Number of found documents: 1908
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Datový formát pro elektrofyziologické experimenty
Vaněk, Jiří
2015 - English
V současné době neexistuje standard datového formátu pro ukládání elektrofyziologických dat. Tento standard je nutný pro rozšíření možností sdílení dat s dalšími výzkumníky. Tato diplomová práce se zabývá úpravou modelu pro reprezentaci ukládání dat z elektroencefalografických a experimentů využívajících metodu evokovaných potenciálů a metadat těchto experimentů. Byly prozkoumány existující datové formáty pro ukládání naměřených binárních dat a metadat a jejich ontologie, byla definována terminologie, struktura a byl vybrán vhodný formát pro ukládání těchto dat. Dále byl vytvořen program, který umožňuje ukládat do vybraného formátu naměřená data a informace o experimentu. Currently there is no standardized data format for storing electrophysiological data. This standard is necessary for the improvement of sharing capability. This master thesis deals with the adjustments of data and metadata model for measured data from Electroencephalography and Event-related potentials experiments. The formats for storing electroencephalography data and their ontology were examined. The adjusted file format for export of measured binary data and metadata with experiment details was chosen. Terminology and structure for the experimental metadata were defined. The program that exports the measured data and information about the experiment into the appropriate file format was also implemented. Keywords: eeg; datový formát; hdf5; elektroencefalografie; nix; eeg; electroencephalography; data format; hdf5; nix Available in digital repository of ZČU.
Datový formát pro elektrofyziologické experimenty

V současné době neexistuje standard datového formátu pro ukládání elektrofyziologických dat. Tento standard je nutný pro rozšíření možností sdílení dat s dalšími výzkumníky. Tato diplomová práce se ...

Vaněk, Jiří
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2015

An approach to the machining of hard coatings prepared by laser cladding and thermal spraying
Carou, Diego; Řehoř, Jan; Vilček, Igor; Houdková-Šimůnková, Šárka
2015 - English
Thermal spraying and laser cladding are widely used in industry for different coating applications. The use of these techniques usually requires a finishing post-process. However, the characteristics of these coatings, such as their high hardness, make difficult to achieve satisfactory results with conventional machining processes. The present study provides a description of the main characteristics of the laser cladding and thermal spraying processes. For machining of these coatings, conventionally, grinding is the first option selected. However, modern industries require gaining flexibility and improving their productivity. Thus, other alternatives such as milling or turning need to be assessed. In this sense, in the last section, several experimental investigations on the machining of WC-Co and Stellite coatings are presented. These studies can bring some insights to face the machining of hard coatings prepared by the laser cladding and thermal spraying techniques. For instance, they can help in the selection of the cutting parameters and provide interesting results on the use of different tool materials and tool geometries. Keywords: nátěry; laserové obložení; obrábění; žárové stříkání; WC-Co; coatings; laser cladding; machining; thermal spraying; WC-Co Available in digital repository of ZČU.
An approach to the machining of hard coatings prepared by laser cladding and thermal spraying

Thermal spraying and laser cladding are widely used in industry for different coating applications. The use of these techniques usually requires a finishing post-process. However, the characteristics ...

Carou, Diego; Řehoř, Jan; Vilček, Igor; Houdková-Šimůnková, Šárka
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2015

The usage of laser machining for manufacturing of the cutting insert prototype
Necpal, Martin; Martinkovič, Maroš
2015 - English
In this paper a method for creating chip breaker on cutting insert is described. For cutter inserts the powder is compressed into the molds, in a process. After pressing and sintering the cutting tools chip breaker looks like negative molds shape. For experimental cutting insert prototype is important to design and make molds with specific shape. Designing and production of new molds is time and cost consuming. Another way is to make insert with flat rake face and make chip breaker by an advanced machining method. Hard carbide material may be machined by laser ablation. This paper deals with possibility of laser ablation machine LASERTEC 80 Shape usage for creating of comprehensive chip breaker surface on the carbide insert. Keywords: laserové mikroobrábění; řezné nástroje; třísky; laser micromachining; cutting tools; chip breaker Available in digital repository of ZČU.
The usage of laser machining for manufacturing of the cutting insert prototype

In this paper a method for creating chip breaker on cutting insert is described. For cutter inserts the powder is compressed into the molds, in a process. After pressing and sintering the cutting ...

