Number of found documents: 42
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In Macura’s shoes. Selected papers of the Student literary conference 2002-2009
Fedrová, Stanislava; Jedličková, Alice
2009 - Czech
The protagonist of Lodge’s famous university novel Morris Zapp claims that conferences are meant to keep the academic discourse running and to provide occasions for enjoyable meetings. The open community of junior scholars in Czech and Slovak studies from Bohemia, Slovakia, Poland, and other countries have been putting this claim on test since 2002 during annual student’s conferences held at the ICL of ASCR. They have found out that such conferences provide us also with an occasion to compare the literary image of common history of Czechs and Slovaks, to inquire into the development of genres, to ponder on the potential of literature to represent our experience of time and space, or to take up the incentives suggested to literary criticism and other disciplines by the work and personality of Vladimír Macura. The title of the current volume, which includes a selection of students’ contributions of 2002-2009, is intended to remember his semiotic work as well as his human legacy. Hrdina proslulého Lodgeova univerzitního románu Morris Zapp tvrdí, že konference jsou tu proto, aby udržovaly akademický provoz a poskytovaly příležitost k zábavným setkáním. Otevřené společenství začínajících bohemistů a slovakistů z Čech, Slovenska, Polska a dalších zemí už od roku 2002 toto stanovisko na setkáních konaných v pražském Ústavu pro českou literaturu AV ČR pravidelně prověřuje. Dospělo mezitím k závěru, že konferenční jednání jsou neméně užitečnou příležitostí zamyslet se například ve srovnávací perspektivě nad obrazem společných dějin Čechů a Slováků v literatuře, nad vývojem žánrů, nad možnostmi, jež literatura poskytuje k zachycení naší zkušenosti času a prostoru, nebo nad tím, jakou inspiraci nabízí literárněvědnému bádání i dalším disciplinám dílo a osobnost Vladimíra Macury. K jeho sémiotickým pracím i lidskému odkazu se sborník vybraných studentských prací z let 2002–2009 přihlašuje i svým titulem. Keywords: student conferences; literary studies; Macura, Vladimír; Institute of Czech literature of ASCR Available at various institutes of the ASCR
In Macura’s shoes. Selected papers of the Student literary conference 2002-2009

The protagonist of Lodge’s famous university novel Morris Zapp claims that conferences are meant to keep the academic discourse running and to provide occasions for enjoyable meetings. The open ...

Fedrová, Stanislava; Jedličková, Alice
Ústav pro českou literaturu, 2009

Image of History in Czech and Slovak literature
Fedrová, Stanislava
2009 - Czech
Proceedings of the 7th annual Students‘ Literary Conference focusing on the image of history in literature. The volume inheres a whole scope of topics, from concepts of cultural history to the „small history“ of an individual, from historic fiction intended to promote ideology to the mystifying image of alternative history, as well as a whole scope of genres. Sborník shrnuje příspěvky přednesené na 7. ročníku Studentské literárněvědné konference věnované obrazu dějin v literatuře. Zahrnuje široké spektrum témat, od velkých konceptů kulturních dějin až po subjektivní, „malé dějiny“, od historické prózy jako prostředku k dosažení ideologických záměrů až po mystifikační obraz alternativních dějin, jakož i celé spektrum žánrů. Keywords: Czech literature; student conferences; literary history; image of history; Slovak literature Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Image of History in Czech and Slovak literature

Proceedings of the 7th annual Students‘ Literary Conference focusing on the image of history in literature. The volume inheres a whole scope of topics, from concepts of cultural history to the „small ...

Fedrová, Stanislava
Ústav pro českou literaturu, 2009

The Strange, the Other and the Exotic in the Czech Culture of 19th Century
Piorecká, Kateřina; Petrbok, Václav
2008 - Czech
A Collection of the Conference Articles. Konferenční sborník. Keywords: Czech Culture; Czech Literature; 19th Century Available at various institutes of the ASCR
The Strange, the Other and the Exotic in the Czech Culture of 19th Century

A Collection of the Conference Articles.

