Number of found documents: 1363
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Dependence of aerosol activation on meteorological conditions
Zíková, Naděžda; Pokorná, Petra; Sedlák, Pavel; Ždímal, Vladimír
2022 - Czech
Four intensive in-situ campaigns focused on aerosol-cloud interactions were performed in the autumn and spring months from Nov 2018 to Apr 2020 at Milešovka Mountain in Czechia to bring more insight into size-dependent aerosol activation and dependence on its origin for a wide variety of meteorological parameters. Most activated particles were larger than 100 nm, with a mode over 200 nm. For the description of the changes in the activation, no effect of photochemistry was found, in contrast, some dependence on relative humidity, temperature, wind speed, and liquid water content (LWC) proved to be useful. The strongest connection was found between activation and LWC. For LWC below 0.1 g/m3, in the LWC-limited regime, the LWC values and variables effecting the LWC were the main factors influencing the activation, while different parameters could have played a role at LWCs over 0.1 g/m3, in the LWC-independent regime. V šesté hodnotící zprávě IPCC byla nejvyšší hodnota aerosolového forcingu připsána tzv. nepřímému aerosolovému efektu, tedy interakci mezi atmosférickým aerosolem (AA) a oblačností (Arias a kol., 2021). Tato interakce závisí na množství aktivovaných oblačných jader, což je veličina, kterou je náročné měřit i modelovat. Proto byl zkoumán vliv velikostně diferencované aktivace AA na meteorologických veličinách a jevech. Keywords: atmospheric aerosols; activation; meteorological phenomena Available in a digital repository NRGL
Dependence of aerosol activation on meteorological conditions

Four intensive in-situ campaigns focused on aerosol-cloud interactions were performed in the autumn and spring months from Nov 2018 to Apr 2020 at Milešovka Mountain in Czechia to bring more insight ...

Zíková, Naděžda; Pokorná, Petra; Sedlák, Pavel; Ždímal, Vladimír
Ústav chemických procesů, 2022

Three Years of Experience with Measurement of Cloud Condensation Nuclei Concentrations Using Cloud Condensation Nuclei Counter CCN-200
Moravec, Pavel; Lhotka, Radek; Ždímal, Vladimír
2022 - English
Aerosol particles in the atmosphere that allow water vapor to condense and form cloud droplets are called Cloud Condensation Nuclei (CCN). Elevated concentrations of \nCCN tend to increase the concentration and decrease the size of droplets. This can lead to suppression of precipitation in shallow and short-lived clouds and to greater convective \noverturning and more precipitation in deep convective clouds. The response of cloud properties and precipitation processes to increasing anthropogenic aerosol concentrations represents one of the largest uncertainties in the current understanding of climate change. One of the fundamental challenges is to determine the ability of aerosol particles to act as CCN under relevant atmospheric conditions. Knowledge of the spatial and temporal distribution in the atmosphere is essential to incorporate the effects of CCN into meteorological models of all scales, Huang et al. (2007). Long-term CCN measurements are performed at aerosol monitoring sites such as those forming ACTRIS (Aerosols, Clouds and Trace Gases Research Infrastructure) network. In this paper, we present the three-year experience of measuring CCN concentrations over the National Atmospheric Observatory Košetice (NAOK), a rural background site in the Czech Republic. The first results of these measurements were presented by Mishra et al. (2022) Keywords: atmospheric aerosols; CCN; CCN concentration measurement Available in a digital repository NRGL
Three Years of Experience with Measurement of Cloud Condensation Nuclei Concentrations Using Cloud Condensation Nuclei Counter CCN-200

Aerosol particles in the atmosphere that allow water vapor to condense and form cloud droplets are called Cloud Condensation Nuclei (CCN). Elevated concentrations of \nCCN tend to increase the ...

Moravec, Pavel; Lhotka, Radek; Ždímal, Vladimír
Ústav chemických procesů, 2022

Summary Research Report OA2211_UK_KutnaHora
Hanuš, Jan; Slezák, Lukáš; Fajmon, Lukáš
2022 - Czech
The aerial hyperspectral campaign OA2203_CZU_Otnice is aimed at acquiring data for the purpose of abandoned land mapping. Letecká hyperspektrální kampaň OA2203_CZU_Otnice je zaměřena na pořízení dat pro účely mapování opuštěné půdy. Keywords: flis; hyperspectral; raster; processing; lidar Available in digital repository of the ASCR
Summary Research Report OA2211_UK_KutnaHora

The aerial hyperspectral campaign OA2203_CZU_Otnice is aimed at acquiring data for the purpose of abandoned land mapping.

