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CECE 2018. 15th International Interdisciplinary Meeting on Bioanalysis
Foret, František; Křenková, Jana; Drobníková, Iveta; Klepárník, Karel; Přikryl, Jan
2018 - anglický
This year the meeting included full texts of 25 oral and 61 poster presentations. The attached conference proceedings, edited by highly cited scientists, documents the quality of the meeting. Similarly to the previous years the lectures were given by outstanding, highly cited, scientists. The list of speakers as well as more detailed information about the conference can be found on its permanent web at www.ce-ce.org. Klíčová slova: bioanalysis; separation; biotechnology Dokument je dostupný na externích webových stránkách.
CECE 2018. 15th International Interdisciplinary Meeting on Bioanalysis

This year the meeting included full texts of 25 oral and 61 poster presentations. The attached conference proceedings, edited by highly cited scientists, documents the quality of the meeting. ...

Foret, František; Křenková, Jana; Drobníková, Iveta; Klepárník, Karel; Přikryl, Jan
Ústav analytické chemie, 2018

Europa Postmediaevalis 2018. Post-medieval pottery between (its) borders. 16-19 April 2018
Matějková, K.; Blažková, Gabriela
2018 - anglický
There are many ways how to deal with ceramic finds from archaeological research. The ceramic is introduced to cross borders and work on a multinational platform. There were 13 countries presented. Klíčová slova: Early Modern Age; ceramic; Europe Dokument je dostupný na externích webových stránkách.
Europa Postmediaevalis 2018. Post-medieval pottery between (its) borders. 16-19 April 2018

There are many ways how to deal with ceramic finds from archaeological research. The ceramic is introduced to cross borders and work on a multinational platform. There were 13 countries presented.

Matějková, K.; Blažková, Gabriela
Archeologický ústav, Praha, 2018

Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing
Kratochvíl, Václav; Vejnarová, Jiřina
2018 - anglický
The Workshop on Uncertainty Processing, better known under its abbreviation WUPES, celebrates its 30-year anniversary this year. In 1988, when the first Workshop took place, Czechoslovakia was still a communist country and a part of the Soviet bloc. Since then, many things have changed. For example, Czechoslovakia no longer exists as a country (because in 1993 it was peacefully split into two independent countries - Czechia and Slovakia). From this perspective, it is hard to believe that we have several participants who have attended most workshops in the the thirty-year history of WUPES. As of now, the Program Committee has accepted, based on the extended abstracts, 21 papers to be presented at the Workshop, and 19 out of them are to be published in the present Conference Proceedings. These papers cover diverse topics, such as information processing, decision making, and data analysis, but what is common to most of them is that they are related to uncertainty calculus - Bayesian Networks, Dempster-Shafer Theory, Belief Functions, Probabilistic Logic, Game Theory, etc. Klíčová slova: uncertainty processing; artificial intelligence; bayesian networks Dokument je dostupný na externích webových stránkách.
Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing

The Workshop on Uncertainty Processing, better known under its abbreviation WUPES, celebrates its 30-year anniversary this year. In 1988, when the first Workshop took place, Czechoslovakia was still a ...

Kratochvíl, Václav; Vejnarová, Jiřina
Ústav teorie informace a automatizace, 2018

Zoologické dny Praha 2018: sborník abstraktů z konference 8.-9. února 2018
Bryja, Josef; Solský, M.
2018 - český
Klíčová slova: Zoology; conference Dokument je dostupný na externích webových stránkách.
Zoologické dny Praha 2018: sborník abstraktů z konference 8.-9. února 2018

Bryja, Josef; Solský, M.
Ústav biologie obratlovců, 2018

Specification of the methodology for the review of clues of contaminated sites obtained with the use of remote sensing
Suchánek, Zdeněk; Řeřicha, Jaroslav; Krhovský, Jan
2018 - anglický
In the initial phase of the 2nd stage of the National Inventory of Contaminated Sites (NIKM), we are focusing on the collection of clues of contaminated sites using Remote Sensing methods. Looking over the first batch (about 38,7 % of the territory is evaluated) of data recorded in the ORPs ("small districts“), we set the details of the methodology for the 2nd degree of interpretation of the clues, i.e. for the review of the data from the 1st degree of interpretation. Four reviewers (review interpreters) are involved in the review of the clues interpreted by twelve 1st degree evaluators. A simulation of three kinds of approaches to the interpretation was done in one “average” ORP. A considerable part of the clues from the 1st stage of interpretation was eliminated via unification in the case of multiplied clues, or deleted in the case of misinterpretation and/or of their little importance or insignificant interpreted volume. In some cases, retyping was applied. Final selection of clues is considered to be the result of the standardized approach of the reviewers. Comments from the discussion forms a set of recommendations for the review process. Klíčová slova: inventory of contaminated sites; methodology; remote sensing; clues of contamination; interpretation of clues Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři NUŠL
Specification of the methodology for the review of clues of contaminated sites obtained with the use of remote sensing

