The consistency of teachers' pronunciation in the lower secondary school
2023 - English
Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
The consistency of teachers' pronunciation in the lower secondary school
Influence of different buckwheat flours on selected qualitative parameters of cookies
2023 - English
common buckwheat (fagopyrum esculentum Monech) consumption has many of the health benefits due to its high levels of phenolic compounds in groats and high antioxidant activity. The aim of the work was to test the possibility of cookies production with graduated proportion of different buckwheat flours from sprouts and evaluate their selected qualitative properties. Blends of wheat flours and buckwheat sprout flours containing 0%,5%, 10%,and 20%buckwheat sprouts , on a replacement basis , were prepared .flour characteristics as water absorption capacity , bulk density forming capacity , swelling capacity were determined .Physical ( diameter ,thickness, spread ratio, spread factor, weight hardness and colour)and sensory characteristics of cookies ( colour and appearance , flavour, taste texture and overall acceptability ) were also determined .The addition of buckwheat sprout mainly affected the colour properties of the cookies .. of the properties of flour enriched with buckwheat sprouts, water absorption capacity was affected only by the addition of 20% buckwheat sprout and swelling capacity by the addition of 15 and 20% sprouts .of the sensory properties of the cookies , the taste and flavour of the cookies was negatively affected only by 20% share of buckwheat sprout in flour ,therefore , we can recommend the addition of buckwheat sprouts to wheat flour up to 15% for the production of cookies . The significant of a well- balanced diet in the prevention of numerous disease is a well known , consequently , individual nutrition should be aimed at the disease prevention , improving the quality of life and attenuating the process of body ageing. common buckwheat has been a crop of the secondary importance in many countries . it is a sources source of nutrient in general and has many health benefits mainly due to high phenolic compounds in groat and high antioxidant activity. since buckwheat is a gluten free ,thus ,replacing wheat flour in product will dilute the gluten protein and thereby help in preventing celiac disorder . Buckwheat act as good replacement for wheat flour in unleaving product eg belong to the family polygonacea . this plant is generally referred to as buckwheat rhrubarb or sorrel family. The common buckwheat plant is a branching habit . common buckwheat was domesticated possibly around 6000BCE when it was first cultivated in southeast Asia .the use of sprout as an ingredient in food product is an interesting method of improving the nutritional value of food , as well as a safer way to ingest sprout , since food processing can reduce microbial contamination and consequently decrease the occurrences of food-borne disease . the germination process is accepted by customers , as well as the product made from the germinated grains or from their flour. Cookies prepared by shortening baking process are free and a cohesive product of protein .
common buckwheat; sprout; cookies; quality; sensory analysis.
Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Influence of different buckwheat flours on selected qualitative parameters of cookies
common buckwheat (fagopyrum esculentum Monech) consumption has many of the health benefits due to its high levels of phenolic compounds in groats and high antioxidant activity. The aim of the work was ...
Influence of wheat/legumes mixtures on production parameters and grain quality
2023 - English
Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Influence of wheat/legumes mixtures on production parameters and grain quality
Application of selected plant materials for the preparation of biodegradable plastics
2023 - English
Hlavním cílem této práce bylo zhodnotit proveditelnost výroby udržitelných a biologicky odbouratelných filmů pro balení potravin vyrobených z rostlinných surovin metodou odlévání. Specifické cíle byly následující: a) Optimalizace kroků odlévací metody pro přípravu filmů na základě použití různých druhů mouk, stanovení jejich fyzikálních vlastností (barva, soudržnost, pružnost). b) Příprava biofilmů z vybraných druhů mouk, vyhodnocení jejich fyzikálních a mechanických vlastností (vizuální a hmatové aspekty, barva, tloušťka, vlhkost). c) Zkoumání biologické rozložitelnosti získaných materiálů na základě enzymatické degradace ve vodním prostředí a ve vodě samotné. The main aim of the thesis was to evaluate the feasibility of the production of sustainable and biodegradable films for food packaging made from raw plant materials using casting method. Specific objectives were: a) Optimization of the steps of the casting method for films preparation based on the use of different types of flours, determination of their physical properties (colour, cohesiveness, elasticity). b) Preparation of biobased plastic material from selected types of flours, determi-nation of their physical and mechanical properties (visual and tactile aspects, colour, thickness, moisture content). c) Investigation of the biodegradability of prepared materials based on enzymatic degradation in water suspension and water itself.
