Počet nalezených dokumentů: 8270
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3D-printed Electrodes with Nearly Ideal Charge Transfer Characteristics
Vaněčková, Eva; Sebechlebská, Táňa; Kolivoška, Viliam
2024 - anglický
3D printing is an outstanding manufacturing tool for prototyping customized designs at reduced time and costs, having found applications in fields such as medicine or the automotive industry. The development of printable electrically conductive composite materials brought a revolution to electrochemistry, with 3D-printed electrodes being intensively studied from the viewpoint of\nanalytical performance and stability. However, it is often reported that 3D-printed electrodes have poor charge transfer characteristics, typically due to limited exposure of the electrically conductive phase at the composite surface to the surrounding solution. In this work, we devise and apply simple electrochemical activation procedures that lead to a significant improvement of charge transfer characteristics of 3D printed electrodes. Klíčová slova: three-dimensional printing; electrochemistry; electrodes Plné texty jsou dostupné na vyžádání prostřednictvím repozitáře Akademie věd.
3D-printed Electrodes with Nearly Ideal Charge Transfer Characteristics

3D printing is an outstanding manufacturing tool for prototyping customized designs at reduced time and costs, having found applications in fields such as medicine or the automotive industry. The ...

Vaněčková, Eva; Sebechlebská, Táňa; Kolivoška, Viliam
Ústav fyzikální chemie J. Heyrovského, 2024

Metody úprav čistírenských kalů pro aplikaci v zemědělství s ohledem na mikropolutanty
Vítková, M.; Komárek, M.; Wickramasinghe, N.; Pohořelý, Michael; Moško, Jaroslav; Hušek, Matěj; Cajthaml, Tomáš; Grasserová, Alena; Čechmánková, J.; Vácha, R.; Zimová, M.
2024 - český
Cílem předkládané metodiky je popsat možnosti úpravy čistírenských kalů kompostováním a pyrolýzou pro aplikaci v zemědělství, a to zejména s ohledem na tzv. mikropolutanty, ale i na konvenční polutanty, a posoudit rizika upravených kalů pro půdní prostředí a vstup (mikro)polutantů do pěstovaných plodin. Metodika vychází z výsledků laboratorních a terénních experimentů tříletého projektu a z kritického přístupu ke kalům jako potenciálně nebezpečnému odpadu na straně jedné a recyklovatelného zdroje živin na straně druhé. The aim of the methodology is to describe the possibilities of sewage sludge treatment by composting and pyrolysis for the application in agriculture, with particular respect to the so-called micropollutants, but also to conventional pollutants, and to assess the risks of treated sludge for the soil environment and the uptake of (micro)pollutants by cultivated crops. The methodology is based on the results from laboratory and field experiments of a three-year project and on a critical approach to sludge as a potentially hazardous waste on the one hand and a recyclable source of nutrients on the other. Klíčová slova: pyrolysi; composting; emerging pollutants; soil; plant uptake; leaching Plné texty jsou dostupné na vyžádání prostřednictvím repozitáře Akademie věd.
Metody úprav čistírenských kalů pro aplikaci v zemědělství s ohledem na mikropolutanty

Cílem předkládané metodiky je popsat možnosti úpravy čistírenských kalů kompostováním a pyrolýzou pro aplikaci v zemědělství, a to zejména s ohledem na tzv. mikropolutanty, ale i na konvenční ...

Vítková, M.; Komárek, M.; Wickramasinghe, N.; Pohořelý, Michael; Moško, Jaroslav; Hušek, Matěj; Cajthaml, Tomáš; Grasserová, Alena; Čechmánková, J.; Vácha, R.; Zimová, M.
Ústav chemických procesů, 2024

Assessment of the Presence of Hazardous Components in Textile Waste
Shtukaturova, Anastasia
2024 - anglický
An up-flow percolation test was chosen to identify and characterize heavy metals and PFAS constituents in textile waste. Up-flow column percolation tests are used on a laboratory scale to assess the leaching behavior of a hazardous substance from a waste in a given state as a function of time. The test was performed according to the European Technical Standard CEN/TS 14405. Preliminary results showed the following heavy metals in the leachates Al, As, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb, Zn and Sb, with Al, Cr, Fe, Mn and Zn being predominant. Klíčová slova: textile waste; percolation test; PFAS; heavy metals Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři NUŠL
Assessment of the Presence of Hazardous Components in Textile Waste

An up-flow percolation test was chosen to identify and characterize heavy metals and PFAS constituents in textile waste. Up-flow column percolation tests are used on a laboratory scale to assess the ...

Shtukaturova, Anastasia
Ústav chemických procesů, 2024

Drone Based Vertical Profiling of Black Carbon Aerosols at a Rural Background and an Urban Site in Central Europe
Julaha, Kajal
2024 - anglický
This research aims to assess the vertical distribution of BC aerosols using a drone and micro Aethalometer AE51 at two distinct sites in the Czech Republic: 1. NAOK (National Atmospheric Observatory Košetice) representing a regional background, and 2. MFF (Faculty of Mathematics and Physics in Prague) representing an urban site. At NAOK, a 250-meter measurement tower is accessible, providing a means to validate and calibrate the drone measurements. Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři NUŠL
Drone Based Vertical Profiling of Black Carbon Aerosols at a Rural Background and an Urban Site in Central Europe

This research aims to assess the vertical distribution of BC aerosols using a drone and micro Aethalometer AE51 at two distinct sites in the Czech Republic: 1. NAOK (National Atmospheric Observatory ...

