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Effect of the long-term storage methods on the stability of cartilage biomechanical parameters
Žaloudková, Blanka; Sekorová, Š.; Kopecká, B.; Kytýř, Daniel
2023 - anglický
Long-term stability of the tissue product in terms of mechanical parameters is a key factor for its expiration date. For the investigation of storage effects on the cartilage tissues the experimental mechanical loading test combined with XCT scanning for the irregular shape inspection was performed. The samples were preserved according to three different protocols using the deep-freezing and two types of saline solution preservation. The stability of the biomechanical parameters was tested within annual intervals. All samples were subjected to uni-axial compression loading using the in-house developed compact table top loading device in displacement-driven mode. Based on the measurements, the results are represented in the form of stress-strain curves and quantified as elastic modulus and ultimate compression stress. It can be concluded that no significant difference was found in neither the mechanical properties of the samples nor in the effects of each preservational method. Klíčová slova: stability study; cartilage; biomechanical characterisation; compression loading; XCT imaging Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Effect of the long-term storage methods on the stability of cartilage biomechanical parameters

Long-term stability of the tissue product in terms of mechanical parameters is a key factor for its expiration date. For the investigation of storage effects on the cartilage tissues the experimental ...

Žaloudková, Blanka; Sekorová, Š.; Kopecká, B.; Kytýř, Daniel
Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky, 2023

Applications of blade vibration measurements in the laboratory of rotational laser vibrometry
Maturkanič, Dušan; Procházka, Pavel; Hodboď, Robert; Mekhalfia, Mohammed Lamine; Voronova, Evgeniya
2023 - anglický
The Laboratory of Rotational Laser Vibrometry was established at the Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR, v.v.i. in 2015 and the first experiments were started the following year. The measurements are intended for the research of vibration of rotating blades. The paper includes a summary of measurement results using a special turbine model and their consequences in theoretical research, as well as measurements with a real compressor of aircraft engine and comparison with computational analysis. The paper also describes the complex system for measurement and analysis. Klíčová slova: laboratory; turbine; blade; vibration; precision method Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Applications of blade vibration measurements in the laboratory of rotational laser vibrometry

The Laboratory of Rotational Laser Vibrometry was established at the Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR, v.v.i. in 2015 and the first experiments were started the following year. The measurements are ...

Maturkanič, Dušan; Procházka, Pavel; Hodboď, Robert; Mekhalfia, Mohammed Lamine; Voronova, Evgeniya
Ústav termomechaniky, 2023

The effect of the backfill on the integrity of a buried pipeline upon heavy-duty vehicle crossings
Gajdoš, Lubomír; Šperl, Martin; Slížková, Zuzana; Drdlová, M.
2023 - anglický
The aim of this work was to determine stresses in the wall of a buried empty gas pipeline caused by the weight of backfill as well as by heavy-duty vehicles crossing the pipeline, and, on their basis to assess the applicability of protective sleeves. A buried pipeline with zero internal pressure of transported medium (empty pipeline) differs from an unburied pipeline by the vertical load due to the weight of the backfill which causes an ovalness of the circular cross section of the pipeline. This leads to the rise of through-wall bending stresses with the tensile stress at the outside surface at the 3 and 9 o´clock positions and compressive stress at the inside surface. At the 6 and 12 o´clock positions the stresses are tensile at the inside surface and compressive at the outside surface. The current depth of soil cover above gas pipelines is 0.5 m. For pipes DN500, t ~ 6.5 mm the through-wall bending stress is found to be σb ≈ ±10 MPa. In comparison with the yield stress of pipeline material, this stress is negligible. The situation is changed when heavy-duty vehicles cross the pipeline. For example, when a MAN truck with the mass load 3270 kg acting on a single wheel of the front axle crosses this pipeline, the pressure transmitted to the pipe will cause the through-wall bending stress σb ≈ ±76 MPa. This stress is superimposed to that of the backfill to give the total value ±86 MPa. When dead loads, imposed by backfill cover, together with live loads, caused by truck-wheel loads, are excessive a crushing of side walls of the pipeline and/or ring buckling of the pipe cross section can happen. Klíčová slova: gas pipeline; pressure; buried pipeline Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
The effect of the backfill on the integrity of a buried pipeline upon heavy-duty vehicle crossings

The aim of this work was to determine stresses in the wall of a buried empty gas pipeline caused by the weight of backfill as well as by heavy-duty vehicles crossing the pipeline, and, on their basis ...

