Number of found documents: 287
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Assembly rules in plant communities
2021 - English
Understanding the mechanisms of species co-occurrence in plant communities and determining the most important drivers of community assembly is one of the central questions in community ecology. Problematics of assembly rules is relatively difficult and most of the studies are based on null models, simulations, or observational methods rather than on experimental approach. This thesis focused on an experimental approach which can clarify many ecological mechanisms contributing to answer many questions related to assembly rules concept. Research in this thesis was focused both on stochastic and deterministic processes influencing the species community composition. Adding seeds or transplants of different species (including also the non-resident species) into community and also into plots with restricted competition and monitoring their establishment and survival for several years, the research highlighted the important role of priority effects on species community composition, the importance of the biotic filter as one of the main drivers in composition of meadow species and suggested that species composition is necessary to compare with the appropriately defined species pool. Research in this thesis also compared different estimation methods of species pool assessment with experimentally determined species pool trying to find the most appropriate possibility of the estimation of species pool. Understanding the mechanisms of species co-occurrence in plant communities and determining the most important drivers of community assembly is one of the central questions in community ecology. Problematics of assembly rules is relatively difficult and most of the studies are based on null models, simulations, or observational methods rather than on experimental approach. This thesis focused on an experimental approach which can clarify many ecological mechanisms contributing to answer many questions related to assembly rules concept. Research in this thesis was focused both on stochastic and deterministic processes influencing the species community composition. Adding seeds or transplants of different species (including also the non-resident species) into community and also into plots with restricted competition and monitoring their establishment and survival for several years, the research highlighted the important role of priority effects on species community composition, the importance of the biotic filter as one of the main drivers in composition of meadow species and suggested that species composition is necessary to compare with the appropriately defined species pool. Research in this thesis also compared different estimation methods of species pool assessment with experimentally determined species pool trying to find the most appropriate possibility of the estimation of species pool. Keywords: abiotic filter; assembly rules; biotic filter; plant community; competition; co-occurrence; establishement; priority effect; sowing experiment; species pool; transplant experiment Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Assembly rules in plant communities

Understanding the mechanisms of species co-occurrence in plant communities and determining the most important drivers of community assembly is one of the central questions in community ecology. ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2021

Intrinsic behavioural parameters of autonomous objects based on motion
LONHUS, Kirill
2021 - English
This thesis outlines quantitative behaviour analysis methods. In laboratory conditions, the video tracking-based methods are the best, and thus they are investigated in depth. Methods of image acquisition, physical camera calibration, and spectral image reconstruction are intensively discussed in the author's articles, which are included in the thesis. Software solution for individualized object tracking was developed and applied to aquarium fish. Causality networks were introduced, investigated, and applied to multiple agent data of swimming fish. The networks highlighted school hierarchy, allowed to mine individual parameters of agents, and achieve the primary goal of the thesis -- how individual behaviour manifests itself in collective behaviour. This thesis outlines quantitative behaviour analysis methods. In laboratory conditions, the video tracking-based methods are the best, and thus they are investigated in depth. Methods of image acquisition, physical camera calibration, and spectral image reconstruction are intensively discussed in the author's articles, which are included in the thesis. Software solution for individualized object tracking was developed and applied to aquarium fish. Causality networks were introduced, investigated, and applied to multiple agent data of swimming fish. The networks highlighted school hierarchy, allowed to mine individual parameters of agents, and achieve the primary goal of the thesis -- how individual behaviour manifests itself in collective behaviour. Keywords: collective behaviour; causality; school hierarchy; quantitative behaviour; network analysis Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Intrinsic behavioural parameters of autonomous objects based on motion

This thesis outlines quantitative behaviour analysis methods. In laboratory conditions, the video tracking-based methods are the best, and thus they are investigated in depth. Methods of image ...