Julaha, Kajal
Ústav chemických procesů, 2024

Vertical Gradients of Atmospheric Aerosols Chemical Composition
Kovářík, Jiří
2024 - anglický
Concentration of chemical species chosen as markers for AA source apportionment are evaluated with regard to atmospheric conditions, seasonal and daily cycles and compared between the two heights. This work adds to the current state of general knowledge about AACC. Klíčová slova: vertical gradients; chemical composition; atmospheric aerosols Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři NUŠL
Vertical Gradients of Atmospheric Aerosols Chemical Composition

Concentration of chemical species chosen as markers for AA source apportionment are evaluated with regard to atmospheric conditions, seasonal and daily cycles and compared between the two heights. ...

Kovářík, Jiří
Ústav chemických procesů, 2024

Cultivation of Limnospira Maxima and Utilization of its Fresh Biomass in Human Nutrition
Vásquez, Claudia
2024 - anglický
This project aims to fill this gap by presenting new insights into its consumption as an alternative to dried spirulina and offering recommendations\nfor safe storage. Klíčová slova: Limnospira maxima; dietary supplements; bioengineering Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři NUŠL
Cultivation of Limnospira Maxima and Utilization of its Fresh Biomass in Human Nutrition

This project aims to fill this gap by presenting new insights into its consumption as an alternative to dried spirulina and offering recommendations\nfor safe storage.

Vásquez, Claudia
Ústav chemických procesů, 2024

Reaction Mechanisms of Psychoactive Compounds
Sokolová, Romana; Beneš, Marek; Jiroušková, Eliška; Degano, I.
2024 - anglický
The reaction mechanism of selected new psychoactive substances (NPS) 4-methylpentedrone and 2-(((4-ethyl-2,5-dimethoxyphenethyl)amino)methyl)phenol was investigated based on their\nelectrochemical and spectroelectrochemical properties. Both drugs were examined by means of cyclic voltammetry using diagnostic parameters for particular reaction schemes, UV/Vis, and IR\nspectroelectrochemistry. Since water participates in the redox mechanism of both studied compounds, the reaction mechanism was studied under a controlled amount of water in an\nacetonitrile environment. Klíčová slova: oxidation; reduction; IR spectrochemistry Plné texty jsou dostupné na vyžádání prostřednictvím repozitáře Akademie věd.
Reaction Mechanisms of Psychoactive Compounds

The reaction mechanism of selected new psychoactive substances (NPS) 4-methylpentedrone and 2-(((4-ethyl-2,5-dimethoxyphenethyl)amino)methyl)phenol was investigated based on their\nelectrochemical and ...

Sokolová, Romana; Beneš, Marek; Jiroušková, Eliška; Degano, I.
Ústav fyzikální chemie J. Heyrovského, 2024

Spectroelectrochemical Devices for Monitoring of Intermediates and Products on Carbonbased Composite Electrodes
Vaněčková, Eva; Šikula, M.; Hrdlička, Vojtěch; Sebechlebská, Táňa; Kolivoška, Viliam
2024 - anglický
Spectroelectrochemistry (SEC), as an interdisciplinary field, provides us with more comprehensive information about electroactive molecules involved in charge transfer reactions. Commercially\navailable SEC cells most often have an incorporated platinum working electrode, which can limit the range of the usable potential window and, in addition, can complicate the analysis due to the\nabsorption phenomenon. In this work, we designed and manufactured two types of custom-made SEC cells employing optically transparent carbon-based working electrodes for UV-Vis monitoring of reactants and electrogenerated intermediates and products. The first SEC cell is entirely manufactured by 3D printing using fused deposition modeling (FDM) by combining optically transparent (PET) and electrically conductive (PLA-CB) filaments. The second SEC cell employs pencil graphite (PG) rods as the working electrode (PGE) and its body is manually assembled from quartz slides. The functionality of the FDM 3D printed SEC cell and manually assembled quartz SEC cell were verified by cyclic voltammetry with in situ UV-Vis spectroscopic absorption monitoring of ruthenium(III) acetylacetonate (Ru(ac)3) redox-active probe dissolved in an aqueous or non-aqueous deaerated solvent, respectively. Both presented cells enable complete redox reversible conversion and strictly oxygen-free conditions. Klíčová slova: pencil graphite electrode; spectroelectrochemistry; 3D printed electrode Plné texty jsou dostupné na vyžádání prostřednictvím repozitáře Akademie věd.
Spectroelectrochemical Devices for Monitoring of Intermediates and Products on Carbonbased Composite Electrodes

Spectroelectrochemistry (SEC), as an interdisciplinary field, provides us with more comprehensive information about electroactive molecules involved in charge transfer reactions. ...

