Výzkum v oboru oftalmologie, implantologie a buněčné biologie
Ardan, Taras
2017 - český
Výzkum v oblasti reakce organismu a specifických buněk oka na inovativní implantát vyvinutý objednatelem. Research on the reaction of the organism and specific eye cells on the innovative implant developer by the contractor.
Klíčová slova:
intraocular; cells; implant
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Výzkum v oboru oftalmologie, implantologie a buněčné biologie
Výzkum v oblasti reakce organismu a specifických buněk oka na inovativní implantát vyvinutý objednatelem....
Role of FGF signaling in zeugopod development
Buchtová, Marcela; Celá, Petra; Horáková, D.; Krejčí, P.
2017 - anglický
The fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signalling systém regulates many developmental processes including skeletogenesis, brain patterning, branching morphogenesis or limb development. as FGFs are key players in the variable processes of chondrogenesis, we experimentally manipulated this pathway to test its effect on zeugopode modeling.
Klíčová slova:
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Role of FGF signaling in zeugopod development
The fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signalling systém regulates many developmental processes including skeletogenesis, brain patterning, branching morphogenesis or limb development. as FGFs are key ...
Mechanism of complex tooth shape development in reptiles
Landová, Marie; Zahradníček, Oldřich; Dosedělová, Hana; Kavková, M.; Zikmund, T.; Buchtová, Marcela
2017 - anglický
Tooth shape formation in mammals is well known proces thanks to the broad studies on the mouse molars. The main role in regulation of this proces plays the enamel knot. Enamel knots are formed by cluster of cells, which serves as a source of numerous signalling molecules such as SHH or members of WNT, BMP and FGF families. Almost all our knowledge about teeth came from study on the mouse model. For better understanding of odontogenesis, it is however necessary to compare developmental processes to another species. One of the most heterogenic group of dentition type and shape are reptiles. How the shape of their teeth completed is still unknown. Aim of our study is therefore to uncover developmental processes involved in cusp formation in non-mammalian species with focus on reptiles. As model species for this study, we selected chameleons where multicuspis teeth develop in the caudal area of the jaw.
Klíčová slova:
reptiles; tooth shape development
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Mechanism of complex tooth shape development in reptiles
Tooth shape formation in mammals is well known proces thanks to the broad studies on the mouse molars. The main role in regulation of this proces plays the enamel knot. Enamel knots are formed by ...
Mitochondrial phenotype in minipig model transgenic for N-terminal part of human mutated huntingtin
Hansíková, H.; Rodinová, M.; Křížová, J.; Dosoudilová, Z.; Štufková, H.; Bohuslavová, Božena; Klíma, Jiří; Juhás, Štefan; Ellederová, Zdeňka; Motlík, Jan; Zeman, J.
2017 - anglický
Huntington’s disease (HD) is neurodegenerative disorder caused by an abnormal expansion of CAG repeat encoding a polyglutamine tract of huntingtin (htt). It has been postulated that mitochondria dysfunction may play significant role in the pathophysiology of the HD. But it is still not known yet in detail how mitochondria are able to cover energy needs of the cells during the progression of the HD.
Klíčová slova:
minipig model; Huntington´s disease
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Mitochondrial phenotype in minipig model transgenic for N-terminal part of human mutated huntingtin
Huntington’s disease (HD) is neurodegenerative disorder caused by an abnormal expansion of CAG repeat encoding a polyglutamine tract of huntingtin (htt). It has been postulated that mitochondria ...
Double strand DNA breaks response in Huntington´s disease
Šolc, Petr
2017 - anglický
There are strong evidences that DNA damage response (DDR) signalling significantly underline the molecular pathology of polyglutamine (polyQ) diseases, including Huntington´s disease (HD) [1-4]. Double strand DNA breaks (DSBs) are the most deleterious DNA lesions.\nIn this talk I will review how DDR on DSBs is affected in HD.\n
Klíčová slova:
DNA damage response
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Double strand DNA breaks response in Huntington´s disease
There are strong evidences that DNA damage response (DDR) signalling significantly underline the molecular pathology of polyglutamine (polyQ) diseases, including Huntington´s disease (HD) [1-4]. ...