LONHUS, Kirill
Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2021

Plasma-Assisted Deposition of Functional Bioactive Nanostructured Films
2021 - English
The Ph.D. thesis focuses on the interdisciplinary research of advanced materials for the development of biosensors with multiple domain interrogation capabilities for the detection of biomolecules and pathogens, namely, Lyme borreliosis spirochetes, Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. The strategy for biosensor fabrication is based on an optical fiber whose surface is coated by precisely tailored nanostructured thin films by means of low-temperature plasma. The thesis demonstrates that an indium tin oxide (ITO) thin film, deposited by magnetron sputtering onto the optical fiber surface, can serve as an effective transducer for electrochemical and optical measurements. The optical interrogation is based on the measurement of the refractive index utilizing lossy-mode resonance (LMR) phenomena, while the electrochemical interrogation is performed mostly by cyclic voltammetry. It is shown that the optimal design of the active surface on an optical fiber enables simultaneous (in time and in situ) optical and electrochemical interrogation of liquids and detection of biological complexes, including markers of Lyme borreliosis pathogens. Ph.D. práce se zaměřuje na interdisciplinární výzkum pokročilých materiálů pro vývoj biosenzorů s více doménovými senzorovými schopnostmi pro detekci biomolekul a patogenů, konkrétně spirochét lymské boreliózy, Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. Strategie výroby biosenzorů je založena na optickém vláknu, jehož povrch je pokryt pečlivě přizpůsobenými nanostrukturovanými tenkými vrstvami pomocí nízkoteplotního plazmatu. Práce demonstruje, že tenké vrstvy oxidu india a cínu (ITO), nanesené magnetronovým naprašováním na povrch optického vlákna, mohou sloužit jako účinný převodník pro elektrochemická a optická měření. Optická měření jsou založena na určování indexu lomu s využitím rezonance ztrátových módů (LMR), zatímco elektrochemická měření jsou prováděna převážně cyklickou voltametrií. Je ukázáno, že optimální design aktivního povrchu na optickém vláknu umožňuje současnou (v čase a in situ) optickou a elektrochemickou analýzu kapalin a detekci biologických komplexů včetně markerů patogenů lymské boreliózy. Keywords: senzory pro detekci biomolekul a patogenů; analýza kapalin; více doménová detekce; ITO; optická vlákna; rezonance ztrátových módů; elektrochemie; cyklická voltametrie; magnetronové naprašování; fyzika plazmatu; fyzika pevných látek Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Plasma-Assisted Deposition of Functional Bioactive Nanostructured Films

The Ph.D. thesis focuses on the interdisciplinary research of advanced materials for the development of biosensors with multiple domain interrogation capabilities for the detection of biomolecules and ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2021

Structural variability of cyclic cyanobacterial lipopeptides: their biosynthesis and features affecting their bioactivity
2021 - English
This thesis is devoted to the diversity of cyanobacterial cyclic lipopeptides and their bioactivity. Special class of cyclic cyanobacterial lipopeptides puwainaphycins and minutissamides was studied in terms of their structural diversity, biosynthesis and structure-activity relationship. Chemical diversity of observed variants in cyanobacterial strains was correlated with the genetic background for their biosynthesis from which the probable cores of biosynthesis were inferred. Biological activity (mainly the cytotoxicity and anti-fungal activity) of major natural puwainaphycin and minutissamide variants was studied in detail. Finally, semi-synthetic puwainaphycin and minutissamide variants were prepared in order to study the relationship between distinct functional moieties and their effect on the bioactivity of the lipopeptide. Keywords: cyanobacteria; cyclic lipopeptide; bioactivity Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Structural variability of cyclic cyanobacterial lipopeptides: their biosynthesis and features affecting their bioactivity

This thesis is devoted to the diversity of cyanobacterial cyclic lipopeptides and their bioactivity. Special class of cyclic cyanobacterial lipopeptides puwainaphycins and minutissamides was studied ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2021

Evolution of the sex determination pathway in the Mediterranean flour moth, Ephestia kuehniella
VISSER, Sander
2021 - English
The sex determination pathway in insects is a fast evolving gene cascade. In particular, the genes at the top of this cascade differ even between closely related species. This study explores the sex determination pathway of the Mediterranean flour moth, Ephestia kuehniella, which is widely used as a food source for the mass rearing of biological control agents. Therefore, an ortholog of the Masculinizer gene was identified and its role in sex determination was assessed by applying RNA interference (RNAi). In addition, a putative feminizing gene was identified on the W chromosome of E. kuehniella and a closely related species, and their genetic structure was determined by qPCR, Southern hybridization, and fluorescence in situ hybridization. The data contribute to our understanding of the sex-determining system in E. kuehniella and the evolution of the sex determination pathway in Lepidoptera. The sex determination pathway in insects is a fast evolving gene cascade. In particular, the genes at the top of this cascade differ even between closely related species. This study explores the sex determination pathway of the Mediterranean flour moth, Ephestia kuehniella, which is widely used as a food source for the mass rearing of biological control agents. Therefore, an ortholog of the Masculinizer gene was identified and its role in sex determination was assessed by applying RNA interference (RNAi). In addition, a putative feminizing gene was identified on the W chromosome of E. kuehniella and a closely related species, and their genetic structure was determined by qPCR, Southern hybridization, and fluorescence in situ hybridization. The data contribute to our understanding of the sex-determining system in E. kuehniella and the evolution of the sex determination pathway in Lepidoptera. Keywords: Ephestia kuehniella; sex determination; Masculinizer; Feminizer; Plodia interpunctella; Lepidoptera; gene duplication Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Evolution of the sex determination pathway in the Mediterranean flour moth, Ephestia kuehniella

