Number of found documents: 1139
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A microreactor study for gas-phase catalytic oxidation, stage 5.1 and 5.2
Stavárek, Petr; Jiřičný, Vladimír; Hejda, Stanislav
2017 - Czech
Report focuses on experimental tests of a microreactor applied to the gas-phase catalytic oxidation under different operating conditions. Zpráva se zabývá experimentálním testováním aplikace mikroreaktoru pro katalytickou oxidaci v plynné fázi za různých operačních podmínek. Keywords: microreactor apparatus; catalytic oxidation; gas Available at various institutes of the ASCR
A microreactor study for gas-phase catalytic oxidation, stage 5.1 and 5.2

Report focuses on experimental tests of a microreactor applied to the gas-phase catalytic oxidation under different operating conditions.

Stavárek, Petr; Jiřičný, Vladimír; Hejda, Stanislav
Ústav chemických procesů, 2017

High-Volume Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Bottom Ash Concrete.
Reiterman, P.; Holčapek, O.; Krausová, A.; Šyc, Michal; Keppert, M.
2017 - English
About 50% of Municipal Solid Waste is incinerated (MSWI) in Europe what represent ca. 50 Mt/a of MSWI bottom ash (BA). Bottom ash contains several marketable components (iron scrap, non-ferrous metals, glass) which can by separated from the main BA stream and placed on the market with secondary sources. The resting material is, by its composition and properties, similar to natural aggregates and can be used in this way. The influence of metals separation form BA on its behaviour in concrete was tested by using BA from Praha Malešice Waste-to-Energy Plant. Particle size fractions 4/8 and 8/16 mm of this BA can be used as aggregates in concrete up to 50 vol. % of given fraction without any significant loss of concrete strength. The combination of valuable component separation form BA and recycling of the rest portion as aggregates feature promising way of BA management reducing the amount of BA to be landfilled to minimum. Keywords: concrete; MSWI bottom ash; recycling Available at various institutes of the ASCR
High-Volume Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Bottom Ash Concrete.

About 50% of Municipal Solid Waste is incinerated (MSWI) in Europe what represent ca. 50 Mt/a of MSWI bottom ash (BA). Bottom ash contains several marketable components (iron scrap, non-ferrous ...

Reiterman, P.; Holčapek, O.; Krausová, A.; Šyc, Michal; Keppert, M.
Ústav chemických procesů, 2017

Pervaporation of Methanol Water Mixtures by PERVAPTM Asymmetric Membranes.
Izák, Pavel; Kačírková, Marie
2016 - Czech
The report summarizes the results of experimental testing of pervaporative separation of methanol from methanol-water binary mixture at 35°C. For the separation were chosen the Sulzer´s PERVAPTM membranes. The concentration of methanol was 6.5 wt.% in water, and pervaporation was performed in vacuum mode. Membranes displayed separation properties suitable for industrial separation of methanol from water mixtures. Předkládaná zpráva se zabývá experimentálním testováním pervaporačního odstraňování metanolu z binární směsi metanol – voda při 35°C. K experimentům byly použity membrány PERVAPTM od firmy Sulzer a jako nástřik binární směs metanol voda v koncentraci do 6,5 hm. %. Pervaporace probíhala ve vakuovém režimu. Membrány vykazovaly separační charakteristiky vhodné pro odstraňování metanolu z vodných směsí. Keywords: methanol; pervaporation; membranes Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Pervaporation of Methanol Water Mixtures by PERVAPTM Asymmetric Membranes.

The report summarizes the results of experimental testing of pervaporative separation of methanol from methanol-water binary mixture at 35°C. For the separation were chosen the Sulzer´s PERVAPTM ...

Izák, Pavel; Kačírková, Marie
Ústav chemických procesů, 2016

Synthesis of Polymer Particles by Emulsion Polymerization.
Strašák, Tomáš
2016 - Czech
This report describes preparation of polystyrene particles with narrow size distribution by emulsion polymerization. These particles called also PS latex have size around 600-700 nm and serve as starting material for preparation of stationary phase for Ion Exchange Chromatography (IEC). Tato výzkumná zpráva popisuje přípravu polystyrenových (PS) částic s úzkou distribucí velikostí emulzní polymerací (Obr. 1). Tyto částice, nazývané také PS latex, mají velikost cca 600-700 nm a jsou výchozím substrátem pro přípravu stacionárních fází pro iontově výměnnou chromatografii (IEC). Keywords: chromatography; emulsion polymerization; polystyrene particles Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Synthesis of Polymer Particles by Emulsion Polymerization.

This report describes preparation of polystyrene particles with narrow size distribution by emulsion polymerization. These particles called also PS latex have size around 600-700 nm and serve as ...

