Number of found documents: 1478
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Population genomics of parasite adaptation: New insights into diversification and speciation of parasites
2024 - English
This thesis investigates the ecological and genetic dynamics of parasitic species, primarily focusing on Ligula intestinalis tapeworms and Cimex bedbugs, aiming to enhance our understanding of their evolutionary biology, genetics, and adaptation mechanisms. In Chapter I, it elucidates the prevalence and population genetic structure of L. intestinalis plerocercoids in various cyprinoid fish species across Czech water bodies, focusing on how different hosts and environments influence genetic diversity and distribution. Chapter II explores the historical dispersal and host-switching events that have shaped the evolutionary history of the L. intestinalis species complex on a global scale. This includes identifying major evolutionary lineages, their host specificity, and the influence of biogeographic and demographic events on lineage diversity. Chapter III provides a highly contiguous genome assembly for L. intestinalis and examines RNA transcription patterns to understand the regulation of biological functions during its life cycle, establishing a comprehensive reference transcriptome for both plerocercoid and adult stages. Chapter IV explores the mechanisms underlying possible ecological speciation in L. intestinalis, particularly under a sympatric setting, to determine whether host specificity influences population structure in the absence of geographical separation. Chapter V shifts focus to the establishment of the tropical bedbug, Cimex hemipterus, in Central Europe, using genetic analyses to reveal limited mtDNA variability and the presence of pyrethroid resistance mutations. Finally, Chapter VI investigates genetic and transcriptomic divergence in C. lectularius populations associated with human and bat hosts, exploring how host switching influences genetic diversity and adaptation. This genomic and transcriptomic approach provides valuable insights into the evolutionary dynamics and adaptive strategies of parasitic species. Keywords: Population genomics; Phylogeography; Historical biogeography; Ligula intestinalis; bedbugs Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Population genomics of parasite adaptation: New insights into diversification and speciation of parasites

This thesis investigates the ecological and genetic dynamics of parasitic species, primarily focusing on Ligula intestinalis tapeworms and Cimex bedbugs, aiming to enhance our understanding of their ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2024

Tuning carotenoid photophysics by changes in structure and local environment
ÖZCAN, Emrah
2024 - English
This thesis investigates the complex dynamics of excited states in carotenoids, focusing on the origins and properties of certain dark states and how they are affected by external disturbances such as metal interactions, pH changes, applied voltage, and chemical modifications. Paper I demonstrates the creation of stable astaxanthin-metal complexes and their altered excited-state dynamics, revealing shortened lifetimes and enhanced ICT bands due to metal-ion interactions. Paper II explores the effect of external voltage on 8-apo--carotenal, showing that applied voltage can control the ICT state amplitude and extend its lifetime. Paper III examines pH-dependent effects on crocin, finding significant pH-induced shifts and stabilization at basic pH levels. Paper IV presents the synthesis and analysis of bis-phenylhydrazone astaxanthin, highlighting its modified excited-state dynamics and the potential for organic modification to study new effects. These findings enhance our understanding of carotenoid excited states and suggest new research approaches. This thesis investigates the complex dynamics of excited states in carotenoids, focusing on the origins and properties of certain dark states and how they are affected by external disturbances such as metal interactions, pH changes, applied voltage, and chemical modifications. Paper I demonstrates the creation of stable astaxanthin-metal complexes and their altered excited-state dynamics, revealing shortened lifetimes and enhanced ICT bands due to metal-ion interactions. Paper II explores the effect of external voltage on 8-apo--carotenal, showing that applied voltage can control the ICT state amplitude and extend its lifetime. Paper III examines pH-dependent effects on crocin, finding significant pH-induced shifts and stabilization at basic pH levels. Paper IV presents the synthesis and analysis of bis-phenylhydrazone astaxanthin, highlighting its modified excited-state dynamics and the potential for organic modification to study new effects. These findings enhance our understanding of carotenoid excited states and suggest new research approaches. Keywords: Carotenoids; Metal complexes; Ultrafast spectroscopy; Charge transfer state; Cyclic voltammetry; 8'-apo--carotenal; Spectroelectrochemistry; Crocin; pH-dependence. Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Tuning carotenoid photophysics by changes in structure and local environment

This thesis investigates the complex dynamics of excited states in carotenoids, focusing on the origins and properties of certain dark states and how they are affected by external disturbances such as ...