The sex determination pathway in insects is a fast evolving gene cascade. In particular, the genes at the top of this cascade differ even between closely related species. This study explores the sex ...

VISSER, Sander
Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2021

Development of a Comprehensive Framework of Excellence in Higher Education
2021 - English
Excellent students have usually been defined in terms of high academic achievement, which, however, could be associated with undesirable motivational and behavioural correlates. Working on the assumption that excellence in higher education is a precursor of occupational excellence, which integrates high-quality work with ethical behaviour, excellence in university settings should be reconsidered. This thesis was underpinned by two research questions: Who is really an excellent university student? How to identify an excellent university student? In this respect, we conducted four intermediate studies that together build a comprehensive conceptual and methodological framework of excellence in higher education. The first study aimed to establish an empirically-based conceptualization of an excellent university student. The results of an investigation between university students and teachers showed that excellence in higher education is an interaction between educational excellence, which refers to students who are deeply knowledgeable, engaged, and able to turn their knowledge and skills into actions and desirable high-quality outcomes, and personal excellence that concerns prosocial, moral, and self-reflective behaviour of students. In the second study, we aimed to find, whether the core excellent students' attribute of genuine study motivation, conceptualized as mastery goal orientation along with deep approach to learning, is indicated or contradicted by students' grade point average (GPA). The results revealed that GPA neither indicates, nor contradicts the attribute of genuine study motivation. In the third study, we designed and implemented the procedure of excellent students' identification based on a multisource assessment that involved teacher nomination/assessment, academic achievement assessment, and peer assessment. The implementation of this methodology resulted in a final sample of 10 excellent individuals meeting all the conceptually-derived criteria of excellence. The fourth study aimed to evaluate the implemented methodology in terms of its discriminating ability to differentiate between excellent and non-excellent students. In this respect, we achieved satisfactory results. After reviewing the results generated by the implementation and evaluation of the proposed methodology, we suggest a basic guideline on how to define and identify excellent university students in more general settings. Za vynikající studenty jsou obvykle považováni studenti dosahující vysokého akademického výkonu, který ale může být spojen s nežádoucí motivací a vzorci chování. Vyjdeme-li z předpokladu, že vysokoškolská excelence je předstupněm profesní excelence, která v sobě spojuje práci vysoké kvality s etickým chováním, je potřeba začít o excelenci ve vysokoškolském prostředí uvažovat jiným způsobem. Tato disertační práce si klade dvě výzkumné otázky: Kdo je doopravdy vynikající vysokoškolský student a jak jej identifikovat? V tomto ohledu jsme realizovali čtyři dílčí studie, které tvoří ucelený konceptuální a metodologický rámec vysokoškolské excelence. První studie si klade za cíl ustanovit konceptualizaci vynikajícího vysokoškolského studenta založenou na empirických datech. Výsledky šetření provedeného mezi univerzitními studenty a vyučujícími ukázaly, že vysokoškolská excelence je kombinací akademické excelence a osobnostní excelence. Akademickou excelenci zosobňují takoví studenti, kteří mají hluboké znalosti, jsou angažovaní a schopní přenést své znalosti a dovednosti do praxe a přetvořit je ve výsledky vysoké kvality. Naopak osobnostní excelence se vztahuje k prosociálnímu, morálnímu, a sebe-reflektivnímu chování studentů. Druhá studie si klade za cíl zjistit, zda klíčový atribut vynikajícího vysokoškolského studenta, autentická studijní motivace, konceptualizovaná jako cílová orientace na mistrovství spolu s hlubokým přístupem k učení, koreluje s celkovým studijním průměrem. Výsledky této studie ukázaly, že studijní průměr není ani indikátorem autentické studijní motivace, ale ani ji nevyvrací. V rámci třetí studie byl navrhnut a realizován postup identifikace konkrétních vysokoškolských studentů založený na vícezdrojovém hodnocení (učitelská nominace a hodnocení, hodnocení akademického výkonu a studentské hodnocení), což vyústilo ve výběr vzorku deseti vynikajících studentů, kteří odpovídali všem konceptuálním kritériím excelence. Čtvrtá studie si kladla za cíl zhodnotit navrženou metodologii s ohledem na to, do jaké míry rozlišuje mezi vynikajícími a nevynikajícími studenty. V tomto ohledu bylo dosaženo uspokojivých výsledků. Poté, co byly posouzeny výsledky získané realizací a evaluací navržené metodologie, mohla být poskytnuta základní doporučení k tomu, jak definovat a identifikovat vynikající vysokoškolské studenty napříč univerzitami. Keywords: vysokoškolská excelence; akademický výkon; osobnostní excelence; excelentní vysokoškolští studenti; vícezdrojové hodnocení Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Development of a Comprehensive Framework of Excellence in Higher Education

