Zpráva o kalibraci přístroje TriCarb 3180 pro měření karbonátových forem 14C v exponovaných roztocích sorbentu
Světlík, Ivo; Tomášková, Lenka; Megisová, Natália; Wagnerová, Markéta; Ryska, František
2013 - Czech
LSC; radiocarbon; releases from nuclear power plants; stack air
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Zpráva o kalibraci přístroje TriCarb 3180 pro měření karbonátových forem 14C v exponovaných roztocích sorbentu
Nondestructive determination of nitrogen in biological and other materials by photon activation analysis
Krausová, Ivana; Mizera, Jiří; Chvátil, David; Krist, Pavel; Řanda, Zdeněk; Kučera, Jan; Štursa, Jan
2013 - Czech
A procedure has been developed for assaying nitrogen in biological materials by means of instrumental photon activation analysis (IPAA). The determination has been based on counting of the non-specific 511 keV annihilation gamma rays of 13N, product of the photonuclear reaction 14N(γ, n)13N and a pure positron emitter. IPAA allowed determination of nitrogen down to 1 wt.%. in selected biological reference standards - NIST RM 8433 Corn Bran, 1547 Peach Leaves, 8414 Bovine Muscle, and 1577b Bovine Liver. The optimized procedure was applied also to assaying nitrogen in pulverized nanodiamond intended for medical purposes. Byl vyvinut postup instrumentální gama aktivační analýzy (IGAA) pro stanovení dusíku v biologických materiálech. Stanovení je založeno na měření nespecifického anihilačního záření gama o energii 511 keV emitovaného 13N, který je produktem fotojaderné reakce 14N(γ, n)13N a je čistým pozitronovým zářičem. Metoda IGAA umožnila stanovení dusíku pod úrovní 1 hmotnostního procenta ve vybraných biolgických referenčních materiálech - NIST RM 8433 Corn Bran, 1547 Peach Leaves, 8414 Bovine Muscle, and 1577b Bovine Liver. Optimalizovaný postup byl také použit pro stanovení dusíku v práškových nanodiamantech pro lékařské účely.
instumental photon activation analysis; nitrogen; biological materials; nanodiamond
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Nondestructive determination of nitrogen in biological and other materials by photon activation analysis
A procedure has been developed for assaying nitrogen in biological materials by means of instrumental photon activation analysis (IPAA). The determination has been based on counting of the ...
On possible parent crater for Australasian tektites: Geochemical, isotopic, geographic and ballistic constraints
Mizera, Jiří; Řanda, Zdeněk
2013 - Czech
A set of Australasian tektites (AAT) has been geochemically characterized by methods of activation analysis. Based on the acquired data as well as previously published geochemical, mineralogical, petrographical and isotopic data on both AAT and their potential source materials, and considering geographic and ballistic constraints known from other tektites and their strewn fields, probable source materials and location of the parent impact crater for AAT have been discussed. Soubor australoasijských tektitů (AAT) byl geochemicky charakterizován metodami aktivační analýzy. Na základě získaných výsledků a dříve publikovaných geochemických, mineralogických, petrografických a izotopových dat pro AAT a jejich potencionální zdrojové materiály, spolu s uvážením geografických a balistických omezení známých pro jiné tektity a jejich pádová pole, jsou diskutovány pravděpodobné zdrojové materiály a lokalizace mateřského impaktového kráteru pro AAT.
Australasian tektites; impact; parent crater; activation analysis
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
On possible parent crater for Australasian tektites: Geochemical, isotopic, geographic and ballistic constraints
A set of Australasian tektites (AAT) has been geochemically characterized by methods of activation analysis. Based on the acquired data as well as previously published geochemical, mineralogical, ...
How to calculate uncertainties of neutron flux parameters and uncertainties of analysis results?
Kubešová, Marie; Kučera, Jan
2013 - Czech
A novel method has been developed for the calculation of uncertainties of neutron flux parameters and element mass fractions and their uncertainties in k0-neutron activation analysis (k0-NAA) using the Kragten universally applicable spreadsheet technique. The results obtained are compared with other approaches for evaluation of uncertainties of the neutron flux parameters and element mass fractions, namely with the Kayzero for Windows, k0-IAEA and ERON programs. Byla vypracována nová metoda výpočtu nejistot parametrů neutronového toku, hmotnostních frakcí prvků a jejich nejistot v k0-neutronové aktivační analýze (k0-NAA) použitím Kragtenova univerzálního tabulkového procesoru. Získané výsledky jsou porovnány s jinými přístupy hodnocení nejistot parametrů neutronového toku a hmotnostních frakcí prvků obsaženými v programech Kayzero for Windows, k0-IAEA a ERON.
k0-neutron activation analysis; uncertainties of neturon flux parameters; Kragten spreadsheet technique
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
How to calculate uncertainties of neutron flux parameters and uncertainties of analysis results?
