Number of found documents: 287
Published from to

Chief of Staff, Combat Group Gillain in Slovakia
Hofman, Petr
2006 - Czech
Hitherto unknown General Eliáš's activities are he commanded one of the Army groups during the armed conflict between Czechoslovakia and the Hungarian republic of Soviet during the months of May to June 1919. Příspěvek sleduje dosud málo známé okolnosti působení Aloise Eliáše jako náčelníka jedné z bojových skupin čs. armády v průběhu ozbrojeného konfliktu mezi Československem a Maďarskou republikou rad v květnu a červnu 1919. Keywords: Czechoslovak Army - biographies Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Chief of Staff, Combat Group Gillain in Slovakia

Hitherto unknown General Eliáš's activities are he commanded one of the Army groups during the armed conflict between Czechoslovakia and the Hungarian republic of Soviet during the months of May to ...

Hofman, Petr
Ústav pro soudobé dějiny, 2006

Problems related to the search and identification of the art and craft objects
Krejčová, Helena
2006 - Czech
This conference paper is focused on the detailed description of the particular steps linked with the identification of the confiscated art and it also includes the participation of various insitutions connected with these operations as well as with the process of the post-war identification. The research on the deposits of Jewish property in the Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague is described in details there. Přednáška je zaměřena na popis jednotlivých kroků spojených s identifikací zkonfiskovaného umění, všetně jednotlivých institucí, které byly do tohoto procesu i do procesu následné poválečné identifikace zapojeny. Podrobněji se zaměřuje na depozita židovského majetku v Uměleckoprůmyslovém muzeu. Keywords: works of art - confiscation - restitution Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Problems related to the search and identification of the art and craft objects

This conference paper is focused on the detailed description of the particular steps linked with the identification of the confiscated art and it also includes the participation of various insitutions ...

Krejčová, Helena
Ústav pro soudobé dějiny, 2006

Resistance of Czechoslovak people against the intervention
Pernes, Jiří
2006 - Czech
In August 1968, military troops of the Warsaw Pact countries invaded Czechoslovakia in order to force the leaders of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia to terminate people political and economic reforms. While the top representatives of the Party and state administration were detained in the USSR, the people of Czechoslovakia resisted the occupants and used non-violent methods to subvent their activity. V srpnu 1968 vpadla vojska států Varšavské smlouvy do Československa, aby tehdejší vedení KSČ donutila k ukončení politických a hospodářských reforem. Zatímco vedoucí představitelé KSČ a státní správy byli internování v SSSR, široká československá veřejnost se postavila okupantům na odpor a nenásilnými metodami se snažila jejich počínání překazit. Keywords: Communist régime - economic and political reform - resistance Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Resistance of Czechoslovak people against the intervention

In August 1968, military troops of the Warsaw Pact countries invaded Czechoslovakia in order to force the leaders of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia to terminate people political and economic ...

Pernes, Jiří
Ústav pro soudobé dějiny, 2006

Report by the Czechoslovak ambassador in Warsaw JUDr. Antonín Gregor on the March events in Poland
Blažek, Petr
2006 - Czech
Article put brains to detailed report by the Czechoslovak ambassador in Warsaw Antonín Gregor on the March events in Poland in 1968. Článek se věnuje detailní zprávě československého velvyslance ve Varšavě Antonína Gregora o březnových událostech roku 1968 v Polsku. Keywords: year 1968 - Poland Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Report by the Czechoslovak ambassador in Warsaw JUDr. Antonín Gregor on the March events in Poland

Article put brains to detailed report by the Czechoslovak ambassador in Warsaw Antonín Gregor on the March events in Poland in 1968.

Blažek, Petr
Ústav pro soudobé dějiny, 2006

Unpublished manuscript by Ivan Málek about the development of biology
Štrbáňová, Soňa
2006 - Czech
Paper analyzes two versions of the unpublished manuscript of I.Málek on the development of the Czechoslovak biology and deliberates on the possibilities of its use as a source to the history of Czechoslovak and world biology. Práce rozebírá dvě verze nevydaného rukopisu I. Málka o rozvoji československé biologie a možnosti jehp využití jako pramene k dějinám biologie v Československu i ve světě. Keywords: history of science - history of biology Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Unpublished manuscript by Ivan Málek about the development of biology

Paper analyzes two versions of the unpublished manuscript of I.Málek on the development of the Czechoslovak biology and deliberates on the possibilities of its use as a source to the history of ...

