Numerical solution of generalized minimax problems
Lukšan, Ladislav; Matonoha, Ctirad; Vlček, Jan
2018 - English
Numerical optimization; nonlinear approximation; nonsmooth optimization; generalized minimax problems; recursive quadratic programming methods; interior point methods; smoothing methods; algorithms; numerical experiments
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Numerical solution of generalized minimax problems
Soupis publikovaých prací pana prof. Ing. Mirko Nováka, DrSc. zpracovaný ke dni 13. dubna 2018 knihovnou Ústavu informatiky AV ČR, v. v. i. s ohledem na dostupnost uvedených prací
Nývltová, Ludmila; Ramešová, Nina; Šírová, Tereza
2018 - Czech
Available in digital repository of the ASCR
Soupis publikovaých prací pana prof. Ing. Mirko Nováka, DrSc. zpracovaný ke dni 13. dubna 2018 knihovnou Ústavu informatiky AV ČR, v. v. i. s ohledem na dostupnost uvedených prací
Semigroup Structure of Sets of Solutions to Equation X^s = X^m
Porubský, Štefan
2017 - English
Using an idempotent semigroup approach we describe the semigroup and group structure of the set of solutions to equation X^m = X^s in successive steps over a periodic commutative semigroup, over multiplicative semigroups of factor rings of residually finite commutative rings and finally over multiplicative semigroups of factor rings of residually finite commutative principal ideal domains. The analysis is done through the use of the maximal subsemigroups and groups corresponding to an idempotent of the corresponding semigroup and in the case of residually finite PID’s employing the available analysis of the Euler-Fermat Theorem as given in [11]. In particular the case when this set of solutions is a union of groups is handled. As a simple application we show a not yet noticed group structure of the set of solutions to x^n = x connected with the message space of RSA cryptosystems and Fermat pseudoprimes.
set of solutions; idempotent; maximal semigroup corresponding to an idempotent; maximal group corresponding to an idempotent; equation X^s = X^m; finite commutative ring with identity element; residually finite commutative principal ideal domains
Available on request at various institutes of the ASCR
Semigroup Structure of Sets of Solutions to Equation X^s = X^m
Using an idempotent semigroup approach we describe the semigroup and group structure of the set of solutions to equation X^m = X^s in successive steps over a periodic commutative semigroup, over ...
Stav předaných dat a úprava rozdělení vybraných měření 2017
Novák, Jakub; Jiřina jr., M.; Benešová, Michaela
2017 - Czech
typový diagram dodávky; TDD; spotřeba plynu; měřící místa; kritéria; filtrace; náhrady
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Stav předaných dat a úprava rozdělení vybraných měření 2017
Popis TDD modelu verze 3.8.
Novák, Jakub; Jiřina jr., M.; Benešová, Michaela
2017 - Czech
typový diagram dodávky; TDD; spotřeba plynu; popis modelu
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Popis TDD modelu verze 3.8.
Idempotents, Group Membership and their Applications
Porubský, Štefan
2017 - English
S.Schwarz in his paper [165] proved the existence of maximal subgroups in periodic semigroups and a decade later he brought [167] into play the maximal subsemigroups and thus he embodied the idempotents in the structural description of semigroups. Later in his papers he showed that a proper description of these structural elements can be used to (re)prove many useful and important results in algebra and number theory. The present paper gives a survey of selected results scattered throughout the literature where an semigroup approach based on tools like idempotent, maximal subgroup or maximal subsemigroup either led to a new insight into the substance of the known results or helped to discover new approach to solve problems. Special attention will be given to some disregarded historical connections between semigroup and ring theory.
multiplicative semigroup; finite semigroups; power semigroups; idempotent elements; finite commutative rings; principal ideal domain; Euler-Fermat theorem; Wilson theorem; matrices over fields; maximal groups contained in a semigroup; periodic sequence; multiplicative semigroup of Zm; semigroup of circulant Boolean matrices
Available on request at various institutes of the ASCR
Idempotents, Group Membership and their Applications
S.Schwarz in his paper [165] proved the existence of maximal subgroups in periodic semigroups and a decade later he brought [167] into play the maximal subsemigroups and thus he embodied the ...
