Number of found documents: 591
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Summary Research Report OA2203_CZU_Otnice
Hanuš, Jan; Slezák, Lukáš; Fajmon, Lukáš
2022 - Czech
The aerial hyperspectral campaign OA2203_CZU_Otnice is aimed at acquiring data for the purpose of soil organic carbon assessment. Letecká hyperspektrální kampaň OA2203_CZU_Otnice je zaměřena na pořízení dat pro účely hodnocení obsahu organického uhlíku v půdách. Keywords: flis; hyperspectral; raster; processing; lidar Available in digital repository of the ASCR
Summary Research Report OA2203_CZU_Otnice

The aerial hyperspectral campaign OA2203_CZU_Otnice is aimed at acquiring data for the purpose of soil organic carbon assessment.

Hanuš, Jan; Slezák, Lukáš; Fajmon, Lukáš
Ústav výzkumu globální změny , 2022

Quo Vaditis Agriculture, Forestry and Society under Global Change? From understanding past and present Earth´s processes to adaptations for the future
Šprtová, Miroslava; Bartošová, Lenka; Acosta, Manuel; Klem, Karel; Leventon, Julia; Červený, Jan
2022 - English
International conference „Quo vaditis agriculture, forestry and society under Global Change? From understanding past and present Earth’s processes to adaptations for the future“, whose scientific sponsor is the European Center of Excellence CzechGlobe, should prove that science has an irreplaceable role in addressing mitigation and adaptation to climate change, in meeting international commitments to climate change and tasks of the EU Strategy on adaptation to climate change. Keywords: agriculture; forestry; climate changes; proceedings of conferences Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Quo Vaditis Agriculture, Forestry and Society under Global Change? From understanding past and present Earth´s processes to adaptations for the future

International conference „Quo vaditis agriculture, forestry and society under Global Change? From understanding past and present Earth’s processes to adaptations for the future“, whose scientific ...

Šprtová, Miroslava; Bartošová, Lenka; Acosta, Manuel; Klem, Karel; Leventon, Julia; Červený, Jan
Ústav výzkumu globální změny , 2022

Summary research report OA2207_JCU_Orlík
Hanuš, Jan; Slezák, Lukáš
2022 - Czech
The OA2207_JCU_Orlik airborne hyperspectral campaign is aimed at acquiring data for the purpose of surface water quality assessment. Letecká hyperspektrální kampaň OA2207_JCU_Orlík je zaměřena na pořízení dat pro účely hodnocení kvality povrchových vod. Keywords: flis; hyperspectral; raster; processing Available in digital repository of the ASCR
Summary research report OA2207_JCU_Orlík

The OA2207_JCU_Orlik airborne hyperspectral campaign is aimed at acquiring data for the purpose of surface water quality assessment.

