Počet nalezených dokumentů: 442
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Nedestruktivní stanovení dusíku v biologických a jiných materiálech fotonovou aktivační analýzou
Krausová, Ivana; Mizera, Jiří; Chvátil, David; Krist, Pavel; Řanda, Zdeněk; Kučera, Jan; Štursa, Jan
2012 - český
Je uveden postup stanovení dusíku v biologických materiálech instrumentální fotonovou aktivační analýzou (IPAA). Stanovení je založeno na měření nespecifického anihilačního záření gama o energii 511 keV radionuklidu 13N, produktu fotojaderné reakce 14N(γ, n)13N, který je čistým pozitronickým zářičem. Bylo testováno stanovení dusíku v koncentracích pod 1 % v biologických referenčních materiálech - NIST RM 8433 Corn Bran, 1547 Peach Leaves, 8414 Bovine Muscle a 1577b Bovine Liver. Optimalizovaný postup byl použit pro stanovení dusíku v přáškových nanodiamantech pro lékařské účely. The study presents a procedure for assaying nitrogen in biologocial materials by means of instrumental photon activation analysis (IPAA). The determination has been based on counting of the non-specific 511 keV annihilation gamma rays of 13N, product of the photonuclear reaction 14N(γ, n)13N, which is a pure positron emitter. IPAA allowed determination of nitrogen down to 1 wt.%. in selected biological reference materials - NIST RM 8433 Corn Bran, 1547 Peach Leaves, 8414 Bovine Muscle, and 1577b Bovine Liver. The optimized procedure was applied also to assaying nitrogen in pulverized nanodiamond intended for medical purposes. Klíčová slova: Instrumental photon activation analysis; nitrogen; biological materials; nanodiamonds Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Nedestruktivní stanovení dusíku v biologických a jiných materiálech fotonovou aktivační analýzou

Je uveden postup stanovení dusíku v biologických materiálech instrumentální fotonovou aktivační analýzou (IPAA). Stanovení je založeno na měření nespecifického anihilačního záření gama o energii 511 ...

Krausová, Ivana; Mizera, Jiří; Chvátil, David; Krist, Pavel; Řanda, Zdeněk; Kučera, Jan; Štursa, Jan
Ústav jaderné fyziky, 2012

A new set-up for total reaction cross section measuring
Sobolev, Yuri, G.; Ivanov, M. P.; Kugler, Andrej; Penionzhkevich, Y. E.
2012 - anglický
The experimental method and set-up based on 4 P n-gamma-technique for direct and model-independent measuring of the total reaction cross section sigma(R) have been presented. The excitation function sigma(R)(E) for He-6+Au-197 reaction at the Coulomb barrier energy region has been measured. The measured data are compared with the summarized cross section which has been prepared by summing of measured cross sections of main reaction channels: 1n-transfer and Au-197(He-6, xn)Tl203-xn with x = 2 divided by 7 evaporation reaction channels.\n\n Klíčová slova: cross section; reaction; measurement Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
A new set-up for total reaction cross section measuring

The experimental method and set-up based on 4 P n-gamma-technique for direct and model-independent measuring of the total reaction cross section sigma(R) have been presented. The excitation function ...

Sobolev, Yuri, G.; Ivanov, M. P.; Kugler, Andrej; Penionzhkevich, Y. E.
Ústav jaderné fyziky, 2012

Urban Structure Analysis
Vašata, D.; Exner, Pavel; Šeba, Petr
2011 - anglický
The built-up land represents an important type of overall landscape. We analyse the structure of built-up land in largest cities in the Czech Republic and selected cities in the USA using the framework of statistical physics. To do this, both the variance of the built-up area and the number variance of built-up landed plots in circles are calculated. In both cases the variance as a function of a circle radius follows a power law. The obtained value of the exponents are comparable to exponents typical for critical systems. The study is based on cadastral data in the Czech Republic and building footprints GIS data in the USA. Klíčová slova: Urban structure; critical systems; self-organized criticality Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Urban Structure Analysis

The built-up land represents an important type of overall landscape. We analyse the structure of built-up land in largest cities in the Czech Republic and selected cities in the USA using the ...

