Number of found documents: 8266
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Recycling of solar photovoltaic panels
Šperlich, Antonín
2023 - Czech
Long-term trends show an increasing installed capacity of solar photovoltaic power plants. However, this is also associated with a large production of discarded panels. It is estimated that by 2050 there will be between 60 and 80 million tonnes of waste panels worldwide. Such large amounts of waste can be an \ninteresting source of valuable materials, but also need to be recycled for environmental reasons. The aim of this paper is to describe the possibilities of recycling panels and using them to build a real recycling line. Dlouhodobé trendy ukazují zvyšující se instalovanou kapacitu solárních fotovoltaických elektráren. S tím je však také spojena velká produkce vyřazených panelů. Odhadované množství odpadních panelů se předpokládá mezi 60 a 80 miliony tun celosvětově okolo roku 2050. Takto velké objemy odpadů mohou tvořit zajímavý zdroj cenných látek, ale také nutnost recyklace kvůli životnímu prostředí. Příspěvek má za cíl popsat možnosti recyklace panelů a jejich využití ke stavbě reálné recyklační linky. Keywords: recycling; solar photovoltaic panels; technology design Available in a digital repository NRGL
Recycling of solar photovoltaic panels

Long-term trends show an increasing installed capacity of solar photovoltaic power plants. However, this is also associated with a large production of discarded panels. It is estimated that by 2050 ...

Šperlich, Antonín
Ústav chemických procesů, 2023

Analytical Derivatization for Identification of Electrochemical Oxidation Products of Fentanyls
Barták, P.; Skopalová, J.; Jerga, R.; Štolbová, D.; Navrátil, Tomáš; Langmaier, Jan
2023 - Czech
Analytical derivatization and GC-MS analysis were employed for the identification of main\nproducts from the electrochemical oxidation of fentanyl derivatives. Chemical derivatization\nprovides proof of the chemical reactivity of functional groups in oxidation products and serves\nfor the chemical conversion of target compounds into the second series of derivatives to confirm\nthe identification of particular products. Using the direct GC-MS analysis of oxidation products,\nderivatization of aldehydes with cysteamine and derivatization of amides by acidic hydrolysis\nand subsequent reaction with ethylchloroformiate, phenylacetaldehyde, and Nphenylpropanamide\nwere unambigously identified as oxidation products from fentanyl,\nthiophen-2-ylacetaldehyde, and N-phenylpropanamide from sufentanil, and\nphenylacetaldehyde and 2-furanilid from furanylfentanyl. Analytická derivatizace a plynová chromatografie s hmotnostní spektrometrií se osvědčily jako\nvhodné nástroje pro identifikaci oxidačních produktů a řešení reakčního mechanismu\nelektrochemické oxidace fentanylů a dalších opioidů. Provedené experimenty potvrdily\npřítomnost fenylacetaldehydu a N-fenylpropanamidu v roztoku po elektrochemické oxidaci\nfentanylu. V případě sufentanilu byl jako odpovídající aldehydický produkt prokázán thiofen-\n2-ylacetaldehyd a v případě furanylfentanylu byl jako amidický produkt prokázán zcela\nanalogicky 2-furanilid. Keywords: electrochemical oxidation; fentanyl; sufentanil; furanylfentanyl Available on request at various institutes of the ASCR
Analytical Derivatization for Identification of Electrochemical Oxidation Products of Fentanyls

Analytical derivatization and GC-MS analysis were employed for the identification of main\nproducts from the electrochemical oxidation of fentanyl derivatives. Chemical derivatization\nprovides proof ...

Barták, P.; Skopalová, J.; Jerga, R.; Štolbová, D.; Navrátil, Tomáš; Langmaier, Jan
Ústav fyzikální chemie J. Heyrovského, 2023

Final report about research in Sokolov post mining sites in 2023 based on agreement between ENKI ops and Institute of Soil Biology and Biogeochemistry BC CAS.
Frouz, Jan; Lišková, K.; Bartuška, Martin; Badraghi, A.; Mudrák, O.; Kučera, J.; Montagnani, L.; Bednářová, E.; Šimáňová, D.; Reinshmidová, E.
2023 - Czech
The report brings main results of the research about soil and ecosystem recovery in post mining landscape near Sokolov based on agreement between ENKI ops and Institute of soil biology and biogeochemistry, BC CAS. Zpráva přináší souhrn výsledků výzkumu obnovy půd a ekosystémů na území postiženém těžbou nerostů na Sokolovsku na základě dohody mezi ENKI ops a Ústavem půdní biologie a biogeochemie BC AV ČR za rok 2023. Keywords: final report; research; Sokolov; post mining sites Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Final report about research in Sokolov post mining sites in 2023 based on agreement between ENKI ops and Institute of Soil Biology and Biogeochemistry BC CAS.

