Počet nalezených dokumentů: 956
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Growth of orbital resonances around a black hole surrounded by matter
Stratený, Michal; Lukes-Gerakopoulos, Georgios
2023 - anglický
This work studies the dynamics of geodesic motion within a curved spacetime around a Schwarzschild black hole, perturbed by a gravitational field of a far axisymmetric distribution of mass enclosing the system. This spacetime can serve as a versatile model for a diverse range of astrophysical scenarios and, in particular, for extreme mass ratio inspirals as in our work. We show that the system is non-integrable by employing Poincaré surface of section and rotation numbers. By utilising the rotation numbers, the widths of resonances are calculated, which are then used in establishing the relation between the underlying perturbation parameter driving the system from integrability and the quadrupole parameter characterising the perturbed metric. This relation allows us to estimate the phase shift caused by the resonance during an inspiral. Klíčová slova: geodesic motion; black holes; chaos Dokument je dostupný na externích webových stránkách.
Growth of orbital resonances around a black hole surrounded by matter

This work studies the dynamics of geodesic motion within a curved spacetime around a Schwarzschild black hole, perturbed by a gravitational field of a far axisymmetric distribution of mass enclosing ...

Stratený, Michal; Lukes-Gerakopoulos, Georgios
Astronomický ústav, 2023

Risk Assessment on Geodiversity Sites
Kubalíková, Lucie; Nováková, Eva; Kuda, František; Kirchner, Karel; Bajer, A.; Balková, M.
2023 - anglický
Geoconservation is an action of conserving and enhancing geological, geomorphological, hydrological and soil features and processes. Particular geoconservation measures are very often applied on the site-level to protect important geodiversity sites. Nevertheless, despite established legal protection and related geoconservation activities, threats to geodiversity sites related to the multiple use and human society demands can arise and reaching a compromise can be difficult. In this contribution, a two-level threat assessment is applied and discussed. The first level of threat assessment is based on the already used criteria within geosite/geomorphosite concept. The second level of threat assessment is represented by Risk Assessment Matrix, which may be considered a useful tool providing a complex view on the threats to geodiversity sites. The methods are applied on two different sites and their advantages and limits are discussed. Based on the assessment, specific management proposals may be implemented in order to balance conservation needs and demands resulting from human activities related to the sites. Klíčová slova: geoconservation; risk assessment matrix; degradation risk; geosites; geomorphosites Dokument je dostupný na externích webových stránkách.
Risk Assessment on Geodiversity Sites

Geoconservation is an action of conserving and enhancing geological, geomorphological, hydrological and soil features and processes. Particular geoconservation measures are very often applied on the ...

Kubalíková, Lucie; Nováková, Eva; Kuda, František; Kirchner, Karel; Bajer, A.; Balková, M.
Ústav geoniky, 2023

Ceramic protection of anti-corrosion layers of 3-glycidyloxypropyl-triethoxysilane on steel
Pokorný, P.; Janata, Marek; Brožek, Vlastimil
2023 - anglický
There are various variations on the problem of steel reinforcement bond strength in concrete. Along with geometrical considerations, corrosion performance of steels with varying chemical compositions in interaction with variable chemical compositions of concrete are crucial. One approach is to cover steel surfaces with organosilane compounds, which increases the reinforcement resistance to corrosion in both acidic and alkaline conditions but, on the other hand, may weaken the reinforcement bond strength on concrete. The issue is resolved by intentionally forming a thin-walled, highly adhering corundum layer that is highly porous and impregnated with 3-glycidyloxypropyltriethoxysilane. This procedure also includes testing the adhesion properties between the ceramic and the metal and the cement prior to conducting a corrosion test in a chloride environment. Klíčová slova: ceramic protection; 3-glycidyloxypropyl-triethoxysilane; steel Dokument je dostupný na externích webových stránkách.
Ceramic protection of anti-corrosion layers of 3-glycidyloxypropyl-triethoxysilane on steel

There are various variations on the problem of steel reinforcement bond strength in concrete. Along with geometrical considerations, corrosion performance of steels with varying chemical compositions ...

