Number of found documents: 12866
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ILL for e-books
Gillitzer, Berthold
2019 - English
Currently, ILL is sometimes regarded as an old-fashioned standard service of libraries which becomes obsolete through the plenty of information available on the internet. In contrast to that opinion, I want to emphasize that ILL considered as a network of libraries for sharing scarce resources is a very modern concept. Due to the lack of contract clauses or restrictions within existing contract clauses of licensed e-journals or licensed e-books, in the last few years a permanently growing gap within ILL has arisen. More and more documents are not available via ILL and, in consequence, they are not available at all for users needing them urgently. For this reason, the Bavarian State Library and the Bavarian Library Network have since 2013 developed a concept for a solution for this problem. A server for the storing of license information and provision of the respective documents are part of this project as well as the development of appropriate license agreements. While a solution for e-journals is successfully up and running and more than 30% of copies from articles within ILL are provided from e-journals (at least in Bavaria), e-books seem to be a hard nut to crack. There are not any license clauses for ILL at all for e-books in ILL and the modalities for delivery and respective license conditions are controversial between libraries and publishers. The Bavarian State Library started a project to solve these problems together with the Bavarian Library Network. A pilot service has been running successfully since July 2015 and five publishers are cooperating for the test of the conception and first experiences with e-books and ILL. Nevertheless, publisher and holders of rights are sceptical and much work is still to be done until ILL for e-media becomes a regular part of the services provided by libraries. Perhaps international cooperation could be a key to convince the big publishers that a solution for these problems is necessary. The pilot period over the last 4 years shows that the technical solution and the conception are basically successful. Keywords: licenční smlouvy; interlibrary loan; license agreements; informační prameny; meziknihovní výpůjční služby; elektronické knihy Available in the NTK library.
ILL for e-books

Currently, ILL is sometimes regarded as an old-fashioned standard service of libraries which becomes obsolete through the plenty of information available on the internet. In contrast to that opinion, ...

Gillitzer, Berthold
Národní technická knihovna, 2019

Narrowing the gap of the digital divide
Xu, Xiaomu; Leng, Ling
2019 - English
In China, a digital divide results from geographical conditions, unbalanced economic development, individual differences, and other factors. To bridge this gap and to weaken the polarisation between the “information wealthy” and the “information poor,” a federal, Internet-based library, the National Science and Technology Library (NSTL), has been founded. This paper will introduce what NSTL is and how NSTL contributes to narrowing the gaps in order to reduce differences between the two groups in access to science and technology information and resources. NSTL consists of 9 library members, all of which are national authoritative libraries in different disciplines, respectively covering the natural sciences, engineering, agriculture, medicine, standards, and other fields. First, to narrow the gap caused by geographical conditions, NSTL has built 40 service stations covering 29 provinces, thus forming a nationwide information service network with the help of local and industrial scientific information institutions. This action not only guarantees resource sharing to the whole country, but also improves the service abilities of local providers. Second, to narrow the gap caused by unbalanced economic development, approximately 25,000 types of print resources that are state-funded can be unconditionally supplied to the public at reasonable prices, especially with low prices for remote and poor areas. Document delivery services are ordered over 400,000 times every year. Nearly 4,000 kinds of electronic journals are free for all domestic welfare and educational group users via Internet protocol address permissions. Third, to narrow the gap caused by individual differences, NSTL provides an integrated discovery system on the basis of unified cataloguing so that everyone can search literature easily. NSTL also organises trainings and seminars across the country, introducing and promoting resources to all communities. In addition, NSTL strives to explore approaches to international information access and to foster cooperation opportunities in order to close the gaps between countries. Keywords: akademické knihovny; digitální propast; NSTL; Čína; digital divide; NSTL; China; vysokoškolské knihovny Available in the NTK library.
Narrowing the gap of the digital divide

In China, a digital divide results from geographical conditions, unbalanced economic development, individual differences, and other factors. To bridge this gap and to weaken the polarisation between ...