UFO 2017. Interactive System for Universal Functional Optimization
Lukšan, Ladislav; Tůma, Miroslav; Matonoha, Ctirad; Vlček, Jan; Ramešová, Nina; Šiška, M.; Hartman, J.
2017 - English
This report contains a description of the interactive system for universal functional optimization UFO, version 2017. This version contains interfaces to the MATLAB and SCILAB graphics environments.
numerical optimization; nonlinear programming; nonlinear approximation; algorithms; software systems
Available in digital repository of the ASCR
UFO 2017. Interactive System for Universal Functional Optimization
This report contains a description of the interactive system for universal functional optimization UFO, version 2017. This version contains interfaces to the MATLAB and SCILAB graphics environments.
Application and Misapplication of the Czechoslovak STP Cipher During WWII - Report on an Unpublished Manuscript
Porubský, Štefan
2017 - English
STP cipher; Josef Růžek; Karol Cigáň; František Moravec; Czechoslovak military cryptography; Word War II
Available on request at various institutes of the ASCR
Application and Misapplication of the Czechoslovak STP Cipher During WWII - Report on an Unpublished Manuscript
The IINC System under the ROOT Environment
Jiřina, Marcel
2017 - English
IINC; data separation; classification; multivariate data; distance; metric
Available in digital repository of the ASCR
The IINC System under the ROOT Environment
Analýza zranitelnosti hl.m. Prahy vůči dopadům změny klimatu
Lorencová, Eliška; Emmer, Adam; Geletič, Jan; Vačkář, David
2017 - Czech
Změna klimatu představuje jednu z klíčových výzev 21. století, jak z hlediska adaptací, tak mitigací. Cílem tohoto výzkumného záměru bylo v návaznosti na Strategii adaptace hl. m. Prahy na klimatickou změnu, zpracovat podklady pro Implementační plán, zaměřené na analýzu zranitelnosti hl.m. Prahy vůči dopadům změny klimatu. Analýza zranitelnosti se zaměřovala na dopady spojené s: (i) teplotními extrémy ve městě – vlnami horka, (ii) nedostatečným zasakováním a extrémními srážkami. Přístup zahrnoval prostorově explicitní analýzu v postředí ArcGIS, založenou na klimatický, land use a socio-ekonomických indikátorech pro současný stav a scénáře RCP 4.5 a RCP 8.5. Z hlediska zranitelnosti vůči teplotním extrémům - vlnám horka jsou v současné době nejvíce zasaženy oblasti v centru města (MČ Praha 2, MČ Praha 3, MČ Praha 6, MČ Praha 7, MČ Praha 1) a některé z okrajových částí města s průmyslovou zástavbou, např. Libeň, či Štěrboholy. Zranitelnost vůči extrémním srážkám a nedostatečnému zasakování srážkové vody je nejvyšší zejména v oblasti soutoku Vltavy a Berounky – Velká Chuchle, Praha 16, Zbraslav a Lipence. Climate change is one of the key challenges of the 21st century, both in terms of adaptation as well as mitigation. The aim of this research was, following the Adaptation Strategy of the City of Prague, to prepare the background analysis for the Adaptation Action Plan, focusing on vulnerability assessment. The vulnerability asssessment focused on the climate change impacts related to: (i) temperature extremes - heatwaves, (ii) insufficient rainwater retention and extreme rainfall. The approach included spatially-specific analysis using ArcGIS based on climatic, land use and socio-economic indicators for the current status and future RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5 scenarios. Regarding vulnerability to heatwaves, the most affected areas are located in the city center (Prague 2, Prague 3, Prague 6, Prague 7, Prague 1) and some peripheral areas with industrial buildings (e.g. Libeň or Štěrboholy). Vulnerability to extreme precipitation and insufficient rainwater retention was highest particularly at the confluence of the Vltava and Berounka (Velká Chuchle, Prague 16, Zbraslav and Lipence).
climate change adaptation; vulnerability analysis; urban; Prague
Available on request at various institutes of the ASCR
Analýza zranitelnosti hl.m. Prahy vůči dopadům změny klimatu
Změna klimatu představuje jednu z klíčových výzev 21. století, jak z hlediska adaptací, tak mitigací. Cílem tohoto výzkumného záměru bylo v návaznosti na Strategii adaptace hl. m. Prahy na klimatickou ...
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