Number of found documents: 189
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North Atlantic Oscillation - definitions, manifestations, influence on European climate
Huth, Radan
2003 - Czech
The paper reviews basic knowledge on the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), including its manifestations in the atmospheric pressure and geopotential height fields, definitions, methods of detection, effects on surface climate elements (temperature, precipitation) mainly in Europe, connections to phenological phases of some plant species, and relationships with solar activity. Severoatlantická oscilace(anglicky North Atlantic Oscillation, odtud dále používaná zkratka NAO) je jedním z nejvýznamnějších projevů atmosférické cirkulace severní polokoule. Tento přehledový příspěvek shrnuje základní znalosti o NAO, včetně projevů v poli atmosférického tlaku a geopotenciálních výšek, definic, metod detekce, vlivu na přízemní klimatické prvky (teplotu, srážky) zejména v Evropě, souvislostí s fenologickými fázemi některých rostlin a vztahu ke sluneční aktivitě. Keywords: North Atlantic Oscillation Available at various institutes of the ASCR
North Atlantic Oscillation - definitions, manifestations, influence on European climate

The paper reviews basic knowledge on the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), including its manifestations in the atmospheric pressure and geopotential height fields, definitions, methods of detection, ...

Huth, Radan
Ústav fyziky atmosféry, 2003

The role of solar and geomagnetic activity in the long-term trends in the ionosphere and atmosphere
Laštovička, Jan
2003 - Czech
The increase of atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases evokes long-term changes in the atmosphere and ionosphere. Such changes are influenced by long-term changes of solar and geomagnetic activity. A brief description of the influence of the letter effects on the determination of long-term trends of anthropogenic origin is given. Růst koncentrace skleníkových plynů v atmosféře vyvolává dlouhodobé změny v atmosféře a ionosféře, které jsou ale ovlivňovány též dlouhodobými změnami sluneční a geomagnetické aktivity. Je podán stručný přehled těchto efektů na určování trendů antropogenního původu. Keywords: long-term trends; solar and geomagnetic activity; atmosphere; ionosphere Available at various institutes of the ASCR
The role of solar and geomagnetic activity in the long-term trends in the ionosphere and atmosphere

The increase of atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases evokes long-term changes in the atmosphere and ionosphere. Such changes are influenced by long-term changes of solar and geomagnetic ...

Laštovička, Jan
Ústav fyziky atmosféry, 2003

Sources of the cusp plasma for the different sign of IMF By
Šimůnek, Jiří; Šafránková, J.; Němeček, Z.; Wing, S.
2002 - English
The importance of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) direction for the cusp formation was dicovered a long time ago. A sign of the IMF Bz component is believed to be responsible for a location of the plasma entry into the cusp. The paper uses the INTERBALL-1 and MAGION-4 data to study the high-altitude cusp topology for different IMF By orientations. The study reveals the importance of IMF horizontal components on the cusp configuration as well as on small-scale processes at the outer cusp. We discuss an influence of the tilt angle of the Earth's dipole on these processes. Keywords: cusp plasma; magnetopause; INTERBALL-1 Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Sources of the cusp plasma for the different sign of IMF By

The importance of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) direction for the cusp formation was dicovered a long time ago. A sign of the IMF Bz component is believed to be responsible for a location of ...

Šimůnek, Jiří; Šafránková, J.; Němeček, Z.; Wing, S.
Ústav fyziky atmosféry, 2002

The heat-stress-related mortality in the Czech Republic: first results
Kyselý, Jan; Huth, Radan; Kříž, B.
2002 - Czech
The analysis of the HSR mortality in the Czech Republic tries to find answers to the following questions: (i) which treshold value of tempereture (or of another temperature- and humidity- related variable)must be exceeded to observe the HSR mortality, in dependence on time of the year; (ii) which meteorological variable (or an index) accounts for the largest portion of the mortality increase, and what is the best model between meteorological variables and mortality; (iii) what is the dependence of the HSR mortality on the age group and sex; and (iv) whether a synoptic approach based on an objective classification of air masses leads to better results compared to the more traditional methods. The analysis covers the 1990s when some extremely hot summers appeared in the Czech Republic. Analýza úmrtnosti spojené se stresem z horka v ČR hledá odpovědi mj. na následující otázky: (i) jaká prahová hodnota teploty (nebo jiné proměnné vázané na teplotu a vlhkost) musí být překročena, aby byla pozorována zvýšená úmrtnost spojená s horkem, v závislosti na ročním období; (ii) jaká meteorologická proměnná (nebo index) vysvětluje největší část nárůstu úmrtnosti, a jaký je nejlepší model mezi meteorologickými proměnnými a úmrtností; (iii) jaká je závislost úmrtnosti spojené se stresem z horka na věkové skupiny a pohlaví; a (iv) zda synoptický postup založený na klasifikaci vzduchových hmot vede k lepším výsledkům než tradiční metody. Analýza pokrývá období 1992-2000, během něhož se v ČR vyskytlo několik mimořádně horkých letních období. Keywords: mortality; heat stress; heat wave Available at various institutes of the ASCR
The heat-stress-related mortality in the Czech Republic: first results