mouky; přírodní polymery; metoda odlévání; potravinové obaly; biologicky odbou-ratelné
Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Application of selected plant materials for the preparation of biodegradable plastics
Hlavním cílem této práce bylo zhodnotit proveditelnost výroby udržitelných a biologicky odbouratelných filmů pro balení potravin vyrobených z rostlinných surovin metodou odlévání. Specifické cíle ...
Characterization of pore opening relevant residues in TM3 and TM4 domains of Orai1
ANDOVA, Ana-Marija
2022 - English
Calcium (Ca2+) ions play a crucial role in almost every aspect of cellular life. The most prominent calcium entry pathway into the cell is the calcium release-activated calcium (CRAC) channel, composed of the Orai1 protein, and the stromal interaction molecule STIM1. The channel is activated through conformational changes upon STIM1 coupling to the C-terminus of Orai1 protein following store depletion, which in turn allows Ca2+ influx into the cell. The abnormal function of the CRAC channel caused by mutations gives rise to distinct pathologies. Since it has not yet been elucidated how the signal propagation moves to the pore upon coupling, this thesis dives into its investigation by focusing on characterizing the TM3 and TM4 domains and their importance in leading to an open permissive conformation of the channel. The pivotal foundation for the creation of novel strategies in the modulation of the Orai1 function lies with the understanding of the dynamics of the Orai1 pore opening. Calcium (Ca2+) ions play a crucial role in almost every aspect of cellular life. The most prominent calcium entry pathway into the cell is the calcium release-activated calcium (CRAC) channel, composed of the Orai1 protein, and the stromal interaction molecule STIM1. The channel is activated through conformational changes upon STIM1 coupling to the C-terminus of Orai1 protein following store depletion, which in turn allows Ca2+ influx into the cell. The abnormal function of the CRAC channel caused by mutations gives rise to distinct pathologies. Since it has not yet been elucidated how the signal propagation moves to the pore upon coupling, this thesis dives into its investigation by focusing on characterizing the TM3 and TM4 domains and their importance in leading to an open permissive conformation of the channel. The pivotal foundation for the creation of novel strategies in the modulation of the Orai1 function lies with the understanding of the dynamics of the Orai1 pore opening.
ion channel; calcium signaling; CRAC channels; channel; CRAC; Orai1; Orai protein; STIM1; STIM protein; CRAC channel activation; molecular biology; electrophysiology; cell culture; mutation; TM domain; TM3; TM4; SOCE; pore opening; transmembrane domain
Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Characterization of pore opening relevant residues in TM3 and TM4 domains of Orai1
Calcium (Ca2+) ions play a crucial role in almost every aspect of cellular life. The most prominent calcium entry pathway into the cell is the calcium release-activated calcium (CRAC) channel, ...
Phytolith analysis at the Neolithic tell Vrbjanska Čuka in Pelagonia (North Macedonia)
BUDILOVÁ, Kristýna
2022 - English
The thesis deals with an analysis of phytoliths, microscopical residues of plants. The analysis was applied in order to gain a new archaeobotanical data on the Neolithic period at the archaeological site Vrbjanska Čuka in Pelagonia, North Macedonia. The results brought new insights into a plant management and related activities on the site, as well as contributed to an understanding of a past environment of the early agricultural society. The thesis deals with an analysis of phytoliths, microscopical residues of plants. The analysis was applied in order to gain a new archaeobotanical data on the Neolithic period at the archaeological site Vrbjanska Čuka in Pelagonia, North Macedonia. The results brought new insights into a plant management and related activities on the site, as well as contributed to an understanding of a past environment of the early agricultural society.
phytoliths; archaeobotany; Neolithic; Balkans
Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Phytolith analysis at the Neolithic tell Vrbjanska Čuka in Pelagonia (North Macedonia)
The thesis deals with an analysis of phytoliths, microscopical residues of plants. The analysis was applied in order to gain a new archaeobotanical data on the Neolithic period at the archaeological ...
