Folklore Revival Movements in Europe post 1950. Shifting Contexts and Perspectives.
Stavělová, Daniela
2018 - English
This collection of papers emerges from a symposium on the folklore revival movement of the second half of the twentieth century which was held in Prague in October 2017. As the current findings of ongoing research in this volume demonstrate, across Europe, the performance and investigation of folklore revival movements, especially music and dance, is of vital interest and relevance to understanding their manifestation in the second half of the twentieth century. This present collection opens the door to further critical examination of the power of such cultural practices, their political salience, whether at national, institutional or individual levels, and their deep-seated impact on people who have encountered and evaluated folk revivalism in their lives.
folklore revival movement; politics; dance
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Folklore Revival Movements in Europe post 1950. Shifting Contexts and Perspectives.
This collection of papers emerges from a symposium on the folklore revival movement of the second half of the twentieth century which was held in Prague in October 2017. As the current findings of ...
Recollecting versus Remembering : On the Era of the New Folk Songs in Czechoslovakia during the Totalitarian Regime
Uhlíková, Lucie
2018 - Czech
The paper explores memory in connection with the new folk songs which originated in totalitarian Czechoslovakia within the folk movement. These songs were written in the spirit of folk tradition, but they had topical content, which often showed political motive and propagandist intent. Příspěvek je věnován otázce paměti ve spojení s tzv. novou lidovou písní, která v totalitním Československu vznikala na půdě folklorního hnutí. Šlo o písně skládané v duchu lidové tradice, avšak s aktuálním obsahem, často politicky angažovaným a agitačním.
folk song; totalitarianism; culture politics; folklorism; the misuse of cultural heritage
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Recollecting versus Remembering : On the Era of the New Folk Songs in Czechoslovakia during the Totalitarian Regime
The paper explores memory in connection with the new folk songs which originated in totalitarian Czechoslovakia within the folk movement. These songs were written in the spirit of folk tradition, but ...
From folklore to world music : Reflections
Uhlíková, Lucie; Přibylová, I.
2017 - Czech
music; reflection of music; reflections; Moravian folk songs
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From folklore to world music : Reflections
Folklore in the mirror of individual and social interests (a case study of the Czech ethnologist František\nPospíšil)
Uhlíková, Lucie; Pavlicová, M.
2017 - Czech
František Pospíšil (1885–1958), a noted ethnologist from Brno, was one of the scholars whose research aims and interpretations of the topics which he studied were determined both by his individual interests as well as by social context. The paper attempts to demonstrate it. Pospíšil, who was interested in modern research methods (using phonograph, camera, and film camera) and was ambitious, stretched his research from his home region of Haná in Moravia to Native Americans (within his sword dance study and weapon dance study); his findings were quoted by many respected scholars of the period. Within the Czech environment, Pospíšil was one of the first scholars who used a phonograph to record folk singing; within the international context, Pospíšil was one of the first scholars who used a film camera to research dances. In fact, anything that Pospíšil did in the field of ethnology was unique; he covered a very broad range of themes and geographical areas, he also explored cultural phenomena which were on the margin of interest of others, and he employed an agile manager like approach. Due to some unfavourable historical circumstances, Pospíšil’s name was almost forgotten especially in the Czech context, and there is almost no mention of him in the texts on the history of Czech and Slovak folkloristics.
folklore; folk dance; sword dance; dance and film; phonograph; František Pospíšil; Leoš Janáček
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Folklore in the mirror of individual and social interests (a case study of the Czech ethnologist František\nPospíšil)
František Pospíšil (1885–1958), a noted ethnologist from Brno, was one of the scholars whose research aims and interpretations of the topics which he studied were determined both by his individual ...
Folklore in the mirror of individual and social interests (a case study of the Czech ethnologist František Pospíšil)
Uhlíková, Lucie; Pavlicová, M.
2017 - English
The paper demonstrates how the research aims and the interpretation of researched topics can be determined both by individual interests as well as by social context. František Pospíšil (1885–1958), a noted ethnologist from Brno, was one of the first Czech scholars who used a phonograph to record dialects and folk singing, and a film camera to research dance traditions.
folklore; folk dance; sword dance; dance and film; phonograph; František Pospíšil; Leoš Janáček
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Folklore in the mirror of individual and social interests (a case study of the Czech ethnologist František Pospíšil)
The paper demonstrates how the research aims and the interpretation of researched topics can be determined both by individual interests as well as by social context. František Pospíšil (1885–1958), a ...
At the beginning was politics: Some glosses about so called „gubernial” collector´s action
Toncrová, Marta
2016 - Czech
Interesting things about the genesis, course and next fates of the oldiest collection of folk songs in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia. Zajímavosti o vzniku, průběhu a dalších osudech nejstarší sbírky lidových písní v Čechách, na Moravě a ve Slezsku.