Excellent students have usually been defined in terms of high academic achievement, which, however, could be associated with undesirable motivational and behavioural correlates. Working on the ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2021

Osobnostní rysy chování hraboše polního: Jejich behaviorální plasticita a vliv na rozmnožování
2021 - English
This thesis is focused on development of individual behavioural tendencies (i.e. animal personality), behavioural plasticity and its influence on reproduction succes in common voles (Microtus arvalis). Because common vole is one of our most common rodent species with huge impact in agriculture, we investigated still not studied aspects of common vole's life. The definition of personality traits implies their relative temporal stability as well as, stability under different environmental conditions. In two studies, this personality traits stability/plasticity is approached as phenotypic plasticity using behavioural reaction norm. The first study presents the result of lifelong testing of voles using four open field tests with two-month intervals. The second study, on the other hand, provides insights into the development of personality traits during three days of placing a vole in a new monitoring box environment. The third study analyses one of the possible mechanisms for maintaining personality traits in the vole population. Whether greater similarity in the behavioural personality traits of parental pairs leads to a higher number of offspring. Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Osobnostní rysy chování hraboše polního: Jejich behaviorální plasticita a vliv na rozmnožování

This thesis is focused on development of individual behavioural tendencies (i.e. animal personality), behavioural plasticity and its influence on reproduction succes in common voles (Microtus ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2021

Chromera velia heme pathway localization
2021 - English
This thesis is focused on the localization of the heme pathway in Chromera velia - the closest known photosynthetic relative of apicomplexan parasites. The heme pathway belongs to essential processes in most living organisms. Organisms use enzymes of various evolutionary origins, reflecting their complex evolutionary history. The core of this study represents the combination of computational and experimental localization of the C. velia heme pathway. We showed that the localization of the heme pathway in the cell is driven by multiple factors, including the demand for pathway products, the need for tight regulation of the pathway, and the evolutionary origin of the enzymes Práce se zaměřuje na lokalizaci hemové dráhy u řasy Chromera velia, která je nejbližším známým fotosyntetizujícím příbuzným parazitů ze skupiny Apicomplexa. Hemová dráha je jednou z esenciálních biochemických drah většiny žijících organismů. Organismy používají pro syntézu hemu enzymu lišící se svým evolučním původem, který odráží jejich složitou evoluční historii. Základem této práce je kombinace in výpočetních a experimentálních lokalizací enzymů hemové dráhy řasy Chromera velia. Ukázali jsme, že lokalizace hemové dráhy v rámci buňky je řízena vícero faktory zahrnující poptávku po produktech dráhy, potřebu přísné regulace a v neposlední řadě i evolučním původem enzymů. Keywords: Heme pathway; Chromera velia; protein targeting; protein predictions Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Chromera velia heme pathway localization

This thesis is focused on the localization of the heme pathway in Chromera velia - the closest known photosynthetic relative of apicomplexan parasites. The heme pathway belongs to essential processes ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2021

