Number of found documents: 460
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Silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) - Properties of wood and the use of forestry and timber
Horáček, Petr
2016 - Czech
Silver fir is considered as one of the most important coniferous trees for industrial processing\nin addition to Norway spruce. Its economic importance is unquestionable. Wood properties of\nsilver fir are similar to spruce one, the utilization of both wood species corresponds as well.\nBesides an economic effect, the fir also fulfils ecological functions and therefore it belongs to\nthe ameliorative and stabilising tree species. The paper describes the structure, properties and\nutilization of fir both in the timber industry and forestry. It assesses the stabilization effect of\ntree species including fir based on mechanical properties of green wood and material indices. Jedle je vedle smrku považována za jednu z nejdůležitějších jehličnatých dřevin pro\nprůmyslové zpracování. Její hospodářský význam je nezpochybnitelný. Vlastnosti dřeva\nodpovídají dřevu smrkovému a i použití je podobné. Z lesnického hlediska kromě funkce\nprodukční plní jedle i funkci meliorační a zpevňující dřeviny. Příspěvek se zabývá popisem\nstavby a vlastností dřeva, jeho využitím v dřevařství a navazujících průmyslových odvětvích.\nDále se zabývá hodnocením zpevnění porostu běžnými melioračními a zpevňujícími\ndřevinami včetně jedle. Východiskem jsou mechanické vlastnosti dřeva v čerstvém stavu a\nmateriálové indexy. Keywords: wood utilization; physical and mechanical properties; ameliorative and stabilising tree species Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) - Properties of wood and the use of forestry and timber

Silver fir is considered as one of the most important coniferous trees for industrial processing\nin addition to Norway spruce. Its economic importance is unquestionable. Wood properties of\nsilver ...

Horáček, Petr
Ústav výzkumu globální změny , 2016

Effect of drought stress on selected winter wheat yield formation components within pot and field experiimental design
Hlaváčová, Marcela; Pohanková, Eva; Klem, Karel; Hlavinka, Petr; Trnka, Miroslav
2016 - English
The object of this study was to find out what is the behaviour of the same winter wheat variety (Bohemia) plants cultivated within pot and field experiment. Therefore, the main aim of this study was to verify (based on the pot experiment results) whether the pot experiment (that is limited by the soil area) does not substantially affect plant reactions. The pot experiment was carried out in growth chambers where daily temperature course, relative humidity (RH) and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) were set via protocols. The pots were exposed to the drought stress for 14 days with the daily maximum temperature 26 °C from noon to 2 p.m. The pots were split into 2 groups: (1) Dry where the soil moisture within pots were maintained below 30% of the maximum water holding capacity, (2) Wet where the soil moisture did not decrease below 70% of the maximum water holding capacity. The plants within Wet variant were considered as a control group. The pots were placed onto the concrete floor of a vegetation hall (where the plants were exposed to the weather conditions) prior and after stress regime exposition. The field experiment was conducted within experimental station in Bystřice nad Pernštejnem belonging to the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands in the Czech Republic. The drought stress was established through the transparent roofs installed above plants’ tops level in the field. The control experimental plot without roofs was nearby there as well. The plants were harvested when the full maturity was reached and the selected yield formation components were evaluated. Keywords: grains number; growth chamber; thousand grain weight (TGW); water shortage; winter wheat Fulltext is available at external website.
Effect of drought stress on selected winter wheat yield formation components within pot and field experiimental design

The object of this study was to find out what is the behaviour of the same winter wheat variety (Bohemia) plants cultivated within pot and field experiment. Therefore, the main aim of this study was ...