Hanuš, Jan; Slezák, Lukáš
Ústav výzkumu globální změny , 2022

Measures to support populations of solitary bees in agroecosystems
Šlachta, Martin; Erban, T.; Votavová, A.; Cudlín, Ondřej; Cudlín, Pavel; Halešová, T.
2021 - Czech
Solitary bees participate in the pollination of crops. According to our field\nsurvey, this involves 88 species of solitary bees in spring, mainly mining bees\n(Andrenidae) and sweat bees (Halictidae) nesting in the soil. The species\nnesting above soil were present less due to the lack of nesting opportunities\nand generally summer nesting activity. Among them, mason bees (Osmia sp.),\nnesting in spring, are used abroad for the pollination of fruit trees. The aim of\nthis methodology is to provide farmers with instructions for the use of mason\nbees for pollination of orchards by means of artificial nesting sites. We propose\na convenient construction of nesting sites and the methodology for rearing the\nEuropean orchard bee, Osmia cornuta (Latreille, 1805), which is, due to its earlyspring nesting activity, a suitable substitute for the currently used buff-tailed\nbumblebee. Breeding can be supplemented by the red mason bee, O. bicornis\n(Linnaeus, 1758), with later nesting activity. The book contains also suggested\nmeasures to support solitary bees in the landscape and new research data on\nthe diversity of solitary bees and pollen preferences of mason bees. Samotářské včely se podílí na opylování zemědělských plodin. Podle našich\nzjištění se v jarním období u nás jedná o 88 druhů samotářek, především\npískorypek (Andrenidae) a ploskočelek (Halictidae) hnízdících v zemi. Druhy\nhnízdící ve dřevě jsou zastoupené minimálně z důvodu nedostatku příležitostí\nk hnízdění a převážně letní hnízdní aktivity. Patří mezi ně i zednice (Osmia sp.),\nhnízdící na jaře a využívané v zahraničí k opylování ovocných stromů. Cílem\ntéto metodiky je poskytnout pěstitelům návod jak pomocí umělých hnízdišť\nvyužít zednice pro opylování ve svých sadech. Pro tento účel jsme navrhli vzor\nhnízdiště a metodiku chovu zednice rohaté, Osmia cornuta (Latreille, 1805),\nkterá je díky své časně jarní aktivitě vhodnou alternativou za dosud využívaného\nčmeláka zemního. Chov je možné doplnit o podobný druh zednici rezavou, O.\nbicornis (Linnaeus, 1758), s pozdější dobou hnízdní aktivity. Metodika obsahuje\ntaké doporučená opatření na podporu samotářek v krajině a prezentuje nová\nzjištění o diverzitě samotářek a o potravních preferencích zednic. Keywords: mason bees; pollination; osmia cornuta; osmia bicornis; solitary bees; orchard Fulltext is available at external website.
Measures to support populations of solitary bees in agroecosystems

Solitary bees participate in the pollination of crops. According to our field\nsurvey, this involves 88 species of solitary bees in spring, mainly mining bees\n(Andrenidae) and sweat bees (Halictidae) ...

Šlachta, Martin; Erban, T.; Votavová, A.; Cudlín, Ondřej; Cudlín, Pavel; Halešová, T.
Ústav výzkumu globální změny , 2021

Short-term application of elevated temperature and drought influences the isotopic composition of winter wheat grains
Pernicová, Natálie; Urban, Otmar; Čáslavský, Josef; Klem, Karel; Trnka, Miroslav
2021 - English
The study aimed to determine the differences in carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) stable isotope ratios in grains of three winter wheat varieties grown under optimal and stress conditions. We found that the wheat variety has a significant effect on both δ13C and δ15N isotope ratios. Short-term (nine days) exposure to drought and high temperature during the heading or stem extension development phase significantly enhanced δ13C values, but only high temperature affected δ15N values. Enhanced δ15N values support the assumption that global warming causes a higher representation of the 15N isotope in plants. Moreover, significant interactive effects of temperature and water availability on the values of both isotopes were found implying that C and N metabolisms have been altered under the investigated stress conditions. We conclude that δ13C and δ15N isotope ratios of cereal grains are sensitive indicators of stress conditions, even short-term ones Keywords: wheat; grain; 13C; 15N; drought; high temperature Fulltext is available at external website.
Short-term application of elevated temperature and drought influences the isotopic composition of winter wheat grains

The study aimed to determine the differences in carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) stable isotope ratios in grains of three winter wheat varieties grown under optimal and stress conditions. We found ...

Pernicová, Natálie; Urban, Otmar; Čáslavský, Josef; Klem, Karel; Trnka, Miroslav
Ústav výzkumu globální změny , 2021

Integrated national-scale assessment of climate change impacts on agriculture: the case of the Czech Republic
Arbelaez Gaviria, Juliana; Boere, E.; Havlík, P.; Trnka, Miroslav
2021 - English
In recent years, investigating climate change impacts in the agricultural sector at the national level has become a priority for adaptation decision-making. Most of these studies quantify the impacts\nof biophysical effects and often ignore the cross-sectoral interactions and economic effects on relative competitiveness, international trade, global food supply, and food prices for the Czech Republic. Ignoring future productivity changes globally under climate change scenarios can underestimate or overestimate climate change impacts at the national level. Here, we use GLOBIOM-CZE, a global economic model, as part of a climate change impact assessment framework to evaluate the impacts on the Czech agricultural sector in terms of environmental and economic indicators. By comparing with the baseline, the ensemble of scenarios suggests a decrease in crop area and production while increasing grassland, positively affecting livestock production by mid-century. Corn and barley show the most adverse response in production and area, while rapeseed increases under scenario RCP 8.5 with CO2 fertilization effect. Livestock products production is projected to increase, especially bovine meat and milk, as within RCP 8.5, no constraints are placed on growing greenhouse gas emissions. Keywords: climate change impacts; Czech agriculture; global assessment model Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Integrated national-scale assessment of climate change impacts on agriculture: the case of the Czech Republic

