Počet nalezených dokumentů: 77
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WP5 Status Report Months 31 to 50
Křišťál, Jiří; Stavárek, Petr; Jiřičný, Vladimír
2013 - anglický
Within WP5 in this reporting period focused on the development of a new intensified reactor concept for sulph(on)ation reaction. Based on the previous hydrodynamic experiments and mathematical models we designed a new reactor – microSulphonator. We also constructed and manufactured several prototypes that were later tested with model fluids. Experimental data were used for the validation of the models defined previously. Results of this period served as a basis for the final microSulphonators to be tested in the PGB pilot plant during the demonstration phase of the F3 project. Klíčová slova: microreactor desing; gas-liquid reaction; pilot plant demonstration Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
WP5 Status Report Months 31 to 50

Within WP5 in this reporting period focused on the development of a new intensified reactor concept for sulph(on)ation reaction. Based on the previous hydrodynamic experiments and mathematical models ...

Křišťál, Jiří; Stavárek, Petr; Jiřičný, Vladimír
Ústav chemických procesů, 2013

Edge Effects in Rotational Viscometry III. ZZ and KK Sensors, Total Slip Pseudosimilarity
Wein, Ondřej
2013 - anglický
This report presents a next step of our effort in developing a system of corrections on edge effects in rotational AWS viscometry. In the previous two reports [4, 5], the edge corrections are given for Newtonian and pseudoplastic liquids with no-slip (adherence) boundary conditions at solid walls (BC). Klíčová slova: edge effects; rotational viscometry; zz and kk sensors Plné texty jsou dostupné na vyžádání prostřednictvím repozitáře Akademie věd.
Edge Effects in Rotational Viscometry III. ZZ and KK Sensors, Total Slip Pseudosimilarity

This report presents a next step of our effort in developing a system of corrections on edge effects in rotational AWS viscometry. In the previous two reports [4, 5], the edge corrections are given ...

Wein, Ondřej
Ústav chemických procesů, 2013

F3 Factory Deliverable D8.5 on Demonstration Activities in Intensified Surfactant Making
Vanhoutte, D.; Křišťál, Jiří; Stavárek, Petr; Jiřičný, Vladimír; Haas-Santo, K.; Tarchini, R.
2013 - anglický
the continuos report abou of the project completed within the demonstration stage of the F3 Factory project. Klíčová slova: process intensification; microreactors Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
F3 Factory Deliverable D8.5 on Demonstration Activities in Intensified Surfactant Making

the continuos report abou of the project completed within the demonstration stage of the F3 Factory project.

Vanhoutte, D.; Křišťál, Jiří; Stavárek, Petr; Jiřičný, Vladimír; Haas-Santo, K.; Tarchini, R.
Ústav chemických procesů, 2013

Heat Transfer in MicroSAR Mixers
Křišťál, Jiří; Vajglová, Zuzana
2012 - anglický
The report presents the finding of the investigation of the heat transfer in microSAR mixers and the comparison with the conventional heat exchangers. Klíčová slova: heat transfer; microSAR mixers; conventional heat exchangers Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Heat Transfer in MicroSAR Mixers

The report presents the finding of the investigation of the heat transfer in microSAR mixers and the comparison with the conventional heat exchangers.

Křišťál, Jiří; Vajglová, Zuzana
Ústav chemických procesů, 2012

Final Report on Microprocessing of Fluids 2010 – 2011
Křišťál, Jiří; Vajglová, Zuzana
2012 - anglický
The report summarizes the work carried out within the reseach agreement no. 170306 in 2011/2012. Klíčová slova: report; microprocessing of fluids Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Final Report on Microprocessing of Fluids 2010 – 2011

The report summarizes the work carried out within the reseach agreement no. 170306 in 2011/2012.

Křišťál, Jiří; Vajglová, Zuzana
Ústav chemických procesů, 2012

Experimental Plan for the New IMM and Ehrfeld Split-and-Recombine Micromixers
Preziosi, V.; Křišťál, Jiří
2012 - anglický
The report presents the experimental plan for the new IMM and Ehrfeld split-and-recombine micromixers. Klíčová slova: micromixers; experimental plan; Ehrfeld split Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Experimental Plan for the New IMM and Ehrfeld Split-and-Recombine Micromixers

The report presents the experimental plan for the new IMM and Ehrfeld split-and-recombine micromixers.

Preziosi, V.; Křišťál, Jiří
Ústav chemických procesů, 2012

Edge Effects in Rotational Viscometry VI. ZZ- and KK- Type Sensors: No-slip Pseudosimilarity for Inertialess Flow (Revisited)
Wein, Ondřej; Havlica, Jaromír
2012 - anglický
This report should serve as a manual to the program Prog_cL_m.exe for calculating the correction cL on edge effects in narrow-gap rotational viscometry with almost cylindrical or conical spindles. Referring to the previous Research Report ICPF 2004/8, which deals with the same subject, it includes, in addition, also computation of cL for the entire ZZ and KK sensors with an arbitrary front of bottom semi-sensors (FLAT, CONE, HUB, HAAKE). Detailed attention is paid to numerical aspects: extrapolation/interpolation of the related fields (angular velocity, shear stress, dissipation, local torque contribution) towards the boundaries, including the analytical smoothing at singularities. The source codes for Prog_cL_m.exe, the results of numerical simulations, as well as the resulting correlations for cL , are available on the attached CD, which is an integral part of this report. The inertia effect was computed using commercial software FLUENT 12 for the Z40DIN sensor and applied in an approximate way also for the KK35/23 sensor. Klíčová slova: edge effects; rotational viscometry; zz and kk sensors Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Edge Effects in Rotational Viscometry VI. ZZ- and KK- Type Sensors: No-slip Pseudosimilarity for Inertialess Flow (Revisited)

This report should serve as a manual to the program Prog_cL_m.exe for calculating the correction cL on edge effects in narrow-gap rotational viscometry with almost cylindrical or conical spindles. ...

Wein, Ondřej; Havlica, Jaromír
Ústav chemických procesů, 2012

Prediction of Apparent Viscosity in MicroSAR Mixers from Experimental Pressure Drop
Křišťál, Jiří; Vajglová, Zuzana
2011 - anglický
The report describes the model for prediction of apparent viscosity based on the experimental pressure drop. Klíčová slova: experimental pressure drop; apparent viscosity; microSAR mixers Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Prediction of Apparent Viscosity in MicroSAR Mixers from Experimental Pressure Drop

The report describes the model for prediction of apparent viscosity based on the experimental pressure drop.

Křišťál, Jiří; Vajglová, Zuzana
Ústav chemických procesů, 2011

How to Improve Julabo Operation for FMU2?
Křišťál, Jiří
2011 - anglický
The report describes the procedure for improving the heating system of FMU2 by modifing the control strategy for the Julabo heater Klíčová slova: control; heating; pilot plant equiptment Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
How to Improve Julabo Operation for FMU2?

The report describes the procedure for improving the heating system of FMU2 by modifing the control strategy for the Julabo heater

Křišťál, Jiří
Ústav chemických procesů, 2011

Final Report on Microprocessing of Fluids 2010 – 2011
Křišťál, Jiří
2011 - anglický
The report summarizes the work carried out within the reseach agreement no. 170306 in 2010/2011. Klíčová slova: microprocessing of fluids; fundamental understanding Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Final Report on Microprocessing of Fluids 2010 – 2011

The report summarizes the work carried out within the reseach agreement no. 170306 in 2010/2011.

Křišťál, Jiří
Ústav chemických procesů, 2011

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