Hlaváčová, Marcela; Pohanková, Eva; Klem, Karel; Hlavinka, Petr; Trnka, Miroslav
Ústav výzkumu globální změny , 2016

Application of DSSAT model to simulated thermophilic crops in central and southern Europe
Potop, V.; Mateescu, C.D.; Türkott, L.; Zahradníček, Pavel; Boroneant, C.; Constantinescu, F.; Iamandei, M.
2016 - English
This study presents applications of DSSAT version 4.5 software package to simulate thermophilic crops. The results are used to identified adaptation options to reduce impacts of climate changes, pest and diseases in thermophilic crops in the central and southeastern Europe, specifically in Elbe River lowland and Romania. For the Czech Republic, experimental research at farm level includes: (1) testing thermophilic assortment of vegetables in Elbe lowland conditions; (2) monitoring the meteorological data, phenological phases, soil characteristics, leaf area and the amount of aboveground biomass on farmer vegetable fields. For Romania, the focus is put on crop water use efficiency under current and future climate scenarios for thermophilic species (maize) in different agricultural sites from south and south-eastern regions. CERES Maize and CROPGRO-vegetables modules embedded in DSSAT were used. Keywords: CERES Maize; CROPGRO-tomato; plant protection; climate change Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Application of DSSAT model to simulated thermophilic crops in central and southern Europe

This study presents applications of DSSAT version 4.5 software package to simulate thermophilic crops. The results are used to identified adaptation options to reduce impacts of climate changes, pest ...

Potop, V.; Mateescu, C.D.; Türkott, L.; Zahradníček, Pavel; Boroneant, C.; Constantinescu, F.; Iamandei, M.
Ústav výzkumu globální změny , 2016

Detection of drought events using combination of satellite data and soil moisture modelling
Semerádová, Daniela; Trnka, Miroslav; Hlavinka, Petr; Balek, Jan; Bohovič, Roman; Tadesse, T.; Hayes, M.; Wardlow, B.; Žalud, Zdeněk
2016 - English
The use of satellite data offers a potentially well usable tool to accurate drought monitoring. The study examines the space-time possibility of agricultural drought detection using freely available data from the MODIS instrument onboard Terra and Aqua satellites that reflects vegetation condition. Vegetation greenness metrics used in this study are based on the spectral reflectance curves in the visible red and near-infrared part of the spectrum and are expressed in relation to the average for the period of 2000-2014. The results are presented in weekly time step for the whole area of the Czech Republic, and are compared to the drought monitor system, based on the SoilClim dynamic model for soil water content estimates. These data, as well as other parameters, such as soil properties and land use, are integrated at 500 meters spatial resolution. Keywords: vegetation; modis; products; drought monitor; remote sensing; modis; ndvi; seasonal greenness Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Detection of drought events using combination of satellite data and soil moisture modelling

The use of satellite data offers a potentially well usable tool to accurate drought monitoring. The study examines the space-time possibility of agricultural drought detection using freely available ...

Semerádová, Daniela; Trnka, Miroslav; Hlavinka, Petr; Balek, Jan; Bohovič, Roman; Tadesse, T.; Hayes, M.; Wardlow, B.; Žalud, Zdeněk
Ústav výzkumu globální změny , 2016

Comparison of drought effect on young coppiced and standard individuals of sessile oak
Stojanović, Marko; Čater, M.; Pokorný, Radek
2016 - English
Assimilation and photosynthetic efficiency (quantum yield) of young oaks were compared in coppice and standard sessile oak stands of comparable age (100-120 years) under different light intensity categories. Measurements of assimilation response were performed during three consecutive growing seasons (2012, 2013 and 2014). In every category 8 young oaks of generative origin and same number of coppice sprouts of different stool were measured. The quantum yield in optimal conditions in standards was highest in the category A of closed canopy, while in coppices in category C. During severe drought in 2013 the drop in efficiency of standards was evident in all categories, while in coppices no differences in efficiency were confirmed between optimal and drought stress, proving the advantage of young coppices over standards. Keywords: coppice; standards; photosynthetic response; quantum yield; light conditions; drought response Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Comparison of drought effect on young coppiced and standard individuals of sessile oak

Assimilation and photosynthetic efficiency (quantum yield) of young oaks were compared in coppice and standard sessile oak stands of comparable age (100-120 years) under different light intensity ...

