pro odhad parametrů vegetace z hyperspektrálních dat a definování nejvhodnějších spektrálních pásem pro odhad parametrů z multispektrálních dat. The ESA project HYPOS (Hyper-Spectral Analysis and Heterogeneous Surface Modeling) was solved by CzechGlobe together with three French partners (Magellium, CESBIO, IRSTEA) between 2016 and 2018. The task of the project was to create algorithms for estimating vegetation parameters from hyperspectral data and to define the most suitable spectral bands for estimation of parameters from multispectral data. Keywords: hyperspectral; hypos; esa Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Letecká hyperspektrální kampaň HYPOS

ESA projekt HYPOS (Hyperspectral analysis and heterogeneous surface modelling) řešili pracovníci CzechGlobe společně se třemi francouzskými partnery (Magellium, CESBIO, IRSTEA) v letech 2016 až 2018. ...

Hanuš, Jan; Homolová, Lucie; Janoutová, Růžena
Ústav výzkumu globální změny , 2018

Změny mikroklimatu ostřicové louky během posledních 40 let
Dušek, Jiří; Stellner, Stanislav; Hudecová, S.
2018 - Czech
Průměrná, maximální a minimální teplota vzduchu postupně vzrostla během let 1977 až 2017. Vzestup teplot není stejný během různých období roku. Zjistili jsme různý vzestup teplot vzduchu pro jednotlivé měsíce roku. Denní průměrná teplota průkazně vzrostla ve vegetačním období (duben - květen). Nejvyšší vzrůst maximální teploty vzduchu byl zaznamenán v měsíci dubnu. Charakter srážek se také během měřeného období změnil a je konsistentní s růstem teplot vzduchu. Pokles srážek lze pozorovat v teplejším dubnu. Frekvence extrémních srážek a s nimi související kolísání vodní hladiny je podstatně vyšší v posledních letech, než tomu bylo před rokem 2000. Podrobná znalost týkající se mikroklimatických změn v ostřicové louce jsou důležité z hlediska ekosystémových funkcí mokřadu v krajině.\n The average, maximum and minimum air temperatures have been gradually increasing since 1977 to 2017. The air temperature rise was not the same in all periods of the year. We found different increases for individual months. The daily mean air temperature rose significantly in the growing period (April-August). The precipitation characteristics have been changing in the sedge-grass marsh too. The observed trends differ among months in sign as well as in the magnitude, and they are consistent with the air temperature changes. We found that extreme precipitation seems to occur significantly more frequently in recent years compared to the period before 2000. Awareness of these changes is important for possible positive human intervention when a desirable wetland ekosystem function is threatened.\n Keywords: temperature; precipitation; Carex; wetland; floods Available on request at various institutes of the ASCR
Změny mikroklimatu ostřicové louky během posledních 40 let

Průměrná, maximální a minimální teplota vzduchu postupně vzrostla během let 1977 až 2017. Vzestup teplot není stejný během různých období roku. Zjistili jsme různý vzestup teplot vzduchu pro ...

Dušek, Jiří; Stellner, Stanislav; Hudecová, S.
Ústav výzkumu globální změny , 2018

Effects of urbanization on the landscape of a Modern City in Ghana: A case study of sunyani
Boateng, K. A.; Mensah, Caleb; Agyei, Thomas; Švik, Marian
2018 - English
Changes in land use through urbanization and agriculture are the key anthropogenic effects of climate change. Thus, the preservation of natural environment of urban areas is essential for conserving water and soil, while still adjusting the microclimatic variables (temperature, precipitation, relative humidity, etc.) and stabilizing the natural ecological system from destruction. It has been observed that most parts of city's green vegetation have been lost due to housing developments and commercial activities. This study was carried out to assess the effect of the change in land use on a modern city like Sunyani, by observing the significant changes in vegetation cover from LANDSAT TM imagery over a 31-year period (1986 – 2017). From the study, there was significant decline of vegetation cover from 1986 to 1999, and no significant change from 1999 to 2017. There were also significant changes in the built-up areas from 1986 to 1999 and no significant change from 1999 to 2017. Adoption of sustainable and environmentally friendly technologies that maintain open green vegetation is recommended for future city planning. Keywords: climate change; green vegetation; landsat; open green spaces; urbanization Fulltext is available at external website.
Effects of urbanization on the landscape of a Modern City in Ghana: A case study of sunyani

Changes in land use through urbanization and agriculture are the key anthropogenic effects of climate change. Thus, the preservation of natural environment of urban areas is essential for conserving ...

Boateng, K. A.; Mensah, Caleb; Agyei, Thomas; Švik, Marian
Ústav výzkumu globální změny , 2018

Spatial throughfall variability in the spruce forest
Holata, Filip
2018 - English
In this study, we characterized a canopy by several methods and we found the best relationship between spatialvariation of canopy and throughfall volume. We validatedthe spatial variability of throughfall volumeandwe foundthat GFr is more appropriate parameter to use for more accurate estimation of throughfall volume than LAI and LPI. Keywords: throughfall; spruce; leaf area inde; gap fraction; LiDAR penetration index Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Spatial throughfall variability in the spruce forest

In this study, we characterized a canopy by several methods and we found the best relationship between spatialvariation of canopy and throughfall volume. We validatedthe spatial variability of ...

Holata, Filip
Ústav výzkumu globální změny , 2018

The Influence of traditional ways of management on the State of Coppice - Results in 2018
Balková, M.; Dařenová, Eva; Friedl, M.; Hloucalová, P.; Kadavý, J.; Kneifl, M.; Knott, M.; Kučera, A.; Slach, T.; Skládanka, J.; Uchytilová, Tereza; Uherková, B.; Vichta, T.; Volařík, D.
2018 - English
The most pronounced increase in number of herb species was remarked in the clear cut+litter gathering treatment. Harvest led to an increase in soil temperature and moisture. TheCO2efflux was the highest in September, namely in control treatment. The lowest intensity of root growth was remarked in the control treatment. Variants with litter gathering had smaller (28.9%) relative growth ratio. Keywords: grazing; litter gathering; standards; sprouts; soil; herbs Available at various institutes of the ASCR
The Influence of traditional ways of management on the State of Coppice - Results in 2018

The most pronounced increase in number of herb species was remarked in the clear cut+litter gathering treatment. Harvest led to an increase in soil temperature and moisture. TheCO2efflux ...

Balková, M.; Dařenová, Eva; Friedl, M.; Hloucalová, P.; Kadavý, J.; Kneifl, M.; Knott, M.; Kučera, A.; Slach, T.; Skládanka, J.; Uchytilová, Tereza; Uherková, B.; Vichta, T.; Volařík, D.
Ústav výzkumu globální změny , 2018

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