Number of found documents: 23
Published from to

Folklore Revival Movements in Europe post 1950. Shifting Contexts and Perspectives.
Stavělová, Daniela
2018 - English
This collection of papers emerges from a symposium on the folklore revival movement of the second half of the twentieth century which was held in Prague in October 2017. As the current findings of ongoing research in this volume demonstrate, across Europe, the performance and investigation of folklore revival movements, especially music and dance, is of vital interest and relevance to understanding their manifestation in the second half of the twentieth century. This present collection opens the door to further critical examination of the power of such cultural practices, their political salience, whether at national, institutional or individual levels, and their deep-seated impact on people who have encountered and evaluated folk revivalism in their lives. Keywords: folklore revival movement; politics; dance Fulltext is available at external website.
Folklore Revival Movements in Europe post 1950. Shifting Contexts and Perspectives.

This collection of papers emerges from a symposium on the folklore revival movement of the second half of the twentieth century which was held in Prague in October 2017. As the current findings of ...

Stavělová, Daniela
Etnologický ústav, 2018

From folklore to world music : Reflections
Uhlíková, Lucie; Přibylová, I.
2017 - Czech
Keywords: music; reflection of music; reflections; Moravian folk songs Fulltext is available at external website.
From folklore to world music : Reflections

Uhlíková, Lucie; Přibylová, I.
Etnologický ústav, 2017

Looking for Leisure. Court Residences and their Satellites, 1400-1700
Dobalová, Sylva; Muchka, Ivan
2017 - English
The collection of conference papers focuses on different aspects of an architecture of leisure buildings. Seventeen essays cover examples from whole Europe – from Italy via Central Europe and France to Denmark. Main topics addressed in a volume defines palazotto as a type and in its function, analyses a terminology, specifics of its decoration and context of a garden. Keywords: hunting lodge; casino; leisure buildings; Renaissance architecture; Baroque architecture; terminology Available in digital repository of the ASCR
Looking for Leisure. Court Residences and their Satellites, 1400-1700

The collection of conference papers focuses on different aspects of an architecture of leisure buildings. Seventeen essays cover examples from whole Europe – from Italy via Central Europe and France ...

Dobalová, Sylva; Muchka, Ivan
Ústav dějin umění, 2017

Ochrana přírody a veřejný zájem
Müllerová, Hana
2017 - Czech
In the decision-making procedures, the interest in the protection of nature often collides with other interests and values. Declaring certain value to be in a public interest strengthens the position of that value and justifies its priority over other interests. This contribution focuses firstly on the concept of the public interest and the ways how collisions of competing interests are solved in general. Then it analyses the Czech legislation on natural protection and its provisions on the public interest. Zájem na ochraně přírody se v rozhodovacích procesech často ocitá v kolizi s jinými zájmy a hodnotami. Přiřazení určité hodnotě charakteru veřejného zájmu jí dává v případě těchto kolizí vyšší důležitost a legitimizuje její upřednostnění před jinými zájmy. Příspěvek se zabývá nejprve konceptem veřejného zájmu a způsoby řešení kolizí mezi různými zájmy v obecné rovině. Poté aplikuje tato obecná východiska na českou právní úpravu ochrany přírody a v ní zakotvená ustanovení o veřejném zájmu Keywords: Public Interest; Constitutional Rights; Environmental Protection; Nature Protection Available in digital repository of the ASCR
Ochrana přírody a veřejný zájem

In the decision-making procedures, the interest in the protection of nature often collides with other interests and values. Declaring certain value to be in a public interest strengthens the position ...

