Number of found documents: 901
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Fish stock monitoring in Kamenný fishpond in 2022.
Draštík, Vladislav; Jůza, Tomáš; Blabolil, Petr
2022 - Czech
The report summarizes the research result of stock assessment in Kamenný pond in 2022. Zpráva sumarizuje výsledky průzkumu Kamenného rybníka v roce 2022. Keywords: electrofishing; fish communities; biomanipulation Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Fish stock monitoring in Kamenný fishpond in 2022.

The report summarizes the research result of stock assessment in Kamenný pond in 2022.

Draštík, Vladislav; Jůza, Tomáš; Blabolil, Petr
Biologické centrum, 2022

Assessment of the status of rheophilic fish in the Vltava basin and key factors affecting their populations.
Šmejkal, Marek; Bartoň, Daniel
2022 - Czech
The report describes ecological status of fish in Vltava River basin with special attention to rheophilic fish species. Zpráva popisuje vyhodnocení ekologického potenciálu v povodí Vltavy s důrazem na výskyt a reprodukci reofilních ryb. Keywords: habitat degradation; rheophilic fish; stranding Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Assessment of the status of rheophilic fish in the Vltava basin and key factors affecting their populations.

The report describes ecological status of fish in Vltava River basin with special attention to rheophilic fish species.

Šmejkal, Marek; Bartoň, Daniel
Biologické centrum, 2022

Hydrobiological monitoring of Lake Medard in 2021.
Peterka, Jiří; Hejzlar, Josef; Nedoma, Jiří; Znachor, Petr; Seďa, Jaromír
2022 - Czech
The report summarizes the research results of the limnological components of the ecosystem of the newly created Medard postmining lake achieved for the year 2021 and recommendations for further monitoring. Zpráva sumarizuje dosažené výsledky výzkumu limnologických složek ekosystému nově vzniklého důlního jezera Medard za rok 2021 a doporučení pro další sledování. Keywords: ecology; restoration; mining lakes Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Hydrobiological monitoring of Lake Medard in 2021.

The report summarizes the research results of the limnological components of the ecosystem of the newly created Medard postmining lake achieved for the year 2021 and recommendations for further ...

Peterka, Jiří; Hejzlar, Josef; Nedoma, Jiří; Znachor, Petr; Seďa, Jaromír
Biologické centrum, 2022

Report from selected sites of the Hydrobiological Excursion in 2022.
Blabolil, Petr; Bláha, M.; Kajgrová, L.; Kaštovský, J.; Kolář, Vojtěch; Vrba, Jaroslav
2022 - Czech
The report describes the results of sampling and determination of biological components (fish, zoobenthos, periphyton) in selected sites visited during the Hydrobiological Excursion. Zpráva popisuje výsledky odběru a určení biologických složek (ryby, zoobentos, perifyton) ve vybraných lokalitách navštívených během Hydrobiologické exkurze. Keywords: community; limnology; fish Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Report from selected sites of the Hydrobiological Excursion in 2022.

The report describes the results of sampling and determination of biological components (fish, zoobenthos, periphyton) in selected sites visited during the Hydrobiological Excursion.

Blabolil, Petr; Bláha, M.; Kajgrová, L.; Kaštovský, J.; Kolář, Vojtěch; Vrba, Jaroslav
Biologické centrum, 2022

Cathodoluminescence imaging of carotenoids in biological specimens using cryo-scanning electron microscopy using a functional sample of CRYTUR cathodoluminescence detector
Vancová, Marie; Krzyžánek, Vladislav; Skoupý, Radim; Horodyský, P.
2022 - Czech
Here, we report for the first time the cathodoluminescence properties of carotenoids present in different biological specimens (Diplonemidae spp, carrot root, Arabidopsis embryos, algae Vischeria sp., unicellular pigmented yeast Rhodontorula, hen´s egg yolk) using cryo-SEM. The presence of carotenoids was proven by Raman spectroscopy. Zde poprvé referujeme o katodoluminiscenčních vlastnostech karotenoidů přítomných v různých biologických vzorcích (Diplonemidae spp, kořen mrkve, embrya Arabidopsis, řasa Vischeria sp., jednobuněčná pigmentovaná kvasinka Rhodontorula, žloutek slepičího) pomocí kryo-SEM. Přítomnost karotenoidů byla prokázána Ramanovou spektroskopií. Keywords: cathodoluminescence; scanning electron microscopy; detector Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Cathodoluminescence imaging of carotenoids in biological specimens using cryo-scanning electron microscopy using a functional sample of CRYTUR cathodoluminescence detector

