Number of found documents: 2104
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Green approach for the preparation of biosourced ionic liquids and the study of their thermodynamic properties.
Souvenir Zafindrajaona, Mahasoa-Salina
2023 - English
This presentation will address a green approach to the synthesis of ionic liquids qualified as biosourced (monocatenar or bolaform systems) from specific agro-resources, according to several principles of green chemistry. As these solvents could be used to solubilize lignocellulosic biomass and/or extract bioactive compounds (from plant sourcing), the physicochemical characteristics (density, viscosity and heat capacity) of pure ILs or mixtures of IL/water must be determined. Preliminary results concerning this last point will be presented. Keywords: biosourced ionic liquids; lignocellulosic biomass; thermodynamic properties Available in a digital repository NRGL
Green approach for the preparation of biosourced ionic liquids and the study of their thermodynamic properties.

This presentation will address a green approach to the synthesis of ionic liquids qualified as biosourced (monocatenar or bolaform systems) from specific agro-resources, according to several ...

Souvenir Zafindrajaona, Mahasoa-Salina
Ústav chemických procesů, 2023

Hazardous components: A case study in textile waste management
Shtukaturova, Anastasia
2023 - English
Textile waste, a problem that has been somewhat overlooked for many years, is now coming to the fore.1 The textile value chain is long\nand complex, with over 8000 chemicals used in different manufacturing processes.2 A wide variety of chemicals are used in the manufacture of textile products for the improvement of essential properties and performance of textiles. Chemicals used in textiles significantly improve their quality and appearance. However, the harmful effects of these chemicals can occur at various stages of textile production and processing, such as dyeing, printing and finishing, as well as during use by consumers and at the end-of-life stage.3 There is a lack of safety information on the presence and use of all of these chemicals in consumer products. Keywords: textile waste; waste management; chemicals Available in a digital repository NRGL
Hazardous components: A case study in textile waste management

Textile waste, a problem that has been somewhat overlooked for many years, is now coming to the fore.1 The textile value chain is long\nand complex, with over 8000 chemicals used in different ...

Shtukaturova, Anastasia
Ústav chemických procesů, 2023

Properties and use of high-temperature biochar
Sedmihradská, Anežka
2023 - English
Despite being a hot topic in environmental research, biochar and its properties have been mainly investigated from the perspectives of feedstock type and pyrolysis temperature. Few studies have explored the effect of particle size on biochar properties.Even when the effect of particle size on crop efficiency is recognized, there is a lack of corresponding data and analysis.2–7 Therefore, we thoroughly analyzed (proximate and ultimate analysis, SEM, XRD, Raman spectroscopy) four particle size fractions (< 0.5, 0.5–2, 2–5, > 5 mm) of high-temperature biochar from a gasification power plant, the sizes reflecting those of biochar actually used in agriculture. The < 0.5 mm fraction was significantly different in terms of carbon structure, and carbon and ash content. Consequently, pH, electric conductivity and heavy metal content also differed greatly. The corresponding results for the other particle fractions were broadly similar to each other. Interestingly, for all fractions, the porosity and H/C ratio were independent of particle size, meaning that, regardless of size, the investigated biochar fractions are equally stable in soil. The 0.5–2 mm fraction was then selected to be used in different industrial or agricultural processes such as the anaerobic digestion of wastewater or livestock feeding. The effect of biochar on these processes is currently under investigation, providing only initial data so far. Keywords: biochar; particle size on biochar; high-temperature biochar Available in a digital repository NRGL
Properties and use of high-temperature biochar

Despite being a hot topic in environmental research, biochar and its properties have been mainly investigated from the perspectives of feedstock type and pyrolysis temperature. Few studies have ...

Sedmihradská, Anežka
Ústav chemických procesů, 2023

Vertical gradients of atmospheric aerosols chemical composition
Kovářík, Jiří
2023 - English
The aim of this work is to obtain data on the chemical composition of aerosols at two heights (4–5 metres above ground and at 230 metres on the atmospheric tower’s measurement platform). The following and sampling techniques will be used: Aerosol Mass\nSpectrometry) – in combination with PMF (Positive Matrix Factorisation), Aerosol Chemical Speciation Monitor and Particle Into Liquid Sampler coupled with Ion Chromatography. Keywords: aerosols; analytical methods; chemical composition Available in a digital repository NRGL
Vertical gradients of atmospheric aerosols chemical composition

The aim of this work is to obtain data on the chemical composition of aerosols at two heights (4–5 metres above ground and at 230 metres on the atmospheric tower’s measurement platform). The following ...

