Počet nalezených dokumentů: 199

Súdobé metódy v architektonickom navrhovaní
Novák, Jakub
The paper focuses on design methods and possible uses of origami structures in architecture and interior design. I study and document the works and paper models by theoreticians such as: Joseph Albers, who used to teach origami techniques to architects and designers at the Bauhaus school; Anton Vranka, the pioneer of bionic architecture, based on transforming surfaces into threedimensional structures; Yoshinobu Miyamoto, a contemporary Japanese architect and scholar focusing on origami architecture; and Paul Jackson, an origami artist who abstracts and categorises folding techniques for use in design. Klíčová slova: Skladané štruktúry; Origamická architektúra; Metodológia navrhovania Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři NUŠL
Súdobé metódy v architektonickom navrhovaní

The paper focuses on design methods and possible uses of origami structures in architecture and interior design. I study and document the works and paper models by theoreticians such as: Joseph ...

Novák, Jakub
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

Streamlining the Process of Cleaning PCB after Removing BGA
Starčok, Tomáš
This paper deals with issues connected with solder residues cleaning process of modern BGA packages. First part is focused on contact cleaning method of solder residues. It describes main disadvantages and incurred defects of this method. Second part is focused on a new contactless cleaning method with special tool and then suggests variety of verification possibilities. Klíčová slova: BGA; solder; residues; rework Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři NUŠL
Streamlining the Process of Cleaning PCB after Removing BGA

This paper deals with issues connected with solder residues cleaning process of modern BGA packages. First part is focused on contact cleaning method of solder residues. It describes main ...

Starčok, Tomáš
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

3d Segmentation Of The Spinal Canal And Intervertebral Discs In Mri Data
Koban, Martin
The concern of this work is development of the method for the spinal canal and intervertebral discs (IVD) segmentation in volume MRI data. The primary aim is to achieve the highest possible level of automation and accuracy allowing for reliable quantitative evaluation of the results. The algorithm is based on the random walk model in combination with a specific active contour method formulated through level set concept. The proposed approach is tested using a database of 3D T2-weighted MR images, which also contains referential manual segmentation of IVD. Klíčová slova: segmentation; spinal canal; IVD; MRI; random walk; active contours; level set Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři NUŠL
3d Segmentation Of The Spinal Canal And Intervertebral Discs In Mri Data

The concern of this work is development of the method for the spinal canal and intervertebral discs (IVD) segmentation in volume MRI data. The primary aim is to achieve the highest possible level of ...

Koban, Martin
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

Advanced Technologies In Battery Sources
Pagáčová, Lenka
This article discusses the advanced technologies in battery sources. Introduction is focused on our modern society in conjunction with electrochemical energy sources. The core of article include two plots from this topic and explains the parameters of different sources. In the last part of this article is presented one type of energy source that is not currently used in practice, however it can be interesting for future aplications. Conclusion sumarizes the information from article. Klíčová slova: cells; batteries; sources; advanced technologies; lithium; sulfur Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři NUŠL
Advanced Technologies In Battery Sources

This article discusses the advanced technologies in battery sources. Introduction is focused on our modern society in conjunction with electrochemical energy sources. The core of article include two ...

Pagáčová, Lenka
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

Properties Of Graphene Oxide Solutions
Mach, Radoslav
This paper deals with project based on researching of graphene oxide (GO) layers. Main subject is summarizing the basic factors having influence on graphene oxide solvents and its resultant applications on a substrate. There has been made a special substrate made of FR4 composite material for electrical measuring purposes. The goal of this project is creating of homogeneous layer for measuring physical properties of GO layers. Klíčová slova: graphene; graphene oxide; solution; application; GO Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři NUŠL
Properties Of Graphene Oxide Solutions

This paper deals with project based on researching of graphene oxide (GO) layers. Main subject is summarizing the basic factors having influence on graphene oxide solvents and its resultant ...

Mach, Radoslav
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

Multidimensional Detection Of Outliers In Clinical Registers
Šiška, Branislav
Incorrect data in clinical registers can lead to inaccurate or wrong results. This project is aimed at monitoring and evaluation of data in clinical registers. Usual methods to identify incorrect data are one-dimensional statistical methods per each variable in the register. Proposed method finds outliers in data using machine learning combined with multidimensional statistical methods that transform all column variables of clinical register to one, representing one record of a patient in the register. Klíčová slova: clinical register; detection of outliers; data fraud; machine learning Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři NUŠL
Multidimensional Detection Of Outliers In Clinical Registers

Incorrect data in clinical registers can lead to inaccurate or wrong results. This project is aimed at monitoring and evaluation of data in clinical registers. Usual methods to identify incorrect data ...

Šiška, Branislav
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

Diagnostic parameters determination of aircraft hydraulic system
Třetina, Karel; Cäsar, Tomáš
The article presents methodology for application of information theory for selection of hydraulic system diagnostic parameters. Changes in technical state of the system are accompanied by a set of symptoms. Method of determining information value of each symptom by information theory is presented. A set of technical conditions and set of symptoms for a simple hydraulic system are determined. Matrix of technical state describing relations between technical conditions and symptoms is constructed. The four symptoms are determined by matrix analysis with use of information theory. These symptoms are chosen as diagnostic parameters and provide the most information about technical state of the hydraulic system. Klíčová slova: hydraulic system; diagnostic symptom; technical condition; matrix of technical state; entropy; diagnostic parameter selection; information theory Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři NUŠL
Diagnostic parameters determination of aircraft hydraulic system

The article presents methodology for application of information theory for selection of hydraulic system diagnostic parameters. Changes in technical state of the system are accompanied by a set of ...

