Number of found documents: 257
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39M-IMMEDIATE Research Report: Remarks on Repeatability Experiments and Perspective Exploitation of MAE Pt/C\nElectrocatalysts.
Kaluža, Luděk; Gulková, Daniela; Soukup, Karel
2016 - English
The 36-39 months of the projekt solution were devoted to summarize aspects of the most perspective results on Pt/C electrocatalysts preparation to focus on industrial expoitation. Chellenges of Pt dispersion in the Pt/C were compared with preliminary outcomes from volumetric determination of hydrogen adsorption. Keywords: Pt/c electrocatalysts; industrial exploitation; hydrogen absorption Available at various institutes of the ASCR
39M-IMMEDIATE Research Report: Remarks on Repeatability Experiments and Perspective Exploitation of MAE Pt/C\nElectrocatalysts.

The 36-39 months of the projekt solution were devoted to summarize aspects of the most perspective results on Pt/C electrocatalysts preparation to focus on industrial expoitation. Chellenges of Pt ...

Kaluža, Luděk; Gulková, Daniela; Soukup, Karel
Ústav chemických procesů, 2016

Sulphonation of Polystyrene Beads.
Strašák, Tomáš
2016 - Czech
This report describes sulphonation of polystyrene beads with narrow size distribution of particles typically with diameter 2-8 µm. These particles serve as starting material for preparation of stationary phase for ion exchange chromatography (IEC). An advantage of this procedure is replace of risk procedures which worked with chlorosulphonic acid or oleum as a sulfonating agent by procedure using concentrated sulphuric acid. Tato výzkumná zpráva popisuje sulfonaci polystyrenových (PS) kuliček s úzkou distribucí velikostí typicky o průměru 2-8 µm. Tyto částice jsou využívány jako stacionární fáze pro iontově výměnnou chromatografii (IEC). Výhodou předkládaného postupu je nahrazení rizikových postupů využívajících při této modifikaci olea nebo kyselinu chlorsírovou jako sulfonačního činidla postupem, který používá koncentrovanou kyselinou sírovou. Keywords: sulphonation of polystyrene beads; ion exchange chromatography; chlorosulphonic acid Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Sulphonation of Polystyrene Beads.

This report describes sulphonation of polystyrene beads with narrow size distribution of particles typically with diameter 2-8 µm. These particles serve as starting material for preparation of ...

Strašák, Tomáš
Ústav chemických procesů, 2016

Fuel-energy properties of selected ion exchangers (Purolit A-400 MB OH a Purolit C-100 H) and important properties of suitable melts for process MSO
Pohořelý, Michael; Šyc, Michal; Stanovský, Petr; Krček, Martin; Durda, Tomáš; Tošnarová, Markéta
2015 - Czech
In the report, there are summarized significant fuel-energy properties of selected ion exchangers (Purolit A-400 MB OH a Purolit C-100 H) and important properties of suitable melts for process MSO. Ve zprávě jsou shrnuty význačné palivo-energetické vlastnosti vybraných iontoměničů (Purolit A-400 MB OH a Purolit C-100 H) a důležité vlastnosti vhodných tavenin pro proces MSO. Keywords: anion exchanger; cation exchanger; fuel-energy properties Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Fuel-energy properties of selected ion exchangers (Purolit A-400 MB OH a Purolit C-100 H) and important properties of suitable melts for process MSO

In the report, there are summarized significant fuel-energy properties of selected ion exchangers (Purolit A-400 MB OH a Purolit C-100 H) and important properties of suitable melts for process MSO.