Collection of folk songs; 1819; Bohemia; Moravia; Silesia; Folk songs; folk song collecting
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At the beginning was politics: Some glosses about so called „gubernial” collector´s action
Interesting things about the genesis, course and next fates of the oldiest collection of folk songs in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia.
At the beginning was politics : Some glosses about so called „gubernial” collector´s action
Toncrová, Marta
2016 - English
Interesting things about the genesis, course and next fates of the oldiest collection of folk songs in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia.
Collection of folk songs; 1819; Bohemia; Moravia; Silesia; Folk songs; folk song collecting
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At the beginning was politics : Some glosses about so called „gubernial” collector´s action
Interesting things about the genesis, course and next fates of the oldiest collection of folk songs in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia.
The Innovation of Tradition: Male folk choirs in the Slovácko region and their beginnings
Uhlíková, Lucie
2016 - English
The study reflects the difference between the preservation of cultural heritage and the living, or innovated tradition, on an example of the repertoire\nof male folk voice choirs in the ethnographic area of Slovácko.
Field research; ethnocultural traditions; ethnology; transformation of tradition; male voice folk choirs; the Slovácko region
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The Innovation of Tradition: Male folk choirs in the Slovácko region and their beginnings
The study reflects the difference between the preservation of cultural heritage and the living, or innovated tradition, on an example of the repertoire\nof male folk voice choirs in the ethnographic ...
The Fetish of the Oldest Sound. Science, politics, and the fascination with the beginnings of sound recordings
Kratochvíl, Matěj
2016 - Czech
The invention of the phonograph in the late 19th century started an obsession with the recorded sound as a document of history. As such it became an important part of the human need to create stories from archival materials and to see them as parts of objective truth, a direct connection with the past. With the growing accessibility of historical audio documents, we need to look critically at these sources and at the possibility to take them as a trace leading to the beginning of a particular part of music history. The present paper shows in which ways we can see the phenomenon of sound recording truly as the beginning of something new and in which cases such an impression can be misleading. Unconsciously or with a political or other intent, recordings can present music in a very different, sometimes distorted form. With special focus on traditional music, the author attempts to formulate some general ideas that should be kept in mind when dealing with historical recordings so that we do not become too fascinated with the “past speaking directly to us”. Vynález fonografu na konci 19. století zahájil posedlost zvukovým záznamem jako historickým dokumentem. Tím se stal důležitou součástí lidské potřeby vytvářet příběhy z archivních materiálů a dívat se na ně jako na součásti objektivní pravdy, přímé spojení s budoucností. S rostoucí dostupností historických zvukových dokumentů stoupá nutnost kritického pohledu na tyto prameny a na jejich využití coby stopy vedoucí k počátkům konkrétní kapitoly v hudební historii. Tato studie ukazuje, v jakých ohledech lze fenomén zvukového záznamu chápat jako počátek čehosi nového a v jakých případech může být tento dojem zavádějící. Ať již neúmyslně, či pod vlivem politických nebo jiných motivů mohou nahrávky prezentovat hudbu v proměněné, často zkreslené podobě. Autor se snaží – se zvláštním zřetelem k tradiční hudbě – formulovat některé obecné myšlenky, jež bychom měli mít na paměti při práci s historickými nahrávkami, abychom nepropadli přílišné fascinaci „historií hovořící přímo k nám.“
sound recording; traditional music; phonograph; media theory; music and politics
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The Fetish of the Oldest Sound. Science, politics, and the fascination with the beginnings of sound recordings
The invention of the phonograph in the late 19th century started an obsession with the recorded sound as a document of history. As such it became an important part of the human need to create stories ...
The Innovation of Tradition: Male folk voice choirs in the Slovácko region and their beginnings
Uhlíková, Lucie
2016 - Czech
The study reflects the difference between the preservation of cultural heritage and the living, or innovated tradition, on an example of the repertoire\nof male folk voice choirs in the ethnographic area of Slovácko. Studie se zamýšlí nad rozdílem mezi udržováním kulturního dědictví a živou, resp. inovovanou tradicí, a to na příkladu repertoáru mužských pěveckých sborů v regionu Slovácko.
Field research; ethnocultural traditions; ethnology; transformation of tradition; male voice folk choirs; the Slovácko region
Fulltext is available at external website.
The Innovation of Tradition: Male folk voice choirs in the Slovácko region and their beginnings
The study reflects the difference between the preservation of cultural heritage and the living, or innovated tradition, on an example of the repertoire\nof male folk voice choirs in the ethnographic ...
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