Number of found documents: 1755
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A new blade cascade for flutter studies
Šnábl, Pavel; Pešek, Luděk; Procházka, Pavel P.; Skála, V.
2023 - English
In this paper, a new blade cascade, developed in the Institute of Thermomechanics, is presented. The geometry of the cascade was modified so now the stall flutter can occur. It has some major construction improvements over the original cascade which now allow more precise and reliable measurements. The stability of the new blade cascade with five NACA 0010 profiles with rotational degree of freedom is assessed by Travelling Wave Mode approach and Aerodynamic Influence Coefficient approach. Keywords: blade cascade; stability; travelling wave mode; aerodynamic influence coefficient Available at various institutes of the ASCR
A new blade cascade for flutter studies

In this paper, a new blade cascade, developed in the Institute of Thermomechanics, is presented. The geometry of the cascade was modified so now the stall flutter can occur. It has some major ...

Šnábl, Pavel; Pešek, Luděk; Procházka, Pavel P.; Skála, V.
Ústav termomechaniky, 2023

Reduced modelling of aeroelastic instability in a turbine blade cascade
Pešek, Luděk; Šnábl, Pavel; Prasad, Chandra Shekhar
2023 - English
The contribution deals with the first results on flutter instability of the linear cascade triggered by impulse excitation. Together with experimental results, numerical results obtained by reduced modelling of the cascade using van der Pol model of self-excitation are presented and discussed. Keywords: flutter; blade cascade; self-excitation; Van der Pol Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Reduced modelling of aeroelastic instability in a turbine blade cascade

The contribution deals with the first results on flutter instability of the linear cascade triggered by impulse excitation. Together with experimental results, numerical results obtained by reduced ...

Pešek, Luděk; Šnábl, Pavel; Prasad, Chandra Shekhar
Ústav termomechaniky, 2023

Implementation of a plasticity model with advanced kinematic hardening rule for additively manufactured materials
Marek, René; Parma, Slavomír; Gabriel, Dušan; Džugan, J.
2023 - English
Tato zpráva shrnuje postup prací na dílčím projektu DP 04_01_NPO “Emission-free technologies for local energy sources replacement” zahrnující vývoj modelů pro popis chování multi-materiálových 3D tištěných struktur řešený v konsorciu COMTES FHT, a.s., Ústav termomechaniky AV ČR, v.v.i. a PROINNO, a.s. Cílem projektu je vývoj materiálových modelů popisujících chování multi-materiálových komponent deponovaných metodou přímé depozice (DED) pří víceosém cyklickém zatěžování. \nVe zprávě je sestaven a použit model plasticity vhodný pro materiály připravené metodou aditivní výroby. Model využívá Hillovu podmínku plasticity, pokročilý vícesložkový model kinematického zpevnění a model isotropního zpevnění. Je zvolen asociovaný zákon tečení a implementace předpokládá teorii malých deformací. Pro zvolený model jsou uvedeny a diskutovány všechny konstitutivní vztahy a model je tak plně a jednoznačně formulován. Model je analyticky integrován pro speciální případ zatěžování a speciální volbu parametrů podmínky plasticity, konkrétně příčnou isotropii. Je prezentováno diskretizační schema pro numerickou integraci a procedury pro MKP implementaci modelu. U MKP implementace se předpokládá formulace v poli posunutí, konkrétně je pak cíleno na MKP řešič Abaqus a implementaci modelu pomocí rozhraní UMAT. Je prezentováno několik příkladů odezvy modelu na monotónní, jednoosé a víceosé cycklické zatěžovací trajektorie.\n This technical report summarizes particularly the modeling part of the project DP 04_01_NPO “Emission-free technologies for local energy sources replacement” including development of models to describe multi-material 3D printed structures. The work is done in cooperation between COMTES FHT, a.s., the Institute of Thermomechanics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, v.v.i. and PROINNO, a.s. The goal of the project is the development of material models describing the behavior of multi-material components deposited by the direct deposition method (DED) under multiaxial cyclic loading.\nIn the report, a plasticity model suitable for materials prepared by the additive manufacturing method is compiled and used. The model uses Hill's plasticity condition, an advanced multi-component kinematic hardening rule, and an isotropic hardening rule. The associated flow rule is chosen and the implementation assumes the theory of small deformations. All constitutive relationships are presented and discussed for the selected model, and the model is thus fully and unambiguously formulated. The model is analytically integrated for a special case of loading and a special choice of parameters of the plasticity condition, namely transverse isotropy. A discretization scheme for numerical integration and procedures for FE implementation of the model are presented. For the FE implementation, a formulation in the displacement field is assumed, specifically the FE solver Abaqus and the implementation of the model using the UMAT interface are targeted. Several examples of the model's response to monotonic, uniaxial and biaxial cyclic loading trajectories are presented. \n Keywords: plasticity; anisotropy; additive manufacturing Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Implementation of a plasticity model with advanced kinematic hardening rule for additively manufactured materials