Vaněčková, Eva; Šikula, M.; Hrdlička, Vojtěch; Sebechlebská, Táňa; Kolivoška, Viliam
Ústav fyzikální chemie J. Heyrovského, 2024

Basic characteristics of sulfide catalysts for the direct decomposition of H2S
Bonnet, Florian; Kaluža, Luděk
2024 - anglický
Sulfide catalysts are crucial in the hydrodesulfurization (HDS) of petroleum fractions, facilitating the hydrogenolysis of carbon-sulfur bonds. This process generates significant volumes of hydrogen sulfide (H2S), which is typically processed in the Claus unit. However, excess H2S can overwhelm the Claus process, creating both operational and environmental challenges. Researchers are now exploring sulfide catalysts for the direct thermo-catalytic decomposition of H2S to address this issue. Supported catalysts, like Mo/Al2O3, and commercial catalysts, considered typical monolayer-type well-dispersed catalysts, show the highest O2 uptake, ranging from 41.29 μmol/g for MoS2/Al2O3 (KLO) to 58.70 μmol/g for the commercial 715. Unsupported multilayer catalysts, such as Ni/MoWS2 (KKP), exhibit lower O2 uptake at 2.54 μmol/g, though it demonstrates high HDS activity with thiophene. Moreover, O2 uptake effectively describes the sintering of the Mo monolayer phase during the thermocatalytic reaction of H2S at 800°C. These O2 uptakes clearly correlate with the XRD patterns, where the MoS2 phase is X-ray amorphous with an O2 uptake of about 19.04 μmol/g, while the MoS2 phase in the spent catalyst shows certain crystallinity exhibiting an average particle size by Scherrer equation of about 6 nm and the O2 uptake of 1.63 μmol/g. O2 chemisorption thus serves as a valuable measure of the dispersion of Mo sulfides. The results obtain with the study of CoMo/Al2O3 (KJJ-family catalysts), highlight the correlation between the increasing amount of adsorbed O2 with the increasing nominal loading of MoO3 and the increasing rate constant of thiophene kTH. This research reveals the potential of these catalysts in hydrocarbon refining. The findings underline the connection between catalytic chemistry, process engineering, and environmental sustainability, with the objective to enhance industrial refining processes. Klíčová slova: sulfide catalyst; O2 chemisorption; H2S decomposition Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Basic characteristics of sulfide catalysts for the direct decomposition of H2S

Sulfide catalysts are crucial in the hydrodesulfurization (HDS) of petroleum fractions, facilitating the hydrogenolysis of carbon-sulfur bonds. This process generates significant volumes of hydrogen ...

Bonnet, Florian; Kaluža, Luděk
Ústav chemických procesů, 2024

Temoporfin-conjugated upconversion nanoparticles for NIR-induced photodynamic therapy of pancreatic cancer
Shapoval, Oleksandr; Větvička, D.; Kabešová, M.; Engstová, Hana; Horák, Daniel
2024 - anglický
Photodynamic therapy (PDT), a clinically approved cancer treatment strategy, has the potential to cure pancreatic cancer with minimal side effects. PDT primarily uses visible wavelengths to directly activate hydrophobic photosensitizers, which may be insufficient for deep-seated cancer cells in clinical practice due to poor penetration. Upconversion nanoparticles (UCNPs) serve as an indirect excitation source to activate photosensitizers (PSs) in the NIR region, overcoming the limitations of molecular PSs such as hydrophobicity, non-specificity, and excitation in the UV/Vis region. Here, monodisperse upconversion NaYF4:Yb3+, Er3+, Fe2+ nanoparticles (UCNPs) have been surface-engineered with poly(methyl vinyl ether-alt-maleic acid) (PMVEMA) and temoporfin (mTHPC), a clinically used PDT prodrug, for near-infrared (NIR) light-triggered PDT of pancreatic cancer. The incorporation of Fe2+ ions into the particles increased the fluorescence intensity in the red region matching the activation wavelength of mTHPC. Covalent binding of mTHPC to the surface of UCNP@PMVEMA particles provided colloidally stable conjugates enabling generation of singlet oxygen. In vitro cytotoxicity and photodynamic activity of the particles were evaluated using INS-1E rat insulinoma and Capan-2 and PANC-01 human pancreatic adenocarcinoma cell lines. The PDT efficacy of UCNP@PMVEMA-mTHPC conjugates after irradiation with 980 nm NIR light was tested in vivo in a pilot study on Capan-2 human pancreatic adenocarcinoma growing subcutaneously in athymic nude mice. The intratumoral administration of the nanoconjugates significantly hindered tumor growth and demonstrated promising PDT efficacy against human pancreatic cancer. Klíčová slova: photodynamic therapy; temoporfin; upconversion nanoparticles Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři Akademie Věd.
Temoporfin-conjugated upconversion nanoparticles for NIR-induced photodynamic therapy of pancreatic cancer

Photodynamic therapy (PDT), a clinically approved cancer treatment strategy, has the potential to cure pancreatic cancer with minimal side effects. PDT primarily uses visible wavelengths to directly ...

Shapoval, Oleksandr; Větvička, D.; Kabešová, M.; Engstová, Hana; Horák, Daniel
Ústav makromolekulární chemie, 2024

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