Seizing the past in the Novels of Julian Barnes with Regard to the Author's Narrative Techniques
ČEŠKOVÁ, Karolína
2022 - English
Diplomová práce zkoumá pojetí minulosti ve vybraných dílech Juliana Barnese, přičemž tento jev uvádí do souvislosti s narativními technikami, které autor zvolil. Práce se zaměřuje na ústřední tematické okruhy: beletrizování historie a obousměrnou povahu minulosti a současnosti. Vytyčené okruhy odrážejí autorův přístup k uchopení tématu minulosti v jeho románech. Cílem práce je nejen rozebrat téma hledání historické pravdy, které je společné Barnesovům dílům, ale také vyobrazení minulosti ve vztahu k tématům paměti, pravdy a vlivu těchto faktorů na formování identity jedince i kolektivu. Zohledněna je nejen narativní, ale i tematická inspirace, kterou Barnesově současnému psaní poskytly postmoderní tendence, zejména pak skepticismus vůči historické pravdě a subjektivismus, s kterým na historii nahlíží. The thesis examines the concept of the past in selected works by Julian Barnes, regarding the narrative techniques chosen by the author. It focuses on central thematic strands: fictionalizing of history and the bidirectional nature of past and present. The outlined thematic strands represent the author's approach to treating the theme of the past in his novels. Besides the common theme of the search for historical truth that Barnes' works share, the aim of this thesis is to examine the depiction of the past in relation to the themes of memory, truth, and how these factors shape the formation of individual and collective identities. The thesis considers not only narrative but also thematic inspiration provided to Barnes' contemporary writing by postmodern tendencies, particularly the scepticism towards historical truth and the subjectivism with which he views history.
Julian Barnes; minulost; historie; narativní technika; postmodernismus; pravda; paměť; identita
Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Seizing the past in the Novels of Julian Barnes with Regard to the Author's Narrative Techniques
Diplomová práce zkoumá pojetí minulosti ve vybraných dílech Juliana Barnese, přičemž tento jev uvádí do souvislosti s narativními technikami, které autor zvolil. Práce se zaměřuje na ústřední ...
A case study comparing discursive strategies employed by a child at both pre and early school years as they seek to make sense of the world that surrounds them
2022 - English
Tato diplomová práce si klade za cíl analyzovat narativní interakci mezi dítětem (Natálkou) a dospělou osobou s ohledem na diskurzivní strategie v kontextu představivosti a kreativity. Ve své práci jsem použila metodu konverzační analýzy, kterou jsem následně aplikovala na transkripční přepisy audio nahrávek, jež byly pořízeny během dvou časových obdobích: v roce 2018 a na přelomu roku 2020 při interakci mezi Natálkou a mnou. Analýza dat odhalila, že v repertoáru dítěte byly přítomny následující praktiky: (1) spojování dvou či více epizod ve vyprávění, (2) kladení otázek, (3) oddělování jednotlivých témat a (4) použití dalších diskurzivních elementů, konkrétně humoru, zveličování či nadsázky a vyjednávacích taktik. První část práce se podrobně věnuje diskurzivním praktikám a vysvětluje rozdíly mezi představivostí a kreativitou. Tato případová studie následně mapuje jakým způsobem se v průběhu dvou let vyvinulo použití zkoumaných strategií a charakterizuje, jak tyto změny reflektují kognitivní vývoj dítěte. The present thesis aims to analyse a narrative interaction between a child (Natálka) and an adult with regard to discursive strategies employed in the context of imagination and creativity. I applied the method of Conversation Analysis to the examination of the transcribed audio recordings that were taken in 2018 and at the turn of 2020 during the interaction between Natálka and myself. An analysis of the data identified that in the child's repertoire the following practices were present: (1) linking two or more episodes in a conversation, (2) asking questions, (3) separating individual topics, and (4) using other discourse elements; concretely humour, exaggeration, and negotiation techniques. The first part of the thesis sets out the discursive practices examined and argues for the insights these provide into the imagination and creativity of a child. The analysis, which is undertaken in the form of a case study, subsequently maps the use of the selected strategies developed over two years of Natálka's life and characterises how these changes reflect the child's cognitive development.