Müllerová, Hana
Ústav státu a práva, 2017

Epigraphica & Sepulcralia VI. Forum of epigraphical and sepulchral studies
Roháček, Jiří
2015 - Czech
A sixth volume in the series Epigraphica et Sepulcralia, with a concept as a periodical forum for epigraphic and sepulchral studies, and the aim of mapping out the current state of research in two disciplines that are in practice closely linked – sepulchral research and mediaeval and early modern epigraphy. It is intended that individual issues include deliberately articles with various chronological, thematic, disciplinary, and methodological approaches, and contributions by leading Czech and international researchers together with a selection of high-quality articles by researchers from the rising generation. In the current publication, therefore, in addition to the proceedings from the 12th and 13th international session on the issue of sepulchral monuments in 2012 and 2013, further complementary articles are to be found as outlined above. Šestý svazek řady Epigraphica et Sepulcralia s koncepcí periodického fóra epigrafických a sepulkrálních studií a s úkolem mapovat současný stav bádání obou v reálné praxi úzce souvisejících disciplín - sepulkrálního bádání a středověké a novověké epigrafiky. Jednotlivá čísla vědomě vedle sebe staví příspěvky různého chronologického, tematického, disciplinárního a metodického záběru a příspěvky renomovaných českých a zahraničních badatelů společně s výběrem kvalitních příspěvků badatelů nastupující generace. Kromě příspěvků z 12. a 13. mezinárodního zasedání k problematice sepulkrálních památek v letech 2012 a 2013 tedy v předkládané publikaci nacházíme komplementárně další příspěvky výše uvedeného vymezení. Keywords: sepulchral monuments; art history; epigraphy; interdisciplinarity; methodology; Central Europe; 12th - 20th centuries Available in digital repository of the ASCR
Epigraphica & Sepulcralia VI. Forum of epigraphical and sepulchral studies

A sixth volume in the series Epigraphica et Sepulcralia, with a concept as a periodical forum for epigraphic and sepulchral studies, and the aim of mapping out the current state of research in two ...

Roháček, Jiří
Ústav dějin umění, 2015

Computer applications in archaeology 13. Abstract book
Dreslerová, Dagmar
2014 - Czech
Abstract book from the international conference Computer application in archaeology 13 held in the Czech Republic. Sborník abstraktů z mezinárodní konference Počítačová podpora v archeologii 13, konané v České republice. Keywords: computer application; archaeology Fulltext is available at external website.
Computer applications in archaeology 13. Abstract book

Abstract book from the international conference Computer application in archaeology 13 held in the Czech Republic.

Dreslerová, Dagmar
Archeologický ústav, Praha, 2014

Gothic and early Renaissance Art in the District of Eastern Bohemia 1200-1550
Hlobil, Ivo; Dospěl, M.
2014 - Czech
Keywords: Renaissance art; Eastern Bohemia Fulltext is available at external website.
Gothic and early Renaissance Art in the District of Eastern Bohemia 1200-1550

Hlobil, Ivo; Dospěl, M.
Ústav dějin umění, 2014

From folklore to world music : What should be in encyclopaedias
Uhlíková, Lucie; Přibylová, I.
2013 - Czech
Keywords: music; Moravian folk songs; music tradition in general Fulltext is available at external website.
From folklore to world music : What should be in encyclopaedias

Uhlíková, Lucie; Přibylová, I.
Etnologický ústav, 2013

From folklore to world music : What should be in encyclopaedias
Uhlíková, Lucie; Přibylová, I.
2013 - Czech
Keywords: music; Moravian folk songs; music tradition in general Fulltext is available at external website.
From folklore to world music : What should be in encyclopaedias

Uhlíková, Lucie; Přibylová, I.
Etnologický ústav, 2013

Scholars in Exile and Dictatorships of the 20th Century. May 24-26, 2011, Prague. Conference Proceedings
Stella, M.; Štrbáňová, Soňa; Kostlán, Antonín
2011 - Czech
Proceedings of the international conference (Prague, May 2011), which was devoted to the forced migration of intellectuals (namely scholars who had to leave for exile under the pressure of dictator regimes) in the 20th century. Proceedings of the international conference (Prague, May 2011), which was devoted to the forced migration of intellectuals (namely scholars who had to leave for exile under the pressure of dictator regimes) in the 20th century. Keywords: exile; scholars; totalitarianism Fulltext is available at external website.
Scholars in Exile and Dictatorships of the 20th Century. May 24-26, 2011, Prague. Conference Proceedings

Proceedings of the international conference (Prague, May 2011), which was devoted to the forced migration of intellectuals (namely scholars who had to leave for exile under the pressure of dictator ...

Stella, M.; Štrbáňová, Soňa; Kostlán, Antonín
Ústav pro soudobé dějiny, 2011

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