Gajdoš, Lubomír; Šperl, Martin; Slížková, Zuzana; Drdlová, M.
Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky, 2023

Experimental evaluation of aluminothermic welds
Zeman, L.; Valach, J.; Zlámal, P.; Krčmářová, N.; Koudelková, Veronika; Zeman, J.
2023 - anglický
The article presents a study of the mechanical processes occurring during the aluminother-mic reaction using experimental methods (strain gauges, digital image correlation, thermography,scanning electron microscopy, profilometry). The aluminothermic reaction is a highly efficient weldingmethod due to its exothermic behaviour, however, it places considerable demands not only on thewelding technique, but also on the capabilities of the experimental methods used - these limitationsare also discussed in the article. The aluminothermic reaction is associated with the formation of alocalised heat source with a time evolution dictated by the technological procedure, which manifestsitself in heat propagation to the surrounding weld material. The unequal evolution of the temperaturefield is the fundamental cause of the appearance of the heat affected zone or local deformations orsurface curvature, which was the focus of the experimental methods deployed above and the results ofwhich are shown in the article. Klíčová slova: aluminothermic reaction; train gauges; hardness; profilometry; scanning electron microscope Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Experimental evaluation of aluminothermic welds

The article presents a study of the mechanical processes occurring during the aluminother-mic reaction using experimental methods (strain gauges, digital image correlation, thermography,scanning ...

Zeman, L.; Valach, J.; Zlámal, P.; Krčmářová, N.; Koudelková, Veronika; Zeman, J.
Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky, 2023

Jeskyně Krkonošského národního parku: jeskynní výplně a speleogeneze
Bosák, Pavel; Tásler, R.; Šťastný, Martin; Hercman, H.; Mikysek, Petr; Pruner, Petr; Kdýr, Šimon; Matoušková, Šárka; Rohovec, Jan
2023 - český
Vertikální až subvertikální tlakové kanály převládají v původní freatické morfologii jeskyně. Jsou doplněny stropními koryty, facetami a stropními kupolemi. Infiltrační jeskynní sediment tvoří pelitická složka doplněná o hrubější autogenní příměsi. Sedimenty byly místy v jeskyních přemístěny drobnými vodotečemi z intenzivního skapu z otevřených puklin. Podle složení jílových a těžkých minerálů, zdrojem sedimentů byly zvětraliny okolního krystalinika, zralé, nezralé a polycyklické ve směsích. Nebyly zjištěny žádné alogenní uloženiny. Datování speleotém (i >400 ka) ukazuje, že jeskyně byly vyplněny a vyklízeny několikrát, zčásti nebo zcela. Normální polarizace klastických sedimentů ukazuje jejich uložení před 773 ka (chron Bruhnes). Speleotémy a velmi vzácné paleontologické nálezy to potvrzují. Speleotémy krystalizovaly většinou v interglaciálech či teplejších obdobích glaciálů, ale i v chladných až extrémně chladných obdobích glaciálů (MIS 2, MIS 6c to 6a, MIS 8b, MIS 10c to 11a). Připovrchové rozvolnění puklin tektonickými pohyby anebo krasovou korozí způsobilo remodelaci jeskyně a skalní řícení stěn. Kryogenní procesy pozměňovaly morfologii jeskynních stěn a stropů, ale rovněž poničily některé speleotémy. Jeskyně vznikly hluboko pod tehdejším povrchem vystupujícími tlakovými vodami. Jeskyně nemají žádnou vazbu na současný povrch. Jejich dnešní připovrchová pozice odpovídá postupnému výzdvihu území v průběhu mladších tektonických fází a zařezávání říčních údolí. Sub-/vertical phreatic channels dominate in original cave morphologies together with ceiling half-channels, scallops and ceiling cupolas. Infiltration cave sediments are composed of lutitic component with some coarser authochthonous admixture. Sediments were locally re-distributed by intensive drip from open fissures. According to clay and heavy minerals, the primary source was in weathering products of crystalline rocks, mature and immature or polycyclic mixed in different proportions. No allogenic sediments were detected. Speleothem dating indicates, that caves were filled and exhumed several times, partially or fully. Normal polarization of samples proved the deposition within the Brunhes Chron (<773 kyr). Speleothems and rare paleontological remains date clastic sediments to >400 kyr. Speleothems crystallized mostly during interglacials, but also in cold and extremely cold periods in glacials (MIS 2, MIS 6c to 6a, MIS 8b, MIS 10c to 11a). Tectonical near-surface rock fissuration and corrosion substantially contributed to cave re-shaping by rock falls. Cryogenic processes modified the morphology of cave walls and damaged speleothems. Mostly ascending speleogenesis took part in substantial depths under the surface without any link to the present morphology. Present near-surface position of most of caves reflects the gradual uplift during younger tectonic phases and incision of river systems. Klíčová slova: clastic cave sediments; speleothems; dating, infiltration sediments; ascending speleogenesis; paleokarts Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Jeskyně Krkonošského národního parku: jeskynní výplně a speleogeneze

