Number of found documents: 500
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Database of authors of digitalized Knihopis
Pumprla, Václav
2009 - Czech
The participants of the scientific conference were acquainted with fulfilment of the first stage of the grant objective, whose aim is to offer and show on the web the database of the digitalized Knihopis of the Czech and Slovak authors of the 16th – 18th century. This stage was planned to be completed by the end of 2008 and its aims were accomplished. Účastníci odborné konference byli seznámeni s plněním prvního stadia grantového úkolu, který má za úkol podat a na webu vystavit databázi digitalizovaného Knihopisu českých a slovenských autorů 16.-18. století. Tato etapa byla plánovaná do konce roku 2008 a její úkoly byl splněny. Keywords: Czech and Slovak Literature; Bibliography; Knihopis Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Database of authors of digitalized Knihopis

The participants of the scientific conference were acquainted with fulfilment of the first stage of the grant objective, whose aim is to offer and show on the web the database of the digitalized ...

Pumprla, Václav
Filosofický ústav, 2009

Group find of bracteates from Prague 1 - Old Town
Militký, Jiří
2009 - Czech
The article deals with an unregistred group find of bracteates from Prague 1 - Old Town which is preserved in the numismatic department of the Museum of the Capital of Prague. Článek se zabývá dosud neregistrovaným hromadným nálezem brakteátů z Prahy (1)-Starého Města, které jsou uloženy v numismatické sbírce Muzea hlavního města Prahy. Keywords: bracteates; Old Town Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Group find of bracteates from Prague 1 - Old Town

The article deals with an unregistred group find of bracteates from Prague 1 - Old Town which is preserved in the numismatic department of the Museum of the Capital of Prague.

Militký, Jiří
Filosofický ústav, 2009

Find of Roman coin in the territory of the Přešťovice settlement dated back to the Roman period (Strakonice district)
Militký, Jiří; Zavřel, P.
2009 - Czech
The article deals with a find of Roman coin in the territory of the Přešťovice settlement dated back to the Roman period (Strakonice district), which was found on August 21, 2008 during surface examination using metal detectors. Článek se zabývá nálezem římské mince v areálu sídliště z doby římské v Přešťovicích (okr. Strakonice), který byl objeven 21.srpna 2008 při povrchovém průzkumu s detektory kovů. Keywords: Roman coin; Přešťovice settlement Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Find of Roman coin in the territory of the Přešťovice settlement dated back to the Roman period (Strakonice district)

The article deals with a find of Roman coin in the territory of the Přešťovice settlement dated back to the Roman period (Strakonice district), which was found on August 21, 2008 during surface ...

Militký, Jiří; Zavřel, P.
Filosofický ústav, 2009

Find of a coin struck under Antoninus Pius from the settlement facility dated back to the Roman period
Hušťák, P.; Militký, Jiří
2009 - Czech
The article deals with a find of a coin struck under Antoninus Pius from the settlement facility dated back to the Roman period made on May, 23, 2007. Článek se zabývá nálezem mince Antonina Pia v sídlištním objektu z mladší doby římské v Praze 9-Hloubětíně z 23.května 2007. Keywords: Antoninus Pius; later Roman period Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Find of a coin struck under Antoninus Pius from the settlement facility dated back to the Roman period

The article deals with a find of a coin struck under Antoninus Pius from the settlement facility dated back to the Roman period made on May, 23, 2007.

Hušťák, P.; Militký, Jiří
Filosofický ústav, 2009

Rethinking Knowledge and Ignorance in Plato's Theaetetus
Chvatík, Ivan
2009 - English
Autor se snaží vyzkoumat, jaké je vlastní sdělení Platónova dialogu Theaitétos. Vykládá Sókratovo babické umění jako alegorii platonské dialektiky; vysvětluje hermeneutický charakter dialogu; popisuje strukturu geneze poznatků; ukazuje, že údajné vyvrácení Protagorovy teze "homo – mensura" je vlastně jejím potvrzením; a předvádí, že vědění ve vlastním, silném smyslu je možné pouze v matematice. The paper examines what is the message of Plato's dialogue Theaitetus. It interprets the Socrates' midwifery as an allegory of Platonic dialectic; explains the hermeneutic character of the dialogue; depicts the structure of the genesis of knowledge; argues that the refutation of Protagoras' thesis "homo – mensura" turns out to be its endorsement; and shows that knowledge proper is possible only in mathematics. Keywords: knowledge; ignorance; mathematics; Protagoras; Socrates Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Rethinking Knowledge and Ignorance in Plato's Theaetetus

Autor se snaží vyzkoumat, jaké je vlastní sdělení Platónova dialogu Theaitétos. Vykládá Sókratovo babické umění jako alegorii platonské dialektiky; vysvětluje hermeneutický charakter dialogu; popisuje ...

Chvatík, Ivan
Filosofický ústav, 2009

The Animal in Ethics
Urban, Petr
2009 - Czech
The paper introduces in the "animal ethics" and presents two of its classical approaches: the idea of "animal liberation" (P. Signer) and the idea of "animal rights" (T. Regan). Článek uvádí do problematiky "etiky zvířat" či "zooetiky" a představuje dvě z jejích klasických koncepcí: etiku "osvobození zvířat" (P. Singer) a etiku "práv zvířat" (T. Regan). Keywords: animal ethics; animal liberation; animal rights Available at various institutes of the ASCR
The Animal in Ethics

The paper introduces in the "animal ethics" and presents two of its classical approaches: the idea of "animal liberation" (P. Signer) and the idea of "animal rights" (T. Regan).