Xu, Xiaomu; Leng, Ling
Národní technická knihovna, 2019

In-transit practices among multi-campus university libraries in Turkey
Cuhadar, Sami; Cimen, Ertugrul; Turan, Abdullah
2019 - English
Library in-transit services provided between various campuses of a university are important, helping to ensure user satisfaction, effective allocation of library budgets, optimum use of resources, and effective use of library spaces. In this study, 179 universities operating in Turkey were identified and selected for assessment. The methods which libraries at these universities employ to deliver information resources to users at other campuses as well as their in-transit practices are explained in detail. The paper presents the findings of a survey that was conducted at the selected university libraries in order to assess the current state and the impact of resource sharing via the in-transit method on library budgets, library spaces, and user satisfaction. The in-transit practice of Istanbul Bilgi University (BİLGİ) Library, which has a well-established in-transit policy and which keeps detailed statistics, was also used as a case study to analyze in-transit statistics and survey findings and to provide suggestions for future improvement. Design/methodology/approach: This study employed a historical and explanatory approach; statistical methods are used to analyze the results of the survey. An important outcome of the study was that it documented the current status of in-transit practices at academic universities in Turkey. The authors utilized their professional experiences in developing resource sharing and in-transit services within a university library context in Turkey in order to design the survey. Objectives: This research paper might be useful for any university librarians interested in resource sharing, effective use of library budgets, library collections, and library spaces, especially in developing countries. The paper also provides academic libraries with a set of guidelines for establishing an in-transit service. Originality/value: This paper is the first study of in-transit services provided between Turkish university libraries. It also addresses the opportunities and challenges that arise when establishing or improving in-transit services. The results of the study will be of use to university libraries, researchers, and library professionals working in the field. Keywords: sdílení zdrojů; dodávání dokumentů; resource sharing; inter-campus delivery; Turkey; document supply; “in-transit” services; vysokoškolské knihovny Available in the NTK library.
In-transit practices among multi-campus university libraries in Turkey

Library in-transit services provided between various campuses of a university are important, helping to ensure user satisfaction, effective allocation of library budgets, optimum use of resources, and ...

Cuhadar, Sami; Cimen, Ertugrul; Turan, Abdullah
Národní technická knihovna, 2019

When there’s only one
Eighmy Brown, Melissa; Smith, Austin; Thompson, Hilary H.
2019 - English
Electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs) are one of the many resources interspersed throughout the current environment of online content. The past two decades have witnessed a shift from print to electronic theses and dissertations and an accompanying growth in university mandates requiring deposit of ETDs in institutional repositories. While these changes should have paved the way for unfettered online access, barriers such as embargoes requested by the author and vendor licensing restrictions have also emerged, hampering access to these unpublished works. Likewise, policies governing cataloging, deposit, and repository access may differ widely across institutions, adding further complexity to the landscape. Interlibrary Loan practitioners are looking for ways to share this unique content and help users navigate the terrain despite the obstacles. This presentation will explore recent trends in thesis requesting and fulfillment using borrowing and lending requests for theses and dissertations from two U.S. public research universities, along with the perspectives of colleagues at peer institutions. These data sets demonstrate that the demand for these materials extends across borders, raising the question: how can we encourage the sharing of ETDs on a global scale? The authors hope their research on the accessibility of theses and dissertations will inform the international academic community on ways to improve the sharing of these important institutional assets, including raising awareness of the need for a policy and workflow that permits controlled ILL lending of embargoed ETDs that mirrors lending of print dissertations. Keywords: interlibrary loan; embargo; meziknihovní výpůjční služby; vysokoškolské práce; disertace Available in the NTK library.
When there’s only one

Electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs) are one of the many resources interspersed throughout the current environment of online content. The past two decades have witnessed a shift from print to ...

Eighmy Brown, Melissa; Smith, Austin; Thompson, Hilary H.
Národní technická knihovna, 2019

Aside from payment
Babaryka-Amelchanka, Veranika; Muravitskaya, Ryma; Shakura, Natallia
2019 - English
In order to provide users quality information in conjunction with the optimization of financial costs for information resources of the library, they use the opportunity of free acquisition and actively develop cooperation with other libraries and information centers in the field of document changing and resource sharing. In I.S. Lupinovich Belarus Agricultural Library of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus there is functional system which includes, along with paid opportunities, mechanisms for free replenishment of its fund and mutual use of documents. Free acquisition of the fund is possible both thanks to acts regulated by the state and the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, and through the development of partnerships with other libraries, organizations, and individuals through international exchange of documents, function of FAO depository, and receiving literature as a gift. The mutual use of resources is based on national and international interlibrary lending, participation in the World Network of Agricultural Libraries, and cooperation agreements with other libraries. The existing mechanisms contribute to ensuring access of Belarusian users to the world information resources on agriculture, as well as integration of the national sectoral information into the world information space with reduced financial costs. Keywords: AGLINET; Bělorusko; FAO depozitář; mezinárodní výměna dokumentů; akvizice otevřených zdrojů; free sources of acquisition; FAO depository; international document exchange; resource sharing; AGLINET; Belarus Available in the NTK library.
Aside from payment

In order to provide users quality information in conjunction with the optimization of financial costs for information resources of the library, they use the opportunity of free acquisition and ...