In recent years, investigating climate change impacts in the agricultural sector at the national level has become a priority for adaptation decision-making. Most of these studies quantify the ...

Arbelaez Gaviria, Juliana; Boere, E.; Havlík, P.; Trnka, Miroslav
Ústav výzkumu globální změny , 2021

Prevention of the occurrence and spread of natural fires in the immediate vicinity\nsurface sources of drinking water, including methods for estimating the consequences\npossible occurrence
Beranová, J.; Čermák, Petr; Albert, J.; Cienciala, Emil; Zatloukal, V.; Kudláčková, Lucie; Novotný, Jan; Zeman, Evžen; Kuráž, M.; Vizina, Adam; Trnka, Miroslav
2021 - Czech
The aim of the methodology is to create a pragmatic procedure for assessing the risks of the occurrence and spread of natural fires\nin the immediate vicinity of surface sources of drinking water. Methods for estimation are proposed in the methodology\nconsequences of the occurrence of natural fires on the quality of surface water, the prognosis of the change in the risk of fires\ndue to climate change and the procedure for determining the risk of secondary pollution of reservoirs due to\nchanges in runoff conditions after a natural fire. On this basis, the methodology designs and diversifies\npreventive and operational measures. Cílem metodiky je vytvoření pragmatického postupu hodnocení rizik vzniku a šíření přírodních požárů\nv bezprostředním okolí povrchových zdrojů pitné vody. V metodice jsou navrženy metody pro odhad\ndůsledků výskytu přírodních požárů na jakost povrchové vody, prognózu změny rizika výskytu požárů\nv důsledku klimatických změn a postup stanovení rizika sekundárního znečištění nádrží v důsledku\nzměny odtokových poměrů po přírodním požáru. Na tomto základě metodika navrhuje a diverzifikuje\npreventivní a operativní opatření. Keywords: natural fires; drinking water; climate change; reservoirs; preventive measures Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Prevention of the occurrence and spread of natural fires in the immediate vicinity\nsurface sources of drinking water, including methods for estimating the consequences\npossible occurrence

The aim of the methodology is to create a pragmatic procedure for assessing the risks of the occurrence and spread of natural fires\nin the immediate vicinity of surface sources of drinking water. ...

Beranová, J.; Čermák, Petr; Albert, J.; Cienciala, Emil; Zatloukal, V.; Kudláčková, Lucie; Novotný, Jan; Zeman, Evžen; Kuráž, M.; Vizina, Adam; Trnka, Miroslav
Ústav výzkumu globální změny , 2021

A variety of transpiration in the young spruce stands with different thinning management
Zavadilová, Ina; Szatniewska, Justyna; Vágner, Lukáš; Krejza, Jan; Pavelka, Marian
2021 - English
Managing the spruce forest growing beyond its favourable conditions is trading between water consumption and increasing biomass. We examined tree transpiration in four stands with different thinning intensities in a 40-year-old spruce forest in South Moravia. Tree transpiration was significantly higher under moderate and heavy intensity compared to low intensity and control plots. Tree transpiration differed also among trees of different sizes within the treatments and also between the treatments. The stem increment was visibly increasing with the intensity of treatment, particularly for suppressed trees. The findings show an ecological tree response two years after the thinning. Keywords: norway spruce; norway spruce; water consumption; sap flow; biomass production; thinning treatment Available at various institutes of the ASCR
A variety of transpiration in the young spruce stands with different thinning management

Managing the spruce forest growing beyond its favourable conditions is trading between water consumption and increasing biomass. We examined tree transpiration in four stands with different thinning ...

