Number of found documents: 456
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Experientiality: does it divide or link description and narration?
Jedličková, Alice
2014 - English
The paper revisits the – in the scholarly discourse for various reasons time and again rejected – differentiation between description and narration arguing in its favour, hoping to illuminate its usefulness in the analyses of both literary narratives and those produced by other media, as well as to pave the way for papers focusing on ekphrasis and its aspects such as temporality, perspectivization and intermedia functions. Keywords: description; narration; experientiality; intermediality Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Experientiality: does it divide or link description and narration?

The paper revisits the – in the scholarly discourse for various reasons time and again rejected – differentiation between description and narration arguing in its favour, hoping to illuminate its ...

Jedličková, Alice
Ústav pro českou literaturu, 2014

Popis a jeho subjekt: očima pozorovatele
Fedrová, Stanislava
2014 - English
The category of beholder as key mediator of the surrounding world (or its image) in an artwork results from confrontation of verbal and visual descriptivity. The paper focuses on the role of beholder and the influence of processes of her perception on the descriptive structure. It seems inevitable to inquire into the ways and devices of transforming the perspective of a character into narratorial discourse or into that of an implied beholder. Concurrently, it is necessary to differentiate between the mode of beholder where emphasize is on perception, and the mode of interpreter, i. e. such apprehension of the world, which employs e. g. pictorial models and cultural/visual concepts intently in order to induce evocation or visualization in readers. The paper examines the assumed “objectivity” or noninterpretative character of description by displaying a variety of observer’s perspectives in description and also in ekphrasis as a specific type of description. Kategorie pozorovatele jakožto klíčového zprostředkovatele vnějšího světa (či obrazu vnějšího světa) vyvstává z konfrontace verbální a vizuální deskriptivity. Studie se tak soustředí právě na úlohu pozorovatele a funkce jeho vnímání ve výstavbě deskripce. Je třeba nastolit otázky postupů přebírání perspektivy postavy do diskurzu vypravěče či implicitního pozorovatele. Musíme přitom rozlišovat mezi modem pozorovatele, zdůrazňujícím percepční rovinu, a interpreta, tj. takového vnímání okolního světa, které vědomě využívá např. piktoriálních modelů a kulturních/vizuálních konceptů a připravuje tak evokaci či vizualizaci čtenáře. Studie zkoumá tradičně chápanou "objektivitu" neinterpretující postavy a představuje škálu pozorovatelských perspektiv v popisu a rovněž v ekfrázi jako specifickém popisném typu. Keywords: intermediality; literary description; ekphrasis; visual studies Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Popis a jeho subjekt: očima pozorovatele

The category of beholder as key mediator of the surrounding world (or its image) in an artwork results from confrontation of verbal and visual descriptivity. The paper focuses on the role of beholder ...

Fedrová, Stanislava
Ústav pro českou literaturu, 2014

Czech Manuscripts and Polish Returns to the National Songs
Dobiáš, Dalibor
2014 - Czech
This study raises the issue of how late 1810s and early 1820s Polish literature reflects the Czech forged manuscripts, which "as the most prominent fraud in the style of Macpherson’s Songs of Ossian" (Donald Rayfield) substantially molded 19th and 20th century Czech culture. The generic and typological focus is on Śpiewy historyczne z muzyką i rycinami (Historical songs with music and engravings, 1816) by Julian Ursyn Niemcewicz (1758–1841), which preceded the Czech manuscripts, and the edition of Ruska prawda (Russian Truth, 1820, 1822) by the historian of Slavonic law Ignacy Benedykt Rakowiecki, which in opposition to Josef Dobrovský appreciated the pagan realia in the Zelená Hora manuscript and so had an effect on its Czech reception. In the dynamically transforming Czech and Polish literature of the 1810s, this study identifies a number of common elements based on the case of the manuscripts and Śpiewy historyczne, but it also characterizes the differing cultural and social backgrounds behind the basic differences between the manuscripts and Śpiewy. The Czech manuscripts, created in the tradition of European Ossianism, are highlighted by the study primarily as a unique linguistic and literary achievement in the reconstruction of Czech poetic language in the latter half of the 1810s. Studie si klade otázku, kterak zrcadlí polská literatura druhé poloviny 10. let a počátku 20. let 19. století české Rukopisy královédvorský a zelenohorský (RKZ), které jako „nejvýznamnější podvod ve stylu Macphersonových Ossianových zpěvů“ (Donald Rayfield) podstatně formovaly českou kulturu 19. i 20. století. Soustřeďuje se geneticko-typologicky na Śpiewy historyczne z muzyką i rycinami (Historické zpěvy s hudbou a rytinami, 1816) Juliana Ursyna Niemcewicze (1758–1841), jejichž vznik RKZ předcházel, a na edici Ruska prawda (Ruská pravda, 1820, 1822) historika slovanského práva Ignacyho Benedykta Rakowieckého, která proti Josefu Dobrovskému docenila i pohanské reálie RZ a zapůsobila tak na českou recepci tohoto rukopisu. V dynamicky se přetvářející české a polské literatuře 10. let 19. století studie na případě RKZ a Śpiewů historyczných pojmenovává řadu společných prvků, ale charakterizuje i odlišné kulturní a společenské zázemí, které motivovalo zásadní odlišnosti RKZ a Śpiewů. České RKZ vzniklé v tradici evropského ossianismu vyzdvihuje studie především jako jedinečný lingvoliterární počin při přestavbě českého básnického jazyka v druhé polovině 10. let 19. století. Keywords: Czech literature; 19th century; forged manuscripts; mystification; Polish literature Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Czech Manuscripts and Polish Returns to the National Songs