Třetina, Karel; Cäsar, Tomáš
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

Kontrola originality identifikátorov a dokladov vozidiel
Zrubák, Róbert
Obsahom referátu je kontrola originality a zhodnosti vozidla vykonávaná v stacionárnom pracovisku kontroly originality alebo v mobilnom pracovisku kontroly originality meraním a nedeštruktívnym skúmaním zameraná na zisťovanie stôp neoprávneného vonkajšieho zásahu do konštrukcie vozidla alebo do dokladov vozidla v rozsahu kontrolných úkonov ustanovených zákonom NR SR č. 725/2004 Z. z. o podmienkach prevádzky vozidiel v premávke na pozemných komunikáciách, všeobecne záväzným právnym predpisom a podľa metodík vydaných Ministerstvom dopravy, výstavky a regionálneho rozvoja Slovenskej republiky. Záverom budú predstavené technologické zariadenia použiteľné aj v znaleckej praxi. Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři NUŠL
Kontrola originality identifikátorov a dokladov vozidiel

Obsahom referátu je kontrola originality a zhodnosti vozidla vykonávaná v stacionárnom pracovisku kontroly originality alebo v mobilnom pracovisku kontroly originality meraním a nedeštruktívnym ...

Zrubák, Róbert
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

Premena postagrárneho vidieka
Šuška, Milan
Due to suburbanization and urban sprawl a big part of development is carried in the countryside, outside the cities, in residential areas of individual houses, in small villages linked to neighboring cities. Its character is ignoring of landscape and topography, loss of identity and respect of local tradition. It is also characterized by the transformation of the rural environment, the transformation of traditional architecture and the import of new, a low-quality architecture, as well as poor quality environment, which is contrasting to aspects of sustainable development. Real form of these changes was recorded during 3 mapping weekends during autumn 2009-2010 in the Kysuce region. Reference solutions and experiences are continuously searched in the literature concerning the rural areas and theories as well as in known endeavors influencing this negative spatial planning in specific planning documents in Czech and Slovak Republic and other European countries. The article focuses on the benefits or negatives of regulations, their sense and other forms of positive influence on built environment development. Vplyvom suburbanizácie a urban sprawl je veíká časť objemu výstavby realizovaná v krajině, mimo město, v obytných zónách individuálnej zástavby, v katastru malých obcí naviazaných na okolité mestá. Jej charakteristikou je ignorovanie okolitej krajiny, topografie, strata vztahu k miestnej tradicii a identitě. Je tiež charakterizovaná premenou vidieckeho prostredia, premenou tradičnej architektúry a vznikom novej architektonicky nekvalitnej výstavby, ako aj nekvalitného životného prostredia, ktoré je v protiklade s aspektmi trvale udržateíného rozvoja. Reálna podoba týchto zmien bola zaznamenávaná počas troch mapovaní v období jeseň 2009-zima 2010 v regióne Kysuce. Referenčně riešenia askúsenosti priebežne híadám v literatúre venujúcej sa vidieku avich teóriách ako i v doterajších snaženiach ovplyvniť takýto negativny rozvoj územným plánováním v konkrétných územne plánovacích dokumentáciách v ČR, na SR a v iných európskych krajinách. Klíčová slova: urbanizmus, architektúra, dědina, vidiek, krajina, Kysuce, premeny, postagrárna, tradicie, fotografie, postsocialistický, trvale udržateíný rozvoj, suburbanizácia Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři NUŠL
Premena postagrárneho vidieka

Due to suburbanization and urban sprawl a big part of development is carried in the countryside, outside the cities, in residential areas of individual houses, in small villages linked to neighboring ...

Šuška, Milan
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

Architektúra – „spísaná myšlienka“
Szabóová, Viktória
Názov otvorený – otvorené dielo. Touto prácou by som chcela venovať pár myšlienok „spísanému slovu“ - teórií v architektúre. Myšlienky napísané na „úkor“ architektúry nás oddeľujú od profesie, preberajú význam a dôležitosť, neskôr, ani si nevšimneme ako a kedy, opustia nás. Pre nás, aristokraticky hrdých architektov si treba pripustiť, že máme s čítaním a písaním ťažkosti. Nemyslím teraz na formovanie architektonických textov pri práci, ktoré sa postupne vykresľujú pri nakreslených návrhoch, a realizujú sa pri dokončení diela. Viac ma ale zaujímajú tisícročné alebo niekedy celkom novodobé /súčasné a novátorské/, naše orientačné zmysly, dopredu motoricky naháňajúce myšlienky – názory – TEÓRIA. Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři NUŠL
Architektúra – „spísaná myšlienka“

Názov otvorený – otvorené dielo. Touto prácou by som chcela venovať pár myšlienok „spísanému slovu“ - teórií v architektúre. Myšlienky napísané na „úkor“ architektúry nás oddeľujú od profesie, ...

Szabóová, Viktória
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

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