Number of found documents: 778
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Let’s get a beer, or an invitation to see pubs and their names
Šipková, Milena
2021 - Czech
Pubs were and still are a common part of our lives, they represent a significant social phenomenon. The article focusses on the etymology and stylistic characteristics of common names of these enterprises, as well as the main types and motivations of their names. Hospody byly a stále jsou běžnou součástí našeho života, představují výrazný společenský fenomén. Článek se zabývá jednak etymologií a stylovou charakteristikou obecných názvů pro tato zařízení, jednak hlavními typy a motivacemi jejich názvů. Keywords: anoikonyms, names of pubs; names of pubs; Dictionary of Moravian and Silesian Anoikonyms Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Let’s get a beer, or an invitation to see pubs and their names

Pubs were and still are a common part of our lives, they represent a significant social phenomenon. The article focusses on the etymology and stylistic characteristics of common names of these ...

Šipková, Milena
Ústav pro jazyk český, 2021

Reflexe starých reálií v češtině: sousedská výpomoc
Janyšková, Ilona
2021 - Czech
Keywords: etymology; semantics; Slavonic languages; unpaid neighbourly help Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Reflexe starých reálií v češtině: sousedská výpomoc

Janyšková, Ilona
Ústav pro jazyk český, 2021

Literatura a historická jazykověda: na příkladu češtiny
Vykypělová, Taťána
2021 - Czech
Keywords: structuralism; Prague School Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Literatura a historická jazykověda: na příkladu češtiny

Vykypělová, Taťána
Ústav pro jazyk český, 2021

EATAW 2021: 11th Conference of the European Association for the Teaching of the Academic Writing: Book of abstracts
Kašpárková, A.; Frančíková, Dagmar; Etchegoyen Rosolová, Kamila
2021 - English
The theme of EATAW 2021 was “The residence of writing and writing support.” Academic writing is considered an interdisciplinary field. The activities of academic writing teachers and related research head in many different directions. The conference helped us revisit the foundations, and asked seemingly simple questions: Who are we?, Where do we work?, What is our field?, (How) has academic writing become a field?, How do technologies help us?, Who are other stakeholders in academic writing support? Moreover, our theme explored the essence of our work and professional identity in an unprecedented time of the covid-19 outbreak that had put more things in motion than we could have ever imagined. Therefore, we added the question of: What has changed recently? We felt that some of the questions had been here for decades but may have still been unanswered in certain contexts and/or in contexts that keep changing. The conference was held online on July 7 and 8, 2021, and was organized by VSB-Technical University of Ostrava and the Czech Language Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences. Keywords: academic writing; writing for publication; Czech Republic Available at various institutes of the ASCR
EATAW 2021: 11th Conference of the European Association for the Teaching of the Academic Writing: Book of abstracts

The theme of EATAW 2021 was “The residence of writing and writing support.” Academic writing is considered an interdisciplinary field. The activities of academic writing teachers and related research ...

Kašpárková, A.; Frančíková, Dagmar; Etchegoyen Rosolová, Kamila
Ústav pro jazyk český, 2021

Greek as means for identification of Paleoslovenisms in Old Czech
Vykypěl, Bohumil
2021 - Czech
The author demonstrates how Greek can help identifying Paleoslovenisms in Old Czech. Autor ukazuje, jak může řečtina pomoci identifikovat paleoslovenismy ve staré češtině. Keywords: Old Czech; Greek; etymology Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Greek as means for identification of Paleoslovenisms in Old Czech

The author demonstrates how Greek can help identifying Paleoslovenisms in Old Czech.

Vykypěl, Bohumil
Ústav pro jazyk český, 2021

Homonymy or semantic differentiation?
Janyšková, Ilona
2020 - Czech
The article deals with the question of whether Czech chytat ,to catch, grabe, také’ and Russian dialectal chitát’ ,to swing, wobble, waddle’ originated from a common Proto-Slavonic base by semantic differentiation, or whether they are genetically unrelated homonyms. Článek řeší otázku, zda české chytat ,uchopovat, brát’ a ruské nářeční chitát’ ,kývat, viklat, houpat, kolébat’ vznikly sémantickou diferenciací ze společného praslovanského základu, či zda se jedná o geneticky nepříbuzná homonyma. Keywords: lexical parallels; homonymy; Czech; Russian; etymology Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Homonymy or semantic differentiation?

The article deals with the question of whether Czech chytat ,to catch, grabe, také’ and Russian dialectal chitát’ ,to swing, wobble, waddle’ originated from a common Proto-Slavonic base by semantic ...

Janyšková, Ilona
Ústav pro jazyk český, 2020

The etymological-dendrological contribution to one anniversary
Janyšková, Ilona
2020 - Czech
Keywords: linguistics; etymology; semantics; Slavonic languages; names of holly Available at various institutes of the ASCR
The etymological-dendrological contribution to one anniversary

Janyšková, Ilona
Ústav pro jazyk český, 2020

Medical Eponyms, Achilles’ Heel of Language Consulting Centre’s enquirers
Mžourková, Hana
2019 - Czech
Eponyms are a traditional part of medical terminology. Their specificity consists in the proprial motivation (e.g. Alzheimer’s disease, Zollinger-Ellison syndrome). Especially in several past decades there is undoubtedly an increase of medical terms (and therefore eponyms) in everyday communication. Questions for the correct form of eponyms naturally emerged in lingustically structured database of enquiries, too. The paper focuses on orthographic and morphological aspect that enquirers of Language Consulting Centre have difficulty with and practical use of the resulting language data. Tradiční součástí lékařské terminologie jsou eponyma, specifická svou propriální motivací (např. Alzheimerova choroba, Zollingerův-Ellisonův syndrom). V posledních desetiletích zaznamenáváme nárůst lékařské terminologie (a tedy i eponym) v běžné komunikaci. Dotazy na správnou podobu zápisu eponym se tak přirozeně objevují i v lingvisticky strukturované databázi jazykových dotazů. Příspěvek se zaměřuje na pravopisné a morfologické jevy, které tazatelům jazykové poradny činí obtíže, a zároveň představuje navrhovaná řešení, v neposlední řadě též praktické využití získaných jazykových dat. Keywords: eponyms; medical terminology; language questions; Language Consulting Centre; lingustically structured database of enquiries Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Medical Eponyms, Achilles’ Heel of Language Consulting Centre’s enquirers

Eponyms are a traditional part of medical terminology. Their specificity consists in the proprial motivation (e.g. Alzheimer’s disease, Zollinger-Ellison syndrome). Especially in several past decades ...

Mžourková, Hana
Ústav pro jazyk český, 2019

Geographical Names in Czech - how it was formed and how we declare them
Spinková, Stanislava
2019 - Czech
The paper deals with etymology of some Czech (minor) place names. It concentrates also on problems with word formation, grammatical number and gender. Článek se zabývá původem některých českých (po)místních jmen. Soustředí se také na problémy při tvoření a s gramatickým číslem a rodem. Keywords: geographical names; declension; word formation Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Geographical Names in Czech - how it was formed and how we declare them

The paper deals with etymology of some Czech (minor) place names. It concentrates also on problems with word formation, grammatical number and gender.

Spinková, Stanislava
Ústav pro jazyk český, 2019

Co nám prozrazují česká jména stromů a keřů
Janyšková, Ilona
2019 - Czech
Keywords: linguistics; etymology Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Co nám prozrazují česká jména stromů a keřů

Janyšková, Ilona
Ústav pro jazyk český, 2019

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