Necpal, Martin; Martinkovič, Maroš
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2015

Design and development of measurement JIG system
Němec, Jiří
2015 - English
Following article describe design and production of the universal clamping jig for clamping measured parts in to three axis measuring machine. This clamping jig was designed and produced under exchange program Erasmus. Department Manufacturing Engineering Group (GEF) University of Vigo (Spain) and Department of Machining Technology (KTO) University of West Bohemia (Czech Republic) cooperated at this project. The clamping jig was created for extension possibilities of fixing of the measured parts in to work space of the meas-uring machine. Current state was insufficient. The worker of the department GEF specified requirements to the new clamping jig. The finally design of the clamping jig had to be universal and had to allow measuring parts in large series. Individual concepts were designed based on the specification and consultations with the project initiator. The optimal design was chosen from these concepts. The concepts are described in this article. Machines and tools, which are used for fabricating part of the jig, are described in the article. Results of the project are summa-rized in the conclusion. Keywords: upínání; jig systém; 3D měřící stroj; výroba; clamping; jig system; 3D measuring machine; manufacturing Available in digital repository of ZČU.
Design and development of measurement JIG system

Following article describe design and production of the universal clamping jig for clamping measured parts in to three axis measuring machine. This clamping jig was designed and produced under ...

Němec, Jiří
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2015

Possibilities of potentiometric methods of detection of cracks in forging tools at their renovation
Pilc, Jozef; Sajgalik, Michal; Struharnansky, Jozef; Rakoci, Jozef; Varga, Daniel
2015 - English
Industrial production, which uses the forging tools constantly increases the requirements for the consumption of forging tools and the need for fast and flexible renovations of them. Forging tools made from special tool steels are highly cost-intensive. The main cost component is the price of the material, heat treatment and other chemi-cal-heat treatment surfaces. This is the main reason why it is necessary to think about renovation at the design stage, in case of the need for repairs. Main weaknesses of the renovations is the insufficient ability of identifica-tion of the cracks spreading from the surface towards the core of the basic components. An important factor in the renovation process is the optimal choice of technology to restore the mechanical and physical properties of tools at an acceptable price, of course. The main issue in the choice of the optimal technology is heat treatment to achieve a high hardness and surface of the die, which is nitrided to ensure wear resistance. This article deals with the application of non-destructive potentiometric detection technology when considering the size of die forging cracks that arise in the process of forming. Keywords: renovace nástroje na kování; potenciometrické metody; zjištění prasklin; forging tool renovation; potentiometric methods; crack detection Available in digital repository of ZČU.
Possibilities of potentiometric methods of detection of cracks in forging tools at their renovation

Industrial production, which uses the forging tools constantly increases the requirements for the consumption of forging tools and the need for fast and flexible renovations of them. Forging tools ...

Pilc, Jozef; Sajgalik, Michal; Struharnansky, Jozef; Rakoci, Jozef; Varga, Daniel
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2015