Piorecká, Kateřina; Petrbok, Václav
Ústav pro českou literaturu, 2008

On The Theme The Art And The Life : F. X. Šalda 1867-1937-2007
Kubíček, Tomáš; Merhaut, Luboš; Wiendl, J.
2007 - Czech
A Collection of Studies. Soubor studií. Keywords: Literary Criticism; Šalda, F. X. Available at various institutes of the ASCR
On The Theme The Art And The Life : F. X. Šalda 1867-1937-2007

A Collection of Studies.

Kubíček, Tomáš; Merhaut, Luboš; Wiendl, J.
Ústav pro českou literaturu, 2007

Between Rhyme and Novel – the Changing Face of Genres in Czech and Slovak Literature
Fedrová, Stanislava; Jedličková, Alice
2006 - Czech
Proceedings of the 4th annual Students‘ Literary Conference which dealt with the topic of the literary genre, its changing function in the literary communication as well as the changes of their definition and their particular forms in poetics of individual authors. Sborník příspěvků přednesených na 4. ročníku Studentské literárněvědné konference. Téma konference zahrnovalo jak proměny funkce žánrů v literární komunikaci a posuny v jejich vymezení, tak jejich konkrétní projevy v individuálních autorských poetikách. Keywords: Czech literature; Slovak literature; literary genres; student conferences Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Between Rhyme and Novel – the Changing Face of Genres in Czech and Slovak Literature

Proceedings of the 4th annual Students‘ Literary Conference which dealt with the topic of the literary genre, its changing function in the literary communication as well as the changes of their ...

Fedrová, Stanislava; Jedličková, Alice
Ústav pro českou literaturu, 2006

Vladimír Holan and His Companions. The Collection of Papers from Third Congress of World Czech Literary Studies
Färber, Vratislav
2006 - Czech
The Collection of the Congressional Studies. Kongresový sborník. Keywords: Holan, Vladimír Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Vladimír Holan and His Companions. The Collection of Papers from Third Congress of World Czech Literary Studies

The Collection of the Congressional Studies.

Färber, Vratislav
Ústav pro českou literaturu, 2006

Values and borders: the world in the Czech literature, the Czech literature in the world
Färber, Vratislav
2006 - Czech
The editing of the collection of papers. Příprava sborníku. Keywords: Vladimír Holan Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Values and borders: the world in the Czech literature, the Czech literature in the world

The editing of the collection of papers.

Färber, Vratislav
Ústav pro českou literaturu, 2006

Božena Němcová and Her Babička. Collection of Papers from the Third Congress of World Czech Literary Studies
Piorecký, Karel
2006 - Czech
The collection includes papers dealing with mythologisation process related to Božena Němcová’s personality, papers analysing her works from the perspective of gender and in comparison with other works of contemporary European literature, and studies analysing language and composition of her works and the reception they received at home and abroad. Sborník shrnuje příspěvky, které se dotýkají procesu mytizace osobnosti Boženy Němcové, příspěvky, které analyzují její dílo z pohledu genderu, věnuje se komparacím s jinými díly soudobé evropské literatury, jazyku a kompozici jejích próz a jejich recepci doma i v zahraničí. Keywords: Czech literature; Němcová, Božena Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Božena Němcová and Her Babička. Collection of Papers from the Third Congress of World Czech Literary Studies

The collection includes papers dealing with mythologisation process related to Božena Němcová’s personality, papers analysing her works from the perspective of gender and in comparison with other ...

Piorecký, Karel
Ústav pro českou literaturu, 2006

The belief and the expression
2005 - Czech
A collection of papers. Sborník příspěvků. Keywords: Jan Zahradníček Available at various institutes of the ASCR
The belief and the expression

A collection of papers.

Ústav pro českou literaturu, 2005

The education and the enlightenment in the Czech culture of 19th century
2004 - Czech
The collection of contributions. Sborník příspěvků. Keywords: education; enlightenment; vzdělání Available at various institutes of the ASCR
The education and the enlightenment in the Czech culture of 19th century

The collection of contributions.

Ústav pro českou literaturu, 2004

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