Stojanović, Marko; Čater, M.; Pokorný, Radek
Ústav výzkumu globální změny , 2016

Prediction of crop yields using satellite remote sensing
Lukas, V.; Trnka, Miroslav; Semerádová, Daniela; Rajdl, Kamil; Balek, Jan; Štěpánek, Petr; Zahradníček, Pavel; Hlavinka, Petr; Žalud, Zdeněk
2016 - Czech
Knowledge of the crop yield with sufficient lead time prior to harvest is crucial for both the farm management and the agro-food sector policy. The aim of this study was to test feasibility of developing crop yield forecasting model in Czech Republic for winter wheat, spring barley and oilseed rape based on 2000-2014 database of vegetation indices Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI2) from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on Terra satellite in form of 16-days composites. An average yield data were collected for 14 selected districts in the Czech Republic that represent the regions with more intensive agricultural production among varying climate and topographic conditions. The viability of the concept was proven in years with significant yield decline i.e. 2000, 2003, 2006 and 2012, when yields of cereals were significantly affected by occurred drought periods. More stable regression results were achieved in the most productive areas such as Olomouc and Prerov, whilst models in highland regions were influenced by lower acreage of three modelled crops and higher prevalence of fodder crops. In most cases, EVI2 showed higher correlations to the crop yield together with using an average value of all composites during vegetation period. Znalost výnosů plodin před dosažením sklizně je významná nejen pro plánování aktivit na úrovni zemědělských podniků, ale také z národohospodářského pohledu pro zabezpečení produkce potravin. Cílem studie bylo ověřit vývoj modelu odhadu výnosů významných plodin (pšenice ozimé, ječmene jarního a řepky ozimé) z výsledků vegetačních indexů NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) a EVI2 (Enhanced Vegetation Index) ze senzoru MODIS v podobě 16 denních kompozitů za období 2000 – 2014. Za vybrané území 14 okresů České republiky, které představují regiony s vyšší intenzitou zemědělské produkce a rozdílnými pedo-klimatickými podmínkami. Přesnost predikčního modelu byl testována zejména v ročnících se silným výskytem sucha a nízkou úrovní výnosu (2000, 2003, 2006 a 2012). Stabilnější výsledky byly dosaženy ve výnosově nejproduktivnějších okresech, jako jsou Olomouc a Přerov, zatímco u výše položených území byl model značně ovlivněn nižším podílem sledovaných plodin na úkor pícnin. Ve většině případů byla vyšší přesnost stanovení výnosu dosažena pomocí vegetačního indexu EVI2 a postupným průměrováním hodnot kompozitů v průběhu vegetačního období plodin. Keywords: remote sensing; MODIS; vegetation indices; drought; EVI2 Fulltext is available at external website.
Prediction of crop yields using satellite remote sensing

Knowledge of the crop yield with sufficient lead time prior to harvest is crucial for both the farm management and the agro-food sector policy. The aim of this study was to test feasibility of ...

Lukas, V.; Trnka, Miroslav; Semerádová, Daniela; Rajdl, Kamil; Balek, Jan; Štěpánek, Petr; Zahradníček, Pavel; Hlavinka, Petr; Žalud, Zdeněk
Ústav výzkumu globální změny , 2016

