Transport of ribosomal RNA within the nucleolus
Staněk, David; Koberna, Karel; Pliss, Artem; Čtrnáctá, Vlasta; Malínský, Jan; Mašata, Martin; Večeřová, Jaromíra; Raška, Ivan
2000 - anglický
In the present study, we have explored the fact that incorporation of BrU into prerRNA did not interfere with pre-rRNA processing (11) and we have investigated the transport of non - isotopically labeled RNA within the nucleolus by means of transmissiion electron microscopy and confocal laser scanning microscopy.Within 20 minutes, BrU - labeled nucleolar RNA moved from the transcription sites in nucleolar DFC to GC. Double localization of bromouridine labeled RNA and fibrillarin revealed that only a ppart of the fibrillarin rich domains were transcriptionally active.
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Transport of ribosomal RNA within the nucleolus
In the present study, we have explored the fact that incorporation of BrU into prerRNA did not interfere with pre-rRNA processing (11) and we have investigated the transport of non - isotopically ...
Primární epiteloidní hemangioendoteliom jater s výraznou sklerotizací stromatu - kasuistické sdělení
Matěj, R.; Chlumská, A.; Mandys, Václav
2000 - český
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Primární epiteloidní hemangioendoteliom jater s výraznou sklerotizací stromatu - kasuistické sdělení
Časný karcinom žaludku: retrospektivní studie
Housa, D.; Mandys, Václav
2000 - český
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Časný karcinom žaludku: retrospektivní studie
Interactions between PML nuclear bodies and nuclear DNA helicase II
Fuchsová, Beáta; Novák, P.; Kafková, J.; Hozák, Pavel
2000 - anglický
Our findings suggest that NDH II recruitment to PML NBs might be important for the role of this nuclear domain in transcriptional regulation and are consistent with the model that PML protein functions as a transcription factor.
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Interactions between PML nuclear bodies and nuclear DNA helicase II
Our findings suggest that NDH II recruitment to PML NBs might be important for the role of this nuclear domain in transcriptional regulation and are consistent with the model that PML protein ...
Morphology and distribution of nadph-diaphorase positive neurons in the auditory cortex of the rat
Nwabueze-Ogbo, Fidel Chijoke; Druga, R.; Syka, Josef
2000 - anglický
Our results indicate the preferred lacalization of the NADPH-d/ NOS positive neurons in the infragranular layers, which are sources of the majority of corticofugal neurons projecting to the subcortical structures.
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Morphology and distribution of nadph-diaphorase positive neurons in the auditory cortex of the rat
Our results indicate the preferred lacalization of the NADPH-d/ NOS positive neurons in the infragranular layers, which are sources of the majority of corticofugal neurons projecting to the ...
Možnosti laserové skenovací konfokální mikroskopie v biologii a medicíně
Malínský, Jan
2000 - český
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Možnosti laserové skenovací konfokální mikroskopie v biologii a medicíně
Spliceosomal Assembly on Precursor mRNA Takes Place in the Nuclear Speckles
Melčák, Ivo; Cermanová, Štěpánka; Raška, Ivan
2000 - anglický
Nuclear speckles (speckles), enriched in splicing factors, form a distict nuclear compartment within the interchromatin space. It has been schown to serve vicinal active genes as a reservoir of splicing factors.We show that (pre-)spliceosomal assemblyy on pre-mRNA is associated with the speckles in HeLa cells.
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Spliceosomal Assembly on Precursor mRNA Takes Place in the Nuclear Speckles
Nuclear speckles (speckles), enriched in splicing factors, form a distict nuclear compartment within the interchromatin space. It has been schown to serve vicinal active genes as a reservoir of ...
Diffusion of PHPMA polymers in brain extracellular space
Vargová, Lýdia; Kubinová, Šárka; Tao, L.; Ulbrich, Karel; Šubr, Vladimír; Nicholson, C.; Syková, Eva
2000 - anglický
The movement of bulky PHPMA polymers through ECS is limited in contrast to linear PHPMA macromolecules which have the same ability to explore ECS as small molecules.
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Diffusion of PHPMA polymers in brain extracellular space
The movement of bulky PHPMA polymers through ECS is limited in contrast to linear PHPMA macromolecules which have the same ability to explore ECS as small molecules.
Zpracování obrazu ve vysokorezoluční elektronové mikroskopii biomakromolekul
Raška, Ivan
2000 - český
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Zpracování obrazu ve vysokorezoluční elektronové mikroskopii biomakromolekul
Barrettův jícen
Mandys, Václav; Lukáš, K.
2000 - český
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Barrettův jícen
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