Pohořelý, Michael; Šyc, Michal; Stanovský, Petr; Krček, Martin; Durda, Tomáš; Tošnarová, Markéta
Ústav chemických procesů, 2015

Fluidized-bed Incineration of Contaminated Biomass – Final Report
Durda, Tomáš; Pohořelý, Michael; Šyc, Michal; Svoboda, Karel; Kameníková, Petra; Krček, Martin; Tošnarová, Markéta; Moško, Jaroslav; Punčochář, Miroslav
2015 - Czech
In the report, it has been shown how to effectively burn pretreated cornstalks in the fluidized-bed reactor with a stationary bubbling bed in the presence of a significant proportion of potassium. Ve zprávě byla prokázána možnost účinně spalovat předupravenou kukuřičnou slámu ve fluidním reaktoru se stacionární bublinovou vrstvou za přítomnosti významného podílu draslíku. Keywords: fluidized-bed; incineration; contaminated biomass Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Fluidized-bed Incineration of Contaminated Biomass – Final Report

In the report, it has been shown how to effectively burn pretreated cornstalks in the fluidized-bed reactor with a stationary bubbling bed in the presence of a significant proportion of potassium.

Durda, Tomáš; Pohořelý, Michael; Šyc, Michal; Svoboda, Karel; Kameníková, Petra; Krček, Martin; Tošnarová, Markéta; Moško, Jaroslav; Punčochář, Miroslav
Ústav chemických procesů, 2015

Construction of Equipment for Testing of Operating Conditions of Fabric Filters on Real Flue Gases
Pohořelý, Michael; Zach, Boleslav; Šyc, Michal; Svoboda, Karel; Punčochář, Miroslav
2015 - Czech
This report focuses on the design of an experimental unit intended for testing of operating conditions of dry flue gas treatment on fabric or ceramic catalytic filters. Individual part of apparatus are described in detail and the reasons for the design choices are stated. A part of this report is also a 3D model of the apparatus created in AutoCAD. Tato zpráva se zabývá návrhem experimentální jednotky pro testování provozních parametrů suchého čištění pomocí tkaninových nebo keramických katalytických filtrů. Jednotlivé části aparatury jsou popsány a jsou udány důvody pro volbu konkrétních detailů. Součástí této zprávy je 3D model zařízení vytvořený v programu AutoCAD. Keywords: catalytic filtration; dry sorption; 4D filtration Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Construction of Equipment for Testing of Operating Conditions of Fabric Filters on Real Flue Gases

This report focuses on the design of an experimental unit intended for testing of operating conditions of dry flue gas treatment on fabric or ceramic catalytic filters. Individual part of apparatus ...

Pohořelý, Michael; Zach, Boleslav; Šyc, Michal; Svoboda, Karel; Punčochář, Miroslav
Ústav chemických procesů, 2015

Fluidized-bed Incineration of Dry Stabilized Sewage Sludge II
Pohořelý, Michael; Moško, Jaroslav; Durda, Tomáš; Svoboda, Karel; Šyc, Michal; Hartman, Miloslav; Punčochář, Miroslav
2015 - Czech
In the report, it has been shown how to effectively burn dry stabilized sewage sludge in the fluidized-bed reactor with a stationary bubbling bed. Ve zprávě byla prokázána možnost účinně spalovat stabilizované čistírenské kaly ve fluidním reaktoru se stacionární bublinovou vrstvou. Keywords: fluidized bed; incineration; sewage sludge Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Fluidized-bed Incineration of Dry Stabilized Sewage Sludge II

In the report, it has been shown how to effectively burn dry stabilized sewage sludge in the fluidized-bed reactor with a stationary bubbling bed.

Pohořelý, Michael; Moško, Jaroslav; Durda, Tomáš; Svoboda, Karel; Šyc, Michal; Hartman, Miloslav; Punčochář, Miroslav
Ústav chemických procesů, 2015