The report brings main results of the research about soil and ecosystem recovery in post mining landscape near Sokolov based on agreement between ENKI ops and Institute of soil biology and ...

Frouz, Jan; Lišková, K.; Bartuška, Martin; Badraghi, A.; Mudrák, O.; Kučera, J.; Montagnani, L.; Bednářová, E.; Šimáňová, D.; Reinshmidová, E.
Biologické centrum, 2023

Methodology for co-cryostorage of virus isolates in their host plants and relevant data
Bilavčík, A.; Bjerkestrand, R.; Bjelland, B.; Blystad, D.-R.; Bobrova, O.; Fránová, Jana; Faltus, M.; Hamborg, Z.; Hammond Hammond, S. D.; Koloniuk, Igor; Zámečník, J.
2023 - English
Currently, the nursery production of plant material emphasizes the production of healthy, virus-free material. For this reason, it is necessary to have reference plant materials in which the virus is present. Some types of viruses are difficult to maintain outside the plant host. Because of the potential transmission to outdoor plantings, it is necessary to keep infected plants in special cultivation areas, and net-houses, which brings considerable financial and labour costs. Therefore, a methodology was developed in which the virus status in plant material is analysed, the infected material can be stored using cryopreservation in liquid nitrogen and then regenerated in vitro, and relevant data in GeneEver cryobox can be stored. Keywords: genetic resources; virus; Rubus idaeus L. Fulltext is available at external website.
Methodology for co-cryostorage of virus isolates in their host plants and relevant data

Currently, the nursery production of plant material emphasizes the production of healthy, virus-free material. For this reason, it is necessary to have reference plant materials in which the virus is ...

Bilavčík, A.; Bjerkestrand, R.; Bjelland, B.; Blystad, D.-R.; Bobrova, O.; Fránová, Jana; Faltus, M.; Hamborg, Z.; Hammond Hammond, S. D.; Koloniuk, Igor; Zámečník, J.
Biologické centrum, 2023

Abstracts of lectures in the “Mládí vpřed“ section and poster presentations of 24th School of Mass Spectrometry
Cvačka, Josef; Vlk, Mikuláš; Vrkoslav, Vladimír; Hubálek, Martin
2023 - Czech
Keywords: mass spectrometry; LC-MS; GC-MS Fulltext is available at external website.
Abstracts of lectures in the “Mládí vpřed“ section and poster presentations of 24th School of Mass Spectrometry

Cvačka, Josef; Vlk, Mikuláš; Vrkoslav, Vladimír; Hubálek, Martin
Ústav organické chemie a biochemie, 2023

Report on ichthyological surveys in the region of the West Bohemian Territorial Czech Anglers Union in 2023
Blabolil, Petr
2023 - Czech
The report summarizes the results of the survey of fish and lamprey in aras of WCLA Czech Anglers Union with an electric generator. The community structure, population characteristics (abundance and size composition) and locations are evaluated. Zpráva shrnuje výsledky průzkumu ryb a mihulí v revírech ZČÚS ČRS elektrickým agregátem. Je vyhodnocena struktura společenstva, charakteristiky populací (početnost a velikostní složení) a lokalit. Keywords: fish; diversity; community Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Report on ichthyological surveys in the region of the West Bohemian Territorial Czech Anglers Union in 2023

The report summarizes the results of the survey of fish and lamprey in aras of WCLA Czech Anglers Union with an electric generator. The community structure, population characteristics (abundance and ...

