Western Eger (Ohře) Rift - control of near-surface tectonics by mantle junction of paleoplates
Babuška, Vladislav; Plomerová, Jaroslava; Achauer, U.; Vecsey, Luděk
2007 - anglický
Boundaries of blocks of the mantle lithosphere, with a fabric modelled from seismic anisotropy, predestined locations of the Eger Rift, Cheb Basin, Quaternary volcanoes, crustal earthquake swarms and exhalation centers of CO2 and 3He of mantle origin. Hranice bloků plášťové litosféry, jejichž stavba je modelována ze seismické anizotropie, předurčily pozice Oháreckého riftu, Chebské pánve, čtvrtohorních sopek, korových zemětřesných rojů a výronů CO2 a helia plášťového původu.
Klíčová slova:
Bohemian Massif; Eger Rift; junction of paleoplates
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Western Eger (Ohře) Rift - control of near-surface tectonics by mantle junction of paleoplates
Boundaries of blocks of the mantle lithosphere, with a fabric modelled from seismic anisotropy, predestined locations of the Eger Rift, Cheb Basin, Quaternary volcanoes, crustal earthquake swarms and ...
Symbolical Numeric Process for error transformation
Kolář, Petr
2007 - anglický
A standard MT decomposition is routine but non-linear process which do not allowed apply standard errors transformation formulas. Therefore new symbolical numeric approach has been developed. Rozklad MT je rutinní avšak nelineární postup, který nedovoluje aplikovat standardní vzorce pro šíření chyb. Proto byl vyvinut nový symbolicko numerický postup.
Klíčová slova:
MATLAB program; Symbolical Numeric Processes; moment tensors
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Symbolical Numeric Process for error transformation
A standard MT decomposition is routine but non-linear process which do not allowed apply standard errors transformation formulas. Therefore new symbolical numeric approach has been ...
Abstracts of the 10th Castle meeting on new trends in geomagnetism, palaeo, rock and environmental magnetism
2006 - anglický
The jubilee 10th of the series of "Biennial Castle Meetings", organised jointly by Geophysical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and Geophysical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, is to follow the tradition of the previous nine meetings held each other year since 1988, and thus to promote the information exchange on fresh results in palaeomagnetism, environmental magnetism and physical principles of rock magnetism. Contributions dealing with rock magnetism and its applications in paleomagnetism, archeomagnetism, magnetostratigraphy or environmental magnetism. Jubilejní 10. konference, organizovaná společně GFÚ AV ČR a GFÚ SAV každé dva roky od 1988, za účelem výměny informací v magnetismu hornin, paleomagnetismu a environmentálním magnetismu. Příspěvky z magnetizmu hornin a jeho aplikací v archeomagnetismu, paleomagnetismu, magnetostratigrafii a magnetismu životního prostředí.
Klíčová slova:
paleomagnetism; rock magnetism; environmental magnetism
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Abstracts of the 10th Castle meeting on new trends in geomagnetism, palaeo, rock and environmental magnetism
The jubilee 10th of the series of "Biennial Castle Meetings", organised jointly by Geophysical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and Geophysical Institute of the Slovak ...
Location of the "calibration" blast Jakubčovice and of two local tectonic events in the Ostrava region
Růžek, Bohuslav; Zedník, Jan; Jedlička, Petr; Holub, Karel; Rušajová, Jana; Novotný, O.
2004 - anglický
Five temporary seismic stations were put into operation in the region delimited by the towns Ostrava-Opava-Hranice na Moravi. These stations are primarily operated in order to collect data from quarry blasts and mining induced events. Corresponding recordings will be used for the velocity model inversion. A strong quarry blast in Jakubčovice was recorded by 8 stations and interpreted V oblasti vymezené městy Ostrava - Opava - Hranice na Moravě bylo uvedeno do provozu pět dočasných seismických stanic. Tyto stanice mají především sbírat data z důlních odstřelů a jevů vyvolaných důlní činností. Odpovídající záznamy budou využity pro inverzní rychlostní model. Silný důlní odstřel v Jakubčovicích byl zaznamenán 8 stanicemi a interpretován
Klíčová slova:
seismic data; seismic stations; quarry blast
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Location of the "calibration" blast Jakubčovice and of two local tectonic events in the Ostrava region
Five temporary seismic stations were put into operation in the region delimited by the towns Ostrava-Opava-Hranice na Moravi. These stations are primarily operated in order to collect data from quarry ...
Interactive demonstration of the effect of causal and acausal frequency filtering on seismic signals
Plešinger, Axel; Kolář, Petr
2002 - anglický
Causal and acausal filtering are procedures routinely used in the processing of seismic and other non-stationary signals but many users of respective software tools are not aware of the apparently subtle, for the exact interpretation of the filtered signals however significant differences between the two methods.
Klíčová slova:
seismic signals; broadband seismograms; digital signal processing; waveform seismograms
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Interactive demonstration of the effect of causal and acausal frequency filtering on seismic signals
Causal and acausal filtering are procedures routinely used in the processing of seismic and other non-stationary signals but many users of respective software tools are not aware of the apparently ...
Pizzeti theory of a level rotational ellipsoid
Yurkina, M. I.; Pick, Miloš
2000 - anglický
When calculating the normal gravity field of the Earth, we substitute the actual Earth with a proper mathematical-physical model. We have used usually to apply the Pizzetti approach. The actual Earth is substituted with a rotational ellipsoid which possesses these properties.
Klíčová slova:
Země; substitut
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Pizzeti theory of a level rotational ellipsoid
When calculating the normal gravity field of the Earth, we substitute the actual Earth with a proper mathematical-physical model. We have used usually to apply the Pizzetti approach. The actual Earth ...
The effect of grain size and other fabric parameters on the acoustic emission characteristics of stressed granitic rocks
Přikryl, R.; Lokajíček, Tomáš
1999 - anglický
Klíčová slova:
akustická emise; horniny
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The effect of grain size and other fabric parameters on the acoustic emission characteristics of stressed granitic rocks
Proceedings: Ultrasonics and acoustic emission. 35th international conference
Lokajíček, Tomáš; Jiříček, O.
1999 - anglický
Klíčová slova:
akustická emise; mezinárodní konference
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Proceedings: Ultrasonics and acoustic emission. 35th international conference
Earthquake relocation in Corinth Gulf
Kvasnička, M.; Růžek, Bohuslav
1999 - anglický
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Earthquake relocation in Corinth Gulf
Texture analysis by ultrasonic sounding, neutron diffraction and microscopic analysis - example of natural and artificial solids
Lokajíček, Tomáš; Pros, Zdeněk; Klíma, Karel; Přikryl, R.; Nikitin, A. N.; Ivankina, T. I.
1999 - anglický
Klíčová slova:
analýza; neutrony
Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Texture analysis by ultrasonic sounding, neutron diffraction and microscopic analysis - example of natural and artificial solids
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