Hanuš, Jan; Slezák, Lukáš; Fajmon, Lukáš
Ústav výzkumu globální změny , 2022

The aerial hyperspectral campaign CENIA_2204 is aimed at acquiring data for the purpose of monitoring the Lány landfill.
Hanuš, Jan; Slezák, Lukáš; Fajmon, Lukáš
2022 - Czech
The aerial hyperspectral campaign CENIA_2204 is aimed at acquiring data for the purpose of monitoring the Lány landfill. Letecká hyperspektrální kampaň CENIA_2204 je zaměřena na pořízení dat pro účely monitoringu skládky Lány. Keywords: flis; hyperspectral; raster; processing; lidar Available in digital repository of the ASCR
The aerial hyperspectral campaign CENIA_2204 is aimed at acquiring data for the purpose of monitoring the Lány landfill.

The aerial hyperspectral campaign CENIA_2204 is aimed at acquiring data for the purpose of monitoring the Lány landfill.

Hanuš, Jan; Slezák, Lukáš; Fajmon, Lukáš
Ústav výzkumu globální změny , 2022

The OA2203_CZU_Otnice airborne hyperspectral campaign is aimed at acquiring data for the monitoring of meadow mountain ecosystems.
Fabiánek, Tomáš; Slezák, Lukáš; Hanuš, Jan
2022 - Czech
The OA2203_CZU_Otnice airborne hyperspectral campaign is aimed at acquiring data for the monitoring of meadow mountain ecosystems. Letecká hyperspektrální kampaň OA2203_CZU_Otnice je zaměřena na pořízení dat pro účely monitoringu lučních horských ekosystémů. Keywords: flis; hyperspectral; raster; processing Available in digital repository of the ASCR
The OA2203_CZU_Otnice airborne hyperspectral campaign is aimed at acquiring data for the monitoring of meadow mountain ecosystems.

The OA2203_CZU_Otnice airborne hyperspectral campaign is aimed at acquiring data for the monitoring of meadow mountain ecosystems.

Fabiánek, Tomáš; Slezák, Lukáš; Hanuš, Jan
Ústav výzkumu globální změny , 2022

Dendrochronology improves understanding of the charcoal production history, increasing the tourist potential in the Drahany Highlands
Rybníček, Michal; Bajer, A.; Friedl, M.; Knott, R.; Kočár, Petr; Kučera, A.; Novák, J.; Vavrčík, H.; Kolář, Tomáš
2022 - English
Over the last two years, three selected forest sites from Drahany Highlands were examined for traces of human activity. The most frequent traces found, and common to all three sites, were remains of charcoal production. This paper provides an anatomical and dendrochronological analysis of the charcoals found in two charcoal pile remains from each site. The species composition of the charcoals at the southern site was dominated by oak, followed by birch and hornbeam. Fir was more common than oak, beech, poplar, birch and hornbeam at the central site. Fir and beech were found at the northern site. By using dendrochronology, 23 fir, oak and beech charcoals were dated with the oldest sample coming from a central site and dated from the period 1753–1758. Charcoals from the three other charcoal piles fell into the first half of the 19th century. Radiocarbon dating of charcoals selected gave a very wide age range (1640–1955), except for one case (1399–1435). Providing information on the age of a charcoal pile can help raise public awareness and interest in viewing the sites where charcoal burners used to be active in the forests. Keywords: Charcoal pile; culture heritage; tourism; tree rings; wood species Fulltext is available at external website.
Dendrochronology improves understanding of the charcoal production history, increasing the tourist potential in the Drahany Highlands

Over the last two years, three selected forest sites from Drahany Highlands were examined for traces of human activity. The most frequent traces found, and common to all three sites, were remains of ...

Rybníček, Michal; Bajer, A.; Friedl, M.; Knott, R.; Kočár, Petr; Kučera, A.; Novák, J.; Vavrčík, H.; Kolář, Tomáš
Ústav výzkumu globální změny , 2022

Assessment and mapping of cultural ecosystem services in landscape
Daněk, Jan; Slovák, L.; Daněk, T.; Pánek, J.; Schlossarek, M.
2022 - Czech
Summary research report presents the most important findings from the research focused on assessment and mapping of cultural ecosystem services in landscape. Souhrnná výzkumná zpráva shrnuje nejdůležitější poznatky z provedeného výzkumu zaměřeného na hodnocení a mapování kulturních ekosystémových služeb v krajině Keywords: cultural ecosystem services; participatory mappingcultural ecosystem services; intangible benefits of nature; participatory mapping; questionnaire survey; focus groups Fulltext is available at external website.
Assessment and mapping of cultural ecosystem services in landscape

Summary research report presents the most important findings from the research focused on assessment and mapping of cultural ecosystem services in landscape.