ÖZCAN, Emrah
Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2024

2024 - English
The acquisition of a foreign language is a complex and ongoing process, and achieving proficiency cannot solely rely on school education. In the digital age, learners have access to an abundance of language materials beyond the classroom. This study explores the potential of video games as tools for language acquisition, particularly focusing on the English language. The primary aim is to identify which language skills are most likely to improve through gaming and to evaluate the overall benefits of this approach. The thesis comprises two main sections. The first part is a literature review, explaining selected video game genres and the second language acquisition. This part includes the main language competencies and how they can be potentially improved by video games in general. Finally, the last chapter of the literature review section is dedicated to the Krashen's Monitor Model, emphasising the Acquisition-Learning Hypothesis and the Input Hypothesis, and how these concepts align with language learning through video games. The second part of the thesis presents the empirical study conducted through a questionnaire, which gathered data from 64 respondents. This section details the methodology, analyses the responses, and discusses the findings in the context of the theoretical framework provided in the literature review. The results offer insights into the gaming experiences of players and their perceived improvements in language competence. Osvojování cizího jazyka je dlouhodobý proces a výsledků není možné dosáhnout pouze studiem ve škole. V současném digitálním věku mají studenti přístup k nespočetnému množství materiálů v jazyce, který se učí. Tato práce se zabývá jedním konkrétním zdrojem, který je stále populárnější mezi mladými lidmi, a to videohrami. Cílem této práce je zjistit jaké jazykové schopnosti videohry nejvíce ovlivňují, zda má hraní her nějaké výhody v otázce osvojování anglického jazyka, a jaká je motivace hráčů hrát zrovna v anglickém jazyce. Práce se skládá ze dvou hlavních částí. První část tvoří odborná literatura, která se zaměřuje na vysvětlení vybraných videoherních žánrů a vztahu videoher a osvojování jazyka. Dále tato část obsahuje popis a vztah jednotlivých jazykových kompetencí a videoher obecně. Poslední sekce představuje Krashenův Monitor Model, zejména dvě jeho hypotézy the Acquisition-Learning Hypothesis a the Input Hypothesis, a objasňuje, jak tyto koncepty souvisí s osvojováním jazyka skrze videohry. Druhá část práce se zaměřuje na empirický výzkum, který byl provedený dotazníkovou formou, a který shromáždil data od 64 respondentů. V této části je podrobně popsaná metodika, analýza odpovědí a diskuze, která je založena na zjištění z první části. Výsledky nabízejí vhled do herních zkušeností hráčů a to, jestli vnímají zlepšení jejich jazykových schopností díky vlivu videoher. Keywords: video hry; osvojování druhého jazyka (SLA); osvojování angličtiny; jazykové dovednosti Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.

The acquisition of a foreign language is a complex and ongoing process, and achieving proficiency cannot solely rely on school education. In the digital age, learners have access to an abundance of ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2024

Kininase-like metalloprotease regulates tick salivation
2024 - English
Ticks are obligate hematophagous ectoparasites that require a blood meal to complete their development and reproduction. To facilitate blood feeding, they secrete saliva, a complex mixture of bioactive compounds that modulate the host's immune responses. To evade host immunity, ticks have evolved their salivary proteins to exhibit low immunogenicity. However, in some less adapted hosts, compounds of tick saliva can evoke antibody-mediated responses. Angiotensin-converting enzyme-like kininase (Ir-ACE), the main subject of this thesis, was identified as one of the most dominant salivary antigens of the tick Ixodes ricinus. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the molecular and functional properties of this enzyme; an objective that has not yet been accomplished. To achieve this, RNAi and repeated feeding experiments, proteomic analysis of salivary glands and expression of recombinant Ir-ACE used for the vaccination experiments and substrate profiling were performed. Ticks are obligate hematophagous ectoparasites that require a blood meal to complete their development and reproduction. To facilitate blood feeding, they secrete saliva, a complex mixture of bioactive compounds that modulate the host's immune responses. To evade host immunity, ticks have evolved their salivary proteins to exhibit low immunogenicity. However, in some less adapted hosts, compounds of tick saliva can evoke antibody-mediated responses. Angiotensin-converting enzyme-like kininase (Ir-ACE), the main subject of this thesis, was identified as one of the most dominant salivary antigens of the tick Ixodes ricinus. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the molecular and functional properties of this enzyme; an objective that has not yet been accomplished. To achieve this, RNAi and repeated feeding experiments, proteomic analysis of salivary glands and expression of recombinant Ir-ACE used for the vaccination experiments and substrate profiling were performed. Keywords: ticks; saliva; salivary glands; metalloproteases; angiotensin-converting enzyme-like kininase Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Kininase-like metalloprotease regulates tick salivation