Potential of the sentinel-2 red edge spectral bands for estimation of eco-physiological plant parameters
Malenovský, Zbyněk; Homolová, Lucie; Janoutová, Růžena; Landier, L.; Gastelluetchegorry, J-P.; Bertholt, B.; Huck, A.
2016 - English
In this study we investigated importance of the spaceborne instrument Sentinel-2 red edge spectral bands and reconstructed red edge position (REP) for retrieval of the three eco-physiological plant parameters, leaf and canopy chlorophyll content and leaf area index (LAI), in case of maize agricultural fields and beech and spruce forest stands. Sentinel-2 spectral bands and REP of the investigated vegetation canopies were simulated in the Discrete Anisotropic Radiative Transfer (DART) model. Their potential for estimation of the plant parameters was assessed through training support vector regressions (SVR) and examining their P-vector matrices indicatingsignificance of each input. The trained SVR were then applied on Sentinel-2 simulated images and the acquired\nestimates were cross-compared with results from high spatial resolution airborne retrievals. Results showed that contribution of REP was significant for canopy chlorophyll content, but less significant for leaf chlorophyll content and insignificant for leaf area index estimations. However, the red edge spectral bands contributed strongly to the retrievals of all parameters, especially canopy and leaf chlorophyll content. Application of SVR on Sentinel-2 simulated images demonstrated, in general, an overestimation of leaf chlorophyll content and an underestimation of LAI when compared to the reciprocal airborne estimates. In the follow-up investigation, we will apply the trained SVR algorithms on real Sentinel-2 multispectral images acquired during vegetation seasons 2015 and 2016. Keywords: canopy chlorophyll; image acquisition; physiological models; high spatial resolution; vegetation cabioy; agricultural fields; leaf chlorophyll content; multispectral images; space-borne instruments; support vector regression (SVR); vegetation canopy Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Potential of the sentinel-2 red edge spectral bands for estimation of eco-physiological plant parameters

In this study we investigated importance of the spaceborne instrument Sentinel-2 red edge spectral bands and reconstructed red edge position (REP) for retrieval of the three eco-physiological plant ...

Malenovský, Zbyněk; Homolová, Lucie; Janoutová, Růžena; Landier, L.; Gastelluetchegorry, J-P.; Bertholt, B.; Huck, A.
Ústav výzkumu globální změny , 2016

The agricultural drought monitoring and its users and correspondents
Bartošová, Lenka; Trnka, Miroslav; Semerádová, Daniela; Hlavinka, Petr; Štěpánek, Petr; Zahradníček, Pavel; Žalud, Z.
2016 - Czech
Drought monitoring in the Czech Republic is a key element in climate monitoring. The aim of this article is to describe the possible participation of agronomists, foresters and fruiterers in drought monitoring within the Integrated Drought Monitoring System. This system monitor drought occurence weekly on the base of various information (data from model SoiClim or outputs from satellite Aqua and Terra). One of the main pillar of the monitor is also information about drought impact on yields in the cooperation with especially farmers. Their expert assessment brings insight into actual situation in agricultural landscape in weekly time step. All results are free to download in Monitoring sucha je klíčovým prvkem sledování vývoje klimatu v České republice. Cílem tohoto článku je popsat, jak se na samotném monitoringu podílejí agronomové, lesníci, ovocnáři či lidé pracující v krajině a to v rámci Integrovaného Systému Sledování Sucha (ISSS). ISSS v týdenním kroku monitoruje vývoj a stav sucha pro celou Českou republiku s využitím různých zdrojů informací (výsledky vycházející z modelu SoilClim či výstupy z nástroje MODIS na družicích Aqua a Terra). Jedním z pilířů ISSS je také popis dopadů sucha na výnosy hlavních plodin a to díky spolupráci zejména se zemědělci, jejichž expertní hodnocení prováděná v týdenním kroku přináší pohled na aktuální situaci očima praxe, která je k dispozici na Keywords: drought;; impacts on yield; questionnaire Available at various institutes of the ASCR
The agricultural drought monitoring and its users and correspondents

Drought monitoring in the Czech Republic is a key element in climate monitoring. The aim of this article is to describe the possible participation of agronomists, foresters and fruiterers in drought ...