In the initial phase of the 2nd stage of the National Inventory of Contaminated Sites (NIKM), we are focusing on the collection of clues of contaminated sites using Remote Sensing methods. Looking ...

Suchánek, Zdeněk; Řeřicha, Jaroslav; Krhovský, Jan
CENIA, 2018

Dny radiační ochrany (XL)
Štěpán, Václav
2018 -
Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři ČVUT.
Dny radiační ochrany (XL)

Štěpán, Václav
České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2018

Počítačová podpora v archeologii 17/2018. Kouty, 28.-30. 5. 2018. Sborník abstraktů
Novák, David
2018 - český
Dvojjazyčný sborník shrnuje příspěvky přednesené na mezinárodní konferenci Počítačová podpora v archeologii 2018, a to formou rozšířených abstraktů. Hlavním tématem konference byla “velká data” v archeologii, mezi dalšími pak sběr archeologických dat pomocí moderních metod, archeologický dálkový průzkum a 3D modelování a vizualizace v archeologii. V rámci konference byla přednesena přednáška zahraničního odborníka (Christopher Green, University of Oxford) a proběhl workshop L. Šmejdy zaměřený na práci nástrojem Google Earth Engine. The bilingual proceedings summarise the contributions presented at the international conference Computer Applications in Archaeology 2018, in the form of extended abstracts. The main topic of the conference was “big data” in archaeology, among others the collection of archaeological data using modern methods, archaeological remote sensing and 3D modeling and visualization in archaeology. The key-note lecture was given by a foreign expert (Christopher Green, University of Oxford). The conference included a workshop by L. Šmejda focused on working with Google Earth Engine. Klíčová slova: digital humanities; archaeological theory and method; big data; 3D; remote sensing Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři Akademie Věd.
Počítačová podpora v archeologii 17/2018. Kouty, 28.-30. 5. 2018. Sborník abstraktů

Dvojjazyčný sborník shrnuje příspěvky přednesené na mezinárodní konferenci Počítačová podpora v archeologii 2018, a to formou rozšířených abstraktů. Hlavním tématem konference byla “velká data” v ...

Novák, David
Archeologický ústav, Praha, 2018

Folklore Revival Movements in Europe post 1950. Shifting Contexts and Perspectives.
Stavělová, Daniela
2018 - anglický
This collection of papers emerges from a symposium on the folklore revival movement of the second half of the twentieth century which was held in Prague in October 2017. As the current findings of ongoing research in this volume demonstrate, across Europe, the performance and investigation of folklore revival movements, especially music and dance, is of vital interest and relevance to understanding their manifestation in the second half of the twentieth century. This present collection opens the door to further critical examination of the power of such cultural practices, their political salience, whether at national, institutional or individual levels, and their deep-seated impact on people who have encountered and evaluated folk revivalism in their lives. Klíčová slova: folklore revival movement; politics; dance Dokument je dostupný na externích webových stránkách.
Folklore Revival Movements in Europe post 1950. Shifting Contexts and Perspectives.

This collection of papers emerges from a symposium on the folklore revival movement of the second half of the twentieth century which was held in Prague in October 2017. As the current findings of ...

Stavělová, Daniela
Etnologický ústav, 2018

Řízení rizik procesů spojených s technickými díly
Procházková, Dana
2018 -
Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři ČVUT.
Řízení rizik procesů spojených s technickými díly

Procházková, Dana
České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2018

Seznam českých udělených patentů a zapsaných užitných vzorů
Úřad průmyslového vlastnictví
2018 - český
Klíčová slova: Patent; Užitný vzor; Patent; Utility model Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři NUŠL
Seznam českých udělených patentů a zapsaných užitných vzorů

Úřad průmyslového vlastnictví
Úřad průmyslového vlastnictví, 2018

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