This study raises the issue of how late 1810s and early 1820s Polish literature reflects the Czech forged manuscripts, which "as the most prominent fraud in the style of Macpherson’s Songs of Ossian" ...

Dobiáš, Dalibor
Ústav pro českou literaturu, 2014

Introduction. On description
Jedličková, Alice
2014 - English
Preface to a book On description. Keywords: description; narratology; literary theory Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Introduction. On description

Preface to a book On description.

Jedličková, Alice
Ústav pro českou literaturu, 2014

The Second Part of the Manuscript of Dvůr Králové and its finder Antonín Pfleger Kopidlanský
Píša, Petr
2014 - Czech
This paper presents an analysis of the memoirs of Antonín Pflegr (1811–1896), who was literarily active under the name of Kopidlanský, which claimed that in 1821, when he was ten years old he found in a cell in the Dvůr Králové decanal church tower a parchment strip belonging to the Dvůr Králové manuscript, which he later presented to Václav Hanka. Pfleger’s parchment strip discovery is interpreted as proof of the early worship of the place in which the manuscripts were found, which started to play the role of a Czech national history heritage site. This paper refers to the ongoing institutionalization and collectivization involved in commemoration of the site on which the manuscript was allegedly discovered and the decline in this tradition at a local level after the main wave of disputes over the authenticity of the manuscripts had passed over. Příspěvek podává rozbor vzpomínky Antonína Pflegra (1811–1896, literárně činného pod přízviskem Kopidlanský), podle níž roku 1821, ve svých deseti letech, nalezl v kobce věže královédvorského děkanského kostela pergamenový proužek náležící k Rukopisu královédvorskému, který později věnoval Václavu Hankovi. Pflegrův objev pergamenového proužku je interpretován jako doklad o raném uctívání místa nálezu rukopisných památek, které začíná plnit roli místa paměti českých národních dějin. Příspěvek ukazuje dále postupnou institucionalizaci a kolektivizaci vzpomínání na místo nálezu Rukopisu, stejně jako pokles této tradice na lokální úroveň po odeznění hlavní fáze sporů o pravost rukopisných památek. Keywords: Dvůr Králové manuscript; Pfleger Kopidlanský, Antonín; forged manuscripts; Dvůr Králové nad Labem Available at various institutes of the ASCR
The Second Part of the Manuscript of Dvůr Králové and its finder Antonín Pfleger Kopidlanský

This paper presents an analysis of the memoirs of Antonín Pflegr (1811–1896), who was literarily active under the name of Kopidlanský, which claimed that in 1821, when he was ten years old he found in ...

Píša, Petr
Ústav pro českou literaturu, 2014

Description and its subject: through the eyes of the observer
Fedrová, Stanislava
2014 - English
The category of beholder as key mediator of the surrounding world (or its image) in an artwork results from confrontation of verbal and visual descriptivity. The paper focuses on the role of beholder and the influence of processes of her perception on the descriptive structure. It seems inevitable to inquire into the ways and devices of transforming the perspective of a character into narratorial discourse or into that of an implied beholder. Concurrently, it is necessary to differentiate between the mode of beholder where emphasize is on perception, and the mode of interpreter, i. e. such apprehension of the world, which employs e. g. pictorial models and cultural/visual concepts intently in order to induce evocation or visualization in readers. The paper examines the assumed “objectivity” or noninterpretative character of description by displaying a variety of observer’s perspectives in description and also in ekphrasis as a specific type of description. Keywords: intermediality; literary description; ekphrasis; visual studies Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Description and its subject: through the eyes of the observer

The category of beholder as key mediator of the surrounding world (or its image) in an artwork results from confrontation of verbal and visual descriptivity. The paper focuses on the role of beholder ...