Blabolil, Petr
Biologické centrum, 2023

Report from the demonstration fishing on Bagr in the area of the public forest park Stromovka in spring 2023
Blabolil, Petr; Bělovská, B.; Seidl, V.; Škopková, K.; Wiatzková, A.; Jůza, Tomáš
2023 - Czech
The report summarizes the results of a fish survey in Bagr in Stromovka (České Budějovice). The structure of the community, characteristics of the populations (abundance and size composition) and localities are evaluated. Zpráva shrnuje výsledky průzkumu ryb v Bagru ve Stromovce (České Budějovice). Je vyhodnocena struktura společenstva, charakteristiky populací (početnost a velikostní složení) a lokalit. Keywords: diversity; community; fish Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Report from the demonstration fishing on Bagr in the area of the public forest park Stromovka in spring 2023

The report summarizes the results of a fish survey in Bagr in Stromovka (České Budějovice). The structure of the community, characteristics of the populations (abundance and size composition) and ...

Blabolil, Petr; Bělovská, B.; Seidl, V.; Škopková, K.; Wiatzková, A.; Jůza, Tomáš
Biologické centrum, 2023

Ichthyological survey of the fishing grounds Vltava 30–32 - ÚN Lipno, (no. 421 200).\n
Kubečka, Jan; Soukalová, Kateřina; Bydžovský, Jan; Kočvara, Luboš; Říha, Milan; Vejřík, Lukáš
2023 - Czech
The report summarizes the results of a comprehensive survey of the fish population of the Lipno reservoir in 2023. The goal of the ichthyological survey of the lake was to map the state and development of the fish population, with an emphasis on estimating the abundance and biomass of individual fish species, on estimating the risks of further development of the fish community and recommending further management of the reservoir. Zpráva shrnuje výsledky komplexního průzkumu rybí obsádky nádrže Lipno v roce 2023. Cílem ichtyologického průzkumu jezera bylo zmapování stavu a vývoje rybí obsádky zejména s důrazem na odhad početnosti a biomasy jednotlivých druhů ryb, na odhad rizik dalšího vývoje rybího společenstva a doporučení dalšího obhospodařování nádrže. Keywords: abundance; population dynamics; angling; predation; biomass; age cmposition Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Ichthyological survey of the fishing grounds Vltava 30–32 - ÚN Lipno, (no. 421 200).\n

The report summarizes the results of a comprehensive survey of the fish population of the Lipno reservoir in 2023. The goal of the ichthyological survey of the lake was to map the state and ...

Kubečka, Jan; Soukalová, Kateřina; Bydžovský, Jan; Kočvara, Luboš; Říha, Milan; Vejřík, Lukáš
Biologické centrum, 2023

Evaluation of the issue of protection of populations of large bivalves at the Lipno Reservoir, including a survey of localities of their possible occurrence
Peterka, Jiří
2023 - Czech
The report summarizes the results of the survey of sites of the Lipno Reservoir with the possibility of the occurrence of large bivalves and the evaluation of the influence of manipulation of the water level on the occurrence of large bivalves. The results of the conducted survey and the evaluation of the issue of the protection of large bivalve populations in the Lipno Reservoir with regard to the planned drop in water level are the content of this report. Zpráva shrnuje výsledky průzkumu lokalit VD Lipno s možností výskytu velkých mlžů a zhodnocení vlivu manipulace s vodní hladinou na výskyt velkých mlžů. Výsledky provedeného průzkumu a zhodnocení problematiky ochrany populací velkých mlžů ve VD Lipno s ohledem na plánovaný zákles hladiny jsou obsahem této zprávy. Keywords: large bivalves; conservation; community Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Evaluation of the issue of protection of populations of large bivalves at the Lipno Reservoir, including a survey of localities of their possible occurrence

The report summarizes the results of the survey of sites of the Lipno Reservoir with the possibility of the occurrence of large bivalves and the evaluation of the influence of manipulation of the ...

Peterka, Jiří
Biologické centrum, 2023

Report on the removal of fish stocks in the Jablonná nature reserve with a electrofishing device
Muška, Milan; Draštík, Vladislav; Prachař, Zdeněk
2023 - Czech
Unwanted fish species were removed from the PP Jablonná wetland as a measure to support local amphibian populations. Byl proveden odlov nežádoucích druhů ryb v PP Jablonná - mokřad jako opatření na podporu místních populací obojživelníků. Keywords: non-indigenous species; amphibians; predation Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Report on the removal of fish stocks in the Jablonná nature reserve with a electrofishing device

Unwanted fish species were removed from the PP Jablonná wetland as a measure to support local amphibian populations.

Muška, Milan; Draštík, Vladislav; Prachař, Zdeněk
Biologické centrum, 2023

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