Number of found documents: 954
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Optical and Pneumatic Measurements on TR-U-9A Cascade
Luxa, Martin; Šimurda, David
2020 - English
The report contains results and evaluation of conducted optical (interferometry and schlieren technique) and pneumatic measurements on the eroded variant of the new tip section, intended for long rotor blade. Keywords: transonic flow; experimental aerodynamic; steam turbine Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Optical and Pneumatic Measurements on TR-U-9A Cascade

The report contains results and evaluation of conducted optical (interferometry and schlieren technique) and pneumatic measurements on the eroded variant of the new tip section, intended for long ...

Luxa, Martin; Šimurda, David
Ústav termomechaniky, 2020

Measurements on TR-U-9 Cascade
Luxa, Martin; Šimurda, David; Hála, Jindřich
2020 - English
The report contains results and evaluation of conducted optical (interferometry and schlieren technique), pneumatic and CTA (hot films) measurements on the second variant of the tip section, intended for long rotor blade. Keywords: transonic flow; experimental aerodynamic; steam turbine Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Measurements on TR-U-9 Cascade

The report contains results and evaluation of conducted optical (interferometry and schlieren technique), pneumatic and CTA (hot films) measurements on the second variant of the tip section, intended ...

Luxa, Martin; Šimurda, David; Hála, Jindřich
Ústav termomechaniky, 2020

Measurements on KR-D-2 Blade Cascade
Šimurda, David; Luxa, Martin; Radnic, Tomáš; Hála, Jindřich
2019 - English
This report contains results and evaluation of aerodynamic measurements conducted on second variant of transonic compressor blade cascade. Keywords: transonic compressor blade; aerodynamic measurements; axial compressor Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Measurements on KR-D-2 Blade Cascade

This report contains results and evaluation of aerodynamic measurements conducted on second variant of transonic compressor blade cascade.

Šimurda, David; Luxa, Martin; Radnic, Tomáš; Hála, Jindřich
Ústav termomechaniky, 2019

Distribution of the external wind pressure coefficients on the surface of the façade of the high‐rise building "KINEUM" determined from the wind tunnel measurements
Hračov, Stanislav; Macháček, Michael
2019 - English
The report describes the procedure and results of the measurements of aerodynamic model of the planned high-rise building in Gothenburg in Sweden. The determined wind pressure distribution on individual surfaces of the building for several wind directions are presented in the form of external pressure coefficients. The obtained pressure coefficients are subsequently used by the client for the design of façade elements loaded by the wind. Keywords: external pressure coefficient; wind load; high-rise building Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Distribution of the external wind pressure coefficients on the surface of the façade of the high‐rise building "KINEUM" determined from the wind tunnel measurements

The report describes the procedure and results of the measurements of aerodynamic model of the planned high-rise building in Gothenburg in Sweden. The determined wind pressure distribution on ...

Hračov, Stanislav; Macháček, Michael
Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky, 2019

On Yield Surface Detection, Experiments by Finite Element Method
Klepač, Vilém; Liu, Li-Wei
2019 - English
In the submitted report it is described, how experiments by FEM are designed for\nmore precise detection of yield point. Content of report can be devided to these\nareas:\n- Intership travel report\n- Idea of research topic\n- Develop software tools Keywords: FEM; yield surface; plasticity Available at various institutes of the ASCR
On Yield Surface Detection, Experiments by Finite Element Method

In the submitted report it is described, how experiments by FEM are designed for\nmore precise detection of yield point. Content of report can be devided to these\nareas:\n- Intership travel ...

Klepač, Vilém; Liu, Li-Wei
Ústav termomechaniky, 2019

The scalar-valued score functions of continuous probability distribution
Fabián, Zdeněk
2019 - English
In this report we give theoretical basis of probability theory of continuous random variables based on scalar valued score functions. We maintain consistently the following point of view: It is not the observed value, which is to be used in probabilistic and statistical considerations, but its 'treated form', the value of the scalar-valued score function of distribution of the assumed model. Actually, the opinion that an observed value of random variable should be 'treated' with respect to underlying model is one of main ideas of the inference based on likelihood in classical statistics. However, a vector nature of Fisher score functions of classical statistics does not enable a consistent use of this point of view. Instead, various inference functions are suggested and used in solutions of various statistical problems. Inference function of this report is the scalar-valued score function of distribution. Keywords: Shortcomings of probability theory; Scalar-valued score functions; Characteristics of continous random variables; Parametric estimation; Transformed distributions; Skew-symmetric distributions Available at various institutes of the ASCR
The scalar-valued score functions of continuous probability distribution

In this report we give theoretical basis of probability theory of continuous random variables based on scalar valued score functions. We maintain consistently the following point of view: It is not ...