Kovářík, Jiří
Ústav chemických procesů, 2023

Liquid mixing time and gas holdup in a bubble column bioreactor
Terentyak, Mark
2023 - English
The aim of the research is the experimental study of homogenisation and saeration in a bubble column in dependence on operational conditions and aspect ratio. Keywords: bubble column bioreactor; gas holdup; experiments Available in a digital repository NRGL
Liquid mixing time and gas holdup in a bubble column bioreactor

The aim of the research is the experimental study of homogenisation and saeration in a bubble column in dependence on operational conditions and aspect ratio.

Terentyak, Mark
Ústav chemických procesů, 2023

Pokorná, Petra; Zíková, Naděžda; Vodička, Petr; Lhotka, Radek; Ondráček, Jakub; Schwarz, Jaroslav; Ždímal, Vladimír; Hopke, P.
2023 - Czech
The aim of this work was to determine the submicron aerosol dynamics, chemical compositions, and origins at two sites in Prague based on the particle number size distribution (PNSD) and chemical composition of 2/12/24h atmospheric aerosol samples (PM1) collected in parallel for half-year/within two seasons at two urban sites (suburban – Suchdol and traffic – Vršovice). Chemical analysis of PM1 for carbon (elemental, equivalent black – eBC and organic) by thermo-optical method and for water-soluble inorganic ions by IC was performed. For most months, both number and mass median \nconcentrations based on the SMPS data differed. Higher eBC concentrations were measured in Vršovice however eBC concentrations showed good correlation (r=0.80, yintercept=0) at the two stations. Higher average PM1 at the traffic site in summer and at the suburban site in winter, and seasonal differences in ionic PM1 composition reflected the seasonality of the local sources. Nevertheless, there were no statistically significant differences in PM1 concentration and ionic composition between the sites. Cílem této práce bylo stanovit dynamiku submikronového aerosolu, jeho chemické složení a původ na dvou lokalitách v Praze na základě distribuce velikosti částic (PNSD) a chemického složení 2/12/24h vzorků atmosférického aerosolu (PM1) odebíraných paralelně po dobu půl roku/ve dvou ročních obdobích na dvou městských lokalitách (příměstské - Suchdol a dopravní - Vršovice). Byla provedena chemická analýza PM1 na uhlík (elementární, ekvivalentní černý - eBC a organický) termooptickou metodou a na anorganické ionty rozpustné ve vodě metodou IC. U většiny měsíců byl zjištěn jak početní, tak hmotnostní medián koncentrace založené na údajích SMPS lišily. Vyšší koncentrace eBC byly naměřeny ve Vršovicích, avšak koncentrace eBC vykazovaly dobrou korelaci (r=0,80, yintercept=0) na obou stanicích. Vyšší průměrné hodnoty PM1 na dopravní lokalitě v létě a na příměstské lokalitě v zimě a sezónní rozdíly v iontovém složení PM1 odrážely sezónnost místních zdrojů. Přesto nebyly mezi lokalitami zjištěny statisticky významné rozdíly v koncentraci PM1 a iontovém složení. Keywords: particle number size distribution; chemical composition; identification sources Available in a digital repository NRGL

The aim of this work was to determine the submicron aerosol dynamics, chemical compositions, and origins at two sites in Prague based on the particle number size distribution (PNSD) and chemical ...

Pokorná, Petra; Zíková, Naděžda; Vodička, Petr; Lhotka, Radek; Ondráček, Jakub; Schwarz, Jaroslav; Ždímal, Vladimír; Hopke, P.
Ústav chemických procesů, 2023

Vodička, Petr; Kawamura, K.; Deshmukh, D.K.; Pokorná, Petra; Schwarz, Jaroslav; Ždímal, Vladimír
2023 - Czech
In this study, we have examined in detail the seasonal changes in the concentration of sugars, dicarboxylic acids and their oxidation precursors in fine aerosol at a rural Central European background site. The aim of the study was to identify typical tracers for different sources of organic aerosol and to determine their contributions to organic PM1.We found a clear difference between winter and summer PM1 aerosol composition at the molecular level. Subsequently, we identified two biogenic factors (dominant in summer), two anthropogenic factors (major contribution in winter) and one background factor.\nMore details could be found in Vodička et. al (2023). V této studii jsme podrobně zkoumali sezónní změny koncentrace cukrů, dikarboxylových kyselin a jejich oxidačních prekurzorů v jemném aerosolu na venkovském středoevropském pozadí. Cílem studie bylo identifikovat typické stopové prvky pro různé zdroje organického aerosolu a určit jejich podíl na organickém PM1. zjistili jsme zřetelný rozdíl mezi zimním a letním složením aerosolu PM1 na molekulární úrovni. Následně jsme identifikovali dva biogenní faktory (dominantní v létě), dva antropogenní faktory (hlavní příspěvek v zimě) a jeden faktor pozadí.\nPodrobnější informace bylo možné nalézt v publikaci Vodička et. al (2023). Keywords: dicarboxylic acids; carbohydrates; fine aerosol Available in a digital repository NRGL

In this study, we have examined in detail the seasonal changes in the concentration of sugars, dicarboxylic acids and their oxidation precursors in fine aerosol at a rural Central European background ...

