Počet nalezených dokumentů: 38141
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Set of Arduino projects for measuring physical quantities
2024 -
Klíčová slova: Arduino; školní měření; fyzikální veličiny Plné texty jsou dostupné v knihovně ZČU.
Set of Arduino projects for measuring physical quantities

Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2024

Autoencoder-based Hybrid Neural Compression of a Multichannel EEG Dataset: Current Stage of Development
2024 -
Klíčová slova: elektroencefalografie; hybridní neurální komprese; dataset Plné texty jsou dostupné v knihovně ZČU.
Autoencoder-based Hybrid Neural Compression of a Multichannel EEG Dataset: Current Stage of Development

Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2024

CNN-Transformer-LSTM: Automatic Sleep Apnea detection using a single-lead ECG signal
2024 -
Klíčová slova: spánková apnoe; elektrokardiogram; model CNN-Transformer-LSTM Plné texty jsou dostupné v knihovně ZČU.
CNN-Transformer-LSTM: Automatic Sleep Apnea detection using a single-lead ECG signal

Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2024

The effect of nitrogen doping on electrical and optical properties of Cu2O films prepared by high-rate reactive high-power impulse magnetron sputtering
2024 -
Klíčová slova: Cu2O film; magnetronové naprašování; vlastnosti Plné texty jsou dostupné v knihovně ZČU.
The effect of nitrogen doping on electrical and optical properties of Cu2O films prepared by high-rate reactive high-power impulse magnetron sputtering

Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2024

Muscle interaction in the context of muscle deformation modelling by a Position Based Dynamics method
2024 -
Klíčová slova: sval; modelování; dynamická metoda založená na pozici Plné texty jsou dostupné v knihovně ZČU.
Muscle interaction in the context of muscle deformation modelling by a Position Based Dynamics method

Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2024

Parameter optimization of the Hoang method for the muscle medial gastrocnemius
2024 -
Klíčová slova: mediální gastrocnemius; Hoang; svaly; optimalizace Plné texty jsou dostupné v knihovně ZČU.
Parameter optimization of the Hoang method for the muscle medial gastrocnemius

Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2024

Real-Time Concept for SmartCGMS
2024 -
Klíčová slova: SmartCGMS; diabetes; koncept v reálném čase Plné texty jsou dostupné v knihovně ZČU.
Real-Time Concept for SmartCGMS

Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2024

Microstructure modifications of Al-Si-coated press-hardened steel 22MnB5 by laser welding
Šebestová, Hana; Horník, Petr; Mika, Filip; Mikmeková, Šárka; Ambrož, Ondřej; Mrňa, Libor
2024 - anglický
Weld microstructure depends on the characteristics of welded materials and parameters of welding technology, especially on the heat input that determines the peak temperature and the cooling rate. When the coated sheets are welded, the effect of the chemical composition of the coating must be also considered even though its thickness is only a few tens of microns. During 22MnB5+AlSi laser welding experiments, the ferrite-stabilizing elements of coating modified the weld metal microstructure. Ferrite appeared in a quenched weld metal. The rapid cooling rate accompanying welding with a focused beam limited the homogenization of the weld metal which resulted in the formation of ferritic bands in the regions rich in Si and especially in Al. On the other hand, a high level of homogenization was reached when welding with the defocused beam. The ferritic islands uniformly distributed in the weld metal were formed at 0.4 wt% and 1.6 wt% of Si and Al, respectively. The doubled heat input reduced the Al content to 0.7 wt% insufficient for the ferrite formation at still relatively high cooling rates. Predicting the distribution of ferrite in the weld metal is challenging due to its dependence on various factors, such as cooling rate and the volume of dissolved coating, which may vary with any modifications made to the welding parameters. Klíčová slova: laser welding; high-strength steel; microstructure; heat input; ferrite stabilization Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Microstructure modifications of Al-Si-coated press-hardened steel 22MnB5 by laser welding

Weld microstructure depends on the characteristics of welded materials and parameters of welding technology, especially on the heat input that determines the peak temperature and the cooling rate. ...

