Počet nalezených dokumentů: 6879
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Přehled účinků vybraných doplňků stravy na prevenci a léčbu kardiovaskulárních onemocnění
Šíma, Petr; Michalová, I.
2023 - český
Sdělení je přehledem vybraných studií, které se zabývaly účinky dlouhodobějšího podávání některých doplňků stravy,\no nichž se předpokládá, že pozitivně ovlivňují prevenci a léčbu nejzávažnějších nesdělných (chronických) onemocnění, což jsou\nv současné době především onemocnění kardiovaskulární. Jenom u nás jsou srdeční onemocnění už dlouhodobě příčinou smrti\ntéměř dvou třetin lidí.\nCílem tohoto sdělení bylo ukázat, že navzdory popularitě a masovému rozšíření doplňků stravy jsou jejich zdravotní přínosy\nsporné. The article is an overview of selected studies that dealt with the effects of long-term administration of certain dietary supplements,\nwhich are assumed to positively influence the prevention and treatment of the most serious non-communicable (chronic) diseases, which are currently mainly cardiovascular disease. Only in our country, heart diseases have been the cause of death for a long time\nalmost two-thirds of people. \nThe aim of this study was to show that despite the popularity and mass distribution of dietary supplements, their health benefits are questionable.\n Klíčová slova: dietary supplements; cardiovascular diseases; antioxidants Dokument je dostupný na externích webových stránkách.
Přehled účinků vybraných doplňků stravy na prevenci a léčbu kardiovaskulárních onemocnění

Sdělení je přehledem vybraných studií, které se zabývaly účinky dlouhodobějšího podávání některých doplňků stravy,\no nichž se předpokládá, že pozitivně ovlivňují prevenci a léčbu nejzávažnějších ...

Šíma, Petr; Michalová, I.
Mikrobiologický ústav, 2023

Ambient organic aerosol origin at rural background site in the Czech Republic
Lhotka, Radek
2023 - anglický
Atmospheric aerosols (AA) are ubiquitous particles in the atmosphere that influence the Earth’s climatic system, environmental interactions, and human health. Among AA, great interest is dedicated to organic aerosols (OA) since it can represent from 20 to 90% of total submicron mass. Source apportionment of OA at background sites is one of the important tasks of current air quality protection. Klíčová slova: organic aerosol; air quality protection; ural background site Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři NUŠL
Ambient organic aerosol origin at rural background site in the Czech Republic

Atmospheric aerosols (AA) are ubiquitous particles in the atmosphere that influence the Earth’s climatic system, environmental interactions, and human health. Among AA, great interest is dedicated to ...

Lhotka, Radek
Ústav chemických procesů, 2023

How can we best eliminate pharmaceuticals from wastewater?
Bourassi, Mahdi
2023 - anglický
Persistent pharmaceutical occurrence in different lakes and rivers usually originates from live stocks, agriculture, aquaculture, households, and hospitals. The presence of these compounds in the ecosystems leads to fatal consequences. Pharmaceuticals can threaten microorganisms in the environment, either causing its deterioration or allowing pathogens to gain resistance against antibiotics and medical treatments. These occurrences in the environment questions the ability of conventional treatment to remediate pharmaceutical wastewater. Klíčová slova: wastewater; pharmaceuticals; membrane separation Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři NUŠL
How can we best eliminate pharmaceuticals from wastewater?

Persistent pharmaceutical occurrence in different lakes and rivers usually originates from live stocks, agriculture, aquaculture, households, and hospitals. The presence of these compounds in the ...

Bourassi, Mahdi
Ústav chemických procesů, 2023

Synthesis and cytotoxicity of fluorinated mannosamines
Krčil, Aleš
2023 - anglický
The aim of the project is to synthesise mono-, di- and trifluoroanalogs of N-acetylmannosamines. The cytotoxicity of the final products towards selected cancer cells will be determined. The key intermediates are the corresponding multiply fluorinated mannosazidethioglycosides prepared from deoxyfluorinated 1,6-anhydro-2-azidoβ-D-hexopyranose precursors by ring-opening reactions with phenyltrimethylsilyl sulfide. Klíčová slova: synthesis; cytotoxicity; fluorinated mannosamines Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři NUŠL
Synthesis and cytotoxicity of fluorinated mannosamines

The aim of the project is to synthesise mono-, di- and trifluoroanalogs of N-acetylmannosamines. The cytotoxicity of the final products towards selected cancer cells will be determined. The key ...

Krčil, Aleš
Ústav chemických procesů, 2023

Chiral anion exchanger based on α-methylbenzylamine for enantioselective separation of racemic acids
Čížek, Jan
2023 - anglický
In this work, new enantioselective material based on α-methylbenzylamine as the chiral selector (recently utilized by our group in the preparation of chiral\nmembranes) covalently attached to Merrifield resin beads is proposed and discussed as a potentially cost-effective alternative to typically expensive stationary phase materials. It is shown that charged chiral methylbenzylamine works as an enantioselective anion exchanger potentially suitable for the separation of chiral acids, such as N–protected amino acid, or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID), such as ibuprofen. In a glass column chromatography experiment, racemic N–(tert–butoxycarbonyl) tryptophan was partially separated, reaching enantiomeric excess in eluates of around 10%.\n Klíčová slova: chiral membranes; separation; racemic acids Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři NUŠL
Chiral anion exchanger based on α-methylbenzylamine for enantioselective separation of racemic acids

In this work, new enantioselective material based on α-methylbenzylamine as the chiral selector (recently utilized by our group in the preparation of chiral\nmembranes) covalently attached to ...