Pokorný, P.; Janata, Marek; Brožek, Vlastimil
Ústav fyziky plazmatu, 2023

Determination of the initial stress tensor from deformation of underground opening-theoretical background and applications
Malík, Josef; Kolcun, Alexej
2023 - anglický
In this paper a method for the detection of initial stress tensor is proposed. The method is based on measuring distances between some pairs of points located on the wall of underground opening in the excavation process. This methods is based on the solution of eighteen auxiliary problems in the theory of elasticity with force boundary conditions. The optimal location of the pairs of points on the wall of underground work is studied. The pairs must be located so that the condition number of a certain matrix has the minimal value, which guarantees a reliable estimation of initial stress tensor. Klíčová slova: initial stress tensor; first boundary value problem of the theory of elasticity; condition number of matrices Dokument je dostupný na externích webových stránkách.
Determination of the initial stress tensor from deformation of underground opening-theoretical background and applications

In this paper a method for the detection of initial stress tensor is proposed. The method is based on measuring distances between some pairs of points located on the wall of underground opening in the ...

Malík, Josef; Kolcun, Alexej
Ústav geoniky, 2023

Dynamics of a cantilever beam with piezoelectric sensor: Finite element modeling
Cimrman, Robert; Kolman, Radek; Musil, Ladislav; Kotek, Vojtěch; Kylar, Jaromír
2023 - anglický
An elastodynamical model of a cantilever beam coupled with a piezoelectric sensor is introduced and its discretization using the finite element method is presented. The mathematical model includes additional terms that enforce the floating potential boundary condition for keeping a constant charge on an electrode of the sensor. The behaviour of the model is illustrated using a numerical example corresponding to an experimental setup, where vibrations of the beam and the potential on the sensor are measured. Klíčová slova: finite element method; piezo-electricity; floating potential; dynamic simulation Dokument je dostupný na externích webových stránkách.
Dynamics of a cantilever beam with piezoelectric sensor: Finite element modeling

An elastodynamical model of a cantilever beam coupled with a piezoelectric sensor is introduced and its discretization using the finite element method is presented. The mathematical model includes ...

Cimrman, Robert; Kolman, Radek; Musil, Ladislav; Kotek, Vojtěch; Kylar, Jaromír
Ústav termomechaniky, 2023

Direct construction of reciprocal mass matrix and higher order fininite element method
Cimrman, Robert; Kolman, Radek; González, J. A.; Park, K. C.
2023 - anglický
When solving dynamical problems of computational mechanics, such as contact-impact problems or cases involving complex structures under fast loading conditions, explicit time-stepping algorithms are usually preferred over implicit ones. The explicit schemes are normally combined with the lumped (diagonal) mass matrix so that the calculations are efficient and moreover dispersion errors in wave propagation are partially eliminated. As an alternative to lumping with advantageous properties, the reciprocal mass matrix is an inverse mass matrix that has the same sparsity structure as the original consistent mass matrix, preserves the total mass, captures well the desired frequency spectrum and leads thus to efficient and accurate calculations. In the contribution we comment on the usability of the reciprocal mass matrix in connection with higher order FEM. Klíčová slova: higher-order finite element method; reciprocal mass matrix; transient problems; explicit time integration; lumping process Dokument je dostupný na externích webových stránkách.
Direct construction of reciprocal mass matrix and higher order fininite element method

When solving dynamical problems of computational mechanics, such as contact-impact problems or cases involving complex structures under fast loading conditions, explicit time-stepping algorithms are ...

Cimrman, Robert; Kolman, Radek; González, J. A.; Park, K. C.
Ústav termomechaniky, 2023

Reduced basis solver for stochastic Galerkin formulation of Darcy flow with uncertain material parameters
Béreš, Michal
2023 - anglický
In this contribution, we present a solution to the stochastic Galerkin (SG) matrix equations coming from the Darcy flow problem with uncertain material coefficients in the separable form. The SG system of equations is kept in the compressed tensor form and its solution is a very challenging task. Here, we present the reduced basis (RB) method as a solver which looks for a low-rank representation of the solution. The construction of the RB consists of iterative expanding of the basis using Monte Carlo sampling. We discuss the setting of the sampling procedure and an efficient solution of multiple similar systems emerging during the sampling procedure using deflation. We conclude with a demonstration of the use of SG solution for forward uncertainty quantification. Klíčová slova: stochastic Galerkin method; reduced basis method; Monte Carlo method; deflated conjugate gradient method Dokument je dostupný na externích webových stránkách.
Reduced basis solver for stochastic Galerkin formulation of Darcy flow with uncertain material parameters

In this contribution, we present a solution to the stochastic Galerkin (SG) matrix equations coming from the Darcy flow problem with uncertain material coefficients in the separable form. The SG ...

