Number of found documents: 588
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Surface acoustic waves in the layered systems
Tarasenko, Alexander; Boháč, Petr; Jastrabík, Lubomír
2016 - English
The laser acoustic method was used for analysis of two layered systems: thin titanium and diamond like carbon films both deposited on silicon. The film and substrate parameters are determined by fitting the theoretical curve to the measured dispersion curve. The fit software seeks that set of the system parameters whose theoretical curve coincides the best with the experimental data. For the titanium film the best root-mean square deviation was 2.04 m/s with the relative error < O.I % and for the DLC system the corresponding value was 0.30 m/s (the relative error < O.O1 % ). Keywords: laser acoustic method; surface acoustic waves; layered systems; Ti films; diamond-like carbon films Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Surface acoustic waves in the layered systems

The laser acoustic method was used for analysis of two layered systems: thin titanium and diamond like carbon films both deposited on silicon. The film and substrate parameters are determined by ...

Tarasenko, Alexander; Boháč, Petr; Jastrabík, Lubomír
Fyzikální ústav, 2016

Samples´ preparation
Kopeček, Jaromír
2016 - Czech
The basic summyry of metallography and materialography as it is exploited for SEM samples´ preparation and connected techniques. Základní shrnutí metalografických a materiálografických postupů a technik pro přípravu vzorků pro mikrosvazkovou analýzu v SEM a příbuzné techniky. Keywords: SEM; metallography Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Samples´ preparation

The basic summyry of metallography and materialography as it is exploited for SEM samples´ preparation and connected techniques.

Kopeček, Jaromír
Fyzikální ústav, 2016

Methodology of using low-temperature plasma to sterilize the wound
Dejneka, Alexandr; Kubinová, Šárka; Moravec, J.; Bezděk, D.
2016 - Czech
The main aim of the methodology is sterilization of skin surface and wounds in veterinary medicine based on low-temperature plasma. Low-temperature plasma has a non-specific antimicrobial effect and therefore can be safely applied to the living tissue without causing any damage. The methodology describes a solution for sterilization of tissues and wounds with bacterial, fungal or yeast contamination. The method can also be used for antimicrobial decontamination as well as for healing of chronic and non-healing wounds. Methodology presents solutions sterilization of tissues and wounds with potential bacterial, fungal or yeast contamination. The method can also be used for antimicrobial decontamination and promote healing of chronic and non-healing wounds. Cílem metodiky je řešení sterilizace kožního povrchu a ran ve veterinární medicíně pomocí aplikace nízkoteplotního plazmatu. Nízkoteplotní plazma (NTP) má nespecifické antimikrobiální účinky a lze jej bezpečně aplikovat na živé tkáně, aniž by došlo k jejich poškození. Metodika předkládá řešení sterilizace tkání a ran s potenciální bakteriální, plísňovou či kvasinkovou kontaminací. Metodu lze použít také k antimikrobiální dekontaminaci a podpoře hojení chronických a nehojících se ran. Keywords: low-temperature plasma; sterilize; the wound; skin surface Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Methodology of using low-temperature plasma to sterilize the wound

The main aim of the methodology is sterilization of skin surface and wounds in veterinary medicine based on low-temperature plasma. Low-temperature plasma has a non-specific antimicrobial effect and ...

Dejneka, Alexandr; Kubinová, Šárka; Moravec, J.; Bezděk, D.
Fyzikální ústav, 2016

Electron back-scattered diffraction
Kopeček, Jaromír
2016 - Czech
Outline of the EBSD method, its use, tasks and typical applications. Nástin metody EBSD dokumentující použitelnost metody, typické úkoly a aplikace. Keywords: EBSD method; SEM; microstructure Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Electron back-scattered diffraction

Outline of the EBSD method, its use, tasks and typical applications.

Kopeček, Jaromír
Fyzikální ústav, 2016

Preparation of samples for calibration of electron microscope magnification / 2016
Olejník, Kamil
2016 - Czech
We have been working on lithographical preparation of specimens used for magnification calibration of electron microscopes.\n Zabývali jsme se litografickou přípravou vzorků používaných pro kalibraci zvětšení elektronových mikroskopů.We have been working on lithographical preparation of specimens used for magnification calibration of electron microscopes. Keywords: electron microscope calibration; electron-beam lithography Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Preparation of samples for calibration of electron microscope magnification / 2016

We have been working on lithographical preparation of specimens used for magnification calibration of electron microscopes.\n

Olejník, Kamil
Fyzikální ústav, 2016

Laser-driven ablation through fast electrons in PALS experiment
Gus'kov, S. Yu.; Chodukowski, T.; Demchenko, N.; Kalinowska, Z.; Kasperczuk, A.; Krouský, Eduard; Pfeifer, Miroslav; Pisarczyk, P.; Pisarczyk, T.; Renner, Oldřich; Skála, Jiří; Šmíd, Michal; Ullschmied, Jiří
2016 - English
Energy transfer to shock wave in Al and Cu targets irradiated by a laser pulse with intensity of I~1-50 PW/cm2 and duration of 250 ps was investigated at Prague Asterix Laser System (PALS). The iodine laser provided energy in the range of 100-600 J at the first and third harmonic frequencies. The focal spot radius of laser beam on the target was varied from 160 to 40 µm. The dominant contribution of fast electron energy transfer into the ablation process was found when using the first harmonic radiation, the focal spot radius of 40-100 µm, and the energy of 300-600 J. The fast electron heating results in the growth of ablation pressure from 60 Mbar at the intensity of 10 PW/cm2 to 180 Mbar at the intensity of 50 PW/cm2 and in the growth of the efficiency of the energy conversion into the shock wave from 2 to 7 % under the conditions of 2D ablation. Keywords: laser-produced plasma; ablation pressure Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Laser-driven ablation through fast electrons in PALS experiment

