Number of found documents: 232
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Television Serial "Synové a dcery Jakuba skláře" and its Reflection of more than 50 years of our History.
Bednařík, Petr
2007 - Czech
Author describes the circumstances of the shooting. He analyses the story and the characters in the serial. Using the newspapers reviews he illustrates the way of evaluation by the contemporary reviewers. Autor popisuje okolnosti natáčení. Analyzuje příběh a postavy seriálu. Prostřednictvím dobových recenzí ukazuje, jak seriál hodnotili tehdejší recenzenti. Keywords: Czechoslovak television - Czech history - TV serial Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Television Serial "Synové a dcery Jakuba skláře" and its Reflection of more than 50 years of our History.

Author describes the circumstances of the shooting. He analyses the story and the characters in the serial. Using the newspapers reviews he illustrates the way of evaluation by the contemporary ...

Bednařík, Petr
Ústav pro soudobé dějiny, 2007

Tomáš Baťa and his Political Opinion
Pernes, Jiří
2007 - Czech
Founder of the shoemaking empire in Zlín - Tomáš Baťa - the public active personality as well; he engaged in communal politics. Author analyses his political opinions and positions. Zakladatel obuvnického impéria ve Zlíně Tomáš Baťa byl rovněž veřejně činnou osobností. Angažoval se v komunální politice a pracoval v samosprávných orgánech země Moravskoslezské. Autor se zaměřuje na analýzu jeho politických názorů a stanovisek, které ve své práci uplatňoval. Keywords: Tomáš Baťa - politics - ideology Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Tomáš Baťa and his Political Opinion

Founder of the shoemaking empire in Zlín - Tomáš Baťa - the public active personality as well; he engaged in communal politics. Author analyses his political opinions and positions.

Pernes, Jiří
Ústav pro soudobé dějiny, 2007

International support for persecuted Charter 77 signatories
Pažout, Jaroslav
2007 - Czech
Charter 77 signatories faced persecution by communist regime immediately after the publication of its opening manifest. This persecution had various forms. The article discourses the best known case, the prosecution and conviction of the members of the Committee for the Defense of the Unjustly Prosecuted (VONS) in the year 1979. Signatáři Charty 77 byli vystaveni perzekuci ze strany komunistického režimu bezprostředně po zveřejnění jejího základního prohlášení. Tato perzekuce měla rozličné formy. Článek se věnuje nejznámějšímu případu, pronásledování a odsouzení členů Výboru na obranu nespravedlivě stíhaných v roce 1979. Keywords: Charter 77; politic persecution in the Czechoslovakia 1969-1989; opposition in the Czechoslovakia 1969-1989 Available at various institutes of the ASCR
International support for persecuted Charter 77 signatories

Charter 77 signatories faced persecution by communist regime immediately after the publication of its opening manifest. This persecution had various forms. The article discourses the best known case, ...

Pažout, Jaroslav
Ústav pro soudobé dějiny, 2007

Theme of Emigration in the Czech Press in the Time of Second Republic
Bednařík, Petr
2007 - Czech
Text analyses the way the Czech press reflected the situation of jewish emigration in Czechoslovakia from October 1938 to March 1939. Author describes anti-semitism campaign in Czech press. Text analyzuje způsob, jakým český tisk reflektoval situaci židovské emigrace v Československu od října 1938 do března 1939. Autor popisuje antisemitskou kampaň českého tisku. Keywords: Czech press - emigration Second republic Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Theme of Emigration in the Czech Press in the Time of Second Republic

Text analyses the way the Czech press reflected the situation of jewish emigration in Czechoslovakia from October 1938 to March 1939. Author describes anti-semitism campaign in Czech press.

Bednařík, Petr
Ústav pro soudobé dějiny, 2007

Present State of Research, in particular with regard to the fates of German Anti-fascists in Czechoslovakia after 1945. The German Anti-Fascists from the Czech Lands in the existing historiography.
Kocian, Jiří
2007 - Czech
Study surveying the results of both domestic and international historical researches on fates of the German anti-fascists in Czechoslovakia since the end of 1940's up to the present times. Studie podává přehled o výsledcích domácího a zahraničního historického bádání o osudu německých antifašistů v ČSR od konce 40. let až do současnosti. Keywords: German anti-fascists - Czechoslovakia - historiography Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Present State of Research, in particular with regard to the fates of German Anti-fascists in Czechoslovakia after 1945. The German Anti-Fascists from the Czech Lands in the existing historiography.

Study surveying the results of both domestic and international historical researches on fates of the German anti-fascists in Czechoslovakia since the end of 1940's up to the present times.