A novel method has been developed for the calculation of uncertainties of neutron flux parameters and element mass fractions and their uncertainties in k0-neutron activation analysis (k0-NAA) using ...
Determination of elemental impurities in polymer materials of electrical cables of safety systems of nuclear power plants by neutron activation analysis
Kučera, Jan; Kubešová, Marie; Bartoníček, B.
2013 - Czech
Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) was employed for elemental characterization of individual components of electrical cables currently used in safety systems of nuclear power plants (NPP). The analysis yielded information about the content of 35 elements. It has been found that the cables do not satisfy requirements of qualification set for the new generation of NPP by „The European Utility Requirements for LWR Nuclear Power Plants”, because content of several elements exceeded the maximal impurity levels. INAA proved to be a method of choice for elemental characterization of polymer materials of electrical cables as part of their qualification for use in NPP. Instrumentální neutronová aktivační analýza (INAA) byla použita k prvkové charakterizaci jednotlivých součástí elektrických kabelů v současnoti používaných v bezpečnostních systémech jaderných elektráren (JE). Analýzou byla získána informace o obsazích 35 prvků. Bylo zjištěno, že kabely nesplňují požadavky na kvalifikaci pro novou generaci JE podle „The European Utility Requirements for LWR Nuclear Power Plants”, protože obsahy několika prvků přesáhly maximální přípustné hodnoty pro nečistoty. Bylo prokázáno, že INAA je vhodnou metodou pro prvkovou charakterizaci polymerních materiálů elektrických kabelů při jejich kvalifikaci pro použití v JE.
instumental neutron activation analysis; polymer materials of electrical cables; impurity levels; qualification for use in nuclear power plants
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Determination of elemental impurities in polymer materials of electrical cables of safety systems of nuclear power plants by neutron activation analysis
Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) was employed for elemental characterization of individual components of electrical cables currently used in safety systems of nuclear power plants ...
Determination of iodine in biological materials by neutron activation analysis
Kučera, Jan
2012 - Czech
The advantages and disadvantages of various modes of neutron activation analysis (NAA), such as instrumental NAA (INAA), epithermal NAA (ENAA), and radiochemical NAA (RNAA) for iodine determination in biological materials, namely in food and diet samples are briefly reviewed. Examples are given of iodine determination in Asian diet samples by ENAA and RNAA. The accuracy of the results obtained was proved by analyses of numerous US NIST reference materials (RMs) of biological origin. Jsou vyhodnoceny výhody a nevýhody různých postupů neutronové aktivační analýzy (NAA), zejména instrumentální NAA (INAA), epithermální NAA (ENAA) a radiochemické NAA (RNAA) pro stanovení jódu v biologických materiálech, zejména ve vzorcích potravin a stravy. Jsou uvedeny příklady stanovení jódu ve vzorcích stravy z Asie metodami ENAA a RNAA. Správnost výsledků byla potvrzena analýzou četných biologických referenčních materiálů amerického NIST.
Iodine; neutron activation analysis; food; diet
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Determination of iodine in biological materials by neutron activation analysis
The advantages and disadvantages of various modes of neutron activation analysis (NAA), such as instrumental NAA (INAA), epithermal NAA (ENAA), and radiochemical NAA (RNAA) for iodine determination in ...
Features of Nuclear Reactions with Light Weakly Bond Nuclei at Energy near the Coulomb Barrier
Skobelev, N. K.; Penionzhkevich, Y. E.; Kroha, Václav; Burjan, Václav; Hons, Zdeněk; Mrázek, Jaromír; Piskoř, Štěpán; Šimečková, Eva; Voskoboynik, E. I.