Vertikální až subvertikální tlakové kanály převládají v původní freatické morfologii jeskyně. Jsou doplněny stropními koryty, facetami a stropními kupolemi. Infiltrační jeskynní sediment tvoří ...

Bosák, Pavel; Tásler, R.; Šťastný, Martin; Hercman, H.; Mikysek, Petr; Pruner, Petr; Kdýr, Šimon; Matoušková, Šárka; Rohovec, Jan
Geologický ústav, 2023

Analyzing stochastic stability of a gyroscope through the stochastic Lyapunov function
Náprstek, Jiří; Fischer, Cyril
2023 - anglický
The text delves into the application of first integrals in the construction of Lyapunov functions for analyzing the stability of dynamic systems in stochastic domains. It emphasizes the distinct characteristics of first integrals that warrant the introduction of additional constraints to ensure the essential properties required for a Lyapunov function. These constraints possess physical interpretations associated with system stability. The general approach to testing stochastic stability is illustrated using the example of a 3-degrees-of-freedom system representing a gyroscope. Klíčová slova: stochastic stability; Lyapunov function; first integral; gyroscope Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Analyzing stochastic stability of a gyroscope through the stochastic Lyapunov function

The text delves into the application of first integrals in the construction of Lyapunov functions for analyzing the stability of dynamic systems in stochastic domains. It emphasizes the distinct ...

Náprstek, Jiří; Fischer, Cyril
Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky, 2023

Experimental and numerical investigation of the frequency-modal properties of the switch box
Zolotarev, Igor; Pešek, Luděk; Bula, Vítězslav; Šnábl, Pavel; Gabriel, Dušan; Mračko, Michal; Masák, Jan
2023 - anglický
The research is linked to increase of seismic resistivity of data board switch boxes. Therefore we deal with numerical modelling of the box for finding the hot spots and designing appropriate modifications. This paper deals with numerical and experimental frequency-modal properties of the switch box and mutual comparison for numerical model validation. Klíčová slova: modal analysis; natural frequencies; eigen-modes of vibration Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Experimental and numerical investigation of the frequency-modal properties of the switch box

The research is linked to increase of seismic resistivity of data board switch boxes. Therefore we deal with numerical modelling of the box for finding the hot spots and designing appropriate ...

Zolotarev, Igor; Pešek, Luděk; Bula, Vítězslav; Šnábl, Pavel; Gabriel, Dušan; Mračko, Michal; Masák, Jan
Ústav termomechaniky, 2023