Šebestová, Hana; Horník, Petr; Mika, Filip; Mikmeková, Šárka; Ambrož, Ondřej; Mrňa, Libor
Ústav přístrojové techniky, 2024

Influence of ball material on the resulting fatigue life of thermal sprayed HVOF coatings in dynamic impact testing
Duliškovič, J.; Daniel, Josef; Houdková, Š.
2024 - anglický
Dynamic impact wear, i.e. contact between two components in the presence of high cyclic local loads, is a challenging failure mode that occurs in many mechanical applications. Many previous studies have confirmed that dynamic impact testing is suitable for evaluating the contact fatigue of thermal sprayed coatings. However, the effect of the test parameters on the resulting lifetime is unclear. The aim of this study describes the effect of the ball material used in the dynamic impact test on the resulting fatigue life of the HVOF thermal sprayed coating. Three test balls made of WC/Co alloy, Si3N4 silicon nitride and 440 C steel were chosen for this study. Dynamic impaction testing was carried out on the Cr3C2-NiCr coating, which was sprayed by HVOF on a 1.2376 high-speed steel substrate. The impact lifetime was described by the number of critical impacts, i.e. the number of impacts before coating fatigue occurs. Furthermore, the depth and volume of impact craters were measured. Using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), the surface of the impacts as well as the microstructure of the coating on the cross-section in the region of the impacts were observed. Furthermore, the mechanism of crack propagation in the coating and the microstructure of the indentor were investigated. Klíčová slova: dynamic impact test; HVOF; Cr3C2-NiCr; fatigue Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Influence of ball material on the resulting fatigue life of thermal sprayed HVOF coatings in dynamic impact testing

Dynamic impact wear, i.e. contact between two components in the presence of high cyclic local loads, is a challenging failure mode that occurs in many mechanical applications. Many previous studies ...

Duliškovič, J.; Daniel, Josef; Houdková, Š.
Ústav přístrojové techniky, 2024

Surfactant-free silver nanofluids as liquid systems with neuromorphic potential
Nikitin, D.; Biliak, K.; Lemke, J.; Protsak, M.; Pleskunov, P.; Tosca, M.; Ali-Ogly, S.; Červenková, V.; Adejube, B.; Bajtošová, L.; Černochová, Zulfiya; Prokeš, J.; Křivka, I.; Biederman, H.; Faupel, F.; Vahl, A.; Choukourov, A.
2024 - anglický
Neuromorphic engineering is a rapidly developing branch of science that aims to implement the unique attributes of biological neural networks in artificial devices. Most neuromorphic devices are based on the resistive switching effect, which involves changing the device’s conductivity in response to an external electric field. For instance, percolating nanoparticle (NP) networks produced by gas aggregation cluster sources (GAS) show collective spiking behavior in conductivity reminiscent of brain-like dynamics. Nevertheless, the problem of dynamic spatial reconfiguration in solid-state neuromorphic systems remains unsolved. Herein, novel nanofluids with resistive switching properties are proposed as neuromorphic media. They are produced by depositing silver NPs from GAS into vacuum-compatible liquids (paraffin, silicon oil, and PEG) without the use of surfactants or other chemicals. When the electric field is applied between two electrodes, the migration of NPs toward biased electrode is detected in all liquids. The electrophoretic nature of the NP movement was proved by means of ζ-potential measurements. Such movement led to the self-assembly of NPs in conductive paths connecting the electrodes and, as a result, to resistive switching. The electrical response was strongly dependent on the dielectric constant of the base liquid. The Ag-PEG nanofluid demonstrated the best switching performance reproducible during several tens of current-voltage cycles. The growth of flexible and reconfigurable conductive filaments in nanofluids makes them suitable media for potential realization of 3D neural networks. Klíčová slova: nanofluid; gas aggregation cluster source; ζ-potential, electrophoresis Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Surfactant-free silver nanofluids as liquid systems with neuromorphic potential

Neuromorphic engineering is a rapidly developing branch of science that aims to implement the unique attributes of biological neural networks in artificial devices. Most neuromorphic devices are based ...

Nikitin, D.; Biliak, K.; Lemke, J.; Protsak, M.; Pleskunov, P.; Tosca, M.; Ali-Ogly, S.; Červenková, V.; Adejube, B.; Bajtošová, L.; Černochová, Zulfiya; Prokeš, J.; Křivka, I.; Biederman, H.; Faupel, F.; Vahl, A.; Choukourov, A.
Ústav makromolekulární chemie, 2024

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