Arne Laurin. Inventory of personal papers (1889-1945)
Květová, Miroslava
2015 - Czech
Laurin, Arne; personal papers
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Arne Laurin. Inventory of personal papers (1889-1945)
František Groh. Personal papers (1884-1937)
Kábová, Hana
2015 - Czech
Groh, František; personal papers
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
František Groh. Personal papers (1884-1937)
The library of the Poor Clare Convent in Český Krumlov
Hradilová, Marta
2015 - Czech
This contribution deals with the library of the Poor Clare Convent in Český Krumlov which is not preserved any more and on the basis of not yet used the inventory of the books processed after the abolition of this convent by Joseph II. tries to make the restoration. It points out the surviving manuscripts with the emphasis on Czech manuscripts that came into existence in the 15. and at the beginning of the 16. century that have not been associated with this convent yet. Příspěvek se zabývá nedochovanou knihovnou kláštera klarisek v Českém Krumlově a na základě doposud nevyužitého soupisu knih vyhotoveného při zrušení kláštera Josefem II. se pokouší o její rekonstrukci. Upozorňuje na dochované rukopisy s důrazem na české rukopisy, vzniklé v 15. a na počátku 16. století, které nebyly doposud s klášterem spojovány.
Český Krumlov, Poor Clare Convent; codicology
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
The library of the Poor Clare Convent in Český Krumlov
This contribution deals with the library of the Poor Clare Convent in Český Krumlov which is not preserved any more and on the basis of not yet used the inventory of the books processed after the ...
Zdeněk Nejedlý. Tisky (1913-1964)
Tomsová, Petra
2015 - Czech
Nejedlý, Zdeněk; personal papers
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Zdeněk Nejedlý. Tisky (1913-1964)
Rumford’s Soup and Other Delicacies. The Poor Man’s Diet in the Habsburg Monarchy in the First Half of the 19th Century
Franc, Martin
2015 - Czech
The subject of this essay is the standard dietary composition in the poor sections of society in the Central european Habsburg Monarchy during the first half of the 19th century. Thee study does not cover instances of emergency situations such as those of famine or war. According to the data recorded in sources, the standard diet of the poor was unexceptionally dominated by the vegetable component, at that time still comprised largely of flour-based food including bread, whereas potatoes served as a staple food for the poor only in certain localities. Another important dietary component were pulses and, as a valuable supplement, also other vegetables and fruit. Tématem studie je standardní stravování chudých vrstev společnosti v středoevropské habsburské monarchii 1. poloviny 19. století. Nezabývá se výjimečnými situacemi jako válkou či hladomorem. Podle pramenů dominovaly ve stravě chudých vegetabilní součásti, tehdy především v podobě moučných jídel včetně chleba, brambory jako strava chudých se prosadily jen v některých regionech. Důležitou součást tvořily luštěniny a jako cenný doplněk ovoce a zelenina.
diet; poor; Habsburg Monarchy, 1800-1850
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Rumford’s Soup and Other Delicacies. The Poor Man’s Diet in the Habsburg Monarchy in the First Half of the 19th Century
The subject of this essay is the standard dietary composition in the poor sections of society in the Central european Habsburg Monarchy during the first half of the 19th century. Thee study does not ...
Disclosure of codicology sources in the first decade of the 21st century
Petr, Stanislav
2015 - Czech
The author presents the discipline of codicology and offers an overview of the catalogues listing individual manuscript collections in the Czech Republic. After a description of the Czech catalogues, the paper addresses its attention to scholars of Czech literature based abroad. In the conculuding part of the study, the author examines the issue of exhibitions in the Czech Republic, giving an overview of catalogues from exhibitions presentig Czech history and bookart. Referát přináší přehled české kodikologické produkce v letech 2001-2011. Všímá si především katalogů rukopisů, edic rukopisných textů a publikací zabývajících se knižní malbou.
codicology; Czech history
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Disclosure of codicology sources in the first decade of the 21st century
The author presents the discipline of codicology and offers an overview of the catalogues listing individual manuscript collections in the Czech Republic. After a description of the Czech catalogues, ...
Zdeněk Nejedlý. Cestovní průvodce (1853-1962)
Tomsová, Petra
2015 - Czech
Nejedlý, Zdeněk; personal papers
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Zdeněk Nejedlý. Cestovní průvodce (1853-1962)
Josef Adolf Bulova. Personal papers 1855-1950
Květová, Miroslava
2014 - Czech
Bulova, Josef Adolf; personal papers
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Josef Adolf Bulova. Personal papers 1855-1950
Josef Vítězslav Šimák. Personal papers (1724) 1877-1941 (1948)
Kábová, Hana
2014 - Czech
Šimák, Josef Vítězslav; personal papers
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Josef Vítězslav Šimák. Personal papers (1724) 1877-1941 (1948)
Josef Kurz. Personal papers inventory
Bahenská, Marie
2013 - Czech
Josef Kurz; personal papers
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Josef Kurz. Personal papers inventory
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