Co-combustion of Coal and Rubber Granulate in a Fluidized Bed
Pohořelý, Michael; Šyc, Michal; Krček, Martin; Durda, Tomáš; Kameníková, Petra; Tošnarová, Markéta
2014 - Czech
The main aim of the study was to carry out test of the co-combustion of the coal supplied by Alpiq Generation (CZ), s.r.o. and the granules of rubber supplied by PATREM PIPE TECHNOLOGIES, s.r.o. in a fluidized bed of the ash supplied also by Alpiq Generation (CZ), s.r.o., provided that the blended fuel mixture contains at least 10 % by weight of the rubber granules. Hlavním cílem práce bylo provést test spolu-spalování uhlí dodaného firmou Alpiq Generation (CZ), s.r.o., a gumového granulátu dodaného firmou PATREM PIPE TECHNOLOGIES, s.r.o., ve fluidní vrstvě popela dodaného firmou Alpiq Generation (CZ), s.r.o., v hmotnostním poměru uhlí / gumový granulát minimálně 9 / 1, tj. minimálně 10 hm. % gumového granulátu v palivové směsi. Keywords: co-combustion of the coal; fluidized-bed; fuel mixture Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Co-combustion of Coal and Rubber Granulate in a Fluidized Bed

The main aim of the study was to carry out test of the co-combustion of the coal supplied by Alpiq Generation (CZ), s.r.o. and the granules of rubber supplied by PATREM PIPE TECHNOLOGIES, s.r.o. in a ...

Pohořelý, Michael; Šyc, Michal; Krček, Martin; Durda, Tomáš; Kameníková, Petra; Tošnarová, Markéta
Ústav chemických procesů, 2014

Advanced Separation Methods for Liquid Mixtures
Jiřičný, Vladimír; Vychodilová, Hana; Wagner, Zdeněk; Bendová, Magdalena; Křišťál, Jiří; Stavárek, Petr
2014 - Czech
Report summarizes the information about the advanced separation methods for selected liquid mixtures. Zpráva shrnuje poznatky o pokročilých separačních metodách pro směsi vybraných kapalin. Keywords: liquid-liquid mixtures; separation process; liquid equilibrium Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Advanced Separation Methods for Liquid Mixtures

Report summarizes the information about the advanced separation methods for selected liquid mixtures.

Jiřičný, Vladimír; Vychodilová, Hana; Wagner, Zdeněk; Bendová, Magdalena; Křišťál, Jiří; Stavárek, Petr
Ústav chemických procesů, 2014

Application of microreactors for gas phase catalytic reactions
Stavárek, Petr; Křišťál, Jiří; Jiřičný, Vladimír; Vajglová, Zuzana
2014 - Czech
Theoretical study focused on application of microreactors for gas phase reactions in presence of heterogenous catalyst. Teoretická studie řeší problémy spojené s možnosmti aplikace mikroreaktorů pro heterogenně katalyzované procesy v plynné fázi. Keywords: microreactor; catalytic reaction; process intensification Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Application of microreactors for gas phase catalytic reactions

Theoretical study focused on application of microreactors for gas phase reactions in presence of heterogenous catalyst.

Stavárek, Petr; Křišťál, Jiří; Jiřičný, Vladimír; Vajglová, Zuzana
Ústav chemických procesů, 2014

Hydrodynamic Study of the Downward Annular Gas-Liquid Flow under the Pilot Plant Operating Conditions 2013-2014.
Stavárek, Petr; Křišťál, Jiří
2014 - English
Hydrodynamics of annular liquid flow in a vertical tube with cocurrent gas flow has been studied. Effect of gas - liquid flow rate and liquid viscosity on two-phase flow hydrodynamics was investigated for glycerol – air system. The evaluated parameters were pressure drop and hydrodynamic regime at different gas/liquid ratios. Keywords: annular gas-liquid flow; pressure drop; hydrodynamics Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Hydrodynamic Study of the Downward Annular Gas-Liquid Flow under the Pilot Plant Operating Conditions 2013-2014.

Hydrodynamics of annular liquid flow in a vertical tube with cocurrent gas flow has been studied. Effect of gas - liquid flow rate and liquid viscosity on two-phase flow hydrodynamics was investigated ...

Stavárek, Petr; Křišťál, Jiří
Ústav chemických procesů, 2014

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