Tato zpráva shrnuje postup prací na dílčím projektu DP 04_01_NPO “Emission-free technologies for local energy sources replacement” zahrnující vývoj modelů pro popis chování multi-materiálových 3D ...

Marek, René; Parma, Slavomír; Gabriel, Dušan; Džugan, J.
Ústav termomechaniky, 2023

Annular Impinging Jets and an Active Control of Hysteretic Effects
Devani, Yogendrasasidhar; Antošová, Zuzana; Trávníček, Zdeněk
2023 - English
An annular impinging air jet with and without flow control was studied experimentally using measurements of the wall pressure and flow velocity by the Pitot probe. To investigate flow control swirling effects, eight synthetic jets were generated from the nozzle center body. The experiments cover Reynolds numbers 4000–10,000 (evaluated from the outer exit diameter of the annular nozzle). For Re<9000, the bistability and hysteresis were identified and two different flow field patterns (A, B) were found under the same boundary conditions. For higher Re>9000, the hysteresis were not found. Keywords: annular jet; impinging jet; hysteresis Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Annular Impinging Jets and an Active Control of Hysteretic Effects

An annular impinging air jet with and without flow control was studied experimentally using measurements of the wall pressure and flow velocity by the Pitot probe. To investigate flow control swirling ...

Devani, Yogendrasasidhar; Antošová, Zuzana; Trávníček, Zdeněk
Ústav termomechaniky, 2023

Statistical Approach for BTT probes distribution
Mekhalfia, Mohammed Lamine; Procházka, Pavel; Šmíd, R.; Tchawou Tchuisseu, Eder Batista
2023 - English
Blade tip timing (BTT) system is a non-invasive method used for measuring the blade tip timing of rotating machinery. The BTT system typically consists of sensor probes, signal conditioning system, and data acquisition unit. The sensor probes are placed in proximity to the rotating blade tips, Sensors measure the time at which each blade passes by the probe. By measuring the blade tip timing, the BTT system can detect changes in the blade tip vibration, which is an important for the health monitoring and performance optimization of rotating machinery [1]. To ensure accurate measurement of blade tip timing, the probe arrangement is crucial. The placement of the probe relative to the blade tips can affect the measurement accuracy, and thus, several arrangement algorithms have been developed to optimize the placement of the probes. Instead of considering the condition number, a statistical algorithms is followed to optimize the placement of probes for accurate measurement of blade tip timing in turbo-machinery. The statistical approach will be employed to determine the optimal locations for probes, with the aim of reducing errors in the measurement of blade tip timing. \n Keywords: blade tip timing principle; RMSE; blade´s dynamics Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Statistical Approach for BTT probes distribution

Blade tip timing (BTT) system is a non-invasive method used for measuring the blade tip timing of rotating machinery. The BTT system typically consists of sensor probes, signal conditioning system, ...

Mekhalfia, Mohammed Lamine; Procházka, Pavel; Šmíd, R.; Tchawou Tchuisseu, Eder Batista
Ústav termomechaniky, 2023

The design of Bayesian diagnostic expert system Querix and it’s engineering application
Věchet, Stanislav; Krejsa, Jiří; Chen, K.-S.
2023 - English
Expert systems have gained attention over the last two decades as they bring the possibility of using expert knowledge in various control systems. However, it has lost attraction in favor of artificial neural networks in recent years, which is mostly influenced by the availability of data to train neural network models and the availability of various frameworks to achieve fast time-to-market applications for given solutions. Keywords: expert system; decision making; advanced diagnostic; autonomous navigation; RPA Available at various institutes of the ASCR
The design of Bayesian diagnostic expert system Querix and it’s engineering application

Expert systems have gained attention over the last two decades as they bring the possibility of using expert knowledge in various control systems. However, it has lost attraction in favor of ...