Vodička, Petr; Kawamura, K.; Deshmukh, D.K.; Pokorná, Petra; Schwarz, Jaroslav; Ždímal, Vladimír
Ústav chemických procesů, 2023

Semi-operational verification of mercury removal from flue gas by electrochemical methods
Šyc, Michal; Grolig, O.; Přemyslovský, P.; Pařízek, V.
2023 - Czech
This is the final report of the project Pilot-scale verification of mercury removal from flue gas by electrochemical methods TK04020330 summarizing the course of activities for the last year of the project and the results achieved during the project. The content of the report is a description of the commissioning and operation of the pilot unit designed and constructed during the project. The results of laboratory experiments, pilot-scale verification of the technology, and testing of mercury oxidation in flue gas. The conclusions drawn from the experimental results are included in the report. Jedná se o závěrečnou zprávu projektu Poloprovozní ověření odstraňování rtuti ze spalin pomocí elektrochemických metod TK04020330 shrnující průběh činností za poslední rok projektu a výsledky dosažené v průběhu projektu. Obsahem zprávy je popis zprovozňování a chodu pilotní jednotky navržené a zkonstruované v průběhu projektu. Dále jsou uvedeny výsledky laboratorních experimentů, poloprovozního ověřování technologie a provozního testování oxidace rtuti ve spalinách. Součástí zprávy jsou i závěry, ke kterým výsledky experimentů vedou.\n Keywords: electroseparation technology; mercury; flue gas; wet desulfurization Available on request at various institutes of the ASCR
Semi-operational verification of mercury removal from flue gas by electrochemical methods

This is the final report of the project Pilot-scale verification of mercury removal from flue gas by electrochemical methods TK04020330 summarizing the course of activities for the last year of the ...

Šyc, Michal; Grolig, O.; Přemyslovský, P.; Pařízek, V.
Ústav chemických procesů, 2023

Final report on the use of membrane separation of salts containing sulphates and chlorides of typical metals from industrial waters
Šyc, Michal; Veselý, Václav
2023 - Czech
The aim of the collaboration was to verify the possible use of membrane processes for the recovery of metals or their hydroxides, preferably in separated form. As a basic membrane method we will consider electrodialysis/electrocoagulation. The processes will be validated on three typical types of industrial wastewater. The first type is leachate, the second is industrial water from surface treatment technology and the third is process water from hydrometallurgical waste treatment. The aim is not to design a technology for the final treatment of industrial wastewater. Cílem spolupráce bylo ověřit možné využití membránových procesů pro získávání kovů nebo jejich hydroxidů a to nejlépe v separované formě. Jako základní membránovou metodu budeme uvažovat elektrodialýzu/elektrokoagulaci. Procesy budou ověřeny na třech typických druhů promyslových odpadních vod. Prvním druhem jsou průsakové vody, druhým pak průmyslové vody z technologie povrchových úprav a třetím pak jsou vody technologické z hydrometalur-gického zpracování odpadů. Cílem není návrh technologie na finální úpravu průmyslových odpadních vod. Keywords: membrane processes; industrial wastewater; metal hydroxides Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Final report on the use of membrane separation of salts containing sulphates and chlorides of typical metals from industrial waters

The aim of the collaboration was to verify the possible use of membrane processes for the recovery of metals or their hydroxides, preferably in separated form. As a basic membrane method we will ...

Šyc, Michal; Veselý, Václav
Ústav chemických procesů, 2023

Organoruthenium glycomimetics as selective galectin-1 inhibitors
Hamala, Vojtěch
2023 - English
The prepared organoruthenium glycomimetics demonstrated sin gle unit nanomolar affinity to Gal-1 and over four orders of magnitude\nhigher selectivity to Gal-1 in comparison to Gal-3. The organoruthe nium galectin inhibitors were found to be nontoxic to both cancer and\nnoncancerous cell lines. Selected complexes showed an in vitro an timigratory effect against invasive cancer cell lines MDA-MB-231 and\nSK-OV-3. Keywords: galectin inhibitors; glycomimetcs; carbohydrates Available in a digital repository NRGL
Organoruthenium glycomimetics as selective galectin-1 inhibitors

The prepared organoruthenium glycomimetics demonstrated sin gle unit nanomolar affinity to Gal-1 and over four orders of magnitude\nhigher selectivity to Gal-1 in comparison to Gal-3. The organoruthe ...

Hamala, Vojtěch
Ústav chemických procesů, 2023

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