The analysis of the HSR mortality in the Czech Republic tries to find answers to the following questions: (i) which treshold value of tempereture (or of another temperature- and humidity- related ...

Kyselý, Jan; Huth, Radan; Kříž, B.
Ústav fyziky atmosféry, 2002

LHR associated oblique noise bands
Chum, Jaroslav; Jiříček, František; Shklyar, D.
2002 - English
Observations onboard the Magion-5 satellite revealed oblique noise bands above the local Lower Hybrid Resonance (LHR) frequency - wave phenomena, which (to the best of authors' knowledge) have not been discussed yet. Examples of such oblique bands, both in review (large time-scale) spectrograms, and in detailed (small time-scale) spectrograms are presented. Based on ray-tracing simulations, an explanation of these oblique bands is suggested. Keywords: lower hybrid resonance; MAGION-5; plasmapause Available at various institutes of the ASCR
LHR associated oblique noise bands

Observations onboard the Magion-5 satellite revealed oblique noise bands above the local Lower Hybrid Resonance (LHR) frequency - wave phenomena, which (to the best of authors' knowledge) have not ...

Chum, Jaroslav; Jiříček, František; Shklyar, D.
Ústav fyziky atmosféry, 2002

PERUN - the System for the Crop Yield Forecasting
Dubrovský, Martin; Žalud, Z.; Trnka, M.; Pešice, Petr; Haberle, J.
2002 - English
PERUN 1.0 is the Windows-based system for probabilistic crop yield forecasting. It is based on crop growth model WOFOST. The weather series is prepared by a stochastic weather generator Met&Roll with parameters that are derived from the observed series. Keywords: forecasting; crop model; weather generator Available at various institutes of the ASCR
PERUN - the System for the Crop Yield Forecasting

PERUN 1.0 is the Windows-based system for probabilistic crop yield forecasting. It is based on crop growth model WOFOST. The weather series is prepared by a stochastic weather generator Met&Roll with ...

Dubrovský, Martin; Žalud, Z.; Trnka, M.; Pešice, Petr; Haberle, J.
Ústav fyziky atmosféry, 2002

Comparison of the rain rate measurements at different localities from the microwave attenuation viewpoint
Fišer, Ondřej
2002 - Czech
The rain rate distribution is the input data used in models predicting the rain attenuation distribution on microwave links. Some methods partially mitigating the rain attenuation are used in practice. The well known "site diversity" method is described in this contribution. The attenuation is obtained from the rain rates which are converted into the attenuation using the Assis-Einloft model. The rain rates are measured on 4 sites in the Czech Republic at distances from 8 to 150 km. It is shown that the site diversity gain is big (about 10 dB at 0.01% exceedance level at 12 GHz). The gain is increasing with the increasing distance (as expected) and is also a function of the azimuth of 2 sites. The north-south sites position has lower gain in comparison with the west-east position: it is due to the prevailing frontal motion from west to east in our country. Rozdělení intenzit dešťů se používá jako vstupní data pro modely, které odhadují rozdělení útlumu (způsobeného deštěm) na mikrovlnném spoji. V praxi se používají metody, které částečně eliminují útlum radiových vln způsobený deštěm - v tomto příspěvku je popsaná metoda "prostorová diverzita a konkrétní výsledky jsou dány matematickou konverzí (modelem "Assis-Einloft") okamžitých intenzit srážek na okamžitý útlum deštěm s použitím konkrétního měření dešťů, které ÚFA AVČR provádí za tímto účelem na 4 lokalitách v ČR - vzdálenost lokalit se mění od 8 do 150 km. Je ukázáno, že zisk diverzitním příjmem je značný (až 10 dB na hladině převýšení 0.01%, roste samozřejmě se vzdáleností a je vyšší pro lokality ležící od sebe západovýchodním směrem než pro lokality ležící od sebe směrem severojižním, což je důsledkem převládajícího západovýchodního pohybu front. Keywords: rain measurement; rain attenuation; radiowave propagation Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Comparison of the rain rate measurements at different localities from the microwave attenuation viewpoint