Ticks are obligate hematophagous ectoparasites that require a blood meal to complete their development and reproduction. To facilitate blood feeding, they secrete saliva, a complex mixture of ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2024

AAVE And Its Growing Popularity in the Online Discourse of Generation Z
BÍCOVÁ, Andrea
2024 - English
African American Vernacular English (AAVE) is becoming a part of online discourse of the young generation, which from the sociolinguistic point of view is quite an interesting phenomenon. This thesis in general aims to map AAVE in the online discourse of Gen Z, generation of young people born between the years 1997 and 2012. This study deals with the actual position of African American English in the online discourse of this generation, examines the frequency of use of certain AAVE expressions and identifies their meanings. The conceptual framework of the thesis includes the individual chapters devoted to the definition of AAVE, its historical evolution, and the description of its linguistic specifics. The research on the usage of AAVE among the Gen Z was conducted through an online survey of the students at the University of South Bohemia. The resulting data were compared to posts from users on the social media platform Twitter (X). Africko-americká angličtina (AAVE) se stále častěji stává součástí online diskurzu mladší generace, což ze sociolingvistického hlediska představuje zajímavý fenomén. Tato práce konkrétně cílí na zmapování AAVE v online diskurzu Gen Z, generace mladých lidí narozených mezi lety 1997 a 2012. Práce se zabývá aktuálním postavením africko- americké angličtiny v online diskurzu této generace, zjišťuje frekvencí užívání vybraných AAVE výrazů v onlinových interakcích a interpretuje jejich význam. Koncepční rámec práce tvoří kapitoly věnované vymezení AAVE, jejímu historickému vývoji a popisu jazykových specifik. Výzkum používání AAVE Gen Z byl proveden metodou dotazníkového šetření na studentech Jihočeské univerzity a výsledná data byla porovnána s příspěvky uživatelů na sociální síti Twitter (X). Keywords: Lingvistika; Generace Z; AAVE; sociální média; slang; analýza diskurzu Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
AAVE And Its Growing Popularity in the Online Discourse of Generation Z

African American Vernacular English (AAVE) is becoming a part of online discourse of the young generation, which from the sociolinguistic point of view is quite an interesting phenomenon. This thesis ...