Béreš, Michal
Ústav geoniky, 2023

Numerical realization of the Bayesian inversion accelerated using surrogate models
Bérešová, Simona
2023 - anglický
The Bayesian inversion is a natural approach to the solution of inverse problems based on uncertain observed data. The result of such an inverse problem is the posterior distribution of unknown parameters. This paper deals with the numerical realization of the Bayesian inversion focusing on problems governed by computationally expensive forward models such as numerical solutions of partial differential equations. Samples from the posterior distribution are generated using the Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods accelerated with surrogate models. A surrogate model is understood as an approximation of the forward model which should be computationally much cheaper. The target distribution is not fully replaced by its approximation. Therefore, samples from the exact posterior distribution are provided. In addition, non-intrusive surrogate models can be updated during the sampling process resulting in an adaptive MCMC method. The use of the surrogate models significantly reduces the number of evaluations of the forward model needed for a reliable description of the posterior distribution. Described sampling procedures are implemented in the form of a Python package. Klíčová slova: Bayesian inversion; delayed-acceptance Metropolis-Hastings; Markov chain Monte Carlo; surrogate model Dokument je dostupný na externích webových stránkách.
Numerical realization of the Bayesian inversion accelerated using surrogate models

The Bayesian inversion is a natural approach to the solution of inverse problems based on uncertain observed data. The result of such an inverse problem is the posterior distribution of unknown ...

Bérešová, Simona
Ústav geoniky, 2023

Dynamics of a cantilever beam with piezoelectric sensor: Experimental study
Kolman, Radek; Kylar, Jaromír; Kotek, Vojtěch; Cimrman, Robert; Musil, Ladislav
2023 - anglický
Online and real-time sensing and monitoring of the health state of complex structures, such as air-craft and critical parts of power stations, is an essential part of the research in dynamics. Several types of sensors are used for sensing dynamic responses and monitoring response changes during the operation of critical parts of complex systems. The piezoelectric (PZ) materials belong to one group of electroactive materials, which transform mechanical deformation into an electrical response. For example, PZ ceramics or PVDF foils are employed for online sensing of the time history of mechanical deformation. Experimentally obtained response of a cantilever beam structure with a glued PZ sensor is the case of interest in this contribution. During the transient problem of the beam loaded by suddenly interrupted load due to the weight of a mass at the end of the beam, the time history of normal velocity at a point on the beam surface has been measured by a laser vibrometer and parallely, the output voltage on the PZ sensor has been measured by an electric device. The experimental data in the case of the first eigen-frequency is in good agreement with the value given by the formulae from the theoretical modeling of free vibration of a linear beam. Klíčová slova: dynamics of beam-like structure; piezo-electric material; sensing of dynamic response; structural Health Monitoring; laser vibrometer measurement Dokument je dostupný na externích webových stránkách.
Dynamics of a cantilever beam with piezoelectric sensor: Experimental study

Online and real-time sensing and monitoring of the health state of complex structures, such as air-craft and critical parts of power stations, is an essential part of the research in dynamics. Several ...

Kolman, Radek; Kylar, Jaromír; Kotek, Vojtěch; Cimrman, Robert; Musil, Ladislav
Ústav termomechaniky, 2023

On a stepladder model walking (with and without a decorator)
Polach, P.; Prokýšek, R.; Papáček, Štěpán
2023 - anglický
This work is related to our previous studies on underactuated biped robot models and has been motivated by the need to implement the previously developed sensor and control algorithms for the real-time movement of the laboratory walking robot, designed and built at the Department of Control Theory of the Institute of Information Theory and Automation of the Czech Academy of Sciences [1, 6, 7]. Underactuated biped robots with an upper body form a subclass of legged robots, see, e.g., [4] for a review on the control of underactuated mechanical systems and [2] for a study of an asymptotically stable walking for biped robots. It is obvious that in general, the walking control of underactuated walking robots is a more challenging problem than walking control of fully actuated walking robots. As follows, we examine the well-known mechanical system of the stepladder model with and without a decorator, whose role is substituted by an external inertial force according to the D’Alembert principle. It is well known, that stepladder walking is possible due to the periodic movement (pendulating) of an operator – decorator1 The rigorous dynamical analysis of stable cyclic walking of a class of stepladder models is presented in the next section. Klíčová slova: Underactuated biped robot models; Control algorithms; Legged robots Dokument je dostupný na externích webových stránkách.
On a stepladder model walking (with and without a decorator)

This work is related to our previous studies on underactuated biped robot models and has been motivated by the need to implement the previously developed sensor and control algorithms for the ...

Polach, P.; Prokýšek, R.; Papáček, Štěpán
Ústav teorie informace a automatizace, 2023

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