Number of found documents: 462
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The Town in Seclusion: the Fortress Chapter in the History of Hradec Králové in the 19th Century
Kessler, Vojtěch; Šrámek, J.
2019 - Czech
The liberalisation political-social transformation in the 1860s marked the birth of structures and institutions which in many cases form the framework of civil society up to this day. In the Hapsburg monarchy (including the Czech Lands) at that time, social relationships and connections were formed not only on the state and national level, but also within municipal communities. Working with the example of Hradec Králové, the article focusses on the limiting or, on the contrary, activation frameworks that served for the creation of the social complex of towns, which were simultaneously military objects, i.e., fortresses. Friction grew between military authorities and local government institutions primarily in connection with the gradual decline in the dominant role of the fortress command and, in contrast, the rising confidence of the town government face to face with military events in the Austro-Prussian conflict. Liberalizační politicko-společenská transformace v 60. letech 19. století s sebou přinesla zrod struktur a institucí, které v mnoha případech tvoří rámec občanské společnosti dodnes. V habsburské monarchii a tudíž i v českých zemích se tehdy utvářely společenské vztahy a vazby nejen na státní a národní úrovni, ale i v rámci obecních komunit. V našem příspěvku bychom se rádi na příkladu Hradce Králové zaměřili na omezující, nebo naopak aktivizační rámce, v nichž vznikal sociální komplex měst, která byla současně vojenskými objekty, tj. pevnostmi. Třecí plochy mezi správními kompetencemi vojenské a samosprávné instituce zde získávaly na brizanci zejména v souvislosti s postupným ústupem dominantní role pevnostního velitelství a naopak ziskem sebevědomí městské samosprávy tváří v tvář válečným událostem prusko-rakouského konfliktu. Keywords: 19th century; Hradec Králové; bastion fortress; urbanism; modernisation; self-government; Austro-Prussian War of 1866 Available at various institutes of the ASCR
The Town in Seclusion: the Fortress Chapter in the History of Hradec Králové in the 19th Century

The liberalisation political-social transformation in the 1860s marked the birth of structures and institutions which in many cases form the framework of civil society up to this day. In the Hapsburg ...

Kessler, Vojtěch; Šrámek, J.
Historický ústav, 2019

On Armoured Dragonflies and Drunken Tyrants. The Thirty Years’ War in Contemporaneous Zittau Town Chronicles
Hrachovec, Petr
2018 - Czech
The study deals with the perception of the earlier stage of the Thirty Years' War in the contemporaneous Zittau town chronicles with regard to the religious-political situation in Upper Lusatia at that time. Studie se zabývá vnímáním ranější fáze třicetileté války v soudobých městských kronikách Žitavy s přihlédnutím s tehdejší hornolužické nábožensko-politické situaci. Keywords: Upper Lusatia; Bohemian Revolt 1618; Thirty Years' War; Town Chronicles Available at various institutes of the ASCR
On Armoured Dragonflies and Drunken Tyrants. The Thirty Years’ War in Contemporaneous Zittau Town Chronicles

The study deals with the perception of the earlier stage of the Thirty Years' War in the contemporaneous Zittau town chronicles with regard to the religious-political situation in Upper Lusatia at ...

Hrachovec, Petr
Historický ústav, 2018

Golden and always Victorious. Přemysl Otakar II. in historical Tradition
Kofránková, Václava
2018 - Czech
Keywords: Přemysl Otakar II.; historical tradition; Czech-Austrian relationships Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Golden and always Victorious. Přemysl Otakar II. in historical Tradition

Kofránková, Václava
Historický ústav, 2018

King in turbulent times: Přemysl Otakar II.
Žemlička, Josef
2018 - Czech
The study is concerning to the political and economic activity of Přemysl Otakar II. (1253-1278), especialy to the founding of the cities. Studie je zaměřena na politickou a hospodářskou činnost Přemysla Otakara II., především zakládání měst. Keywords: Přemysl Otakar II.; middle ages; history Available at various institutes of the ASCR
King in turbulent times: Přemysl Otakar II.

The study is concerning to the political and economic activity of Přemysl Otakar II. (1253-1278), especialy to the founding of the cities.

Žemlička, Josef
Historický ústav, 2018

The Prague university from its foundation until the Hussitism (the dream of Wenceslaus II which came true)
Čornej, Petr
2018 - Czech
This summary follows the development of the Prague university from its founding in 1348, through the split into the university consisting of three faculties and the law university, up to the shock caused by Hussitism. Toto shrnutí sleduje vývoj pražské univerzity od jejího založení v roce 1348, přes rozdělení na univerzitu sestávající ze tří fakult a právnické univerzity, až po šok způsobený husitstvím. Keywords: Charles IV.; pope Clemens VI.; education; faculties; students teaching; Jan Hus; Decree of Kutná Hora; Hussitism Available at various institutes of the ASCR
The Prague university from its foundation until the Hussitism (the dream of Wenceslaus II which came true)

This summary follows the development of the Prague university from its founding in 1348, through the split into the university consisting of three faculties and the law university, up to the shock ...