BÍCOVÁ, Andrea
Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2024

Consumptive and non-consumptive effect of predators and food quality on arthropod herbivores
2024 - English
Top-down and bottom-up controls are crucial mechanisms that shape ecosystems and biodiversity. In this thesis, I investigate both bottom-up and top-down forces, their interplay and specific effects on arthropod communities, herbivores, and their behaviour across vertical forest gradients. The thesis consists of four chapters. The first chapter explores the top-down regulation of arthropods and the resulting herbivore damage across a vertical forest gradient in a Japanese temperate forest, focusing on the effect of three groups of insectivorous predators. In my second chapter, I attempt to compare the relative impact of bottom-up and top-down control. I studied their relative effects on arthropods and herbivore damage by manipulating nutrient availability and access of predators to trees in a temperate forest in the Czech Republic. In my third chapter, I focused on one of the most important insect orders, the Coleoptera. I investigated the Coleoptera communities and the influence of predators on them along the vertical forest gradient in two different temperate sites: in Japan and Germany. Finally, I examined the nonlethal effect of predators on herbivore prey, testing the effect of bird presence on locust behavior and their stress hormone levels. Overall, my thesis examines the complexity of tri-trophic interactions between plants, herbivorous arthropods, and their insectivorous predators. It highlights the importance of nutrient availability, and the access of insectivorous predators to plants, for the functioning and result of multi-trophic interactions. It also discusses lethal as well as nonlethal effects separately. Top-down and bottom-up controls are crucial mechanisms that shape ecosystems and biodiversity. In this thesis, I investigate both bottom-up and top-down forces, their interplay and specific effects on arthropod communities, herbivores, and their behaviour across vertical forest gradients. The thesis consists of four chapters. The first chapter explores the top-down regulation of arthropods and the resulting herbivore damage across a vertical forest gradient in a Japanese temperate forest, focusing on the effect of three groups of insectivorous predators. In my second chapter, I attempt to compare the relative impact of bottom-up and top-down control. I studied their relative effects on arthropods and herbivore damage by manipulating nutrient availability and access of predators to trees in a temperate forest in the Czech Republic. In my third chapter, I focused on one of the most important insect orders, the Coleoptera. I investigated the Coleoptera communities and the influence of predators on them along the vertical forest gradient in two different temperate sites: in Japan and Germany. Finally, I examined the nonlethal effect of predators on herbivore prey, testing the effect of bird presence on locust behavior and their stress hormone levels. Overall, my thesis examines the complexity of tri-trophic interactions between plants, herbivorous arthropods, and their insectivorous predators. It highlights the importance of nutrient availability, and the access of insectivorous predators to plants, for the functioning and result of multi-trophic interactions. It also discusses lethal as well as nonlethal effects separately. Keywords: Bottom-up control; top-down control; arthropod communities; herbivory; vertical forest gradient; nutrient availability; predator presence; trophic cascades; ecosystem dynamics; nonlethal predator effects; Coleoptera; temperate forests Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Consumptive and non-consumptive effect of predators and food quality on arthropod herbivores

Top-down and bottom-up controls are crucial mechanisms that shape ecosystems and biodiversity. In this thesis, I investigate both bottom-up and top-down forces, their interplay and specific effects on ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2024

A Case Study: Analysing Repair of Children's Speech
2024 - English
This thesis explores how repair of children's speech contributes to their linguistic development. It examines the role of repair in child language acquisition and analyses different ways of providing the repair. The data for the analysis were sourced from the CHILDES database, focusing on transcripts of everyday interactions between two children and their family and caregivers during activities such as conversations, toy play, and painting. Employing the methodology of Conversation Analysis (CA), the research aims to highlight the importance of interaction and to explore how parents can foster their children's linguistic development through effective repair strategies. Cílem této práce je zjistit, jak oprava dětské řeči při interakci přispívá k osvojování jazyka a jazykovému rozvoji dítěte. Práce analyzuje různé způsoby, jak opravu poskytnout. Data použita pro analýzu jsou zprostředkována prostřednictvím databáze CHILDES. Analýza zkoumá přepisy řeči každodenních konverzací dvou dětí s jejich rodinou a opatrovníky. V těchto přepisech se věnují činnostem jako konverzování, hra s hračkami nebo malování. Tento výzkum využívá metodiku konverzační analýzy (CA). Cílem je zdůraznit důležitost interakce a prozkoumat, jak mohou rodiče opravováním řeči svých dětí usnadnit jejich jazykový vývoj. Keywords: oprava; CLA; interakce; konverzace; jazykový vývoj; konverzační analýza; CA Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
A Case Study: Analysing Repair of Children's Speech

This thesis explores how repair of children's speech contributes to their linguistic development. It examines the role of repair in child language acquisition and analyses different ways of providing ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2024

The Play and the Film Adaptations of Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew: A Comparative Analysis
2024 - English
The student will undertake an analysis of varied aspects linked with the play The Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare regarding ethical relationships of gender oppression. Then the student will screen the multiple film adaptations of Shakespeare?s text, comparing and contrasting the original written play with the traditional (1967) and the modern, Central European (2022) adaptations, referring to, among other aspects, which changes were made to the text and philosophical issues pertaining to modern times addressing ethical gender and marriage standards. Of course, much attention is to be noted that this play is a comedy, and what was regarded as funny in the past and what is funny today has changed course. Student provede analýzu různých aspektů spojených s dílem Zkrocení zlé ženy od Williama Shakespeara, týkajících se témat jako jsou například etické vztahy spojené s genderovým útlakem. Student poté zhlédne několik filmových adaptací Shakespearova textu, porovná a kontrastuje původní psanou hru s tradiční adaptací z roku 1967 a moderní, středoevropskou adaptací z roku 2022, přičemž se zaměří mimo jiné na to, jaké změny byly provedeny v textu, ve filozofických otázkách souvisejících s moderní dobou, a také řešením etických standardů genderu a manželství. Samozřejmě je třeba věnovat velkou pozornost i tomu, že tato hra je komedie, a to, co bylo v minulosti považováno za vtipné, už dnes vtipné být nemusí. Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
The Play and the Film Adaptations of Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew: A Comparative Analysis