Strašák, Tomáš
Ústav chemických procesů, 2016

Thermal Destruction of Selected Ion Exchangers (Purolit A-400 MB OH a Purolit C-100 H) with Inactive Waste Nuclides in the Process of MSO.
Stanovský, Petr; Pohořelý, Michael; Krček, Martin; Tošnarová, Markéta; Šyc, Michal
2016 - Czech
In the report, there are summarized the possibilities of thermal disposal of selected ion exchangers (Purolit A-400 MB OH a Purolit C-100 H). V předkládané zprávě jsou shrnuty možnosti termického likvidace iontoměničů (Purolit A-400 MB OH a Purolit C-100 H). Keywords: anion exchanger; cation exchanger; MSO Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Thermal Destruction of Selected Ion Exchangers (Purolit A-400 MB OH a Purolit C-100 H) with Inactive Waste Nuclides in the Process of MSO.

In the report, there are summarized the possibilities of thermal disposal of selected ion exchangers (Purolit A-400 MB OH a Purolit C-100 H).

Stanovský, Petr; Pohořelý, Michael; Krček, Martin; Tošnarová, Markéta; Šyc, Michal
Ústav chemických procesů, 2016

A microreactor study for gas-phase catalytic oxidation, stage 3.1 and 3.4
Stavárek, Petr; Vajglová, Zuzana
2016 - Czech
Report deals with design and construction of a microreactor apparatus applied to the gas-phase catalytic oxidation. Zpráva se zabývá návrhem a konstrukcí mikroreaktorové aparatury pro katalytickou oxidaci v plynné fázi. Keywords: microreactor apparatus; catalytic oxidation; gas Available at various institutes of the ASCR
A microreactor study for gas-phase catalytic oxidation, stage 3.1 and 3.4

Report deals with design and construction of a microreactor apparatus applied to the gas-phase catalytic oxidation.

Stavárek, Petr; Vajglová, Zuzana
Ústav chemických procesů, 2016

Modern Trends in Waste-to-Energy.
Šyc, Michal
2016 - Czech
Keywords: waste; energy; trends Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Modern Trends in Waste-to-Energy.

Šyc, Michal
Ústav chemických procesů, 2016

The Use of Membrane Processes in the Energy Sector.
Izák, Pavel; Kárászová, Magda; Vejražka, Jiří; Veselý, Václav
2016 - Czech
Keywords: membrane; energy sector Available at various institutes of the ASCR
The Use of Membrane Processes in the Energy Sector.

Izák, Pavel; Kárászová, Magda; Vejražka, Jiří; Veselý, Václav
Ústav chemických procesů, 2016

Purification of Raw Biogas to CNG Quality by Norm 133/2010.
Izák, Pavel; Žitková, Andrea; Vejražka, Jiří; Sedláková, Zuzana; Morávková, Lenka
2016 - Czech
Membrane separation processes have recently been increasingly used in the purification of various gases. Their involvement in the processes of upgrading biogas is the logical consequence of this development. The aim of the process is removed from a biogas carbon dioxide and other undesirable substances, eg. sulfur compounds and moisture, and thus obtain a gas with a high proportion of methane (> 95 vol.%), which could be used as a substitute for natural gas. As is evident from the results of our method, the selected RO membrane conforms 133/2010 CNG norm exept the amount of water. The amount of water in the retentate (product) is solved by classical dryer. Membránové separační procesy se v poslední době stále častěji používají v čištění různých plynů. Jejich zapojení do procesů zušlechťování bioplynu je logickým důsledkem tohoto vývoje. Cílem procesu je odstranit z bioplynu oxid uhličitý a další nežádoucí látky, mj, sloučeniny síry a vlhkost a získat tak plyn s vysokým podílem metanu (> 95 obj. %), který by bylo možno použít jako náhradu zemního plynu. Jak je z výsledků patrné, naše metoda se zvolenou RO membránou odpovídá normě 133/2010 pro CNG až na množství vody. Množství vody v retentátu (produkt) je však řešeno klasickou suškou. Keywords: membrane separation processes; gases; carbon dioxide Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Purification of Raw Biogas to CNG Quality by Norm 133/2010.

Membrane separation processes have recently been increasingly used in the purification of various gases. Their involvement in the processes of upgrading biogas is the logical consequence of this ...

Izák, Pavel; Žitková, Andrea; Vejražka, Jiří; Sedláková, Zuzana; Morávková, Lenka
Ústav chemických procesů, 2016

Assessment of Adsorption Isotherms of Hydrogen above the Critical Point on Activated Carbons from Agricultural Waste Materials.
Soukup, Karel; Cruz, G.J.F.; Hejtmánek, Vladimír; Šolcová, Olga
2016 - English
Keywords: hydrogen storage; activated carbon; adsorption isotherms Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Assessment of Adsorption Isotherms of Hydrogen above the Critical Point on Activated Carbons from Agricultural Waste Materials.

Soukup, Karel; Cruz, G.J.F.; Hejtmánek, Vladimír; Šolcová, Olga
Ústav chemických procesů, 2016

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