Bartošová, Lenka; Trnka, Miroslav; Semerádová, Daniela; Hlavinka, Petr; Štěpánek, Petr; Zahradníček, Pavel; Žalud, Z.
Ústav výzkumu globální změny , 2016

Effect of high temperatures and different water regimes on selected winter wheat varieties above-ground biomass production
Hlaváčová, M.; Klem, Karel; Hlavinka, Petr; Trnka, Miroslav
2016 - Czech
The aim of this study was to assess the effect of high temperatures and soil water scarcity during anthesis on the above-ground biomass allocation of the two winter wheat varieties (Bohemia and Pannonia). The six growth chambers were used to simulate heat stress conditions within following gradient of temperature maxima: 26°C (control chamber), 29, 32, 35, 38 and 41°C. The relative humidity (RH) course and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) intensity were controlled via protocols. Additionally, drought stressed (Dry) and well-watered (Wet) treatments were established within each growth chamber. The plants were removed from the growth chambers after 14 days and they were left until a full maturity, exposed to ambient weather conditions. The spike productivities of the main spikes and harvest indices (HI) of the main spikes were evaluated for particular treatments within both winter wheat varieties after harvest. Cílem této studie bylo hodnocení vlivu vysoké teploty a nedostatku půdní vláhy v období kvetení na alokaci nadzemní biomasy dvou odrůd pšenice ozimé (Bohemia a Pannonia). Za tímto účelem byly simulovány podmínky stresu teplem s těmito teplotními maximy: 26 °C (kontrolní komora), 29, 32, 35, 38 a 41 °C. Průběh relativní vlhkosti vzduchu (RV) a fotosynteticky aktivní radiace (FAR) byl řízen prostřednictvím protokolů. Kromě toho byla v každé komoře ustanovena varianta stresovaná suchem (Dry) a varianta optimálně zalévaná (Wet). Rostliny byly po 14 dnech stresového režimu vyjmuty z komor a do období plné zralosti byly vystaveny vlivům aktuálního počasí. Po sklizni byla pro všechny varianty nastolených stresových podmínek obou odrůd vyhodnocena produktivita hlavních klasů a sklizňový index (HI) hlavních klasů Keywords: Bohemia; harvest index; Pannonia; spike productivity Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Effect of high temperatures and different water regimes on selected winter wheat varieties above-ground biomass production

The aim of this study was to assess the effect of high temperatures and soil water scarcity during anthesis on the above-ground biomass allocation of the two winter wheat varieties (Bohemia and ...

Hlaváčová, M.; Klem, Karel; Hlavinka, Petr; Trnka, Miroslav
Ústav výzkumu globální změny , 2016

The usage of algae in biogas transformation
Paroulkova, P.; Sukačová, Kateřina; Murgasová, K.; Vítěz, T.; Chovanec, J.
2016 - English
Using of algae in a biogas transformation is still in the beginning. However, the microalgae have large potential from the perspective of growing demands on biogas quality and trend of using,natural resources. First of all, it is their ability to fix carbon dioxide (CO2) using photosynthesis and presumed ability of some algae to metabolize hydrogen sulphide (H2S). Biogas contains not only required methane but also components causing its worse quality such as mentioned CO2 and H2S. Therefore, the algae are potential biological systems for biogas-conditioning. The microalga Chlorella pyrenoidosa Chick (IPPAS C2) was used for fixation of CO2 and H2S in our experiment. The microalgae were cultivated in a medium BG 11. The algal suspension was aerated with the biogas during two weeks. Different values of CO2 concentration measured in the input and output confirmed decrease of CO2 caused by intensive growth of algal culture. Decline of H2S was not confirmed. Keywords: biogas purification; carbon dioxide; methane; hydrogen sulphide; biological treatment Available at various institutes of the ASCR
The usage of algae in biogas transformation

Using of algae in a biogas transformation is still in the beginning. However, the microalgae have large potential from the perspective of growing demands on biogas quality and trend of using,natural ...

Paroulkova, P.; Sukačová, Kateřina; Murgasová, K.; Vítěz, T.; Chovanec, J.
Ústav výzkumu globální změny , 2016

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