Věchet, Stanislav; Krejsa, Jiří; Chen, K.-S.
Ústav termomechaniky, 2023

A short study on self-balancing of vertical rotors mounted in passive contactless bearings
Zapoměl, Jaroslav; Kozánek, Jan
2023 - English
Energy losses and wear of the support elements of high-speed rotors can be reduced by mounting the rotors in stable passive contactless bearings, the operation of which is based on magnetic levitation. The goal of the conducted research was to investigate applicability of self­balancing device added to vertical rotors supported by bearings showing low stiffness and damping, which is a specific property of passive magnetic bearings. This paper deals with applicability and efficiency of self-balancing devices added to vertical rotors supported by bearings having very low stiffness and damping, which corresponds to the properties of magnetic frictionless bearings. Keywords: self-balancing of rotors; passive contactless bearings; the influence of external damping Available at various institutes of the ASCR
A short study on self-balancing of vertical rotors mounted in passive contactless bearings

Energy losses and wear of the support elements of high-speed rotors can be reduced by mounting the rotors in stable passive contactless bearings, the operation of which is based on magnetic ...

Zapoměl, Jaroslav; Kozánek, Jan
Ústav termomechaniky, 2023

Dynamic tensile experiments of hard rubber on instron test machine under finite deformations
Šulc, Petr; Pešek, Luděk; Bula, Vítězslav; Šnábl, Pavel
2023 - English
This paper deals with the first experimental tests of hard rubbers under tensile harmonic loading on the axial-torsional servohydraulic Instron 8852 test machine. The objective of these experiments on cylindrical rubber specimens on this machine is to obtain stress-strain curves of rubber specimens, first considering uniaxial finite longitudinal strains for a single load cycle. Next, the hysteresis loops and their skeleton curves are compared for two selected strain measures as a function of their conjugate stress. It is shown how to obtain the dependence between elongation in the axial direction and constriction in the radial direction, which is used to determine the Cauchy stress in this configuration. Keywords: uniaxial harmonic loading; finite deformation; second Piola-Kirchhoff stress; hysteresis loop; Green-Lagrange strain tensor Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Dynamic tensile experiments of hard rubber on instron test machine under finite deformations

This paper deals with the first experimental tests of hard rubbers under tensile harmonic loading on the axial-torsional servohydraulic Instron 8852 test machine. The objective of these experiments on ...

Šulc, Petr; Pešek, Luděk; Bula, Vítězslav; Šnábl, Pavel
Ústav termomechaniky, 2023

Aerodynamic Measurements on Subsonic Compressor Blade Cascades KR-D-7 and KR-D-8
Šimurda, David; Hála, Jindřich; Luxa, Martin; Radnic, Tomáš
2023 - English
This report contains results and evaluation of aerodynamic measurements conducted on two variant subsonic compressor blade cascades with MCA profile (KR-D-7) and DCA profile (KR-D-8) at transonic flow regimes. Keywords: compressor blade cascade; experiment; transonic flow; subsonic flow; MCA profile; DCA profile Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Aerodynamic Measurements on Subsonic Compressor Blade Cascades KR-D-7 and KR-D-8

This report contains results and evaluation of aerodynamic measurements conducted on two variant subsonic compressor blade cascades with MCA profile (KR-D-7) and DCA profile (KR-D-8) at transonic flow ...

Šimurda, David; Hála, Jindřich; Luxa, Martin; Radnic, Tomáš
Ústav termomechaniky, 2023

Aerodynamic Measurements on Transonic Compressor Blade Cascades KR-D-9 and KR-D-10
Šimurda, David; Hála, Jindřich; Luxa, Martin
2023 - English
This report contains results and evaluation of aerodynamic measurements conducted on two variant transonic compressor blade cascades with MCA profile (KR-D-10) and DCA profile (KR-D-9) at transonic flow regimes. Keywords: compressor blade cascade; experiment; transonic flow; MCA profile; DCA profile Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Aerodynamic Measurements on Transonic Compressor Blade Cascades KR-D-9 and KR-D-10

This report contains results and evaluation of aerodynamic measurements conducted on two variant transonic compressor blade cascades with MCA profile (KR-D-10) and DCA profile (KR-D-9) at transonic ...

Šimurda, David; Hála, Jindřich; Luxa, Martin
Ústav termomechaniky, 2023

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