Vašata, D.; Exner, Pavel; Šeba, Petr
Ústav jaderné fyziky, 2011

Detectability of changes in cosmic-ray counting rate measured with the Liulin detector
Malušek, Alexandr; Kubančák, Ján; Ambrožová, Iva
2011 - anglický
Klíčová slova: cosmic-ray; Liulin detector; solar energetic particles Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Detectability of changes in cosmic-ray counting rate measured with the Liulin detector

Malušek, Alexandr; Kubančák, Ján; Ambrožová, Iva
Ústav jaderné fyziky, 2011

Odlišení stop průchozích částic v detektoru stop v pevné fázi
Pachnerová Brabcová, Kateřina; Ambrožová, Iva
2011 - český
Klíčová slova: cosmic-ray; Liulin detector; solar energetic particles Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Odlišení stop průchozích částic v detektoru stop v pevné fázi

Pachnerová Brabcová, Kateřina; Ambrožová, Iva
Ústav jaderné fyziky, 2011

Spectator invariance test in the study of the Li-6,Li-7 fusion reactions via the Trojan Horse Method
Pizzone, R. G.; Lamia, L.; Bertulani, C. A.; Mukhamedzhanov, A.; Spitaleri, C.; Blokhinstev, L.; Burjan, Václav; Cherubini, S.; Hons, Zdeněk; Kiss, G. G.; Kroha, Václav; La Cognata, M.; Li, C.; Mrázek, Jaromír; Piskoř, Štěpán; Puglia, S. M. R.; Rapisarda, G. G.; Romano, S.; Sergi, M. L.; Tumino, A.
2011 - anglický
Fusion reactions play a crucial role for several astrophysical scenarios. At the low energies typical of such environments direct measurements of reaction cross sections are very difficult, and even sometimes impossible. In such cases the use of indirect methods can give a substantial help. The Trojan Horse Method (THM) is based on the quasi-free break-up of a nucleus, which can be described in terms of a cluster structure. In such applications the independence of THM results with different break-up schemes, was tested using the quasi free(3)He(Li-6,alpha alpha)H and He-3(Li-7,alpha alpha)H-2 reactions. Results were then compared with the direct behaviours obtained from available data as well as with the cross sections extracted from previous indirect investigations of the same binary reactions using a different nuclide as a Trojan Horse nucleus. Klíčová slova: fusion reactions; indirect methods; cross section Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Spectator invariance test in the study of the Li-6,Li-7 fusion reactions via the Trojan Horse Method

Fusion reactions play a crucial role for several astrophysical scenarios. At the low energies typical of such environments direct measurements of reaction cross sections are very difficult, and even ...

Pizzone, R. G.; Lamia, L.; Bertulani, C. A.; Mukhamedzhanov, A.; Spitaleri, C.; Blokhinstev, L.; Burjan, Václav; Cherubini, S.; Hons, Zdeněk; Kiss, G. G.; Kroha, Václav; La Cognata, M.; Li, C.; Mrázek, Jaromír; Piskoř, Štěpán; Puglia, S. M. R.; Rapisarda, G. G.; Romano, S.; Sergi, M. L.; Tumino, A.
Ústav jaderné fyziky, 2011

Program zabezpečování jakosti pro činnosti dle §59 odst. 1 písm a), e) a f) vyhlášky č. 307/2002 Sb., ve znění vyhlášky č. 499/2005 Sb
Kubančák, Ján; Malušek, Alexandr
2011 - český
Práce slouží jako nezbytný dokument potřebný a) pro získání povolení od Státního úřadu pro jadernou bezpečnost k výkonu služeb osobní dozimetrie leteckých posádek a b) k samotné realizaci služby osobní dozimetrie pro členy posádek společností registrovaných v ČR. Je vytvořen ve formě programu zajištění jakosti, kterého součástí jsou metodiky nezbytné pro vykonávání služby. Work poses document which is necessary a) to obtain the permission from the State Office for the Nuclear Safety of the Czech Republic to provide personal aircrew dosimetry service and b) to realize the service itself for aircrew of the companies registered in the Czech Republic. It is written as a quality assurance program which is based on methodology developed in the NPI for this purpose. Klíčová slova: aircrew dosimetry; cosmic radiation; CERF Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Program zabezpečování jakosti pro činnosti dle §59 odst. 1 písm a), e) a f) vyhlášky č. 307/2002 Sb., ve znění vyhlášky č. 499/2005 Sb

Práce slouží jako nezbytný dokument potřebný a) pro získání povolení od Státního úřadu pro jadernou bezpečnost k výkonu služeb osobní dozimetrie leteckých posádek a b) k samotné realizaci služby ...