Role of queuosine tRNA modification in the parasitic protist \kur{Trypanosoma brucei}
KULKARNI, Sneha Sunil
2021 - English
This study analyzes the queuosine (Q) tRNA modification and the enzyme responsible for Q formation, the tRNA guanine transglycosylase (TGT), in the parasitic protist \kur{Trypanosoma brucei}. We describe the interdependence of Q modification and tRNA subcellular trafficking, and how these two factors regulate codon biased translation. The effect of Q on translation has serious implications in the virulence of the parasite inside the mammalian host. This study analyzes the queuosine (Q) tRNA modification and the enzyme responsible for Q formation, the tRNA guanine transglycosylase (TGT), in the parasitic protist \kur{Trypanosoma brucei}. We describe the interdependence of Q modification and tRNA subcellular trafficking, and how these two factors regulate codon biased translation. The effect of Q on translation has serious implications in the virulence of the parasite inside the mammalian host. Keywords: Queuosine; tRNA guanine transglycosylase; tRNA modifications; tRNA traficking; mitochondria; synonymous codon usage Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Role of queuosine tRNA modification in the parasitic protist \kur{Trypanosoma brucei}

This study analyzes the queuosine (Q) tRNA modification and the enzyme responsible for Q formation, the tRNA guanine transglycosylase (TGT), in the parasitic protist \kur{Trypanosoma brucei}. We ...