The student will undertake an analysis of varied aspects linked with the play The Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare regarding ethical relationships of gender oppression. Then the student will ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2024

Benjamin Franklin as Founding Father: His Role in Starting the Independent Government of USA
2024 - English
The topic of the bachelor thesis is "Benjamin Franklin as Founding Father: His Role in Starting the Independent Government of USA". The bachelor thesis examines the life of Benjamin Franklin with a focus on his influence and role in starting the period of independence of the USA. His actions and dealings have gone down in the history of the US and the world as they have become significant landmarks in American history. The thesis describes the childhood and life of Benjamin Franklin, the important circumstances in his life that led to the creation of the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution, and other events based on the political and diplomatic writings of Benjamin Franklin himself that led to his status as the "Founding Father" of the United States. 41Téma bakalářské práce je "Benjamin Franklin as Founding Father: His Role in Starting the Independent Government of USA". Bakalářská práce se zabývá životem Benjamina Franklina se zaměřením na jeho vliv a roli v zahájení období nezávislosti USA. Jeho činy a jednání se zapsaly do dějin USA i celého světa, jelikož se staly významnými mezníky v americké historii. V práci je popsáno dětství a život Benjamina Franklina, důležité okolnosti v jeho životě, které směřovaly ke vzniku Deklarace nezávislosti a americké ústavy a další události vycházející z politických a diplomatických textů samotného Benjamina Franklina, jež vedly k získání statusu "otce zakladatele" Spojených států. Keywords: Benjamin Fraklin; Otcové zakladatelé; Deklarace nezávislosti; Ústava USA; Americké dějiny Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Benjamin Franklin as Founding Father: His Role in Starting the Independent Government of USA

The topic of the bachelor thesis is "Benjamin Franklin as Founding Father: His Role in Starting the Independent Government of USA". The bachelor thesis examines the life of Benjamin Franklin with a ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2024

The Heroes of J.R.R. Tolkien´s The Lord of the Rings, their Development and Transformation
2024 - English
This bachelor thesis deals with the development a transformation of heroes in J.R.R. Tolkien´s The Lord of the Rings. At the beginning the thesis describes the life of J.R.R Tolkien and his inspiration: the epic, novel, classical and modern fairy tales, which contributed to the creation of Tolkien´s fantasy stories. The thesis focuses on the typical characters of these genres and on the concept of good and evil. The practical part introduces the races of selected heroes and their brief history. The analysis observes the following characters: Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas, Frodo, Gandalf, and Saruman. As all three books show, all characters have heroic moments that reflect their moral growth and explain why the characters are considered heroes. Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá vývojem a transformací hrdinů v díle Pán Prstenů J.R.R. Tolkiena. Práce nejprve nastiňuje život J.R.R. Tolkiena a inspiraci, která ho vedla k vytvoření jeho děl - epos, román, klasické a moderní pohádky. Také se zabývá typickými postavami těchto literárních žánrů a pojetím dobra a zla v díle Tolkiena. Praktická část představuje nejprve rasy, do kterých se vybrané postavy řadí a jejich stručnou historii. Zkoumanými postavami z daných ras jsou Aragorn, Frodo, Gimli, Legolas, Gandalf a Saruman. Na základě vybraných situací ze všech knih trilogie práce zkoumá hrdinské vlastnosti a morální vývoj těchto postav. Keywords: J.R.R. Tolkien; Pán prstenů; postava hrdiny; Aragorn; Frodo; Gimli; Legolas; Gandalf a Saruman. Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
The Heroes of J.R.R. Tolkien´s The Lord of the Rings, their Development and Transformation

This bachelor thesis deals with the development a transformation of heroes in J.R.R. Tolkien´s The Lord of the Rings. At the beginning the thesis describes the life of J.R.R Tolkien and his ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2024

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