Šimonová, Kateřina
2015 - English
Diplomová práce je zaměřena na problematiku uprchlíků a jejich záchranu na mořích, se zaměřením na oblast volných moří. Nejprve pojednává o pozadí uprchlíků na lodích jako takovém. Toto je následováno analýzou relevantních norem mezinárodního práva mořského. V další části je proveden rozbor práv uprchlíků a povinností států, které vyplývají z norem a principů konceptu lidských práv a z mezinárodního uprchlického práva jako takového. Dále práce pokračuje analýzou politiky uplatňované státy v reakci na uprchlíky na lodích, a to převážně v kontextu Evropské unie. Na úplném závěru práce identifikuje jednotlivé mezery v právu, jejich možná řešení a budoucí výzvy související s narůstající závažností tohoto problému. The thesis is focused on the issue of refugees and their rescue at seas with focus on the High seas. At first, it provides the background of "boat refugees" itself. This is followed by an analysis of the relevant norms of International Maritime Law. Next part is providing an examination of refugee rights and States obligations arising from the norms and principles of Human rights concept and from the International Refugee Law as such. This part is followed by analysis of States policy responses to "boat refugees" mainly in the context of the European Union. Finally, it identifies legal gaps, possible solutions and future challenges associated with increasing severity of this problem. Keywords: uprchlík; mezinárodní uprchlické právo; mořské právo; princip non-refoulement; volná moře; lidská práva; refugee; international refugee law; maritime law; non-refoulement principle; high seas; human rights Available in digital repository of ZČU.

Diplomová práce je zaměřena na problematiku uprchlíků a jejich záchranu na mořích, se zaměřením na oblast volných moří. Nejprve pojednává o pozadí uprchlíků na lodích jako takovém. Toto je následováno ...

Šimonová, Kateřina
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2015

Reaktivní vysokovýkonová pulzní magnetronová depozice vrstev oxidů vanadu
Vytisk, Tomáš
2015 - English
Tato práce je zaměřena na vysokovýkonovou pulzní magnetronovou depozici tenkých vrstev oxidu vanadu. Cílem je vytvořit termochromickou vrstvu oxidu vanadu, jejíž přechodová teplota bude nižší než 68 °C a bude vykazovat změny propustnosti v oblasti infračerveného záření. Vrstvy byly připravovány v plynné směsi argonu a kyslíku za konstantního tlaku pracovního plynu par = 1.0 Pa. Vanadiový terč (99.999 %)byl zatěžován průměrnou výkonovou hustotou při depozici = 12.4 14.0 W/cm2. Délka trvání pulzu byla t1 = 40, 50 a 80 s s opakovací frekvencí napájecího zdroje f = 250, 200 a 125 Hz, dle uvedeného pořadí. Pomocí elipsometrie byla zjištěna tloušťka deponovaných vrstev a zkoumány optické parametry jako index lomu n a extinkční koeficient k. V této práci jsou prezentovány výsledky vlivu depozičních parametrů, zejména délky trvání pulzu t1, teploty substrátu T a délky depozičního procesu t (tloušťky vrstvy) na termochromické vlastnosti připravených vrstev. The aim of this thesis is to fabricate thermochromic thin film of vanadium oxide. High power impulse magnetron sputtering is used to prepare a thermochromic film with structure changes below transition temperature Tc = 68 °C providing variable transmittance in infrared spectrum. The films were prepared in oxygen and argon gas mixture, at pressure of working gas (Ar) par = 1.0 Pa. A vanadium target (99.999 %) was loaded by average power density during deposition = 12.4 14.0 W/cm2. Other deposition parameters were: voltage pulse length t1 = 40, 50 and 80 s with power supply repetition frequency f = 250, 200 a 125 Hz, respectively. Ellipsometry was used to measure optical characteristics () and parameters like refraction index n and extinction coefficient k. This work presents an influence of deposition parameters (voltage pulse length t1, substrate temperature T and deposition time t) on thermochromic behaviour of the thin films. Keywords: hipims; oxid vanadu; reaktivní magnetronové naprašování; termochomické vrstvy; hipims; vanadium oxide; reactive magnetron sputtering; thermochromic thin films Available in digital repository of ZČU.
Reaktivní vysokovýkonová pulzní magnetronová depozice vrstev oxidů vanadu

Tato práce je zaměřena na vysokovýkonovou pulzní magnetronovou depozici tenkých vrstev oxidu vanadu. Cílem je vytvořit termochromickou vrstvu oxidu vanadu, jejíž přechodová teplota bude nižší než 68 ...