interakce; vývoj dětského narativu; diskurzivní praktiky; představivost a kreativita; kognitivní vývoj; konverzační analýza
Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
A case study comparing discursive strategies employed by a child at both pre and early school years as they seek to make sense of the world that surrounds them
Tato diplomová práce si klade za cíl analyzovat narativní interakci mezi dítětem (Natálkou) a dospělou osobou s ohledem na diskurzivní strategie v kontextu představivosti a kreativity. Ve své práci ...
The Issue of Race in American Literature: A Comparative Study of Mark Twain's 19th-Century Novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and Kathryn Stockett's Contemporary Work The Help
LANDOVÁ, Dominika
2022 - English
Tato diplomová práce se zaměřuje na rasovou problematiku zobrazenou v americké literatuře. Porovnává díla Dobrodružství Huckleberryho Finna (1884) od Marka Twaina a Černobílý svět (2009) od Kathryn Stockett a popisuje, jak oba romány nahlížejí na roli Afroameričanů ve společnosti. Jelikož jsou díla zasazena do dvou nejvýznamnějších období v dějinách Spojených států amerických ve vztahu k rasové problematice, a to sice do období otroctví a rasové segregace, práce se také zabývá historickým kontextem, který je klíčový pro analýzu obou děl. Cílem práce je upozornit na podobnosti a odlišnosti románů týkajících se této problematiky. Autentičnost děl, zacházení s Afroameričany a pojetí jejich integrace do společnosti, kritika děl a další témata jsou rozebírána v rámci analýz. This diploma thesis focuses on the issue of race in American literature. It draws a comparison between Mark Twain's novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884) and The Help (2009) by Kathryn Stockett and determines how both novels view the role of African Americans in society. Since these works depict two of the most significant periods in the history of the United States concerning the racial issue, namely the eras of slavery and racial segregation, the work also provides historical context of both periods, which is crucial for the analysis. The thesis aims to highlight the similarities and differences of the novels regarding this issue. The authenticity of these works, the treatment of African Americans and the concept of their integration into society, criticism, and other topics are discussed as part of the analyses.
Dobrodružství Huckleberryho Finna; Černobílý svět; otroctví; rasová segregace; rasová problematika; diskriminace; Afroameričané
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The Issue of Race in American Literature: A Comparative Study of Mark Twain's 19th-Century Novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and Kathryn Stockett's Contemporary Work The Help
Tato diplomová práce se zaměřuje na rasovou problematiku zobrazenou v americké literatuře. Porovnává díla Dobrodružství Huckleberryho Finna (1884) od Marka Twaina a Černobílý svět (2009) od Kathryn ...
Language Use and Management in International Organizations The experience of agents of the non-profit development agency sequa gGmbH
STOBBE, Sophia
2022 - English
This master thesis aims to show what influence language and communication decisions have on external communication in internationally operating organizations. The research was done on the example of sequa gGmbH in Bonn, a non-profit development organization. Through interviews and observation protocols, the impressions and experiences of employees of sequa were collected. This master thesis aims to show what influence language and communication decisions have on external communication in internationally operating organizations. The research was done on the example of sequa gGmbH in Bonn, a non-profit development organization. Through interviews and observation protocols, the impressions and experiences of employees of sequa were collected.
language and communication decisions; intercultural communication; external communication; international organization; NGO.
Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Language Use and Management in International Organizations The experience of agents of the non-profit development agency sequa gGmbH
This master thesis aims to show what influence language and communication decisions have on external communication in internationally operating organizations. The research was done on the example of ...
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