Fabián, Zdeněk
Ústav informatiky, 2019

Inspection of endangered cultural heritage assets in Iran
Drdácký, Miloš
2019 - English
Findings and comments based on visual inspection of damaged historical buildings – cultural heritage monuments - by Professor Miloš Drdácký. lt seems that there is a lack of an advanced documentation and especially diagnostics of condition of historical buildings and monuments. Namely, long term monitoring of defects in their relation to loadings is missing. Further, laboratories and know how for determination of material characteristics has a potential for improvement. Keywords: cultural heritage; Iran; visual inspection; ICOMOS ISCARSAH mission Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Inspection of endangered cultural heritage assets in Iran

Findings and comments based on visual inspection of damaged historical buildings – cultural heritage monuments - by Professor Miloš Drdácký. lt seems that there is a lack of an advanced documentation ...

Drdácký, Miloš
Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky, 2019

Report on the reference densities of water and air employed for the adjustment of vibrating tube density meter
Vinš, Václav; Prokopová, Olga
2019 - English
Zpráva představuje souhrn několika modelů pro určení referenčních hustot čisté vody a vlhkého vzduchu při atmosférickém tlaku, které jsou potřebné k teplotní kalibraci hustoměru s vibrační trubicí Anton Paar DMA 5000 M. Při nastavení přístroje využívaného v Laboratoři termofyzikálních vlastností vzešla řada technických otázek ohledně kalibrace přístroje. Tato zpráva slouží zejména jako podklad k diskuzi se zástupci společnosti Anton Paar. S použitím softwaru pro technické výpočty Matlab byly vytvořeny programy pro výpočet hustoty vody pomocí stavové rovnice IAPWS-95 od Wagnera a Pruße (2002), CIPM standardu od Tanaky a kol. (2001) a vztahu od Spiewecka a Bettina (1992). Pro vlhký vzduch byl sestaven model na základě IAPWS Guideline G8-10 (2010) založeném na stavové rovnici pro suchý vzduch od Lemmona a kol. (2000) a stavové rovnici pro vodu IAPWS-95. Výsledky byly porovnány s CIPM standardem od Picarda a kol. (2008) a zjednodušeným vztahem od Spiewecka a Bettina (1992). V závěrečné části jsou prezentována data naměřená v Laboratoři termofyzikálních vlastností pro čistou vodu v teplotním rozsahu 2 až 50 °C pro různá nastavení referenčních vztahů pro hustoty vody a vlhkého vzduchu použité při kalibraci přístroje.\n Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Report on the reference densities of water and air employed for the adjustment of vibrating tube density meter

Zpráva představuje souhrn několika modelů pro určení referenčních hustot čisté vody a vlhkého vzduchu při atmosférickém tlaku, které jsou potřebné k teplotní kalibraci hustoměru s vibrační trubicí ...

Vinš, Václav; Prokopová, Olga
Ústav termomechaniky, 2019

Technical manual - collimator
Kredba, Jan; Steiger, Lukáš; Tomka, David; Václavík, Jan
2018 - English
The purpose of this document is to provide basic set of rules and instructions that allows using and maintaining of the NEOSTED collimator (COL).\nBe aware that it is not purpose of this document to provide detailed description of individual parts of the COL system. If necessary all the details and proper references can be found in [AD-2]. Keywords: collimator; NEOSTED; TOPTEC; optical testing; interferometry Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Technical manual - collimator

The purpose of this document is to provide basic set of rules and instructions that allows using and maintaining of the NEOSTED collimator (COL).\nBe aware that it is not purpose of this document to ...

Kredba, Jan; Steiger, Lukáš; Tomka, David; Václavík, Jan
Ústav fyziky plazmatu, 2018

Structural mapping of exploration boreholes walls within first phase - Safety boreholes for Boxcut
Waclawik, Petr; Souček, Kamil; Vavro, Martin; Kukutsch, Radovan; Ram, S.
2018 - English
Structural-geological analysis, i.e. core fracturing assessment within the boxcut safety\nborehole was carried out on the basis of optical televiewer record evaluation. In general,\noptical televiewer (OPTV) probe provides a continuous, unwrapped, high-resolution digital\n360° image of the borehole-walls oriented towards the cardinal points. This technique\nprovides information about the strike, dip direction, dip angle and depth of foliation, bedding\nplanes and fractures, as well as the frequency, aperture and infillings of fractures. Information\nabout spatial characteristics of structural elements is one of its indisputable advantages and\nallows for subsequent statistical evaluations.\nThe structural mapping of boreholes of Boxcut safety boreholes were carried out within the\ncontract of IG CAS (Contract No. D/18/156/00) GEOMET, s.r.o. (as a customer, contract No.\n01/2018). The aim of the contractual research was the realisation and interpretation of the\nfractures by digital logging of boreholes walls. Keywords: boreholes; structural mapping; rock quality Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Structural mapping of exploration boreholes walls within first phase - Safety boreholes for Boxcut

Structural-geological analysis, i.e. core fracturing assessment within the boxcut safety\nborehole was carried out on the basis of optical televiewer record evaluation. In general,\noptical televiewer ...

Waclawik, Petr; Souček, Kamil; Vavro, Martin; Kukutsch, Radovan; Ram, S.
Ústav geoniky, 2018

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