Here, we report for the first time the cathodoluminescence properties of carotenoids present in different biological specimens (Diplonemidae spp, carrot root, Arabidopsis embryos, algae Vischeria sp., ...

Vancová, Marie; Krzyžánek, Vladislav; Skoupý, Radim; Horodyský, P.
Biologické centrum, 2022

Monitoring of fish stock in Bolevecký ponds in 2022.
Jůza, Tomáš
2022 - Czech
The report summarizes the research results of fish stock assessment in Bolevecky pond achieved for the year 2022 and recommendations for further monitoring. Zpráva sumarizuje dosažené výsledky výzkumu rybí obsádky na Boleveckém rybníce za rok 2022 a doporučení pro další sledování. Keywords: electrofishing; fish communities; biomanipulation Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Monitoring of fish stock in Bolevecký ponds in 2022.

The report summarizes the research results of fish stock assessment in Bolevecky pond achieved for the year 2022 and recommendations for further monitoring.

Jůza, Tomáš
Biologické centrum, 2022

Results of the rescue transfer of piscivorous vertebrates and large bivalves in the Mlýnská stoka in České Budějovice.
Peterka, Jiří
2022 - Czech
The report informs about the results of the rescue transfer of fish vertebrates and large bivalves in Mlýnská stoka in České Budějovice. Zpráva informuje o výsledcích záchranného transferu rybovitých obratlovců a velkých mlžů v Mlýnské stoce v Českých Budějovicích. Keywords: large bivalves; rescue transfer; protection Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Results of the rescue transfer of piscivorous vertebrates and large bivalves in the Mlýnská stoka in České Budějovice.

The report informs about the results of the rescue transfer of fish vertebrates and large bivalves in Mlýnská stoka in České Budějovice.

Peterka, Jiří
Biologické centrum, 2022

Report on the structure of the ichthyofauna of the Černá River and U Kovárny pond in 2022.
Blabolil, Petr
2022 - Czech
The report summarizes the results of ichthyological surveys in the Černá river and the U Kovárny pond. Zpráva sumarizuje výsledky ichtyologických průzkumů v říčce Černé a rybníce U Kovárny. Keywords: fish community; pond; river Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Report on the structure of the ichthyofauna of the Černá River and U Kovárny pond in 2022.

The report summarizes the results of ichthyological surveys in the Černá river and the U Kovárny pond.

Blabolil, Petr
Biologické centrum, 2022

Assessment of the conservation issues of large bivalve populations in the Slapy reservoir, including a survey of sites of their possible occurrence.
Peterka, Jiří
2022 - Czech
The report evaluates the issue of protecting large bivalve populations in the Slapy Reservoir. Zpráva hodnotí problematiku ochrany populací velkých mlžů na nádrži Slapy. Keywords: large bivalves; protection; biodiversity Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Assessment of the conservation issues of large bivalve populations in the Slapy reservoir, including a survey of sites of their possible occurrence.

The report evaluates the issue of protecting large bivalve populations in the Slapy Reservoir.

Peterka, Jiří
Biologické centrum, 2022

Methodology for quantification of predatory fish species in reservoirs for optimization of aquatic ecosystem management.
Blabolil, Petr
2022 - Czech
The edited report summarizes the results of the National Agricultural Research Agency project. Redakčně upravená zpráva sumarizuje výsledky řešeného projektu Národní agentury pro zemědělský výzkum. Keywords: project; summarisation; NAZV Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Methodology for quantification of predatory fish species in reservoirs for optimization of aquatic ecosystem management.

The edited report summarizes the results of the National Agricultural Research Agency project.

Blabolil, Petr
Biologické centrum, 2022

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