Vytisk, Tomáš
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2015

The Impact of The Constitutional Reform Act 2005 on Separation of Powers in the United Kingdom
Filipcová, Eva
2015 - English
Tato práce je zaměřena na vliv ústavního zákona Constitutional Reform Act 2005 na dělbu moci a další vládnoucí ústavní principy britské ústavy. Práce popisuje ústavní vývoj Spojeného Království v posledních letech a je zaměřena na uzákonění Constitutional Reform Act 2005 a změny, které tento zákon přinesl. Práce také navrhuje možný budoucí ústavní vývoj Spojeného Království s přihlédnutím ke skotskému referendu v roce 2014. This thesis is engaged in the impact the Constitutional Reform Act 2005 had on the separation of powers and other ruling constitutional principles of the British Constitution. The thesis describes the recent constitutional development in the United Kingdom with focus on the enactment of the Constitutional Reform Act and the changes it caused. It also suggests the possible future constitutional advancement of the United Kingdom while taking into account the Scottish referendum in 2014. Keywords: constitutional reform act 2005; lord chancellor; judicial appointments commission; nejvyšší soud; skotské referendum 2014; constitutional reform act 2005; lord chancellor; judicial appointments commission; supreme court; scottish referendum 2014 Available in digital repository of ZČU.
The Impact of The Constitutional Reform Act 2005 on Separation of Powers in the United Kingdom

Tato práce je zaměřena na vliv ústavního zákona Constitutional Reform Act 2005 na dělbu moci a další vládnoucí ústavní principy britské ústavy. Práce popisuje ústavní vývoj Spojeného Království v ...

Filipcová, Eva
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2015

Labor and profesional training of people with disabilities in the city of Vladimir Through the example of association of parents of disabled children "Light"
Constantinovna, Efimtseva Natalia
2015 - English
The article addresses experience in vocational training in the city of Vladimir. The principal directions, progress and results of training are laid out. The active work in labor training of people with disabilities by Vladimir nonprofit organization Association of Parents of Disabled Children “Light” has become material for this article. V stat'ye rassmatrivayetsja opyt raboty po obučenju professujam v g. Vladimire. Opisany osnovnyye napravlenja, chod i rezul'tat obučenja. Materialom dlya stat'i poslušila aktivnaya rabota VOOO ARDI «Svet» po trudovomu obučenju ljudej s ograničennymi vozmošnostjmi šuznedejatel'nosti. Keywords: školení práce; Asociace rodičů zdravotně postižených dětí "Světlo"; odborné vzdělávání; postižený; vada komplexní struktury; labor training; Association of parents of disabled children “Light”; vocational training; disability; defect complex structure Available in digital repository of ZČU.
Labor and profesional training of people with disabilities in the city of Vladimir Through the example of association of parents of disabled children "Light"

The article addresses experience in vocational training in the city of Vladimir. The principal directions, progress and results of training are laid out. The active work in labor training of people ...

Constantinovna, Efimtseva Natalia
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2015

Wear and durability milling tools depending on the CAM strategies
Pokorný, Peter; Zaujec, Rudolf
2015 - English
In this paper is presented research on the influence of CAM strategies for wear and durability shank of cutting tools. We used two machining strategies in this process, when the effective radius change and does not change. Material of tool was hard alloy and high speed steel for machining steel STN 19 520. Shape of cutting tool was Ball Nose end mill. For milling, DMU 85 monoBLOCK 5-axis CNC milling machine was used. The cutting tool wear was measured on Zoller Genius 3, universal measuring machine. The results show different cutting tool wear depending on the milling strategy and material of tool. Keywords: opotřebení nástroje; efektivní poloměr; CAM; strategie; wear of tool; effective radius; CAM; strategy Available in digital repository of ZČU.
Wear and durability milling tools depending on the CAM strategies

In this paper is presented research on the influence of CAM strategies for wear and durability shank of cutting tools. We used two machining strategies in this process, when the effective radius ...

Pokorný, Peter; Zaujec, Rudolf
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2015

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