Čornej, Petr
Historický ústav, 2018

Bohemian-Bavarian perspective changes in the late 15th century: influences of the military system on mutual perceptions
Šimůnek, Robert; Tresp, U.
2017 - Czech
The study is based on a comparative perspective on the current situation and study opportunities Czech-Bavarian cultural history of the late Middle Ages. Special part is the phenomenon of Czech mercenary abroad, mainly in Bavaria, and shaping the image of the Czechs in this region. Studie vychází z komparativního pohledu současného stavu a výzkumných možností na poli česko-bavorských kulturních dějin konce středověku. Zvláštní část tvoří fenomén českého žoldáka v zahraničí, především v Bavorsku, a formování obrazu Čechů v tomto regionu. Keywords: Mercenary warriors; Nobility; Late Middle Ages; Bohemia; Bavaria Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Bohemian-Bavarian perspective changes in the late 15th century: influences of the military system on mutual perceptions

The study is based on a comparative perspective on the current situation and study opportunities Czech-Bavarian cultural history of the late Middle Ages. Special part is the phenomenon of Czech ...

Šimůnek, Robert; Tresp, U.
Historický ústav, 2017

Krafl, Pavel
2017 - Czech
The text deals with content of the volume Sacri canones editandi. Stať pojednává o obsahu sborníku Sacri canones editandi. Keywords: medieval canon law; memorial book; Jiří Kejř Available at various institutes of the ASCR

The text deals with content of the volume Sacri canones editandi.

Krafl, Pavel
Historický ústav, 2017

Why do we view Russian and Soviet history with contempt? Gaps in the study of Russian and Soviet history by Czech historiographers after 1990
Vlček, Radomír
2017 - Czech
This paper traces the development of Czechoslovak and Czech scholarship on Russian history. After outlining the origins of various view of Russian history and their connection with Czech history, the author presents a detailed overview of research to date by Czech scholats of Russian history, focusing on the most important works of the pas 20 years which explore various aspekcts of Russian history. Stať sleduje vývoj českého a slovenského studia ruských dějin. Upozorňuje na tradici různých pohledů na ruské dějiny a minulost česko-ruských vztahů a nastiňuje bílá místa, která se ani v posledních dvaceti letech nepodařilo překonat. Keywords: contemporary history; Russian studies; historiography; 20th century Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Why do we view Russian and Soviet history with contempt? Gaps in the study of Russian and Soviet history by Czech historiographers after 1990

This paper traces the development of Czechoslovak and Czech scholarship on Russian history. After outlining the origins of various view of Russian history and their connection with Czech history, the ...

Vlček, Radomír
Historický ústav, 2017

The position of the Catholic Church in the Bohemian Lands and in Bavaria during the interwar period (1918-33/38)
Šebek, Jaroslav
2017 - Czech
This study focuses on similarities and differences in church-political development in Czechoslovakia and Bavaria in the interwar period. Tato studie se zaměřuje na podobnosti a rozdíly v církevně politickém vývoji v Československu a Bavorsku v meziválečném období. Keywords: Czechoslovakia; Bavaria; Catholicism Available at various institutes of the ASCR
The position of the Catholic Church in the Bohemian Lands and in Bavaria during the interwar period (1918-33/38)

This study focuses on similarities and differences in church-political development in Czechoslovakia and Bavaria in the interwar period.

Šebek, Jaroslav
Historický ústav, 2017

Bohemian and Bavarian Baroque Heaven. The Veneration of Saints on the Both Sides of the Borderline
Mikulec, Jiří
2017 - Czech
The study compares several features of the Catholic religious life in Bohemia and Bavaria in the 17th and 18th centuries. It focuses on three thematic scopes: the cult of the Virgin Mary, the dissemination of cults of bohemian saints in Bavaria, and the spreading of cults from Bavaria to Bohemia.\n Studie porovnává několik rysů katolického náboženského života v Čechách a Bavorsku v 17. a 18. století. Zaměřuje se na tři tematické okruhy: kult Panny Marie, šíření kultů českých svatých v Bavorsku a šíření kultů z Bavorska do Čech. Keywords: Czechoslovakia; Bavaria; Catholicism Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Bohemian and Bavarian Baroque Heaven. The Veneration of Saints on the Both Sides of the Borderline

The study compares several features of the Catholic religious life in Bohemia and Bavaria in the 17th and 18th centuries. It focuses on three thematic scopes: the cult of the Virgin Mary, the ...

Mikulec, Jiří
Historický ústav, 2017

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