KULKARNI, Sneha Sunil
Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2021

Psychoaktivní sloučeniny ve vodním prostředí a jejich účinky na ryby
SANCHO SANTOS, Maria Eugenia
2021 - English
Psychoactive substances are emerging compounds that have received an increasing interest in ecotoxicology as a result of their ubiquitous presence in the environment, and the possible effects over non-targeted fauna. They have been detected in continental waters at concentrations ranging from nanograms to micrograms per litre, mainly as a consequence of the ineffective removal in the sewage treatment plants. Within this group of substances, methamphetamine and tramadol were selected in this dissertation due to the lack of research about their potential effects despite of the high amounts reported in water. Methamphetamine, mainly consumed as an illicit drug, is an addictive psychostimulant with special relevance in Central Europe. Environmental relevant and higher concentrations of methamphetamine in water leaded to histopathological alterations in heart and liver in brown trout (Salmo trutta m. fario). The major changes in heart were microvascular injuries, infiltration and fibrosis; and cytoplasmatic vacuolation of hepatocytes in liver. In addition, apoptotic changes were observed in liver. The findings were very similar to those reported in human and experimental animals. The parent compound and the main metabolite, amphetamine, were detected in trout tissues following the order kidney > liver > brain > muscle > plasma. The concentrations of the metabolite were evidently higher comparing to the parent compound; therefore, the histological findings could be suspected to partially derivate from amphetamine. Behaviour - i.e. activity and place preference - and metabolome changes for the period of withdrawal were observed in trouts, linked to remnants of the parent compound and the metabolite in brain. Tramadol is an extensively used analgesic which singular mode of action provides added antidepressant and anxiolytic effects. Realistic concentration of tramadol in water was found to impair essential behavioural traits in the chub (Squalius cephalus) - a native fish species in Central Europe. The degree of the outcomes was correlated with the individual amounts of tramadol in brain. Exposed fish exhibited anxiolytic-like effects, illustrated by lesser bold and social individuals comparing to controls. In the boldness test, exposed fish were less frequently out of the shelter and moved a shorter distance, therefore, they explored the new environment less than control fish. The novel object recognition experiment indicated that, although they distinguished the new item, their activity was reduced, and they explored the new object less. The increased interindividual distance indicated that the shoal cohesion was disturbed. The behavioural traits were associated to the treatment, suggesting the influence of the pollutant over fish personality. Bioconcentration factors for tramadol and methamphetamine were low in all cases, thus, the probability of bioconcentration for these substances is very low. However, these compounds are continuously released into water, leading to their pseudo-persistence and the consequent presence in tissues. The occurrence in fish, and the parallelism in the target signalization result in similar actions in these organisms comparing to human and experimental models. Here we evidenced that the water pollution with the tested neuroactive substances in the aquatic compartment could lead to unexpected effects over fauna, and subsequent changes in the whole aquatic ecosystem. Psychoaktivní látky patří do skupiny nových kontaminantů životního prostředí a díky jejich všudypřítomnosti a možným účinkům jsou stále častějším předmětem zájmu ekotoxikologických studií. Tyto látky byly detekovány ve vnitrozemských vodách v koncentracích od nanogramů po mikrogramy na litr. Řada z nich není efektivně odstraňována v procesech čištění odpadních vod. Pro experimenty realizované v rámci této disertační práce byly z široké skupiny psychoaktivních látekvybrány metamfetamin a tramadol, a to zejména z důvodu minimálního množství dosud realizovaných ekotoxikologických studií týkajících se působení těchto látek na organismy v životním prostředí a také z důvodu poměrně významných koncentrací těchto látek nalézaných v povrchových vodách. Metamfetamin, užívaný hlavně jako nelegální droga, je návykovým psychostimulantem, který je zejména ve střední Evropě nejčastěji užívanou tzv. "tvrdou" drogou. V rámci práce testované environmentálně relevantní a vyšší koncentrace metamfetaminu ve vodě vedly u pstruha obecného (Salmo trutta m. fario) k histopatologickým změnám v srdci a v játrech. Hlavní změnami pozorovanými v srdci byly mikrovaskulární poranění, infiltrace a fibróza, v játrech pak cytoplazmatická vakuolizace hepatocytů. Kromě toho byly v játrech pozorovány apoptotické změny. Nálezy byly velmi podobné nálezům popisovaným u lidí a laboratorních zvířat. Původní sloučenina a její hlavní metabolit amfetamin byly detekovány ve tkáních pstruhů v pořadí ledviny> játra> mozek> sval> plazma. Koncentrace amfetaminu byly evidentně vyšší ve srovnání s metamfetaminem. Proto lze předpokládat, že histologické nálezy částečně vznikají také působením amfetaminu. U pstruhů vystavených působení metamfetaminu byly v poexpoziční době pozorovány rozdíly v chování mezi exponovanou a kontrolní skupinou. Jednalo se o preference aktivity a místa výskytu a o změny metabolomu mozku, které byly dávány do souvislosti se zbytkovým obsahem metabolitu testované látky v mozku exponovaných jedinců. Tramadol je hojně užívané analgetikum, jehož singulární způsob účinku poskytuje přidané antidepresivní a anxiolytické účinky. Bylo zjištěno, že reálně se vyskytující koncentrace tramadolu ve vodě mění základní způsoby chování jelce tlouště (Squalius cephalus), který je ve střední Evropě původním rybím druhem. Úroveň změn chování korelovala u testovaných jedinců s koncentrací tramadolu v jejich mozku. U exponovaných ryb byly pozorovány anxiolytické účinky, např. menší odvaha a odlišné sociální chování ve srovnání s kontrolními jedinci. V testu smělosti exponované ryby setrvávaly déle v úkrytech a pohybovaly se na kratší vzdálenost, proto prozkoumávaly nové prostředí méně než kontrolní ryby. Experiment zaměřený na schopnost rozpoznávání nových objektů naznačil, že ačkoliv exponovaní jedinci odlišili novou položku, jejich aktivita byla snížena a nový objekt prozkoumávali méně. Zvýšená vzdálenost mezi jedinci naznačovala, že je narušena soudržnost hejna. S expozicí byly spojeny i změny chování, což naznačuje vliv znečišťující látky na osobnost ryb. Biokoncentrační faktory pro tramadol a metamfetamin byly ve všech případech nízké, takže pravděpodobnost biokoncentrace je v případě těchto látek velmi nízká. Tyto sloučeniny se však kontinuálně dostávají do vody, což vede k jejich pseudo-perzistenci a následné přítomnosti ve tkáních. Výskyt u ryb a paralelismus v cílové signalizaci vedou k podobným reakcím v těchto organismech jako jsou pozorovány u lidských a dalších živočišných modelů. V našich experimentech jsme prokázali, že znečištění vody testovanými neuroaktivními látkami může vést k neočekávaným účinkům na faunu a následným změnám v celém vodním ekosystému. Keywords: chování; biokoncentrace; droga; ryba; farmaceutika; znečištění Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Psychoaktivní sloučeniny ve vodním prostředí a jejich účinky na ryby

Psychoactive substances are emerging compounds that have received an increasing interest in ecotoxicology as a result of their ubiquitous presence in the environment, and the possible effects over ...

SANCHO SANTOS, Maria Eugenia
Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2021

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