Čížek, Jan
Ústav chemických procesů, 2023

Application of hydrodynamic cavitation in brewing
Štěrba, Jiří
2023 - anglický
The aim of this work is to apply these advantages in the brewery industry. In the field of beer brewing, we would like to investigate several phenomenona, such as the isomerization of bitter hop acids, the reduction of gluten concentration or the cell-walls breakdown. Klíčová slova: brewery industry; hydrodynamic cavitation; experiments Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři NUŠL
Application of hydrodynamic cavitation in brewing

The aim of this work is to apply these advantages in the brewery industry. In the field of beer brewing, we would like to investigate several phenomenona, such as the isomerization of bitter hop ...

Štěrba, Jiří
Ústav chemických procesů, 2023

Intercomparison of boundary layer and mixing layer height from models and ground-based measurements
Julaha, Kajal
2023 - anglický
In this study, we found that the boundary layer height tends to belower in ERA5 and timing for the daily peak also appears to differ\nas compared to ceilometer boundary layer data. In contrast, the ERA5 boundary layer observation was found to agree well with the mixing layer height obtained from the ceilometer. Whereas in comparison to HYSPLIT, GFS and GDAS, observations were found to agree well with ceilometer data while Reanalysis underestimated mixing layer height throughout the year. The seasonal changes in the boundary/mixing layer height were well captured by both models and the ceilometer. Klíčová slova: planetary boundary layer; air pollution; measurements Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři NUŠL
Intercomparison of boundary layer and mixing layer height from models and ground-based measurements

In this study, we found that the boundary layer height tends to belower in ERA5 and timing for the daily peak also appears to differ\nas compared to ceilometer boundary layer data. In contrast, the ...

Julaha, Kajal
Ústav chemických procesů, 2023

Ondráček, Jakub; Roztočil, Petr
2023 - anglický
In general, the PACC offers a range of services, from calibration and consulting to methodology and technical development. Furthermore, the PACC has the capacity to organize and perform training for microphysical (including optical in the near future) aerosol in-situ instrumentation. The equipment at the PACC is fully in-line with the state of-the-art aerosol instrumentation (starting from various aerosol generators for welldefined nanoparticles, reference instruments, and newly designed calibration lines) and the laboratory space is flexible for various types of instrument calibration/verification/intercomparison or testing of newly developed, cutting-edge equipment. Klíčová slova: calibration laboratory; ACTRIS; CPC Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři NUŠL

In general, the PACC offers a range of services, from calibration and consulting to methodology and technical development. Furthermore, the PACC has the capacity to organize and perform training for ...

Ondráček, Jakub; Roztočil, Petr
Ústav chemických procesů, 2023

Suchánková, Lenka; Bourrianne, E.; De Fillipi, R.; De Brito, J.F.; Riffault, V.; Prokeš, R.; Holoubek, I.; Ždímal, Vladimír; Crumeyrolle, S.
2023 - anglický
Atmospheric aerosols (AA) belong to short-lived climate forcers with high spatial and temporal variability. Although the radiative effects of AA are greatest on regional scales, changes in aerosol emissions can induce long-term global climate effects (Szopa et al., 2021). Thus, the measurement of aerosol properties is essential for better understanding of aerosol’s impact on health and climate. Although several international projects and platforms have been monitoring AA properties worldwide (GAW, WMO, ACTRIS, EMEP, EUCAARI, etc., Pandolfi et al., 2018), only PM10 or PM2.5 cutoff sizes have been used for measurements, and information about PM1 particles is missing. The aim of this study is to present aerosol scattering properties with supporting data of absorption and particle number size distribution in PM1 in years 2018-2022 at peri-urban atmospheric site Atmospheric Observations in LiLLE (ATOLL) in Lille, France. This study is the first to present results dedicated to aerosol scattering properties at this site. Klíčová slova: scattering coefficient; nephelometer; fossil fuel and biomass burning contribution Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři NUŠL

Atmospheric aerosols (AA) belong to short-lived climate forcers with high spatial and temporal variability. Although the radiative effects of AA are greatest on regional scales, changes in aerosol ...

Suchánková, Lenka; Bourrianne, E.; De Fillipi, R.; De Brito, J.F.; Riffault, V.; Prokeš, R.; Holoubek, I.; Ždímal, Vladimír; Crumeyrolle, S.
Ústav chemických procesů, 2023

Recyklace solárních fotovoltaických panelů
Šperlich, Antonín
2023 - český
Dlouhodobé trendy ukazují zvyšující se instalovanou kapacitu solárních fotovoltaických elektráren. S tím je však také spojena velká produkce vyřazených panelů. Odhadované množství odpadních panelů se předpokládá mezi 60 a 80 miliony tun celosvětově okolo roku 2050. Takto velké objemy odpadů mohou tvořit zajímavý zdroj cenných látek, ale také nutnost recyklace kvůli životnímu prostředí. Příspěvek má za cíl popsat možnosti recyklace panelů a jejich využití ke stavbě reálné recyklační linky. Long-term trends show an increasing installed capacity of solar photovoltaic power plants. However, this is also associated with a large production of discarded panels. It is estimated that by 2050 there will be between 60 and 80 million tonnes of waste panels worldwide. Such large amounts of waste can be an \ninteresting source of valuable materials, but also need to be recycled for environmental reasons. The aim of this paper is to describe the possibilities of recycling panels and using them to build a real recycling line. Klíčová slova: recycling; solar photovoltaic panels; technology design Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři NUŠL
Recyklace solárních fotovoltaických panelů

Dlouhodobé trendy ukazují zvyšující se instalovanou kapacitu solárních fotovoltaických elektráren. S tím je však také spojena velká produkce vyřazených panelů. Odhadované množství odpadních panelů se ...

Šperlich, Antonín
Ústav chemických procesů, 2023

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