Babaryka-Amelchanka, Veranika; Muravitskaya, Ryma; Shakura, Natallia
Národní technická knihovna, 2019

Challenges and opportunities for research data management in Chinese library community
Xu, Huifang
2019 - English
Based on the three models of research data publishing, this paper presents an investigation and analysis of Chinese research data management and sharing, including China’s national research data management and sharing platforms, institutional research data repositories, Chinese data publishing journals, and data publishing practices. Based on the analysis of China's research data management and sharing environment, the paper will further examine the challenges and opportunities of research data management and sharing services offered by the Chinese library community. Finally, it will provide suggestions for how Chinese libraries can create implementation paths in order to conduct research data management services more effectively. Keywords: management výzkumných dat; výzkumná data; sdílení; publikování dat; RDM; research data management; research data; sharing; data publishing; RDM Available in the NTK library.
Challenges and opportunities for research data management in Chinese library community

Based on the three models of research data publishing, this paper presents an investigation and analysis of Chinese research data management and sharing, including China’s national research data ...

Xu, Huifang
Národní technická knihovna, 2019

Opportunities and challenges
Xing, Zhao
2019 - English
Purpose: This study aims to explore and articulate the copyright problems of document supply resulting from changes in the digital age in China, introducing current Chinese Copyright Law and “fair use” in library services and exploring the challenges and opportunities of copyright protection for document supply in China. Design: From statistical analysis of the changes to document delivery services in the digital age based on the professional experiences of National Library of China (NLC), copyright problems are presented. Current Chinese Copyright Law and “fair use” are introduced. The measures NLC has taken to protect copyright in document supply are summarized. Findings: With increasing digital document delivery, the potential risks of copyright infringement in document supply have become more and more serious; we must take proper steps to protect copyright, especially in the digital age in China. Value: This is the first article in English to describe the current situation of copyright protection for document supply in China. It also presents the problems based on the professional experiences of NLC and recommends solutions for the digital age today. Keywords: Čínská národní knihovna; digitální věk; National Library of China; digital age; elektronické dodávání dokumentů; autorské právo Available in the NTK library.
Opportunities and challenges

Purpose: This study aims to explore and articulate the copyright problems of document supply resulting from changes in the digital age in China, introducing current Chinese Copyright Law and “fair ...

Xing, Zhao
Národní technická knihovna, 2019

International interlibrary loan in a changing environment
Munson, Kurt; Thompson, Hilary H.
2019 - English
In 2019 the American Library Association (ALA) Reference & User Services Association’s Sharing and Transforming Access to Resources Section (RUSA STARS) International Interlibrary Loan Committee conducted its fourth survey of international interlibrary loan policies and practices. This survey was widely distributed to libraries worldwide, in coordination with IFLA’s Document Delivery & Resource Sharing Section, including for the first time translations in six of the seven official IFLA languages. While reusing questions from prior survey instruments allowed for longitudinal analysis of quantitative data, the 2019 survey also included new open response questions that delve deeper into how the global library community can build upon its success in sharing resources across borders in order to improve this service for future users. On behalf of the committee, the authors will present select survey results, focusing on the evolving role of international ILL in an increasingly complex resource discovery and delivery ecosystem. Data-informed strategies to overcome challenges currently facing this service and to optimize global delivery solutions will be shared. Keywords: průzkum; interlibrary loan; survey; mezinárodní meziknihovní výpůjční služby Available in the NTK library.
International interlibrary loan in a changing environment

In 2019 the American Library Association (ALA) Reference & User Services Association’s Sharing and Transforming Access to Resources Section (RUSA STARS) International Interlibrary Loan Committee ...