Double strand DNA breaks response in Huntington´s disease transgenic minipigs
Vaškovičová, Michaela; Šmatlíková, Petra; Herbert, A.; Motlík, Jan; Šolc, Petr
2017 - anglický
Huntington’s disease (HD) is progressive neurodegenerative disorder caused by presence of CAG expansion in the huntingtin gene, which gives rise to mutated form of huntingtin protein (mHtt). There is a strong evidence that DNA damage response is compromised by presence of mHtt in cells and increase of double strand DNA breaks (DSBs) is an early event in HD pathology. It was shown, that level of γH2AX is significantly higher in R6/2 mice compared to wild-type animals. Moreover, level of γH2AX is higher also in striatal neurons and fibroblasts of human HD patients. Furthermore, protein p53, key player in DNA damage response, is hyperactivated in cells expressing mHtt and inhibition of p53 or ATM ameliorates phenotypes of HD animal models. However, exact mechanism of mHtt action is not clear and therefore further investigation of mHtt effects on DSBs response is very important for the understanding of HD pathology.
Klíčová slova:
transgenic minipigs
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Double strand DNA breaks response in Huntington´s disease transgenic minipigs
Huntington’s disease (HD) is progressive neurodegenerative disorder caused by presence of CAG expansion in the huntingtin gene, which gives rise to mutated form of huntingtin protein (mHtt). There is ...
Protokol o vedení implantací včetně výsledků
Juhás, Štefan; Juhásová, Jana
2017 - český
Ověření a analýza funkčnosti implantačního materiálu a designu v reálném prostředí. Testing and analysis of implant material and design in real environment.
Klíčová slova:
implant; material; in vivo
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Protokol o vedení implantací včetně výsledků
Ověření a analýza funkčnosti implantačního materiálu a designu v reálném prostředí.
Testing and analysis of implant material and design in real environment.
Výsledky in vivo testů nanomateriálů na minipraseti
Juhás, Štefan; Juhásová, Jana
2017 - český
Pomocí in vivo experimentů jsme testovali hojení čerstvé rány ošetřené pomocí nanovlákenného krytu. Z předem definovaných ran se v pravidelných intervalech odebírali vzorky na histologickou analýzu, provádělo se měření ran a fotodokumentace. Using in vivo experiments we tested healing of a fresh wound treated with a nanofibrous cover. From predefined wounds, samples were taken at regular intervals for histological analysis, wound measurements and photodocumentation were performed.
Klíčová slova:
minipig; skin wound; nanomaterial
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Výsledky in vivo testů nanomateriálů na minipraseti
Pomocí in vivo experimentů jsme testovali hojení čerstvé rány ošetřené pomocí nanovlákenného krytu. Z předem definovaných ran se v pravidelných intervalech odebírali vzorky na histologickou analýzu, ...
Výsledky testování nanomateriálů pro ošetření kožných ran
Juhás, Štefan; Juhásová, Jana
2017 - český
Pomocí experimentů na miniprasatech jsme testovali hojení čerstvé rány ošetřené pomocí různých nanovlákenných materiálu a porovnávali se standardním ošetřením. Z předem definovaných ran se v pravidelných intervalech odebírali vzorky na histologickou analýzu, mikrobiologii, provádělo se měření ran a fotodokumentace. Z miniprasat se taky odebírala krev pro stanovení prozánětlivých cytokinů. Using minipigs experiments, we tested the healing of fresh wounds treated with different nanofibrous materials and compared them with standard treatment. From predefined wounds, samples were taken at regular intervals for histological analysis, microbiology, wound measurements and photodocumentation. Blood was also collected from the miniprasate to determine pro-inflammatory cytokines.
Klíčová slova:
minipig; skin wound; nanomaterial; bandage
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Výsledky testování nanomateriálů pro ošetření kožných ran
Pomocí experimentů na miniprasatech jsme testovali hojení čerstvé rány ošetřené pomocí různých nanovlákenných materiálu a porovnávali se standardním ošetřením. Z předem definovaných ran se v ...
AAV-mediated delivery in large animals
Blits, B.; De Haan, M.; Evers, M.; Spronck, E. A.; Motlík, Jan; Bohuslavová, Božena; Ellederová, Zdeňka; Lewis, O. T.; Johnson, D.; Woolley, M.; Gill, S.; van Deventer, S.; Konstantinová, P.; Petry, H.
2017 - anglický
Gene therapy is an attractive option for treatment of neurological diseases. Delivery of the therapeutic gene at the proper location is key for an effective treatment and remains challenging, especially in larger animals. For translation from smaller (rodents) to larger animals, dimensions are different, but also the immune system plays a more prominent role in larger animals. Direct intracranial parenchymal infusions usually result in local transduction of tissue, whereas intrathecal infusions result in a more widespread transduction in the brain. Depending on the indication, the desired expression pattern of the therapeutic gene is to be elucidated and is dictating the route of infusion.
Klíčová slova:
large animals
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AAV-mediated delivery in large animals
Gene therapy is an attractive option for treatment of neurological diseases. Delivery of the therapeutic gene at the proper location is key for an effective treatment and remains challenging, ...
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