Kubančák, Ján; Malušek, Alexandr
Ústav jaderné fyziky, 2011

High accuracy O-18(p, alpha)N-15 reaction rate in the 8 . 10(6)-5 . 10(9) K temperature range
La Cognata, M.; Spitaleri, C.; Mukhamedzhanov, A.; Banu, A.; Cherubini, S.; Coc, A.; Crucilla, V.; Goldberg, V.; Gulino, M.; Irgaziev, B.; Kiss, G. G.; Lamia, L.; Mrázek, Jaromír; Pizzone, R. G.; Puglia, S. M. R.; Rapisarda, G. G.; Romano, S.; Sergi, M. L.; Tabacaru, G.; Trache, L.; Tribble, R. E.; Trzaska, W.; Tumino, A.
2011 - anglický
The O-18(p, alpha)N-15 reaction is of great importance in several astrophysical scenarios, as it influences the production of key isotopes such as F-19, O-18 and N-15. In this work, a high accuracy O-18(p, alpha) N-15 reaction rate is proposed, based on the simultaneous fit of direct measurements and of the results of a new Trojan Horse experiment. In particular, we have focused on the study of the broad 660 keV 1/2(+) resonance. Since Gamma similar to 100 - 300 keV, it strongly influences the nearly-zero-energy region of the cross section by means of the low-energy tail of the resonant contribution and dominates the cross section at higher energies. Here we provide a factor of 2 larger reaction rate above T similar to 0.510(9) K based over our new improved determination of its resonance parameters. Klíčová slova: nuclear reactions; nycleosynthesis; abundances Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
High accuracy O-18(p, alpha)N-15 reaction rate in the 8 . 10(6)-5 . 10(9) K temperature range

The O-18(p, alpha)N-15 reaction is of great importance in several astrophysical scenarios, as it influences the production of key isotopes such as F-19, O-18 and N-15. In this work, a high accuracy ...

La Cognata, M.; Spitaleri, C.; Mukhamedzhanov, A.; Banu, A.; Cherubini, S.; Coc, A.; Crucilla, V.; Goldberg, V.; Gulino, M.; Irgaziev, B.; Kiss, G. G.; Lamia, L.; Mrázek, Jaromír; Pizzone, R. G.; Puglia, S. M. R.; Rapisarda, G. G.; Romano, S.; Sergi, M. L.; Tabacaru, G.; Trache, L.; Tribble, R. E.; Trzaska, W.; Tumino, A.
Ústav jaderné fyziky, 2011

Vertex Couplings in quantum Graphs: Approximations by Scaled Schrödinger Operators
Exner, Pavel
2011 - anglický
We review recent progress in understanding the physical meaning of quantum graph models through analysis of their vertex coupling approximations. Klíčová slova: quantum graphs; vertex coupling; tube networks Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Vertex Couplings in quantum Graphs: Approximations by Scaled Schrödinger Operators

We review recent progress in understanding the physical meaning of quantum graph models through analysis of their vertex coupling approximations.

Exner, Pavel
Ústav jaderné fyziky, 2011

Characterization of the Nanostructured Nickel Oxide Layers Prepared by Ion Beam Sputtering
Horák, Pavel; Bejšovec, Václav; Lavrentev, Vasyl; Khun, J.; Vrňata, M.
2011 - anglický
Nanostructured nickel oxide layers (thickness cca 100 nm) were prepared by bombardment of nickel foil with ion beam created from a mixture of argon and oxygen. Different volume ratios of argon:oxygen mixture were used, ranging from 4:1 to 1:3. Composition of the resulting layers was analyzed by RBS, morphology by AFM and main crystal orientation of the sample by XRD. The electrophysical properties (resistivity, concentration of charge carriers) were measured by four point Van der Pauw technique and Hall measurement respectively. Prepared samples were characterized in as-deposited state and after annealing with varying temperature of treatment. Chemical composition (i.e. stoichiometry) of the as-deposited samples with different argon: oxygen ratio was related to their electrophysical parameters. Hall measurements are showing majority charge carriers to be electrons - surface concentration (0.5 - 2.3) x 10(21) m(-2) - suggesting prevailing metallic conductivity. Resistivity of the sample is increasing with higher amount of oxygen in gas mixture. The as-deposited layer is almost amorphous with no visible grains on AFM. Klíčová slova: Nickel oxide; Ion Beam Sputtering; Van der Pauw Dokument je dostupný na externích webových stránkách.
Characterization of the Nanostructured Nickel Oxide Layers Prepared by Ion Beam Sputtering

Nanostructured nickel oxide layers (thickness cca 100 nm) were prepared by bombardment of nickel foil with ion beam created from a mixture of argon and oxygen. Different volume ratios of argon:oxygen ...

Horák, Pavel; Bejšovec, Václav; Lavrentev, Vasyl; Khun, J.; Vrňata, M.
Ústav jaderné fyziky, 2011

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