Kocian, Jiří
Ústav pro soudobé dějiny, 2007

Military Elits and Personal Problems of the Spoil System to the Supreme Authority of the Czechoslovak Military Forces at the Beginning of the Independent Czechoslovakia
Maršálek, Zdenko
2007 - Czech
Entry sketches some of crucial issues connected with creation of the military forces of independent Czechoslovakia shortly after 1918. This entry tries to involve the formatting complexity of professional soldiers and especialy generality to the structure of the social top (elite) of the new constituated state. Příspěvek se snaží načrtnout některé základní problémy spojené se vznikem ozbrojených sil samostatného Československa po roce 1918. Snaží se postihnout složitost zařazení profesionálních vojáků a zvláště generality do struktury společenských elit nového státu. Keywords: army - Czechoslovakia - elits Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Military Elits and Personal Problems of the Spoil System to the Supreme Authority of the Czechoslovak Military Forces at the Beginning of the Independent Czechoslovakia

Entry sketches some of crucial issues connected with creation of the military forces of independent Czechoslovakia shortly after 1918. This entry tries to involve the formatting complexity of ...

Maršálek, Zdenko
Ústav pro soudobé dějiny, 2007

Confession, Nationality, Citizenship - the Problems of an Nascent Database of Soldiers of the Czechoslovak Exile Military Units during WW II
Maršálek, Zdenko
2007 - Czech
Entry presents two current projects relevant to the topic of the conference a project protected by the Czech government "The Forgotten Heroes - Documentation of the active antifascits /anti-Nazies who were after the end of WW II persecuted in context of in applying procurations in Czechoslovakia against so called enemy-inhabitants" and the database of the soldiers of the Czechoslovak exile military units in WW II. Příspěvek představil dva aktuální projekty týkající se tématu konference: vládou zaštítěný projekt "Dokumentace osudů aktivních odpúrcú nacismu, kteří byli po skončení 2. světové války postiženi v souvislosti s opatřeními uplatňovanými v Československu proti tzv. nepřátelskému obyvatelstvu" a databázi příslušníků československých vojenských jednotek v zahraničí v letech 2. světové války. Keywords: WW ii - Anti-fascists Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Confession, Nationality, Citizenship - the Problems of an Nascent Database of Soldiers of the Czechoslovak Exile Military Units during WW II

Entry presents two current projects relevant to the topic of the conference a project protected by the Czech government "The Forgotten Heroes - Documentation of the active antifascits /anti-Nazies who ...

Maršálek, Zdenko
Ústav pro soudobé dějiny, 2007

Symptoms of Persecution during the Internment of the East Group of the Czechoslovak Army in the Soviet Union
Friedl, Jiří
2007 - Czech
Article gives examples (on the basis of the research of the Russian documents) of persecution of the Czechoslovak soldiers who where interned in the USSR n the years 1939-41. Článek na základě studia ruských pramenů uvádí příklady, kdy se českoslovenští vojáci internovaní v SSSR v letech 1939-1941, stali obětí perzekuce. Keywords: Czechoslovak resistance - internment - WW II Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Symptoms of Persecution during the Internment of the East Group of the Czechoslovak Army in the Soviet Union

Article gives examples (on the basis of the research of the Russian documents) of persecution of the Czechoslovak soldiers who where interned in the USSR n the years 1939-41.

Friedl, Jiří
Ústav pro soudobé dějiny, 2007

Some Aspects of the Early Years of Government of Antonín Novotný (1963-1967) in the Memories of Czech Dissidents
Doskočil, Zdeněk
2007 - Czech
The article analyzes and interprets the memories of several dissidents in the cultural and social conditions in Czechoslovakia in the mid-sixties. Článek analyzuje a interpretuje vzpomínky několika disidentů na kulturně-společenské poměry v Československu v polovině šedesátých let. Keywords: dissent - culture - stxties Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Some Aspects of the Early Years of Government of Antonín Novotný (1963-1967) in the Memories of Czech Dissidents

The article analyzes and interprets the memories of several dissidents in the cultural and social conditions in Czechoslovakia in the mid-sixties.

Doskočil, Zdeněk
Ústav pro soudobé dějiny, 2007

Normalization, 1969-71
Tůma, Oldřich
2006 - Czech
Paper delivered originally at the conference. An analysis of causes and circumstances of rapid reconsolidation of the communist régime in Czechoslovakia after the defeat of the Prague spring. Text referátu z konference. Výklad souvislostí a důvodů rychlé konsolidace komunistického režimu v Československu po porážce Pražského jara. Keywords: communism - normalization - Prague Spring Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Normalization, 1969-71

Paper delivered originally at the conference. An analysis of causes and circumstances of rapid reconsolidation of the communist régime in Czechoslovakia after the defeat of the Prague spring.

Tůma, Oldřich
Ústav pro soudobé dějiny, 2006

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