Conductive open-cell silicone foam for modulatable damping and impact sensing applications
Preuer, R.; Šleichrt, Jan; Kytýř, Daniel; Graz, I.
2023 - anglický
Nature has long served as a source of inspiration for the development of new materials, with foam-like structures in fruits such as oranges and pamelos serving as examples of efficient energy dissipation. In this study, we present the synthesis and characterization of a conductive silicone foam for potential impact sensing applications. By blending Sylgard 184 and Carbon Black, we create a highly porous structure capable of dissipating energy and modulating its resistance. To investigate the properties of the foam, we utilized both micro-computer tomography (μCT) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) imaging techniques. The μCT imaging revealed the intricate pore network of the foam, reminiscent of the complex structure found in natural sponges. SEM imaging allowed for observation of the uniform distribution of Carbon Black particles within the foam, enabling the conductive properties of the foam. The foam’s mechanical behavior was characterized by a compression test under μCT imaging to measure the deformation behavior and changes in the foam’s resistance. Additionally, a ball drop test was conducted to investigate the foam’s damping behavior while simultaneously measuring the impact location by the local change in resistance. Remarkably, our results demonstrate the exceptional damping capabilities of the conductive silicone foam, with the damping ratio modulated by adjusting the degree of compression-induced deformation. This is attributed to the collapse of the foam’s porous structure, resulting in a significant increase in the foam’s contact area. Overall, our study provides valuable insights into the behavior of conductive silicone foams and their potential as an impact sensing material. The use of both CT and SEM imaging techniques allows for a comprehensive understanding of the foam’s properties, which can be optimized for a variety of applications. The foam’s ability to modulate its damping properties by adjusting the degree of deformation provides a promising avenue for future research in the field of materials science and engineering. Klíčová slova: silicone foam; conductive properties; deformation behaviour; damping Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Conductive open-cell silicone foam for modulatable damping and impact sensing applications

Nature has long served as a source of inspiration for the development of new materials, with foam-like structures in fruits such as oranges and pamelos serving as examples of efficient energy ...

Preuer, R.; Šleichrt, Jan; Kytýř, Daniel; Graz, I.
Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky, 2023

Fast continuous in-situ XCT of additively manufactured carbon fiber reinforced tensile test specimens
Glinz, J.; Maurer, J.; Holzleitner, M.; Pace, F.; Stamopoulos, A.; Vopálenský, Michal; Kumpová, Ivana; Eckl, M.; Kastner, J.; Senck, S.
2023 - anglický
The reinforcement of fused filament fabricated (FFF) components with continuous fibers allows for high versatility in the design of mechanical properties for a specific application’s needs. However, the bonding quality between continuous fibers and the FFF matrix material has high impact on the overall performance of the composite. In a recent study [1], additively manufactured (AM) continuous fiber reinforced tensile test specimens have been investigated regarding the effect of amount and material of the embedded continuous fibers on tensile strength and AM build quality. During these tensile tests, a sudden reduction in tensile stress, which most likely was not related to actual rupture of continuous fibers, was noticeable. Since X-ray computed tomography (XCT) scans were performed only prior to and after the tensile testing, a detailed investigation on the origin of these drops in tensile stress was not possible. Within this work, we will expand upon these findings and present results of fast on-the-fly in-situ investigations performed on continuous carbon fiber reinforced specimens of the same AM build. During these investigations, specimens are loaded under the same conditions while fast XCT scans, with a total scan time of 12 seconds each, were performed consecutively. The resulting three-dimensional image data reveals internal meso- and macro-structural changes over time/strain to find the cause of the aforementioned reduction in tensile stress. Klíčová slova: additive manufacturing; composites; X-ray computed tomography; in-situ tensile testing Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Fast continuous in-situ XCT of additively manufactured carbon fiber reinforced tensile test specimens

The reinforcement of fused filament fabricated (FFF) components with continuous fibers allows for high versatility in the design of mechanical properties for a specific application’s needs. However, ...

Glinz, J.; Maurer, J.; Holzleitner, M.; Pace, F.; Stamopoulos, A.; Vopálenský, Michal; Kumpová, Ivana; Eckl, M.; Kastner, J.; Senck, S.
Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky, 2023

The influence of first CNN layer initialization on training convergence
Krejsa, Jiří; Věchet, Stanislav; Chen, K.S.
2023 - anglický
During evaluation of convolution neural networks on the task of sign language single hand alphabet classification we have discovered that in small but not negligible number of cases the training of the network does not converge at all. This paper investigates the problem that we believe is independent of the application. While the true cause of training divergence was not discovered, we can offer the reader an easy solution from practical point of view – initialization of the first CNN layer using pretrained networks parameters. Klíčová slova: convolution neural networks; training; initialization Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
The influence of first CNN layer initialization on training convergence

During evaluation of convolution neural networks on the task of sign language single hand alphabet classification we have discovered that in small but not negligible number of cases the training of ...

Krejsa, Jiří; Věchet, Stanislav; Chen, K.S.
Ústav termomechaniky, 2023

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