Urban, Petr
Filosofický ústav, 2009

Why Barbarians don't have Headaches. The structure of early dialogues and the sense of the apories in Charmides
Boháček, Kryštof
2008 - Czech
Author suggests to solve the problem of the compatibility of the apories in Charmides with Plato's theory of knowledge. The proposed solution consists in formal inquiry of the dialogue's structure. In the first step, Boháček compares the way of argumentation as well as dramatic structure of Charmides with "small Socratic" dialogues as Ion; Charmides proves to be completely different. The second step consists in Boháček’s own analysis of the common structure of the "transitive" dialogues represented by Lysis and Protagoras. In this group, Socrates converses with two paradigmatic partners: the weaker potential pupil and the stronger one, who stands for an authority and potential teacher of the weaker partner. Socrates defeats the rival, but doesn't offer any positive knowledge to the weaker young partner; he stands only for personal example and offers practical guidance. Charmides is identified with this common scheme and classified as a typical transitive dialogue. Autor navrhuje řešit problém aporií v Charmidovi zkoumáním formální struktury dialogu. Nejprve srovnává argumentační a dramatickou strukturu Charmida s ranými dialogy jako Ión. Výsledkem je naprostá odlišnost. Z druhé tedy autor předkládá vlastní analýzu obecné struktury tranzitivních dialogů, dokládanou zejména dialogy Lysis a Prot. Sókratés zde rozmlouvá se dvěma charakteristickými partenry, slabším potenciálním žákem a silnějším, jenž představuje autoritu pro slabšího. Sókratés poráží silnějšího, ale nenabízí slabšímu žádnou positivní nauku, jen osobní příklad a vedení. Charmida autor označuje za typický transitivní dialog. Keywords: Plato; Socrates; Charmides Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Why Barbarians don't have Headaches. The structure of early dialogues and the sense of the apories in Charmides

Author suggests to solve the problem of the compatibility of the apories in Charmides with Plato's theory of knowledge. The proposed solution consists in formal inquiry of the dialogue's structure. In ...

Boháček, Kryštof
Filosofický ústav, 2008

Rituals of reconciliation as myth? The conflict of the bishops of Vratislav with the dukes of Silesia and its resolution in the 13th century
Bar, Přemysl
2008 - Czech
Author has concentrated on conditions in Silesia in the 13th century, tracing the presence of the reconciliation ritual in the disputes of the dukes Silesia with the bishops of Vratislav in the 13th century. He points out that although perhaps all of the Piast dukes took part in the conflict between the temporal and church powers, the sources offer only a few details on the ending to the conflicts and in particular about reconciliation rituals. Autor se soustředil na poměry ve Slezsku ve 13. století se zaměřením na rituál smíření, který měl údajně uzavírat spory mezi piastovskými knížaty a vratislavskými biskupy. Ačkoliv těchto sporů byloo mnoho, prameny poskytují velmí málo informací o průběhu samotného rituálu smíření. Keywords: ritual of reconciliation; Silesia; 13th century; dukes of Silesia; bishops of Vratislav Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Rituals of reconciliation as myth? The conflict of the bishops of Vratislav with the dukes of Silesia and its resolution in the 13th century

Author has concentrated on conditions in Silesia in the 13th century, tracing the presence of the reconciliation ritual in the disputes of the dukes Silesia with the bishops of Vratislav in the 13th ...

Bar, Přemysl
Filosofický ústav, 2008

Has Quine really proved that the borderline between analytic and synthetic sentences is not exactly defined
Materna, Pavel
2008 - Czech
As soon as we do logical analysis of natural language we can exactly distinguish analytic sentences from the synthetic (empirical) ones. Quine's criticism can be refuted because he has not accepted logical semantics and his objections have been articulated from the pragmatic viewpoint. Když děláme logickou analýzu přirozeného jazyka, můžeme přísně odlišit analytické věty od syntetických (empirických). Quinova kritika může být vyvrácena, protože Quine nepřijímal logickou sémantiku a jeho námitky byly formulovány z pozic pragmatiky. Keywords: Quine; analytic; synthetic; intensions; constructions Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Has Quine really proved that the borderline between analytic and synthetic sentences is not exactly defined

As soon as we do logical analysis of natural language we can exactly distinguish analytic sentences from the synthetic (empirical) ones. Quine's criticism can be refuted because he has not accepted ...

Materna, Pavel
Filosofický ústav, 2008

The national revival as a source of Masaryk's philosophy of history
Zumr, Josef
2008 - Czech
The author Josef Zumr presents the analysis of Masaryk's views on Czech national revival. Autor Josef Zumr předkládá rozbor Masarykových názorů na české národní obrození. Keywords: T. G. Masaryk; Czech national revival Available at various institutes of the ASCR
The national revival as a source of Masaryk's philosophy of history

The author Josef Zumr presents the analysis of Masaryk's views on Czech national revival.

Zumr, Josef
Filosofický ústav, 2008

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