2012 - English
In the experiments carried out by ion beam He-6 of the cyclotron complex DRIBs (JINR) and He-3 beam cyclotron U-120M of the NPI, Czech Academy of Sciences have been investigated reaction Sc-45+He-3, He-6 and Au-197+He-3, He-6 in the energy range near the Coulomb barrier. It were obtained the experimental values of the cross sections for complete fusion reactions and direct reactions for formation of the isotopes Sc-43, Sc-44 and Sc-46 also Au-196 and Au-198 as a function of the bombarding He-3 and He-6 energy. Despite the low binding energy of He-3 and the positive Q-values leading to the formation of isotopes Sc-44 and Sc-46 also Au-196 and Au-198, the behavior of the excitation functions with the formation of these isotopes is different from the excitation functions for d, He-6.
He-6; cyclotron U-120M; cross section
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Features of Nuclear Reactions with Light Weakly Bond Nuclei at Energy near the Coulomb Barrier
In the experiments carried out by ion beam He-6 of the cyclotron complex DRIBs (JINR) and He-3 beam cyclotron U-120M of the NPI, Czech Academy of Sciences have been investigated reaction Sc-45+He-3, ...
Experimental Determination of Neutron Room Background at the NPI Cyclotron U-120M
Štefánik, M.; Bém, Pavel; Honusek, Milan; Katovsky, K.; Majerle, Mitja; Novák, Jan; Šimečková, Eva
2012 - English
During the operation of external neutron generators of the Nuclear Physics Institute of The Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, the neutron room background is produced in cyclotron hall. To assess this effect, the neutron room background was measured using the activation method of dosimetry foils. To unfold the background spectrum from the set of measured reaction rates, the method of spectrum description by the special analytical function was employed.
activation detector; external neutron generator; gamma-ray spectroscopy; isochronous Cyclotron U-120M; neutron room background; neutron spectrum reconstruction; reaction rate; white neutron spectrum
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Experimental Determination of Neutron Room Background at the NPI Cyclotron U-120M
During the operation of external neutron generators of the Nuclear Physics Institute of The Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, the neutron room background is produced in cyclotron hall. To ...
Use of calculation of 14CO2 volume activity for reconstruction of radiocarbon content changes in atmosphere
Světlík, Ivo; Fejgl, M.; Turek, Karel; Pachnerová Brabcová, Kateřina; Tomášková, Lenka
2012 - Czech
Atmospheric 14CO2 provides valuable information for better specification of carbon transport in nature. Radioactive 14C allows calculating some data related to the residence time of carbon in natural sinks as the atmosphere, oceans and biota. The work presents the estimation of 14CO2 content temporal changes in the atmosphere using the radiocarbon calibration curve IntCal09 and data about CO2 concentration during last 50 thousands years. Cenné údaje pro upřesnění parametrů transportu uhlíku v přírodě poskytuje atmosférický 14CO2. Radioaktivní 14C umožňuje lépe vyčíslit některé údaje spojené s dobou zdržení uhlíku v jeho přirozených zásobnících nebo s rychlostí toku uhlíku mezi jednotlivými přírodními složkami jako jsou ovzduší, oceány a biota. Obsahem práce je odhad změn obsahu 14CO2 v atmosféře s využitím radiouhlíkové kalibrační křivky IntCal09 a údajů o koncentracích CO2 v ovzduší v průběhu posledních 50 tisíc let.
Radiocarbon; 14CO2; volume activity; atmosphere; temporal changes
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Use of calculation of 14CO2 volume activity for reconstruction of radiocarbon content changes in atmosphere
Atmospheric 14CO2 provides valuable information for better specification of carbon transport in nature. Radioactive 14C allows calculating some data related to the residence time of carbon in natural ...
Nondestructive Neutron Diffraction Residual Stress Measurements in a Large Depth in Steels
Woo, W.; Em, V.; Mikula, Pavol; Šaroun, Jan; Seong, B. S.
2012 - English
Residual stresses can be effectively and nondestructively measured through a large thickness of e.g. welded plates, by means of a new design of a reactor-based neutron diffractometer. Most of the engineering neutron diffractometers have a difficulty in increasing neutron penetration capability over 25 mm total thickness in steels. However, it can be significantly enhanced up to 70 mm with 4-mm spatial resolution along the depth by using the wavelength selection in combination with neutron focusing by cylindrically bent perfect monochromator. Present paper presents details of neutron diffractometer performance and some results.
stress; analysis; neutron diffraction
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Nondestructive Neutron Diffraction Residual Stress Measurements in a Large Depth in Steels
Residual stresses can be effectively and nondestructively measured through a large thickness of e.g. welded plates, by means of a new design of a reactor-based neutron diffractometer. Most of the ...
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