Munson, Kurt; Thompson, Hilary H.
Národní technická knihovna, 2019

Beyond Academic Support
Chodounská, Alena; Ryzhkov, Alexey
2019 - English
This case study from National Library of Technology in Prague describes the use of customer relation management (CRM) software by the User Support Team in order to keep a record of provided academic support services provided and—most importantly—to ensure continuous improvement and appropriate analysis of these services. The CRM system helps to identify gaps in student support services, and inspires the development of new services. It is also used to enhance peer-to-peer personal knowledge exchange within the team. Last but not least, the essence and value of our support has been “materialized” in the form of the CRM system and can be easily communicated with our stakeholders. Keywords: řízení vztahů se zákazníky; informační služby; případové studie; Národní technická knihovna; CRM; information services; case studies; National Library of Technology Available in the NTK library.
Beyond Academic Support

This case study from National Library of Technology in Prague describes the use of customer relation management (CRM) software by the User Support Team in order to keep a record of provided academic ...

Chodounská, Alena; Ryzhkov, Alexey
Národní technická knihovna, 2019

Virtuální národní fonotéka - podpora spolupráce
Malinová, Iva; Horová, Iva
2019 - English
Last year, the National Library of Technology of the Czech Republic became the new administrator of the Virtual National Phonoteque (VNP). This unique database is the aggregator of audio documents stored in Czech institutions. The portal collects metadata across different types of institutions: libraries, archives, museums, commercial publishers, Czech Radio, Czech Television and even private collectors, making them all accessible in one location. Visitors to the portal can use it to locate metadata records for the item of interest, thereafter finding themselves with several options: to visit the owner of the audio to listen to it there or borrow it, to buy it in the publisher’s e-shop, or to view and listen digitised version directly. The portal currently contains about one and a half million metadata records and pools data from 24 suppliers. Thanks to our established collaborations we are now undertaking more projects and working towards taking the next steps. In cooperation with Supraphon we have made a new service for NLT visitors, who have exclusive direct access to the Supraphon Digital Archive, allowing them to listen music via headphones and on mobile devices from within our library. Our immediate targets for next two years are to involve and cooperate with more suppliers to enrich the VNP´s content, and to develop a new version of the portal to meet all the criteria of a modern, secure database. Given our common history, we are open to collaboration with slovak libraries and other institutions, with regards to sound recordings. Od loňského roku má Národní technická knihovna v Praze ve své správě unikátní databázi záznamů zvukových nosičů uložených v českých institucích - Virtuální národní fonotéku. Tato databáze a portál sdružuje na jednom místě záznamy z institucí různého typu - knihovny, komerční vydavatelství (nejvýznamnější je spolupráce s vydavatelstvím Supraphon), Český rozhlas, Česká televize i soukromí sběratelé. Uživatelé portálu mohou zjistit, která instituce vlastní požadovanou nahrávku, a následně stojí na křižovatce s několika směry: mohou do instituce zajít a nahrávku si poslechnout či půjčit, mohou si díky odkazu poslechnout ukázku nahrávky, mohou si nahrávku zakoupit na e-shopu vydavatele či si mohou zobrazit digitalizovanou verzi dané nahrávky. Portál v současnosti obsahuje asi 500 tis. metadatových záznamů od 24 dodavatelů. Díky navázané spolupráci můžeme realizovat také další návazné projekty. Ve spolupráci s vydavatelstvím Supraphon jsme připravili pro uživatele naší knihovny novou službu - mohou na přístupových bodech v budově NTK poslouchat nahrávky z produkce Supraphonu na svých mobilních zařízeních. Našimi cíli pro nejbližší 2 roky je zejména navázat spolupráci s dalšími dodavateli záznamů do VNF a připravit novou verzi portálu tak, aby splňoval kritéria moderní a bezpečné databáze. Vzhledem ke společné historii našich dvou zemí uvítáme také spolupráci od slovenských knihoven a dalších partnerů v oblasti zvukových dokumentů. Keywords: Virtuální národní fonotéka; zvukové dokumenty; kulturní dědictví; Visegrádská skupina; Virtual National Phonoteque; sound records; cultural heritage; The Visegrad Group Available in the NTK library.
Virtuální národní fonotéka - podpora spolupráce

Last year, the National Library of Technology of the Czech Republic became the new administrator of the Virtual National Phonoteque (VNP). This unique database is the aggregator of audio documents ...

Malinová, Iva; Horová, Iva
Národní technická knihovna, 2019

About project

NRGL provides central access to information on grey literature produced in the Czech Republic in the fields of science, research and education. You can find more information about grey literature and NRGL at service web

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