Daněk, Jan; Slovák, L.; Daněk, T.; Pánek, J.; Schlossarek, M.
Ústav výzkumu globální změny , 2022

GC-MS identification of photochemically generated volatile species of tungsten
Vyhnanovský, Jaromír; Forczek, Sándor; Musil, Stanislav
2022 - English
The presentation focused on the identification of volatile products of photochemical vapor generation of tungsten by GC-MS. Keywords: photochemical vapor generation; gas chromatography mass spectrometry; tungsten Available in digital repository of the ASCR
GC-MS identification of photochemically generated volatile species of tungsten

The presentation focused on the identification of volatile products of photochemical vapor generation of tungsten by GC-MS.

Vyhnanovský, Jaromír; Forczek, Sándor; Musil, Stanislav
Ústav analytické chemie, 2022

Total and Bioaccessible Fraction of Elements in Urban Aerosol
Mikuška, Pavel; Cigánková, Hana; Hegrová, J.
2022 - English
Atmospheric aerosols have significant impact on health and environment. Elements constitute an important particulate component which have received the attention to understand their environmental and health impacts. Elements enter the human body through inhalation of aerosols causing several health issue (asthma, cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, lung cancer).\nThe potential health effects of elements in PM depend on their toxicity, concentration, and bioaccessibility. It is assumed that the bioaccessible fraction of elements is more relevant for evaluating human health risks than the total concentration of elements. The aim of this study was to determine the total and bioaccessible concentration of elements in urban PM1 and PM2.5 aerosol during four seasons. Keywords: aerosol; elements; bioaccessible fraction; PM1; PM2.5 Available in digital repository of the ASCR
Total and Bioaccessible Fraction of Elements in Urban Aerosol

Atmospheric aerosols have significant impact on health and environment. Elements constitute an important particulate component which have received the attention to understand their environmental and ...

Mikuška, Pavel; Cigánková, Hana; Hegrová, J.
Ústav analytické chemie, 2022

Methodology for ex situ conservation of the gene pool of endangered annual wetland herbs of mineral-poor substrates
Navrátilová, Jana; Navrátil, Josef
2022 - Czech
The aim of this specialised methodology is to provide an overview of the requirements of the species listed below in nature, including their distribution and the causes of their threat. The aim is to provide botanical gardens with information on detailed cultivation requirements obtained during the research of the project and many years of experience with their possession in the Botanical Garden Třeboň, which will enable long-term ex situ conservation of critically and severely endangered species of wet mineral-poor substrates: Coleanthus subtilis, Centunculus minimus, Cyperus michelianus, Illecebrum verticillatum, Juncus capitatus, Juncus tenageia, Lindernia procumbens, Pseudognaphalium luteoalbum, Radiola linoides, Spergularia echinosperma and Tillaea aquatica.\n Cílem této specializované metodiky je podat přehled nároků níže uvedených druhů v přírodě, zahrnující jejich rozšíření a příčiny jejich ohrožení. Cílem je poskytnout botanickým zahradám informace o detailních nárocích na pěstování získaných během výzkumu projektu a mnohaleté praxe s jejich držením v Botanické zahradě Třeboň, jež umožní dlouhodobou ex situ ochranu kriticky a silně ohrožených druhů vlhkých minerálně chudých substrátů: Coleanthus subtilis, Centunculus minimus, Cyperus michelianus, Illecebrum verticillatum, Juncus capitatus, Juncus tenageia, Lindernia procumbens, Pseudognaphalium luteoalbum, Radiola linoides, Spergularia echinosperma a Tillaea aquatica Keywords: ex-situ cultivation; wetland plants; endangered species Fulltext is available at external website.
Methodology for ex situ conservation of the gene pool of endangered annual wetland herbs of mineral-poor substrates

The aim of this specialised methodology is to provide an overview of the requirements of the species listed below in nature, including their distribution and the causes of their threat. The aim is to ...

Navrátilová, Jana; Navrátil, Josef
Botanický ústav, 2022

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