Energy transfer to shock wave in Al and Cu targets irradiated by a laser pulse with intensity of I~1-50 PW/cm2 and duration of 250 ps was investigated at Prague Asterix Laser System (PALS). The iodine ...

Gus'kov, S. Yu.; Chodukowski, T.; Demchenko, N.; Kalinowska, Z.; Kasperczuk, A.; Krouský, Eduard; Pfeifer, Miroslav; Pisarczyk, P.; Pisarczyk, T.; Renner, Oldřich; Skála, Jiří; Šmíd, Michal; Ullschmied, Jiří
Fyzikální ústav, 2016

Approximations of Fourier coefficients of diffractions profiles
Čerňanský, Marian
2016 - Czech
Approximations in the Warren-Averbach interpretation of Fourier coeeficients of diffraction profiles are briefly summarized. It is shown, that certain approximations of a course of Fourier coefficients enable estimate of crystallite size and microstrain only from a single diffraction line. Je podán stručný přehled aproximací, které se vyskytují ve Warrenově–Averbachově interpretaci Fourierových koeficientů difrakčních profilů. Je ukázáno, že jisté aproximace průběhu Fourierových koeficientů umožňují stanovit velikost krystalitů a mikrodeformací jen z jedné difrakční linie.\n\n Keywords: line profile analysis; Fourier coefficients; crystallite size; microstrain Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Approximations of Fourier coefficients of diffractions profiles

Approximations in the Warren-Averbach interpretation of Fourier coeeficients of diffraction profiles are briefly summarized. It is shown, that certain approximations of a course of Fourier ...

Čerňanský, Marian
Fyzikální ústav, 2016

Micro-Raman analysis of samples irradiated at the FLASH facility in Summer 2014 (Report v1-31_05_2016)
Toufarová, Martina; Hájková, Věra; Chalupský, Jaromír; Juha, Libor
2016 - English
The goal of micro-Raman measurements was to indicate a presence of the carbon black grown in the FEL-illuminated areas on the sample surface. Twelve samples have been investigated and results have been reported to the X-ray Optics Group at the University of Twente. Keywords: radiation damage; carbon black; free-electron laser; soft x-rays; Raman spectroscopy Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Micro-Raman analysis of samples irradiated at the FLASH facility in Summer 2014 (Report v1-31_05_2016)

The goal of micro-Raman measurements was to indicate a presence of the carbon black grown in the FEL-illuminated areas on the sample surface. Twelve samples have been investigated and results have ...

Toufarová, Martina; Hájková, Věra; Chalupský, Jaromír; Juha, Libor
Fyzikální ústav, 2016

Geometric resonances in reflectivity spectra of lead zirconate
Dočekalová, Zuzana; Hlinka, Jiří
2016 - English
The paper deals with effects of domain boundaries on the THz–frequency range dispersion of the complex dielectric permitivity tensor of lead zirconate. In the case of a sufficiently narrow domain widths (in comparison to the wave–length of the light used in the experiment), the effective–medium average permittivity shows additional peaks identified as geometric resonances, i.e. extraneous excitations created by thematerial interface. Features of the far–infrared reflectivity spectra of the twinned lead zirconate crystal in the limit of narrow and wide domains are estimated with the\nhelp of the damped harmonic oscillator model with paramaters fully determined fromrecent experiments. Keywords: geometric resonances; lead zirconate; antiferroelectrics; reflectivity; phonon Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Geometric resonances in reflectivity spectra of lead zirconate

The paper deals with effects of domain boundaries on the THz–frequency range dispersion of the complex dielectric permitivity tensor of lead zirconate. In the case of a sufficiently narrow domain ...

Dočekalová, Zuzana; Hlinka, Jiří
Fyzikální ústav, 2016

Book of Abstracts of the 26th Joint Seminar Development of Materials Science in Research and Education
Kožíšek, Zdeněk; Král, Robert; Zemenová, Petra
2016 - English
Topics:\n- Trends in development of materials research\n- Education of materials science at the universities\n- Information about the research programmes of individual institutions\n- Information on equipment for preparation and characterisation of materials\n- Results of materials science research Keywords: material sciences Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Book of Abstracts of the 26th Joint Seminar Development of Materials Science in Research and Education

Topics:\n- Trends in development of materials research\n- Education of materials science at the universities\n- Information about the research programmes of individual institutions\n- Information on ...

Kožíšek, Zdeněk; Král, Robert; Zemenová, Petra
Fyzikální ústav, 2016

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