Fedrová, Stanislava
Ústav pro českou literaturu, 2014

The birth of the national mythology as a theoretical construct and a practical act
Janoušek, Pavel
2014 - Czech
This contribution first describes Vladimír Macura’s approach to 19th-century Czech literature and his concept of mystification. It then explores the correlations between his scientific concept of national awakening and his interest in Estonia, including his organization and translation work connected with that interest. Příspěvek charakterizuje přístup Vladimíra Macury k české literatuře 19. století a jeho pojetí mystifikace. Macurův vědecký koncept národního obrození pak usouvztažňuje s jeho zájmem o Estonsko a s ním spjatými aktivitami organizačními a překladatelskými. Keywords: Macura, Vladimír; Czech National Revival; literary history; Czech literature; Estonia; Estonian literature; mystification Available at various institutes of the ASCR
The birth of the national mythology as a theoretical construct and a practical act

This contribution first describes Vladimír Macura’s approach to 19th-century Czech literature and his concept of mystification. It then explores the correlations between his scientific concept of ...

Janoušek, Pavel
Ústav pro českou literaturu, 2014

Pojď ke mně umyješ mi záda
Hruška, Petr
2014 - Czech
Study. Studie. Keywords: I. M. Jirous; Czech poetry; conference Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Pojď ke mně umyješ mi záda


Hruška, Petr
Ústav pro českou literaturu, 2014

Typographical description of the print Melanchtons Latin grammar of the Czech adaptation of Nigellus
Pišna, Jan
2014 - Czech
This study is aimed at genesis and typographical description of Melanchton’s Latin grammar adaptation to Czech language. It was originally worked out by Valentin Trotzendorf for Silesian school in Goldberg (town Zlatorija in Poland today). It was prepared for printing by Laurentius Lodovicus – teacher from Zhořelec. Trojan Nigellus from Oskořín adapted this work on the Czech milieu in 1594 and its first edition was published in the printing press of Daniel Adam from Veleslavín. In Otmar’s reprint of this work is an evident effort to imitate its original design of Veleslavín’s edition. In the second half of the 17th century was its Czech adaptation from Nigellus printed in Jan Dadan’s printing house in Žilina. Článek se věnuje genezi a typografickému popisu české adaptace Melanchthonovy latinské gramatiky, kterou původně pro slezskou školu v Goldbergu (dnes Złatorija v Polsku) vypracoval Valentin Trotzendorf a pro tisk ji připravil zhořelecký učitel Laurentius Lodovicus. Do českého prostředí ji v roce 1594 adaptoval Trojan Nigellus z Oskořína a první vydání vzniklo v tiskárně Daniela Adama z Veleslavína. Pro Otmarovu reedici je patrná snaha důsledně napodobit sazbou i dekorem předlohu z veleslavínské tiskárny. Ve druhé polovině 17. století vyšla Nigellova česká adaptace v žilinské tiskárně u Jana Dadana st. Keywords: Latin grammar; Ludovicus, Laurentius; Nigellus from Oskořín, Trojan; Veleslavín, Daniel Adam from; Dačický, Jiří Jakubův Otmar; Dadan senior, Jan; Trotzendorf, Valentin; Melanchton, Filip; typography; adaptation to Czech language Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Typographical description of the print Melanchtons Latin grammar of the Czech adaptation of Nigellus

This study is aimed at genesis and typographical description of Melanchton’s Latin grammar adaptation to Czech language. It was originally worked out by Valentin Trotzendorf for Silesian school in ...

Pišna, Jan
Ústav pro českou literaturu, 2014

“The Italy of the Vlachs” and “Czechs’ ancestors, the Gauls” A comparative view of several constructs within Slavomania and Celtomania.
Hrbata, Zdeněk
2014 - Czech
This study focuses on parallel instruments (etymology, archeology, and ideological discourse) that played a role in the mythical conceptions of Slavs and Celts during the Romantic and Pre-romantic periods (Travelogue of Jan Kollár from 1843; creators and critics of the Celtic-Gallic origin concept). Studie se zaměřuje na obdobné instrumenty (etymologie, archeologie, ideologický diskurz), které se v romantickém i předromantickém období podílely na mytickém pojetí Slovanů a Keltů jako výjimečných národů (Cestopis Jana Kollára z r. 1843; tvůrci a kritikové kelto-galské původnosti). Keywords: Slavs; Celts; mythology Available at various institutes of the ASCR
“The Italy of the Vlachs” and “Czechs’ ancestors, the Gauls” A comparative view of several constructs within Slavomania and Celtomania.

This study focuses on parallel instruments (etymology, archeology, and ideological discourse) that played a role in the mythical conceptions of Slavs and Celts during the Romantic and Pre-romantic ...

Hrbata, Zdeněk
Ústav pro českou literaturu, 2014

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