Štrbáňová, Soňa
Ústav pro soudobé dějiny, 2006

Lost Heritage
2006 - Czech
This publication contains various papers presented in the frame of the Documentation Center's project of so called Round tables. It is focused on the identification of the works of art from the point of view of the auction houses, on the restitution of works of art from the point of view of the Czech restitution legislation and finally on the identification of the works of art from the point of view of the museums and galleries in the Czech Republic. Tato publikace obsahuje přednášky ze tří seminářů pořádaných Centrem pro dokumentaci v rámci přednáškového cyklu tzv. Kulatých stolů. Zaměřuje se na identifikaci uměleckých předmětů z pohledu aukčních síní, na restituce uměleckých předmětů z pohledu české restituční legislativy a na identifikaci uměleckých předmětů z pohledu muzeí a galerií. Keywords: works of art - confiscation - restiturion Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Lost Heritage

This publication contains various papers presented in the frame of the Documentation Center's project of so called Round tables. It is focused on the identification of the works of art from the point ...

Ústav pro soudobé dějiny, 2006

Contentual and Production Metamorphoses of Czech Television after 1989
Bednařík, Petr
2006 - Czech
Text analyses contentual and production metamorphoses of Czech television serial after 1989. Text analyzuje obsahové a produkční proměny českého televizního seriálu po roce 1989. Keywords: Czech television - Czech society Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Contentual and Production Metamorphoses of Czech Television after 1989

Text analyses contentual and production metamorphoses of Czech television serial after 1989.

Bednařík, Petr
Ústav pro soudobé dějiny, 2006

Poland and Czechoslovakia in 1968
2006 - Czech
In 1968 history of Czechoslovakia and Poland had intertwined. On one hand there was mutual feeling of solidarity on the part of Polish and Czechoslovak societies, on the other hand the Polish military forces participated in the invasion of Warsaw Pact forces, which had ceased the transformations of Prague Spring. Many new information derive from archival documentation which had been recently disclosed. The publication includes materials from Polish-Czech conference. V roce 1968 se československé a polské dějiny výrazným způsobem ovlivňovaly - stačí připomenout, že se polské jednotky podílely na srpnové okupaci Československa. Čeští a polští historikové v této knize přibližují nejdůležitější otázky vzájemných vztahů a jejich různých podob, všímají si také širšího mezinárodního kontextu. Základem sborníku jsou příspěvky z mezinárodní konference. Keywords: Czechoslovakia - Poland - Year 1968 Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Poland and Czechoslovakia in 1968

In 1968 history of Czechoslovakia and Poland had intertwined. On one hand there was mutual feeling of solidarity on the part of Polish and Czechoslovak societies, on the other hand the Polish military ...

Ústav pro soudobé dějiny, 2006

Family Life in the so-called Normalization, Period from the Perspective of the Communist Officials and Dissidents
Schindler-Wisten, Petra
2006 - Czech
Paper uses the oral history method in order to understand the way in which family atmosphere influenced the ex-communist officials and dissidents, the types of relations that took place in their families and how the political activities of narrators influenced their immediate kin. Příspěvek se na základě využití metody orální historie zabývá otázkou, jak rodinná atmosféra působila na bývalé komunistické funkcionáře a disidenty, jaké vazby a vztahy v jejich rodinách fungovaly a jak politická činnost narátorů ovlivňovala jejich nejbližší příbuzné. Keywords: dissent - Communist Party of Czechoslovakia - normalization Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Family Life in the so-called Normalization, Period from the Perspective of the Communist Officials and Dissidents

Paper uses the oral history method in order to understand the way in which family atmosphere influenced the ex-communist officials and dissidents, the types of relations that took place in their ...

Schindler-Wisten, Petra
Ústav pro soudobé dějiny, 2006

Anything get it differ trend. Impact of the Polish March'68 on the Prague Spring.
Blažek, Petr
2006 - Czech
Article demonstrated the mutual influances between the Prague Spring and the Polish March in 1968. Článek se věnuje vlivu polského Března na události Pražského jara v roce 1968. Keywords: Prague Spring - Polish March - Year 1968 Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Anything get it differ trend. Impact of the Polish March'68 on the Prague Spring.

Article demonstrated the mutual influances between the Prague Spring and the Polish March in 1968.

Blažek, Petr
Ústav pro soudobé dějiny, 2006

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