The rain rate distribution is the input data used in models predicting the rain attenuation distribution on microwave links. Some methods partially mitigating the rain attenuation are used in ...

Fišer, Ondřej
Ústav fyziky atmosféry, 2002

Daily cycle of atmospheric boundary layer in different soil moisture conditions
Neumanová, Kateřina; Sedlák, Pavel
2002 - Czech
In the case of wet soil the turbulent flux of latent heat from the surface is larger and the daytime convective boundary layer is much shallower. At night the surface cooling rate is lower and the surface temperature inversion is weaker. V případě vlhké půdy je větší turbulentní tok latentního tepla do atmosféry a podstatně menší tlouštka konvektivní mezní vrstvy v denních hodinách. Noční ochlazování zemského povrchu je menší a přízemní inverze teploty méně výrazná. Keywords: atmospheric boundary layer; soil moisture; daily cycle Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Daily cycle of atmospheric boundary layer in different soil moisture conditions

In the case of wet soil the turbulent flux of latent heat from the surface is larger and the daytime convective boundary layer is much shallower. At night the surface cooling rate is lower and the ...

Neumanová, Kateřina; Sedlák, Pavel
Ústav fyziky atmosféry, 2002

Meteorological elements in the growth and development of selected cereal crop - applicability of regression analysis method
Trnka, M.; Žalud, Z.; Semerádová, Daniela; Dubrovský, Martin
2002 - English
Relationships between meteorological elements and the growth and development characteristics of selected cereal crop is assessed. Keywords: regression analysis; spring barley Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Meteorological elements in the growth and development of selected cereal crop - applicability of regression analysis method

Relationships between meteorological elements and the growth and development characteristics of selected cereal crop is assessed.

Trnka, M.; Žalud, Z.; Semerádová, Daniela; Dubrovský, Martin
Ústav fyziky atmosféry, 2002

First results of experimental investigation in frequency band 58 GHz
Kvičera, V.; Grábner, M.; Fišer, Ondřej
2002 - Czech
TESTCOM and Institute of Atmospheric Physics, ASCR launched a common experimental research in the frequency band 58 GHz on the experimental hop Geophysical Institute, ASCR - TESTCOM in the frequency band 58 GHz since December 2000. Our research has been focused on obtaining knowledge concerning attenuation due to hydrometeors in our specific climatic conditions. The path length is 846 m, used frequency is 57 650 MHz with V polarization. Records of received signal were statistical processed and cumulative distributions of attenuation due to hydrometeors for individual month as well as the first year period of observation from December 2000 to November 2001 were obtained. The records of attenuation were compared with the concurrent meteorological situation and attenuation due to rain, snow, fog, rain with snow and rain with hail were separatd. Rain intensities have been measured at both sites of path. Obtained CDs of rain intensities are presented. TESTCOM ve spolupráci s Ústavem fyziky atmosféry AV ČR zahájil v prosinci 2000 experimentální průzkum šíření elektromagnetických vln v kmitočtovém pásmu 58 GHz na experimentálním skoku Geofyzikální ústav AV ČR Praha - TESTCOM. Průzkum je zaměřen na získání znalostí o únicích způsobených hydrometeory v tomto kmitočtovém pásmu v našich klimatickýchpodmínkách. Skok je dlouhý 846 m, kmitočet je 57 650 MHz a polarizace je vertikální. Keywords: rain measurement; rain attenuation; radiowave propagation Available at various institutes of the ASCR
First results of experimental investigation in frequency band 58 GHz

TESTCOM and Institute of Atmospheric Physics, ASCR launched a common experimental research in the frequency band 58 GHz on the experimental hop Geophysical Institute, ASCR - TESTCOM in the frequency ...

Kvičera, V.; Grábner, M.; Fišer, Ondřej
Ústav fyziky atmosféry, 2002

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