Zavadilová, Ina; Szatniewska, Justyna; Vágner, Lukáš; Krejza, Jan; Pavelka, Marian
Ústav výzkumu globální změny , 2021

Yield formation parameters of winter wheat under two CO2 levels in water sufficient and depleted environment
Hlaváčová, Marcela; Klem, Karel; Veselá, Barbora; Findurová, Hana; Hlavinka, Petr; Smutná, P.; Horáková, V.; Škarpa, P.; Trnka, Miroslav
2021 - English
Agricultural production faces with ongoing climate that in Europe takes form of changing seasonal precipitation pattern with more frequent drought spells. These changes come on top of rising air temperature and did and will affect productivity as well as onset and duration of key developmental stages for yield formation of major staple crops such as wheat. In order to ensure stable agricultural production and satisfy demand of the increasing humanpopulation, it is crucial to know responses of major field crops to these abiotic stress factors to assess suitability of genotypes to specific environmental conditions. The aim of this study was to evaluate final yield formation parameters of five winter wheat genotypes cultivated in pots and exposed to two different levels of CO2 concentrations (400 ppm as ambient and 700 ppm as elevated CO2 concentrations) and two water treatments (well- watered control and drought-stressed plants). Theexperimental treatments were set up in growth chambers from the end of heading stage (BBCH 59)to the beginning of ripening stage (BBCH 71) to simulate the conditions under future climate. The results showed that elevated CO2 concentration led to: (1) mitigation of reduction in final yield formation parameters of drought-stressed plants compared to those of control, (2) enhanced results of drought-stressed treatments compared to those of drought-stressed treatments exposed to the ambient CO2 concentration. Pannonia NS was found out as the less responsive genotype to the exposition of CO2 concentration (no statistically significant differences among ambient and elevated CO2 concentrations in all yield formation parameters were identified). On contrary, harvest index of genotype Bohemia was identified as the most sensitive parameter in response to drought stress as well as to the atmospheric CO2 concentration. Keywords: drought stress; elevated co2; triticum aestivum; growth chambe; yield formation parameters Fulltext is available at external website.
Yield formation parameters of winter wheat under two CO2 levels in water sufficient and depleted environment

Agricultural production faces with ongoing climate that in Europe takes form of changing seasonal precipitation pattern with more frequent drought spells. These changes come on top of rising air ...

Hlaváčová, Marcela; Klem, Karel; Veselá, Barbora; Findurová, Hana; Hlavinka, Petr; Smutná, P.; Horáková, V.; Škarpa, P.; Trnka, Miroslav
Ústav výzkumu globální změny , 2021

Atmospheric CO2 concentration, light intensity and nitrogen nutrition affect spring barley response to drought and heat stress
Findurová, Hana; Veselá, Barbora; Opoku, Emmanuel; Klem, Karel
2021 - English
The aim of this study was to compare physiological responses of two spring barley varieties,\ndiffering in their oxidative stress tolerance, to drought and heat stress after pre-treatment under different\nirradiation regimes, CO2 concentrations, and nitrogen fertilisation levels. High light intensity, elevated\nCO2, and additional UV radiation increased flavonoid accumulation. Moreover, more flavonoids were\ninduced in oxidative stress-sensitive variety Barke. Combined drought and heat stress caused a large\ndecline in CO2 assimilation, whereas heat stress alone caused only minor changes. Under combined\nstress, plants grown under low light intensity and no UV irradiation performed the best despite their\nhigher initial water use efficiency and lower flavonoids content. Keywords: flavonoids; co2 assimilation; water use-efficiency; barke; bojos Fulltext is available at external website.
Atmospheric CO2 concentration, light intensity and nitrogen nutrition affect spring barley response to drought and heat stress

The aim of this study was to compare physiological responses of two spring barley varieties,\ndiffering in their oxidative stress tolerance, to drought and heat stress after pre-treatment under ...

Findurová, Hana; Veselá, Barbora; Opoku, Emmanuel; Klem, Karel
Ústav výzkumu globální změny , 2021

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